Скайблок хайпиксель гайд

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Table of Contents
1 ----- Basics
2 ----- Guide to Getting Started
3 ----- Early-Game Objectives
4 ----- Fairy Soul Guide
5 ----- Skills
6 ----- Collections (WIP)
7 ----- Minions (WIP)
8 ----- Items (WIP)
9 ----- Talismans (WIP)
10 ----- Everything Else & Helpful Links (WIP)

**Words or phrases in red have a special glossary at the end of each section for newer players.**

Hopefully you guys find this useful! Any questions? Feel free to ask me in this thread!
This post will be continually updated, contain only family-friendly content, and provide spoiler warnings.

Hypixel SkyBlock has a bit of a learning curve - but fear not! Community-made guide to the rescue!

So, Hypixel SkyBlock was released on 6/11/19 to Hypixel players with ranks, after months of Player Council testing, development, etc.

Given that it's a new game, it is still in the Prototype Lobby (PTL). Minor bugs and issues are expected, as well as some server issues at first, but staff is works 24/7 to ensure a better playing experience for everyone. Currently, Hypixel SkyBlock is available to all SkyBlock players and servers are going smoothly.

As for the game itself, it's not exactly like "normal SkyBlock" - at all. Of course, this isn't a bad thing, it just means that there is a lot more stuff. For example, when you join SkyBlock for the very first time, you'll end up on your own personal island.

There is another island 15 blocks South of your island. On this island, there is a portal that has a hologram sign reading: "Warp to: Hub Island". There is also a Villager NPC Guide, as well as a Tier 1 Cobblestone Minion. Don't worry about the minion for right now - although a more in-depth information hub on Minions can be found in Section 7 of this guide.

Some quick things to note about your island before hopping in the Hub Portal:
•Your "space" where you can build and expand your island is exactly 11x11 chunks large.
•You can have other profiles where you can share an island with up to four other players, or share an island with your guild. MVP and below get three profile slots, MVP+ and up get four profile slots, and a fifth profile slot may be available in the future.
•The nether star fixed in the ninth slot of your hotbar titled "SkyBlock Menu" is critical to know about. One especially important thing for starting out is your Quest Log, where you can keep track of your Quests all in one place. Pay attention to your Objectives on the top and right side of your screen! There are nineteen Quest Log Quests currently, and all of them can be completed fairly early on!
•Pay attention to character dialogue early on - as there is often valuable information about the game in general!

Once you've gone through the portal and entered into the Hub, one of the first things that you may have noticed is the big map just north of the spawnpoint. The big, main island is called the Hub Island. There are lots of important things where the markers are, in the village. Be sure to do your quests as soon as possible to understand what all of these places are for!

Here are some important SkyBlock Menu features you should know as soon as possible!
•Calendar - the Calendar is useful for special events. There is a system of days and seasons. Each season has three months, each with 31 "days" in which time passes much quicker than in real life. On the right side of your screen, you can see the current "time", on the sidebar menu.
•Ender Chest - If you're unfamiliar with the enderchest , it is essentially a chest with 27 slots of regular storage that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. In this case, it is conveniently accessible from your personal.
•Profile Management - Simple enough - swap between your profiles, if you have more than one! You can use the /coop command to play SkyBlock with others on new profiles - or you can just /party to play in the same lobbies as your party members!
•Warp to - You can always warp to and from your island to the Hub through your menu. Keep in mind you cannot do this while fighting monsters or other players!
•Crafting Table - You have a crafting table that you can use whenever, wherever, added directly to your menu!

Quick Tip: Don't forget that you can sell nearly any item to any of the Villagers that sell items themselves!

One last thing before you're well on your way to a good start! Understand that there is a Purse on your sidebar in which you can keep track of how many coins you are holding. You can get coins from leveling up Skills or Collections, which you will learn about soon, or from killing monsters! When you die, you will not lose your items. However, you will lose half of all of the coins in your Purse. You can use the bank to keep your coins safe - and get 2% compound interest each season (your bank account will grow bigger if you keep coins in your account). Also, islands with more than one person have a shared bank account - but individual purses.

2 - Guide to Getting Started

Hello, SkyBlock Players! If you have not yet read Section 1 - Basics, I would highly recommend you do that before reading this Section.

There are two main, essential things that I have not covered in the previous Section that I will address now.

Before I do this, I want to quickly remind you guys to focus on your Quests first and foremost, and get those knocked out of the way as fast as you can! Finishing the Quests really propels you in the right direction, helps you memorize the map, and teaches you a lot along the way.

Despite the tremendous role that Skills play in SkyBlock, I have not yet mentioned them. Section 5 - Skills goes more in-depth on this. Right here will be everything that you really need to know when you're getting started.

