Стив фокс теккен 7 гайд

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

13 июн. 2017 в 14:56

As the title states, how to steve fox?

I'm still relatively new to the game and I only like playing steve fox. However, how do you get good with him?

I find it so hard to actually do anything against a lot of characters. I know he is meant to be really good but I find it so hard to play him correctly? He gets snuffed out by a lot of kick moves since his punch ranges arent as good as opponent kicks. His damage output isnt that high, I think even a 9 hit combo deals only like 68 - 69 damage? I mean, thats like 25 - 30% of an opponents hp. That is probably his highest damage combo / juggle.

His launches apparently are one of the slowest / worst in the game and more limited as well compared to many other characters in the roster? Most of them if not all are unsafe unless its counter hit? Also his launches are all mid - high compared to some other characters that can launch from low with moves that are also mid - high. His duckes arent safe so it can be snuffed out if the opponent is pressing buttons. Just general stuff like that.

Like. how can i play him well? As i said, he is my fav character and I really want to get good with him and refuse to change cause i really want to get good with him.

After reading some forums and posts, people say he is a really CH (counter hit) reliant character? His come back factor is one of the worst and if opponent that has good range and pokes are in a good health lead, steve has an extremely tough time making a come back. Probably cause his damage output as stated is low even for a high number of hit combo and also his launch options are terrible compared many other characters in the roster? Considering the fact that as i also stated, many of them are unsafe and can be punished except moves like:

B+1 , df + 2 etc. even tho B+1 cant really be linked to anything? also df+2 can be snuffed since the start up is slow?

I have also read that people say, he is one of the hardest characters to play correctly since his moves are limited compared to other characters and in order to get anywhere, you must have a good knowledge / understanding of tekken itself. Considering steve fox is basically CH and punish opponents mistakes heavy.

Anyhow, those are just some things ive read and felt after playing him.

4 июл. 2017 в 14:55 4 июл. 2017 в 15:17

Steve is good in tekken 7 because 90% of his moves have a transition to either Flicker Stance, or Peekaboo stance. Hence, he can actually pick up opponent after a CH with B+1 (which is B1,B FLK F3,1)

Steve's launchers are mediocre because he's a CH oriented charater.
His range is bad because he's best at 0 range.

His ducks are actually safe if you cancel them with db.

He has strings that can be delayed heavily, provoking your opponent into pressing buttons, and that applies to a huge number, let aside his mix-ups/options

His rage art is 13 frames, it's one of the fatest/best when it comes to reaction time. You can even punish with it.
His rage drive is deadly at the wall, giving you a wallsplat (1 damage which can actually kill) and a huge frame advantage, crushes high, blocks mids and can provide you a 3 ways mixup via a cancel, even on maps with no walls.

By doing a transition into ducking, roughly 95% if not 100% of steve's moves can be safe, including his punishers.

Steve is the only character that can actually break a guard so hard that it gives a guaranted hit.

There is a reason that Steve is considered S tier in this game. Feel free to add me if you have more questions

Have fun learning the ropes mate

4 июл. 2017 в 16:00

Hello, yes, hi. I'm a scientisist who has studied the complexities of the character known as "Steve Fox" for years on years and figured out the one-trick secret to playing this character at maximum efficiency. I will share it with you.

4 июл. 2017 в 21:15

For starters, the base moves of steve fox are all unsafe, every single one. even his jabs are unsafe on block. however you can make a lot of his moves safe by transitioning to one of his stances, technically he has 8 stances(sway left/right/back ducking, flicker peekaboo, neutral and while standing). but the main ones you want to focus on are transitioning to flicker stance, which usually requires you to hold back, or to transition into a sway after a fast string on block to quickly catch the opponent off guard, done by pressing 3 or 4. Theres some more techincal stuff, but the main focus on getting better is.

A, back step, and punish with jabs or any 12 frame move for starters,

B know when to go aggro and mix up your approaches. Don't approach the same enemy the same way. you really have to know his movelist in an out and know all the transitions. just basically go into practice and just spam a bunch of moves, but add a holding back or a 3 or 4 at the end as fast as you can.

C, Learn to predict your opponent. Steves lows are trash, and his low punish the the trashiest of them all. But if you can learn to predict the incomming low, instead of blocking low, or getting screwed by lag when trying to block low, you can do up/forward 2 to get a full launcher and a very hard punish on low spammers.

