Swtor в каком порядке проходить дополнения

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

So, based on a combination of the level ranges, the class storyline, the storylines of each part individually and the order in which the content was released, I've compiled a list of the order of all planets, flashpoints and operations from start to finish for both the Empire and Republic sides.
This is for people who like to do things in the correct order so as not to miss a beat. For example, so they don't miss the breadcrumb quest on the fleet that sends you back to Nar Shaddaa to do the Bonus Series after the completion of Chapter 1 (which you would miss if you finished the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series before completing Chapter 1).
Here it is for reference, post below with questions, comments, complaints, etc.
Wrapped each part in spoiler tags for convenience.

1. Tython/Ord Mantell.
2. The Esseles (Flashpoint).
3. Coruscant.
4. Hammer Station (Flashpoint).
5. Athiss (Flashpoint).
<Prologue Finale> 6. Taris.
- Taris Bonus Series.
7. Nar Shadddaa.
8. Mandalorian Raiders (Flashpoint).
9. Cademimu (Flashpoint).
10. Tatooine.
- Tatooine Bonus Series.
11. Alderaan.
<Chapter 1 Finale> 12. Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series.
13. Taral V (Flashpoint).
14. Maelstrom Prison (Flashpoint).
15. Balmorra.
- Balmorra Bonus Series.
16. Quesh.
17. Colicoid War Games (Flashpoint).
18. Hoth.
<Chapter 2 Finale> 19. Alderaan Bonus Series.
20. Belsavis.
21. The Red Reaper (Flashpoint).
22. Voss.
- Voss Bonus Series.
23. Hoth Bonus Series (Acquired from a Mission Terminal on Voss).
24. Directive 7 (Flashpoint).
25. Corellia.
<Chapter 3 Finale> 26. Belsavis Bonus Series (Dailies).
27. Ilum (Questline and Dailies).
- The Battle of Ilum (Flashpoint).
- The False Emperor (Flashpoint).
28. Eternity Vault (Operation).
29. Karagga's Palace (Operation).
30. Kaon Under Siege (Flashpoint).
31. Lost Island (Flashpoint).
32. The Black Hole (Corellia Dailies).
33. Explosive Conflict (Operation).
34. Terror From Beyond (Operation).
35. Section X (New Belsavis Dailies and HK-51).


36. Makeb.
- Toborro's Courtyard.
37. Scum and Villainy (Operation).
38. CZ-198.
- Czerka Corporate Labs (Flashpoint).
- Czerka Core Meltdown (Flashpoint).
39. Oricon.
- Dread Fortress (Operation).
- Dread Palace (Operation).
40. Kuat Drive Yards (Flashpoint).

41. Incursion on Korriban (Flashpoint).
42. Attack on Tython (Flashpoint).
43. Depths of Manaan (Flashpoint).
44. Legacy of the Rakata (Flashpoint).


45. Rishi.
- Blood Hunt (Flashpoint).
- Battle of Rishi (Flashpoint).
46. Yavin IV.
- The Ravagers (Operation).
- Temple of Sacrifice (Operation).


1. Korriban/Hutta.
2. The Black Talon (Flashpoint).
3. Dromund Kaas.
4. Hammer Station (Flashpoint).
5. Athiss (Flashpoint).
<Prologue Finale> 6. Balmorra.
- Balmorra Bonus Series.
7. Nar Shadddaa.
8. Mandalorian Raiders (Flashpoint).
9. Cademimu (Flashpoint).
10. Tatooine.
- Tatooine Bonus Series.
11. Alderaan.
<Chapter 1 Finale> 12. Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series.
13. Boarding Party (Flashpoint).
14. The Foundry (Flashpoint).
15. Taris.
- Taris Bonus Series.
16. Quesh.
17. Colicoid War Games (Flashpoint).
18. Hoth.
<Chapter 2 Finale> 19. Alderaan Bonus Series.
20. Belsavis.
21. The Red Reaper (Flashpoint).
22. Voss.
- Voss Bonus Series.
23. Hoth Bonus Series (Acquired from a Mission Terminal on Voss).
24. Directive 7 (Flashpoint).
25. Corellia.
<Chapter 3 Finale> 26. Belsavis Bonus Series (Dailies).
27. Ilum (Questline and Dailies).
- The Battle of Ilum (Flashpoint).
- The False Emperor (Flashpoint).
28. Eternity Vault (Operation).
29. Karagga's Palace (Operation).
30. Kaon Under Siege (Flashpoint).
31. Lost Island (Flashpoint).
32. The Black Hole (Corellia Dailies).
33. Explosive Conflict (Operation).
34. Terror From Beyond (Operation).
35. Section X (New Belsavis Dailies and HK-51).


