Teardown villa gordon прохождение

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Missions are a key feature of the campaign mode in Teardown. They involve some objectives which have to be completed before escaping. To complete a mission, you must complete all yellow objectives and enter the Escape Vehicle.


Types of missions


Heists are the most common type of mission, where you have to perform tasks in the span of 60 seconds. These tasks involve obtaining objects, moving safes and shooting explosives.


These missions involve plain destruction, where a building's height has to be shortened.


В каждой миссии вы можете найти ценные предметы, за которые получите некоторое количество наличности. Пока это единственный способ заработать деньги в игре. За полученные средства вы можете улучшить свою экипировку за компьютером, в разделе «Tools». Ниже мы постараемся описать местоположение не только простых, но и самых дорогих предметов.

Предметы в ангаре

Этот предмет находится прямо под ангаром и стоит немалых денег ($600). Чтобы его получить, вам нужно проходить сюжетные задания, пока вы не получите паяльную лампу или дробовик. С их помощью вы сможете разрушить котел, который находится рядом с туалетом.

По правде сказать, если вам не терпится найти этот предмет, то можете разрушить котел грузовиком или фурой.

Спустившись под землю, бегите вперед и заберите предмет.

Секреты Teardown — как получить деньги

Секреты Teardown — как получить деньги

Мы пишем прохождение прямо сейчас!

Lee Chemicals

Первый ценный предмет можно найти в металлическом контейнере перед входом.

Первый предмет

Первый предмет

Второй находится в небольшом доме справа от входа, под диваном.

Второй предмет

Второй предмет

В двухэтажном доме на первом этаже, если отодвинуть два автомата с газировкой.

Третий предмет

Третий предмет

Картина на втором этаже в этом же здании.

Четвертый предмет

Четвертый предмет

В этом же здании, если сломать перегородку между стенами комнат ($400).

Пятый предмет

Еще несколько предметов можно найти в ангаре с последним компьютером.

Последние два предмета можно отыскать на электростанции, которая находится на противоположной стороне реки. Войдите через главный вход и осмотрите предпоследний шкафчик ($120) и кабинку справа ($75).

Секреты на электростанции

Секреты на электростанции


A car driving down a road in the Villa Gordon map. A blue tractor is also behind this corner.

Villa Gordon is the largest map, and contains 5 buildings.

Main building

The main building has 5 zones

Main garage

At the far left, is the main garage. It contains 4 cars and 2 floors. There are several posters:

There are several workbenches, a locker, a pile of tyres, and some furniture. On the 2nd floor, there is a sculpture of "Gordon Woo taking off" by Enid Coumans and a automatic doors leading to a walkway leading to the lobby.


At the front, is a large wooden door. Next to it are 2 wardrobes. At the centre, is a seating area, with magazines and liquor. Next to it are 2 scuptures, "A fish. I guess" and "A hideous stature of a rocket shaped car". At the back, are sliding doors. There are 2 stairs leading to the second floor, which contains "A Chinese dragon, or possibly a tape worm", and a rotating globe. There are sliding doors leading to the main building on both floors.

Main building

The main building has 3 floors.

Ground floor

There is a kitchen, a long dining table, and a bar. There is an elevator in the same room. There is a corridor leading to 4 rooms. The first room contains food & drinks storage. The second contains a bathroom. The third contains a sauna. And the fourth contains several boxes, suitcases and 3 propane tanks.

First floor

The first floor contains 2 rooms. The first is likely to be the office of Gordon Woo. The second is a living room, with 3 TVs and an elevator.

Second floor

The highest floor is home to the bedroom, with a clothes room and a bathroom.

Freya's room

  • Never heard of them
  • Some music poster
  • Doesn't ring a bell
  • Not sure what that is.

There is also a bathroom, with a hot tub, and a room with clothes and several wardrobes.


Part One

After a series of heists at Lee Chemicals and West Point Marina, Woo's enemy Lawrence Lee Junior approaches the player to vandalise the place. In retaliation, Woo partially destroys part of Lee Tower.

Lee reacts by stealing from Woo's art collection, which have to be retrieved. The insurance company frustrates Woo in the meantime, and commits insurance fraud. This annoys Gillian Johnson, who destroys Woo's insurance papers. Woo is infuriated and blames it on Lee.

Fine arts is a mission at Villa Gordon where any 4 paintings have to be stolen by the player.


Available paintings

Rain - Öjvind Pedersen

The first painting is called "Rain". It is located in the guard house.

Stripes - Öjvind Pedersen

The second painting is called "Stripes". It is located in the master bedroom.

Binary - Anna Lebedev

The third painting is called "Binary". It is located in the night club.

Spectrum - Karin Stråbäck

The fourth painting is called "Spectrum". It is located in the party tent.

Number one - Burt Johnson

The fifth painting is called "Number one". It is located in the racing garage.

W00 - Burt Johnson

The sixth painting is called "W00". It is located in the sauna.


There are alarm boxes which trigger when their respective object is obtained.

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