As far as combos go, start with simple ones until you you get used to capitalizing on launchers. Also, set counter hit on and test all your moves, a lot of them tend to be full combo starters.

And a tip for more advanced combos, you can do ducking (f+3or4) out of flicker really fast, so a lot of his pick up or juggles can go into flicker by holding back, and if you get the timing right, you can ducking f+2 and start doing real damage. But don't rely too heavily on it, the netcode tends to screw up precision combos.

so in review, vary your attack patterns, memorize your movelist, and what can transition into what. Be patient at times, until you know you can get in and at least beat on the block and exit safely. Spend some time getting to know the enemy. ONline at least there tends to be a lot of low spammers cause the netcode rewards it. So if you can predict a low, you can crush it and get good damge.

Notes on B+1, hold back on this move, it goes into flicker and you can extended ducking 1 or ducking 1 if pressed for time, for combo pick up.

4 июл. 2017 в 21:46 as already stated, he's a CH focused character with 0 range and mediocre launchers. but I don't think his damage output is bad at all, he can wall carry kind of easily too and on wall his f 1+2 is pretty devastating. But, I started with him (I'm new to tekken) and had an hard time even going brawler (with Eliza and Lars I got yellow rank pretty fast). then I watched a knee stream, he used Steve and I understood he's not a character that can be just picked up and played as well as the others..
that knee stream helped a lot understanding how ti play Steve tho, you should check it out on youtube 5 ноя. 2017 в 7:52 after focusing oonly on him now I feel the game is unbalanced as ♥♥♥♥ and that caracter have no word to say in this game, its too unbalanced. 5 ноя. 2017 в 8:19 Due to his lack of good lows and good launchers, he has been balanced with very, VERY good offensive counterhit and mixup tools. His stance transitions can make his offense scary and relatively safe, and his counterhit confirms can easily lead into 50% BNB combos at the wall. He has super good wall carry, and his pressure game is almost the best in the game, only bested probably by Drag and Hei. 5 ноя. 2017 в 11:37 well, then lets put 100 hours more of practice on him I guess. But though, the poor amont of low strikes in variations is an huge weakness

Okay I've read all the comments here and none of them mentioned that he is a rushdown character. One thing you should know if you want to learn a character, you have to know what type of character he/she is. And Steve Fox is a rushdown character and CH baiting character. I main him because he is so good to bully other characters.

1. You need to play him offensively! If you play him defensively you WILL suffer. Meaning you need to attack first, don't wait for your opponent.
2. Almost all of his moves are safe, so you need to play with pressure, if not you can't make good progress.
3. Always take the advantages of his sway/dodge moves to counter or positioning yourself!
4. Learn to spacing his moves so you can adapt to your opponent playstyle.
5. Mastering his combos takes time so keep practicing! Also you don't have to learn hard combos just memorize easy ones or make your own combos, because his CH will take care of you.
6. He is hard to learn, yes. I suggest you to practice with ultra hard cpu, so you can experience how to utilize his moves properly.
7. If you want to make him your main character, I suggest to remember all of his moves, so your playstyle becomes more dynamic. Because when you've mastered him, you will get that feeling, feeling when you can defeat anyone without worries.

d/f+1 This uppercut is a good attack, it's safe and you can mix it up with your jab starter combo. You can use it in short-range or mid-range. Good for match ender or stopping your opponent pressure.

u/f+1 This hop jab is a good attack to approach your opponent, don't block after doing this just mix it up with your jab starter combo. You can use it in short or mid range. Also good for match ender.

b+1 This quick flicker jab is a great attack, probably the most dangerous attack of Steve. It's CH and good for combo opening. You can use it in short or mid.

d/f+2 This hook is a great attack, it's CH and good for combo opening. You can use it in mid-range.

d/b+2 This low sweep is a good attack. Use it if your opponent approaching you in mid-range.

b+2 This is a surprise attack. Use it when your opponent pressuring or finished their string. Punisher. Also good for combo opening.

d/f+1+2 Sonic Fang. This is a great attack, also one of most dangerous Steve's attacks. Great punisher for mid or long range. Also good for combo ender.

d/b+1+2 This is a great power crush. Use it in mid range when you expect your opponent's high or mid attacks.