36. Makeb.
- Toborro's Courtyard.
37. Scum and Villainy (Operation).
38. CZ-198.
- Czerka Corporate Labs (Flashpoint).
- Czerka Core Meltdown (Flashpoint).
39. Oricon.
- Dread Fortress (Operation).
- Dread Palace (Operation).
40. Kuat Drive Yards (Flashpoint).

41. Attack on Tython (Flashpoint).
42. Incursion on Korriban (Flashpoint).
43. Depths of Manaan (Flashpoint).
44. Legacy of the Rakata (Flashpoint).


45. Rishi.
- Blood Hunt (Flashpoint).
- Battle of Rishi (Flashpoint.
46. Yavin IV.
- The Ravagers (Operation).
- Temple of Sacrifice (Operation).


Thanks, and enjoy.

P.S: The Life Day, Gree, Rakghoul, Bounty and other such events aren't included as they do not really associate directly with anything else. The Gree event is loosely linked to the Hyperspace Warzone and TFB, the Rakghoul event is a direct result of Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island, but other than that. such events are just for cool gear and whatnot - no significant story value for the character, other than that mentioned.

Good job, thanks. I'm someone who wants to do everything in correct order. The list comes way too late for me though. But surely helpful for new players. Just assuming its accurate. Thanks! That's really cool. No problem, some of the flashpoints like Hammer Station, Athiss, Mandolorian Raiders and Cademimu can really be done at almost any point, as they don't really have a direct connection to any planetary/class storylines, so I just slotted them in where I am about the level where I can do them. Wow, great lists. Thanks! The Shadowlands Nice list. saved for future reference. Supreme Commander of all riots yet to come
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Quote: Originally Posted by ChaChaLoco No problem, some of the flashpoints like Hammer Station, Athiss, Mandolorian Raiders and Cademimu can really be done at almost any point, as they don't really have a direct connection to any planetary/class storylines, so I just slotted them in where I am about the level where I can do them.

This is where I kinda call into question the validity of this list. Is it supposed to be a fair representation of how the game progresses, when it comes to the storyline continuity or is it latter a minor afterthought who really doesn't have any bearing in the list?

If not, you should probably consider making a second list for that, since as far as some of the bonus series are concerned, those were actually meant to be DONE before you left the planet the first time around. Several dialogue bits imply such really.

Also, some stuff like.

Doing Maelstrom Prison before having finished Balmorra or Quesh is nonsensical to say the least. If you check the level of said flashpoint, it is actually meant to be done AFTER you're done with Balmorra and possibly after you're done with Quesh, if you so would fancy it. What I meant by the Flashpoints having no direction connection was that if you do Quest A after doing Flashpoint A the dialogue the player character is presented with and can respond with does not change in comparison to if you do Quest A before Flashpoint A.
Therefore I just slot in those flashpoints where I am the required level to do them (approximately, keeping in mind I do every quest on every planet in accordance with my list, and each heroic at least once), and if they are part of a series (such as Taral V and Maelstrom) I try to do them as close together as possible to wrap up that storyline.
To me it wouldn't make sense to get the information from Taral V, and find out you urgently need to go to the Maelstrom Nebula only to disappear to Balmorra and Quesh first. Quote: Originally Posted by ChaChaLoco What I meant by the Flashpoints having no direction connection was that if you do Quest A after doing Flashpoint A the dialogue the player character is presented with and can respond with does not change in comparison to if you do Quest A before Flashpoint A.
Therefore I just slot in those flashpoints where I am the required level to do them (approximately, keeping in mind I do every quest on every planet in accordance with my list, and each heroic at least once), and if they are part of a series (such as Taral V and Maelstrom) I try to do them as close together as possible to wrap up that storyline.
To me it wouldn't make sense to get the information from Taral V, and find out you urgently need to go to the Maelstrom Nebula only to disappear to Balmorra and Quesh first.

Again, as I said, if the list is then supposed to be an accurate representation of how the storyline progresses, from a chronological standpoint, there are several errors in it.

Even though said flashpoints stand out in particular, when putting aside continuity, there are ALSO issues regarding how you placed the bonus series and even the operations, this time as far as continuity is concerned.

Scum & Villainy actually takes place BEFORE the events on Makeb, since Republic side, there's no reference whatsoever to Toborro and Karagga is mentioned instead.

Concerning the bonus series on Hoth, the Sith Warrior's response during a conversation confirms that he - or she - is still serving Darth Baras, which is not the case anymore; Khun Tazith, the special consultant for the Ministry of War, also says that he was recalled into active service by Darth Vengean, despite the fact that at the time you start the series, this sphere was under the influence of Baras already.

Same for the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa, Republic side, where the SiS headquarters are said to have been burned to the ground recently. Such event occurs during the JK storyline BTW.

Quote: Originally Posted by Darth_Wicked

Again, as I said, if the list is then supposed to be an accurate representation of how the storyline progresses, from a chronological standpoint, there are several errors in it.

Even though said flashpoints stand out in particular, when putting aside continuity, there are ALSO issues regarding how you placed the bonus series and even the operations, this time as far as continuity is concerned.

