The legend of zelda oracle of seasons гайд

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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages — The Official Nintendo Player's Guide is a guidebook released by Nintendo Power for Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages.


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The books features 128 pages, and contains a complete walkthrough of for both Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, lists of collectibles such as Pieces of Heart, a detailed enemy listing, and other tips and secrets.



The story is far from over.

Oracle of Seasons opens up the same as Oracle of Ages, with Link riding a horse. Spying a castle on the horizon, he goes inside and is sent by the Triforce to help a land being ravaged by the ruthless General General Onox. Link is teleported to the land of Holodrum and after a bit of exploring discovers a traveling troupe. After hanging around and dancing with the troupe's main attraction, Din, the sky becomes dark and General Onox strikes. In the ensuing chaos, Din revealed to be the Oracle of Seasons, gets kidnapped, taken to Onox's mountain fortress, and imprisoned inside of a crystal. As a result, the Temple of Seasons falls into the earth and the seasons of the land begin to become erratic.

Link embarks on a quest to save Din and restore order. The young hero learns from the Maku Tree that in order to penetrate to the center of Onox's fortress, he needs to collect eight Essences of Nature.

While in the process of visiting the dungeons, Link spies a shady character moving in the weeds. He sneaks by her and the girl disappears. After some exploration, he uncovers a strange-looking portal. Stepping on it, he is teleported to the lava-hot underground land of Subrosia. Looking to his left, he sees the missing Temple of Seasons. Taking the Rod of Seasons that he borrowed from the Temple itself, he learns seasons from the temple that become useful in his quest to retrieve the eight Essences of Nature.

After finishing the last of the dungeons and destroying Onox and his evil dragon alter-ego, Din is released and the seasons become regular once again. However, the adventure is far from over. The Flame of Destruction is already lit by the destruction Onox caused. Observing Link from afar, a mysterious pair laughs, saying the true evil had yet to arrive.

The adventure carries on in a Linked Game of Oracle of Ages (or a linked game of Seasons if Ages played first).


General Mechanics

Oracle of Seasons (and its counterpart, Oracle of Ages) retain many gameplay elements from Link's Awakening (especially the DX version), such as the graphics (many sprites in Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons are reused from Link's Awakening), audio and top-view perspective. As in Link's Awakening, items (including the sword and shield) are assigned to the A and B buttons via an Inventory. Unlike certain games of the series, items are not assigned a specific place in the inventory. Collected Rupees, health, and the two equipped items are shown on an interface which consists of a yellow bar running across the top of the screen (similar to the one in Link's Awakening, which was located at the bottom of the screen).

Oracle of Seasons, like the great majority of Zelda games, features eight regular dungeons and a large overworld to explore in between. This is done with the help of an overworld map, which is composed of a 14 x 14 grid of squares, where each square represents a single screen. As Link explores the overworld, the "squares" that he's visited will be colored in. Link is guided by the Maku Tree, an important character in both games, who will direct Link to the next dungeon, among other things. Oracle of Seasons, like many games in The Legend of Zelda series, features a Trading Sequence.

One particular feature of Oracle of Seasons (and Oracle of Ages, for that matter) is the fact that certain choices made on the adventure will affect an outcome, later on, making for various possible scenarios in a single play-through. Among these are the animal companions that will accompany Link on his adventure (either Moosh, Dimitri, or Ricky), and the growth Bipsom. These choices affect the passwords obtained for a Linked Game (see below).

The Rod of Seasons

The Rod of Seasons is the central item of Oracle of Seasons. With it, Link can manipulate the four seasons, allowing him to solve various puzzles on his quest. For example, a path that may be blocked by a large deciduous tree can be bypassed in the winter when the leaves have fallen. When Link obtains the rod, he only has the power to change the season to winter. The rest of the seasons (which allow him to reach new locations in the Overworld) are acquired from the Temple of Seasons as the game progresses.

Linked Game

Main article: Linked Game

An important element of gameplay in Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons is their unique ability to be linked together to form one linear plot, as opposed to two parallel ones. After one game is completed, the other can be linked to it using passwords provided by the game, or a Game Link Cable. Linked Games unlock additional content not seen in the separate games. Among the most notable changes in a Linked Game is the extended ending (the "true ending") where Twinrova and Ganon are encountered.

In a Linked Game of Oracle of Seasons, new characters appear in Holodrum. These characters will tell Link secrets in the form of passwords, which can be relayed to characters on a completed file of Oracle of Ages. By doing so, Link can obtain new items not seen in a non-linked game. The reverse occurs if Oracle of Seasons is played first and Oracle of Ages second.

Passwords obtained in a Linked Game vary depending on the choices Link made on his adventure. Therefore, passwords identify a specific play-through, assuring that Link will have the same animal partner in the Linked Game as in the completed game, among other things.

Magic Rings

Also, a unique feature of Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages is the appearance of Magic Rings to be collected by Link on his quest. These rings, when worn, provide Link with a variety of bonuses and abilities, giving an almost RPG-like twist to the game. Some rings augment his strength and defense; others increase his swimming abilities; yet another prevents Link from sliding on frozen floors. Some, like the Cursed Ring, even decrease Link's abilities, making the game more challenging. Other rings simply change Link's appearance. A total of 64 rings can be collected throughout Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons, some requiring the use of Linked Games to obtain, or even the use of a Game Boy Advance.