Just dodge! Always utilize his dodge or sway attacks. You can use it after your string or when your string get blocked. JUST DODGE!
4,1 Left shoulder check, great counter, good to pressure your opponent, combine it with mid-range attacks and your pressure-play becomes unstoppable.

3,f+1,1,1 Great quick counter.

b+3_4,2 Great sway. High crusher CH attack! Even EWGF don't stand a chance! Always use it when you expect opponent's high-attacks. Also good for combo opening.

3+4 Albatross spin. Good for approaching. Combine it with attacks, combos, Peekaboo stance, or another spin so you can maximize the advantages.

f+3_4 Ducking. Good for approaching. Combine it with attacks, combos so you can maximize the advantages. d/b to cancel.

Steve has two stances, Flicker and Peekaboo. Both of them are safe, great for combos and CH. d/b to cancel. You can switch from Flicker to Peekaboo, Flicker/Peekaboo to sway.

b+3+4 Flicker stance (FLK). Combine it with your attacks so you can maximize the advantages.

f+3+4 Peekaboo stance. Combine it with your attacks, only in mid-range you can make the most of it. For example, I mainly use his hook (PKB,2) to counter and open combos. Also you can transitioning to PKB from his dodges or Albatross spin. Amazing stance. If you're quick enough, you can make it unseeable and combos all day.

You can always use his dodge, ducking, spin, stance, starter input and jab starter combos to pressure your opponent. Remember he is a rushdown character, so if you play him like a coward you will lose shamefully.
Jab starter combos: 1,1,2 (great punisher)
Play more dynamic with Starter Inputs, Sway/Dodge Inputs, and Stance Inputs above so you becomes unpredictable

You always can block or dodge after your string, just press b immediately for block.

b+1+2,1 Punch parry. Use it if you can read your opponent's punches, only punches. It parries high and mid punches also some of specific characters' attack like the last hit of Nina's explosion/bomb combos. I usually use this to finish the match, more stylist.

d/f Universal low parry. This is the most important defensive for Steve. Steve's great at high and mid attacks, but the lack of his low attack make him vulnerable at low attack so always practicing this parry so you can read your opponent and combo finisher them after parrying. Combine your low-attack read and pressure play, you would feel how unstoppable and untouchable you are. So keep practicing.

I say this one more time, Steve is a rushdown character, play him offensively, playing him defensively will make you suffer. Always attack first don't wait for your opponent!
You CAN comeback with Steve. Just use his long range attacks with PKB stance (PKB,f+2 for pressuring and just press b+2 if your opponent try to punish it). You also can approach them with PKB stance, attack with his punches in mid-range then if they try to punish it just launch them. In short range just spam d/f+1 and combine it with jab starter combos.
That's why I love playing him, I can bully my opponents all day without worries!
So keep practicing and play bravely!

These are my how-to-play-Steve. If you need to know more, just ask. Good luck, guv!

Теккен 5. Стив Фокс - чемпион мира и экстраординарный боксер. Он принял участие в Четвертом Турнире Железного Кулака, чтобы показать себя миру и развеять тайну своего рождения. С помощью Лэя Улуна, он узнал о планах Мисима Дзайбацу и о ее причастности к его зачатию. Стив решил для себя, что он точно сделает так, чтобы Мисима Дзайбацу больше не повторяла свою ошибку. Позднее было объявлено о Пятом Турнире Железного Кулака, и он решил принять в нем участие. Стив был уверен, что он победит в турнире и уничтожит Мисима Дзайбацу.

Теккен 6.
В Теккен 6 Стив Фокс, разрушив лаборатории Мисимы Дзайбатсу, решается вернуться в мир бокса. Но из-за войны боёв не назначали. Стив вёл скучную жизнь. И тут он получает предложение объединиться с Полом Фениксом и Маршаллом Ло. Фокс считает это хорошим шансом опробовать другие стили боя и принимает предложение.

Full Name

Also Known as


Fighting Style








Blood Type




Game Appearances

Voice Actors

Ezra Stanley (TK4)
Guy Perryman (TK5)
Gideon Emery (TK6-TTT2 dialogues, SFxTK)
Unknown (TK7)
Unknown (TTT2 as a child)
Yoshimasa Hosoya (SFxTK) Steve Fox ( スティーブ・フォックス , Stību Fokkusu ? ) is a character in the Tekken series, first appearing in Tekken 4, he has returned for all subsequent games. Steve is a young British boxer who was adopted at a young age and whose origins long remained shrouded in mystery. Throughout the games, Steve's main objective has been to learn more information about his past, including the origin of the mysterious scar on his arm, and to get revenge against those responsible.