Scum & Villainy actually takes place BEFORE the events on Makeb, since Republic side, there's no reference whatsoever to Toborro and Karagga is mentioned instead.

Concerning the bonus series on Hoth, the Sith Warrior's response during a conversation confirms that he - or she - is still serving Darth Baras, which is not the case anymore.

Same for the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa, Republic side, where the SiS headquarters are said to have been burned to the ground recently. Such event occurs during the JK storyline BTW.

A precarious balance between organising this list according to storyline progression and game progression must be taken into account when looking at this. Also, it must be considered that BioWare could have made some errors/oversights in disregarding the "bigger picture" timeline while writing individual dialogue for the 8 classes of the game (which would be understandable given 8 class storylines with unique dialogue occurring at varying times in the Universe is a large amount of work).

Given S&V is a 55 Operation released with RotHC and given that Makeb is there to level players from 50-55, it makes more sense to place S&V after Makeb, and so that is what I've done.
In addition

doesn't Karagga die as the final boss of KP at the hands of the Republic/Imperial strike team? Karagga's Palace is certainly before Scum and Villainy in progression. Maybe you did S&V story quest before you did the KP story quest?

In regards to the bonus series, they are placed where they are because that is where they fit in with the levelling structure, but also where the breadcrumb quest to go back and complete said bonus series is made available, and could therefore be said to be the time when the developers intended the player to go back and complete the bonus series for those planets.
Now honestly I'm not entirely certain if the Hoth Bonus Series breadcrumb quest is made available before or after finishing the Voss storyline, I read somewhere it was after, but confirmation would be appreciated.

Going back to the Flashpoints, realistically one would do them while completing the planet that most closely fits with the level range (so Hammer Station while doing Coruscant, Athiss while doing Taris, Mandalorian Raiders while on Nar Shaddaa and Cademimu while on Tatooine), but in actuality I find myself over-levelled for most of the content anyway by doing every quest and all heroics at least once per toon, so I slot them in at the end after I finish one or two planets and am back on the fleet. Again, as I said, with those Flashpoints they seem to be relatively disconnected so it can be hard to ascertain where exactly they are supposed to fit in, if anywhere in particular at all.

I do know 100% that the Flashpoints Taral V and Maelstrom Prison are definitely after the end of Chapter 1 as

freeing Revan also severs his connection with the Emperor that was maintaining the tenuous peace between the Empire and Republic. Without Revan to temper the Emperor's will, the Galactic War resumes at full speed.
Therefore Boarding Party and The Foundry also occur after Taral V and Maelstrom Prison (and by extension after Chapter 1) as Revan is the final boss in The Foundry, and also mentions at the end of Maelstrom Prison that he has work to do (building the droid army Imperial players fight in The Foundry).

Please do point out any other errors you notice, and if they are glaringly obvious, or in desperate need of refinement I will correct them.

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Порядок сюжета постился здесь много раз. Ну еще раз картинку выложу. И настоятельно рекомендую: если вы уж совсем не можете или не хотите играть на языке оригинала - отключите перевод всего, кроме диалогов. Так ваши вопросы проще будет понимать и вы начнете понимать написанное в гайдах, 99% которых на английском.

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Если Вы скипаете сюжет, запуская сразу Оссус (Jedi under Siege), то все пропущенные части закрываются с решениями "по умолчанию" и изменить там уже ничего нельзя. Также становятся недоступными сюжетные линии классовых компаньонов и получаемых от их завершения бонусы, а также романы с ними.

Системные требования Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), проверка ПК, минимальные и рекомендуемые требования игры

В минимальных системных требованиях SWTOR указана та комплектация ПК, на которой игру можно будет запустить без проблем при минимальных настройках графики:

  • Операционная система: Win Xp 32
  • Процессор: Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz / AMD Sempron 3600+
  • Оперативная память: 1 GB
  • HDD: 15 GB на жестком диске
  • Видеокарта: AMD Radeon HD 6250 или NVIDIA GeForce 205

Что делать, если тормозит игра или слабый ПК?

    с помощью Driver Updater с помощью CCleaner с помощью Advanced System Optimizer

Рекомендуемые системные требования

Рекомендуемые системные требования SWTOR показывают, на каком компьютере можно запустить игру на максимальных настройках графики и при этом играть без подтормаживаний и с большим количеством кадров в секунду (FPS):

  • Операционная система: Win Xp 32
  • Процессор: Intel Pentium Dual Core G6960 2.93GHz / AMD Phenom II X3 B75
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB
  • HDD: 15 GB на жестком диске
  • Видеокарта: AMD Radeon HD 5850 1024MB или NVIDIA GeForce GTX 465

Что делать, если тормозит игра или слабый ПК?

    с помощью Driver Updater с помощью CCleaner с помощью Advanced System Optimizer

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