Collections might seem a little bit complicated at first - but it isn't so bad once you get the hang of how they work! Basically, five of the seven Skills (Farming, Mining, Combat, Fishing, and Foraging) each have their own Collection.

Once you've unlocked an item (by harvesting it in some way), you can level that item up by harvesting more of it. No one item can be harvested twice. What I mean by this is that if you mine a piece of cobblestone in the Coal Mine, go back to your island, place the cobble, and then mine it again, the second time will not count towards leveling that item up for your collection.
Each item has ten levels. You can keep harvesting that item after you've reached the tenth level - it just won't count towards your collections progress anymore.
•Each item unlocks something per level. Usually, they're custom crafting recipes. Hypixel SkyBlock uses a plugin that brings new crafting recipes to SkyBlock. You can keep track of such recipes through the Recipe Book, which is available via your SkyBlock Menu.

Now that you've got this down, let's move on!

It is strongly recommended to abstain from reading this section until you have completed all nineteen Quests in your Quest Log! This is simply so that this Section will refer to familiar terms and be easier to keep up with.

Early on in your Hypixel SkyBlock career, one of the most important things is your gear. This includes your armor , weapons , and tools . The most important of these is your armor, and you should focus on getting a good, full set of armor first. Lapis Armor is fantastic to start. Miner armor isn't bad - but Lapis Armor is generally considered easier to get, and it is better.

Once your Mining Skill has reached Level 5, you will have access to the "Deep Caverns". The second "floor" to the Deep Caverns is called the Lapis Quarry. In the Lapis Quarry, hostile mobs called Lapis Zombies will frequently spawn. Sometimes, they will drop various pieces of Lapis Armor. A full set will give you a Health bonus!

Obtaining a full set of Lapis Armor will be well worth it, once you have it. It's up to you - but it may be a good idea to not enchant it right away - because it's better to wait to have an 30- bookshelf enchantment table setup, so that you can go for Growth V enchantments . Growth V is widely agreed to be the best armor enchantment. It drastically increases your Health stat.

After you've achieved a full set of armor, it might be a good idea to begin focusing on getting a good tool for mining . A solid starter is the Diamond Pickaxe, which can be purchased from the Miner Merchant in the Village in the Hub! Ideally, you will later want Efficiency V, Fortune III, Experience III, and Smelting Touch I enchants on your pickaxe. Just like the armor, it may be a good idea to wait to get your own enchantment setup rather than using the one in the Library right away. The Library offers lower-level enchantments.

Once you've done this, it's a great idea to either:
1) Pick up an Undead Sword from the Village Weaponsmith
2) Craft a Cleaver using two sticks and four gold ingots. You can unlock this through leveling up the Gold Ingot item, which can be found under the Mining section of your Collections page.

Now there are some other things that you're going to want to do as early on as you can. These don't really require a specific order, although doing them in the order that they are listed in may make it a bit easier to do.

Enchantment Setup
Get 30 bookshelves, 1 enchantment table, and one piece of cobblestone to get your enchantment setup going! You can search up the best way to arrange this online. Make sure that the bookshelves are as close as possible to the enchantment table, without touching it. Also, place the cobblestone to block off some bookshelves. This is important because it will reduce enchantment costs. You can get level 60 enchantments from level 48 enchantments. You might find this specific tip to be quite useful later on!

Then, start gathering XP so that you can enchant your gear!

Start unlocking some minion crafting recipes and start placing some down so that you can increase your resource production! Make sure that you are placing them down correctly and efficiently. You can do this by right-clicking on your Minion and then selecting "Ideal Layout". Also - upgrade these whenever you can to the next tier and make sure that they've got some coal to boost resource production!

Don't sweat too much about Minions right now though - just make sure you've already got one foot in the door for when they started becoming more and more of a vital game mechanic.

Why not start gathering lots of coins to pump up your bank account so that you can already have savings for making big purchases in the auction house and so that you can get hefty interest at the end of each season!

A great way to get lots of coins early on is to go Farming - specifically for wheat . Wheat sells for a good bit to the Village merchants - so be sure to drop off loads whenever your inventory is full or close to getting full!

Currently bugged! Sorry for any inconveniences. Working on it right now!

Fairy Souls play a huge role in upgrading SkyBlock stats including Health, Strength, and Defense.

Every five Fairy Souls that you give to Tia the Fairy (an NPC on the Hub Island), you will receive permanent stat boosts!

Fairy Souls can be found all around the Hub Island! Simply right-click within close range to 'find' it. You cannot 'find' the same Fairy Soul twice!

Here are some very helpful links to get you started:

***If you find ANY Fairy Soul Locations not on the Wiki Page List and would like to share them - please post them in this thread with a screenshot and the coordinates! Thanks!!***

Individual Skills

Sections 6-10 - COMING VERY SOON!!