With his debut in Tekken 4, it was revealed that he is the biological son of Nina Williams and that his conception was done synthetically by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Then later in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Tekken 7, it was revealed that the Zaibatsu ordered his conception in order to get themselves a new, more durable, test subject for their experiments.



After reclaiming the Mishima Zaibatsu from his son and witnessing the power of the Devil firsthand in the second King of Iron Fist Tournament, CEO Heihachi Mishima began his own research into the terrifying power of the Devil Gene. Trying to replicate this superhuman strength, the Mishima Zaibatsu started a genetic modification plan with the goal of replicating the effects of the gene on regular humans through the creation of a synthetic Devil Gene. Heihachi used eggs from the assassin Nina Williams, who was cryogenically frozen by Dr. Bosconovitch at the Zaibatsu at the time, in order to create babies that he used to conduct these experiments. Most of the children died during this process and ultimately the supersoldier program was considered a failure.

One of these children in the program was known as Subject NT01, or Steve Fox. A doctor superviding Steve's experimentation, Emma Kliesen, developed a bond with the boy, much to the disparagement of her more clinically minded colleagues. It was also Emma who helped Steve escape the laboratories at the age of 6 by faking his death in an experiment. After this, Steve was most likely brought to an orphanage and was adopted by British parents, earning him his nationality later in life. It is unknown to what extent, if any, the experiments done in his childhood affected his physical capabilities, but what is known, is that 15 years later, Steve Fox would be known as one of the world's best middleweight boxing champions. Steve himself, however, would end up remembering next to nothing about his past before his adoption.

After an incident with The Syndicate, Steve entered the fourth tournament. He was the target of an assassination attempt by Nina Williams, but at the last minute she decided to aid him. He entered the fifth tournament to "settle the score" with the Mishima Zaibatsu.


Steve is a polite and gentlemanlike individual whose main motivation is to fight in the ring. He has very few enemies and has made many friends and friendly rivals throughout the series, including Marshall Law and Paul Phoenix. Despite these qualities, Steve has a mysterious and troublesome past which he does not seem to remember and he is constantly searching to uncover the truth about it.

However, in both Tekken 4 and Tekken 7, Steve briefly encounters his mother, Nina Williams when she was occasionally in hot pursuit from the authorities like Lei Wulong or the Tekken Forces. Steve also shows his protective side towards Nina when she was targeted by her pursuers despite the former who does not acknowledge him as her son and wouldn't care less about him like seen in his ending.

However, Steve can also at times be somewhat cocky and belligerent, like in Bruce Irvin's Tekken 5 interludes, where he calls Bruce a "pops" and tells him to go home since he has "no time for old-timers", and in one of his win poses where he says, as if speaking to someone off-screen, "Hey you. You wanna try me, guv?". He also has a win pose in Tekken 4 where he disparagingly says "What a joke!" about his defeated opponent.


Like his mother, Steve has blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair is usually slicked back down to his neck, and his entire left arm is covered in large scars due to the experiments done in his childhood.


Steve's trademark boxing outfit consists of blue and red boxing shorts with white stripes, resembling the colors of the British flag, and yellow boxing gloves. In Tekken 7, however, this color theme, including the gloves, is changed to a more general blue, but with the British flag motif still being present on his back.


Tekken 4

Tekken 4 - Steve Fox ending - HQ

Steve Fox Ending -Tekken 4

Prologue Text: Steve was a young British boxer enjoying his run as the middleweight champion of the world. Adopted during infancy, Steve sought the identity of his biological parents, as well as the origin of the scar on his arm. One day, Steve was ordered by a mafia group to throw a high-stakes fight, but he refused and instead won the fight. Unfortunately, the Mafia made good on their threats and put a price on Steve's head. With the Mafia in hot pursuit, Steve fled England for the United States and led a life on the run. But Steve soon realized that no matter what he did, the Mafia would eventually catch and kill him. Motivated by this realization, Steve sought the limelight once again, and entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Epilogue Text: (Heihachi and Dr. Abel are seen talking) Fortunately for us, Steve has an assassin gunning for him. We'll take advantage of this situation. Kill Steve by serving him up to the assassin.