Gasha Seeds

Gasha Seeds appear exclusively in Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. They can be planted in patches of Soft Soil scattered across Holodrum (or Labrynna in Oracle of Ages). After a while, the tree will mature and Link can collect the single Gasha Nut that the tree will produce. Inside the nut, Link may find various goods, such as Rupees or Magic Rings.

Game Information


The cancelled Mystical Seed of Courage logo

Oracle of Seasons, along with Oracle of Ages, were the first The Legend of Zelda titles to be developed by a third-party. They were designed by Capcom, which later went on to develop two more titles for The Legend of Zelda series on the Game Boy Advance (Four Swords and The Minish Cap).

Through Oracle of Seasons's tumultuous development, certain elements of the game hearken back to its days as a remake of the original NES title. Such elements include Gnarled Root Dungeon, several recurring bosses, and the prevalence of Old Men.


Main article: Holodrum

A map of Holodrum

Oracle of Seasons is the first and only title to take place in the land of Holodrum. This land, once calm and peaceful, is thrown into chaos and destruction when General Onox captures Din, the Oracle of Seasons, and buries the Temple of Seasons where the Season Spirits lie, throwing the four seasons into disarray and causing them to change erratically.

Being relatively uninhabited, Link interacts with few people outside of Horon Village, home of the guardian spirit Maku Tree. On his quest, Link will travel north into the mountains, where he will meet the Gorons of Goron Mountain and the people of secluded Sunken City. But within this one world exists another: the hidden subterranean, lava-filled world of Subrosia. Here, the strange, hooded creatures known as Subrosians live unbeknownst to the people of the world above. Subrosia is, in fact, the new location of the Temple of Seasons, which sunk from Holodrum into Subrosia. As the game progresses, Link must travel to and from Subrosia via Portals to visit the Temple of Seasons and regain the power of the Rod of Seasons.

Timeline Placement

The limited edition adventure set

According to Encyclopedia, Oracle of Seasons takes place after A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening and before Oracle of Ages. The Japanese Encyclopedia notes that they feature a different Link from the prior games, while the English localization refers to all four games as featuring the same Link.

Prior to Encyclopedia, Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages were situated between A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening, with all four games feature the same incarnation of Link.

Limited Editions

In North America, the first print of the game featured a foil effect on the tree's silhouette on the box and manual. In Europe, a limited edition was released. Limited to 500 copies, it included a copy of both Oracle games, a Boomerang, a shirt, two pins, and two skins for both the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance.

Особенности [ ]

Эта игра является аналогом The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, которая была выпущена в тот же день. Эти две игры «связаны» друг с другом, что означает, что с помощью пароля, полученного после завершения одной игры, игрок может испытать немного другую игру с тонкими изменениями в новой игре, кроме игры, что позволяет им увидеть истинный финал игры. Используя систему паролей, элементы, эксклюзивные для этих связанных игр, могут быть перенесены на исходный пароль, сохраненный в другой игре. Игры также могут быть связаны с помощью соединительного кабеля, позволяя двум системам передавать Магические Кольца друг другу.

Эти две игры первоначально собирались стать тематическими частями Трифорсовой Трилогии вместе с Сюжет [ ]

Отдельные две игры были выпущены Нинтендо на старой доброй, тогда популярной, портативной консоли. Снова в 2D.

Прости, Линк, но твой Оракул в другом сезоне

Но за простой банальностью есть один приятный сюрприз игры. Если до этого пройти Oracle Of Ages, то та выдаст пароль, введя который сделает игру Oracle Of Seasons сиквелом. В ней появятся новые ролики, на этот раз с Зельдой и другая концовка. Получается, вы проходите целую дилогию где спасаете Оракулов, а затем и саму Зельду, с которой же и общаетесь на протяжении игры, это довольно таки для меня необычно. Но пока проходите одну, первая игра является не более чем сверхунылым спасением оракула, которая ограничена лишь походами по подземельям.

Всё это разбавляется тем, что в игру ввели многие красивые арт-картинки, эдакая местная замена CG-роликов. Но не вливать же в Game Boy сами ролики в самом деле? Так что Нинтендо очень круто так исхитрилась, хоть и смотрится всё равно чересчур олдово.

Зимний сезон создает сугробы по которым можно ходить, а вода становится льдом. Весенний сезон, обращает твердые кусты в цветы, делая их проходимыми, а отдельные цветы ещё и создают новые платформы. Летний сезон создаёт лозы, по которым можно карабкаться. Осенний создает грибы, которые можно срывать.

И всё это меняется и графически: зимой всё вокруг белым-бело из-за снега, весной всё цветет красивыми цветными оттенками, летом всё вокруг зеленисто-зеленое, а осенью желтое. Меняется цвет деревьев, земля, горы, всё вокруг! Получается, в отличии от Link To The Past тут влили аш 4 мира! Для Game Boy это впечатляет!

Помимо главной фишки Линк владеет и множеством способностей, у него меньше предметов чем в Link To The Past, зато все они часто необходимы, и далеко не только для сражений.

В качестве бонуса ввели отдельные комнаты и части подземелья, которые Линк проходит в перспективе сайд-скроллера (привет Zelda 2 с NES), чего тоже не было в A Link To The Past!

Тем не менее, игра и не без того достаточно оригинальная, уже благодаря такой интересной связи с Oracle Of Ages.

Сезонное равноденствие

Об авторе

Познакомился с играми в 3-4 года. В основном PC-геймер, но против консолей тоже ничего против не имеет. Эмуляторщик и читер. Считает игры мирами, а себя путешественником. Любит постигать новые горизонты и новые жанры, и, для комфортного путешествия, использует любые средства.

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