Кирилл Кожарин

Максим Симонов

Кирилл Дмитриев

Кирилл Дмитриев

мои маленькие котятки

Перед началом, хочу ознакомить вас с серией постов по тематике "мини-игры"

И многие другие.

Каждый член администрации, должен создать пост об одной из мини-игр.

Как вы уже поняли, мой пост будет посвящён "SkyBlocky"

SkyBlock — одна из самых известных игр на Хайпикселе.

Ночью - примерно 10k ± человек.

Днём - примерно 50k ± человек.

(по американскому времени)

SkyBlock - был создан около 7-8 лет назад, нет информации по какой причине возникла эта идея.

У этого режима нет одного создателя.

Hypixel SkyBlock был групповой работой, многие администраторы работали над ним с самого начала проекта.

Суть карты, которая даётся вам в самом начале пути.

- Развиться на карте. Для начала срубить не много дерева, словив при этом все саженцы. Потом расширяться, ну, а дальше как ваше развитие пойдёт.

user uploaded image

После определённого этапа развития, вам откроится "Hab", где вы сможете покупать или собирать некоторые ресурсы.

user uploaded image

- А так же создать безчисленное количество маленьких рабочих+=+!

user uploaded image

:green_heart: *Моё мнение* :purple_heart:

Мини-игра до безумия интересная и в неё можно залипать очень долго. Огромный плюс заключается в том, что она не однообразная. Есть недочёты, но моя оценка 9/10

Секретики и развитие.

Если вам понравится эта идея, я сделаю серию постов по скай блоку в которых буду рассказывать тактики прохождения, уловки и многое другое.

I’m sorry for formatting, and a lot of these tips are very basic. Some of them I don’t think many know though. Some stuff may become outdated, and I’d like to hear feedback on this, and hear more ideas.

This took a long time, hope it helps! Let’s start.

Minion slots are essential. You should easily have lvl 4 of almost all minions before you go to the end

Around entering the End, you should try to get the fairy souls hidden around the map. TimeDeo has a video on it.

Use trading discords. You can find people that sell what you want and need what you have (like T1 minions in the tip before to start you off) also, they usually have reputation scores and scammer lists so you can verify you won’t get scammed-not a guarantee tho

To avoid getting scammed, either give them the money/item after you get your money/item, use a middleman on a Skyblock discord (I recommend skyblockz), or use items that quick sell for coins like enchanted clay

If you’re selling multiple of the same item on auction house space them out each hour so there is competition for each one. Or if you really want to get auctions out quick, wait like 5 minutes in between

Also, when selling stuff, try to make the auctions end in daytime for the USA, personally I’ve sniped items for low late at night

Undead sword is the best early game weapon, you can buy at the weaponsmith. Raiders axe is the best mid game weapon now, (please do not buy it a lot of people are selling them on auction house for a lot cheaper)

Get spicy reforge on swords and rapid on bows , if the sword is common/uncommon you might not be able to get spicy and just get a reforge with crit damage/strength

Get wise reforge for armor if you want mana/speed, titanic for health/defense (not recommended past early game) and godly for damage. Unless it’s mastiff armor in which you get strong (or godly if you need crit chance)

Try to get as many talismans and reforge them as soon as possible as they are crucial for late game damage. Only unique talismans count though.

The broken piggy bank and normal piggy bank both count as a different talisman for the reforges. Since it’s kinda bad now, I’d recommend putting the non-broke one in your accessory bag

There is a talisman optimizer that’s pretty easy to use. They have a discord and you just ping the bot in a channel.

If you’re using cobble minions, make netherwart and wheat farms out of them. It’s hard to explain but I believe timedeo has a tutorial about them.

AFKing is not bannable so I’d recommend it if you have any afk farms. Keep in kind holding your mouse down while afk is bannable so don’t do that.

When going to enchant, make sure you look through the collections and make sure the book isn’t easily attainable crafting. I know that experience and efficiency are super cheap as an example.

Use this guide hereit is super helpful to combine for a sword the final combine is only like 110 levels

Don’t grind for a lapis armor set. But buy one. Very worth it to get double xp when mining ores.

The quickest way to get exp mid game (without using bottles) is to go to the diamond mine in deep caverns and hug the left wall until you are in a declined area. It’s pretty safe from mobs and there are a lot of diamonds there. Later game slayer is probably better or unstable afking.

Try to experiment with stuff you can get easily and see how they sell. A common example of this is critical 3 potions, they sell for a lot more than what they cost you to get

Don’t bother getting tons of redstone and lapis beyond a few stacks. It’s very slow compared to minions.

Placing a bed down on your island sets the spawn point and even if you break it it still stays. This is only for you tho. You can also use /setspawn command, or put a teleport pad at your island spawn to control where guests spawn.