Ending Description: Inside the Mishima Zaibatsu Data Room, Steve is trying to find some information on his past. From a computer, Steve learns that he was conceived through vitro-fertilization from Nina Williams's egg.

The scene changes to the outside of "Union Jack" (which appears to be a hotel). A limousine parks in front of the building and two men in suits get out. Steve comes out shortly afterwards and begins walking towards the building. The man behind Steve pulls out a gun; however, it is shot out of his hand. Steve notices the gunshot and turns around.

He looks up into a building and sees Nina holding a sniper rifle. The second man tries to shoot Steve but also gets shot. The first man tries again but is shot again and then punched by Steve. Nina tries to escape but Steve pursues her, up until the point where they reach an alleyway. Steve seems to have lost Nina when she comes out from behind him with a gun. Steve begins to speak and Nina puts her gun down; the moment, however, is interrupted when Lei Wulong comes in, threatening to shoot Nina if she resists. Nina runs away while Steve stops Lei from chasing her.

Tekken 5

Tekken 5 Steve Interludes

Prologue Text:
Steve Fox, a boxing prodigy striving to be the world champion. Steve entered the previous tournament to look into the mystery of his birth. Lei Wulong helped Steve discover that he was actually a creation of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Steve vowed revenge. Just then, Steve learned of The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5. The world champion enters without a second thought. A determined Steve says, "The Mishima Zaibatsu will never make another monster like me!".

Prologue (Manual Version):
By entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, world boxing champion Steve Fox had hoped to gain international exposure and clues that would help unravel the mystery surrounding his birth. Steve, with the cooperation of Lei Wulong, found out about Mishima Zaibatsu's evil designs and the Zaibatsu's involvement in his conception. He made up his mind that he would see to it Mishima Zaibatsu never made this mistake again.

Shortly after, the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was announced and Steve decided to enter.

Epilogue Text:
After gaining control of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Steve heads to a certain location.

Ending Description:
Steve heads to a laboratory of the Mishima Zaibatsu and he is shown destroying equipment in rage. Then he looks at a tank which either contains a life form or is the place that he was conceived. He punches the glass possibly to stop the creation of someone like him. After this, he takes out a lighter and burns the whole building down while walking away satisfied.

Tekken 6

Tekken 6 - Steve Fox Trailer

Steve Fox destroyed the Mishima Zaibatsu laboratories and finally cleared his conscience. He then attempted to re-enter the world of boxing, but all the large tournaments were cancelled due to the outbreak of war around the globe. Without boxing, Steve lost his only livelihood, an unfortunate turn that quickly led to a very unfulfilling life. About the same time, Steve received an invitation from Marshall Law and Paul Phoenix to train with them. Steve saw this as a good opportunity to experience other fighting styles and accepted their invitation.

Ending Description: Steve, along with Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law, celebrate their victory in the tournament in a small hut. The Mishima Zaibatsu bring the money inside for them. Paul reminds them that they'll split the money 3 ways "just like we promised". However, Steve lightly rejects the money and tells them that the experience alone was reward enough and leaves the hut. After he leaves, Paul and Marshall delight in the fact that they have so much money, however, unknown to them, the Zaibatsu has placed a bomb inside one of the cases of money. Paul and Law continue to celebrate unaware that they only have five seconds left. Outside, Steve is shown quite far away from the hut as the bomb goes off, apparently killing his two new friends. He turns around and a shocked look overtakes his face.

Tekken 7

TEKKEN 7 - Steve Fox Ending & Intro (TEKKEN 7 Character Endings)

Steve Fox has had plenty of run-ins with the Mishima Zaibatsu, but he never gave up his search for information about his past. Though his mother's identity remained a mystery, one name, in particular, began to crop up time and again: Nina Williams.

Believing she knew something, Steve began investigating her whereabouts until he came up with a promising lead. The information led him to an imposing cathedral. As he considered how best to proceed, a figure appeared from inside, dressed in a tattered wedding gown.

It was Nina, who seemed to be running away from something. Steve told her to stop, but she ignored him and fled. Determined not to let this opportunity escape him, he blocked her path.

Ending Description: After defeating Nina, Steve tells her of all that he knew of his past and demands to know how she is connected to him. She explains to him that her genes were used by the Mishima Zaibatsu to create ultimate supersoldiers through experimenting on children, with Steve as one of them. The project failed due to most of the children dying from that experiment, but Steve survived thanks to Emma Kliesen's efforts to cover up Steve's status from the Zaibatsu's eye. As Steve discovers that she is his mother, Nina warns him that he will never be her son because she couldn't care less about him. When the Tekken Force suddenly arrives, Steve helps Nina escape while holding them off.

Other appearances

Tekken 2010 Movie

Steve Fox appeared in the Tekken 2010 live-action movie, portrayed by British singer/actor, Luke Goss. In the film, he is an older, retired fighter who sponsors Jin in the tournament after the latter defeated Marshall Law. In this movie, Steve has apparently no blood ties to Nina, he knew Jun Kazama before her death and he becomes Jin's friend and mentor. He is killed by Jackhammers while breaking Jin and the other imprisoned participants out of their holding cells.

Street Fighter X Tekken

Steve appeared in Street Fighter X Tekken as a playable character. His tag partner is Hwoarang.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Steve appeared in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a playable character.

Ending Description: Steve is shown practicing his boxing, groaning in pain when his arm starts to hurt. He then flashes back on memories of the Mishima Zaibatsu. We see members of the Mishima Zaibatsu testing on Steve, who they call "NT01", and Steve taking refuge with Emma Kliesen (Leo's mother) who is working for the Zaibatsu. We return to the present time, with Steve lying on the ground, looking over to a bright light and saying "Emma?".

Tekken Revolution

Steve Fox appears in Tekken Revolution as an unlockable character.

Character Relationships

    - His mother. He was conceived through in vitro-fertilization using her egg without her knowledge while she was cryogenically frozen by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Steve is constantly seeking Nina in search of answers, and when the two do meet, it is usually very brief. - His aunt. The two have never physically met before so their actual relationship is unknown. Although they happen to be in the same place where they chase Nina, but different paths separately in Tekken 7, despite having yet physically met there. - His deceased grandfather. Richard died before Steve was born. - His grandmother. - Ordered Steve's synthetic creation as part of his Devil Gene research. Steve was created with the sole purpose of being strong enough to withstand the treatments which had led to deaths on earlier test subjects. Steve understandably detests Heihachi for this. - His guardian who treated him as a human during his childhood in the Mishima laboratories between Tekken 2 and Tekken 3. Emma was also the one to help Steve escape and get adopted at the age of 6. - His good friend, who helped him uncover information about his past and the Mishima Zaibatsu. Also tried to prevent Nina from assassinating Steve in Tekken 4. - Hwoarang is Steve's friend and occasional rival. He is also Steve's partner in Street Fighter X Tekken. - His friend and training partner. - His friend and training partner. - Steve looks up to Lee and knows of his reputation as the "Silver-Haired Demon". - His friend and protege in the 2010 film (non-canon). - His past love interest in the 2010 film (non-canon).


With a unique fighting style based on bobs, sways and punches, and almost no kicks, Steve is one of the most unorthodox characters in the series. He has incredibly fast and effective punches and combos, very strong low attacks, and can lay the pressure on his opponent like few others in the roster. Perhaps one of the most dangerous fighters in the roster, Steve can turn around a fight with his hard-hitting blows and high-low combos in a flash, and his counter-hits are among the most effective around. Also, Steve's dodging capabilities are unrivaled by any other character in the series if timed properly. Blind reliance on this tactic is very risky, though, and going the wrong way might end up being a game-changing mistake. Placing too much confidence in Steve's evasive maneuvers renders him open to various kinds of damages, the worst-case scenario being KO'd by a set of elaborate combos. Unique to him and befitting his fighting style, his 3 and 4 inputs has him performing bobs and weaves instead of kicks. Because he makes minimal use of 3 and 4 inputs and mostly relies on 1 and 2 inputs, regular throws can be somewhat ineffective against him, as a Steve player can easily break throws by accident.

Steve icon

1 " can be substituted also by a counter hit "F 4,2 F 4,1" then the combo will continue.

Steve icon

u/f 2 , b 1 2 , f 4 1 , d/f 1+2

Steve icon

LP DCK 1 , d/f 1 2

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