If you have minions have super-compactor 3000 on them or mining minions that have a compactor, then get diamond spreading upgrade, it only benefits other than taking up storage

Enchanted bread or coal is the best early game minion fuel, enchanted charcoal is best mid game, enchanted lava bucket best late game

Gravel can be attained by a merchant in the graveyard or by going to spiders den and into the caves in the open area.

Crystal fragments can be attained by destroying the end crystals in dragon fights. Unless you’re pushing for top 3, hit the crystals to save them up to get the crystal armor or catalysts (Or just sell them)

If you don’t have decent enough pots and a dragon set/tara set, then sell your summoning eyes.

Strength 5 is attainable by using enchanted blaze powder and enchanted glow stone dust in an awkward potion.

In most cases Instead of getting an enchanted glow stone block for potions, go for enchanted redstone lamp (redstone collection). It adds 3 levels and about 12 minutes of potion. (This Is only if you want very high tier potions)

If you get outbid on something, wait a few minutes (if there is enough time on the auction) before taking the bid back. This could win you the auction as they might not see it or log off.

When you enchant your armor, you make sure you get Growth V if you enchant it. Then add a protection book with an anvil. Keep in mind if you enchant your armor you will get thorns which takes away the first strike effect.

Have at least 5 brewing stands in your brewing area, and brew a lot of potions at once. The time is pretty slow so it’s just easier to make them in bulk.

Get fairy souls if you’re gonna play this game long-term. (Video links) I’d recommend having an aspect of the end, grappling hooks, and ender pearls, but you only need ender pearls.

To sell something for coins in a trade: person A puts something worthless on auction house and Person B bids the price mentioned, then person A gives them the item. You can switch up the order. If you pay/give the item first you could get scammed. Keep that in mind.

In the top of the gold mine there is a NPC named rusty and he adds Telekinesis to your tools for only 100 coins. Keep in mind that you can’t enchant it further if that happens and anvil combines cost more

Harvesting IV books are is in the wheat collection you should combine them and put them on a hoe. This will help you a ton if you’re farming at all

Keep your Rogue Sword in your hot bar and have a hotkey to that spot if you can. It’s not good for damage but it’s free speed. Also for later game players keep aspect of the end for it has a good ability.

Portals are really useful. I’d recommend having one to at least Deep Caverns, Blazing Fortress, The end, Mushroom desert, and Acacia tree place. You don’t need ones like spiders den because the spawn of some of them are right near another portal. You can also visit SkyBlockPortals (the player) for he is doing the lords work lol

If you want to double your production of some minions, make a cactus trap. You have to be on your island for it to work and the items will go into a chest rather than the minion itself. You can also use an unstable dragon set and hold a sword with experience, looting, and scavenger.

If you want to put a storage chest next a minion in a farm, put a slab over the top so mobs can’t spawn on it. This might not work for slime/magma as they can jump however.

Similar to the cactus trap, if you make a cobblestone generator by your cobble minion and give it no other room to place cobblestone, it will only have to break them. Again your island has to be loaded.

Storages (in the oak collection) are really nice to have and the small one is very cheap. Get them on all of your minions

If you want to put chests close to each other, alternate with trapped chests. Lol that’s vanilla but I forgot about it

Sort by ending soon to actually have a chance at winning an auction!

If you’re wearing hardened diamond armor, have an obsidian chestplate instead of a hardened diamond chestplate. There is no set bonus for hardened diamond and you will get 130 more defense and I think epic rather than rare. They don’t sell for much.

Make sure you calculate the price of something from the merchant before buying it on ah. They recently just buffed the click speed so you can merchant buy about a stack in a few minutes. For example don’t pay over 85k

for a stack of erottenflesh because it costs 81k to buy from merchant. (Unless it’s mine check out /ah BenSoccer)

For the music quest, if the clay goes past where you click, you’ve lost. I suggest you still keep the attempt going even if that’s happened, unless you’re by yourself. Also change your GUI size in video settings

Every time the winter island opens that means there are new presents to find. Complete chicken racing to get the gift compass.

The best budget way to complete End racing and woods racing is to get speed V pots and mana potions (mutton collection) and grappling hook and (maybe) aspect of the end. Hunter knife is useful too so I’d do woods racing first.

The commands /warp island, /warp hub, /trade (player), /ah (player), /visit (player), and /deathcount (/s on that last one) are very helpful

If you are gonna sell candy on ah, refrain from selling right after. That’s when you’ll get the worst sales because everyone and their skeleton horse is selling them. Refrain until right before an event starts, when you’ll get really good prices.

Last tip: do what you want. I cannot stress enough how important your own experience is compared to objective gain. Just keep that in mind. Glhf!

Another tip from u/Vanher : you can combine stacks of stuff that goes into block for to make the enchanted version of that thing quicker. Example: 5 stacks of enchanted redstone blocks can make 18 enchanted redstone

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