River bank escape прохождение

Обновлено: 27.06.2024

Aside from forests, you also enjoy the flowing waters of the river. There’s something mysterious about it that draws you near to it. You don’t know what it is but it’s what draws you near. So you always find a time to visit a river. Each time you’re there, your wishes ride the water. You don’t really care if someone can read it before the paper boat sinks. What you just love about it is that you placed in paper your hopes. This somehow makes them more concrete. And letting them be carried away by the water somehow means that your hopes has a destination. But the path to the river can be tricky and you sometimes forget where you pass through to get there. Other times, you forget where to pass through to leave the river.

Right now, you’re still in front of the river. You watch as the water glimmers in the light from the sun. The wind is also blowing softly against your skin. You close your eyes for a bit to feel the serenity around you. But then you remember your appointment. So you stand up and begin walking back to the city. However, you forget where to pass through again. Play River Bank Escape outdoor escape game by WoW Escape.


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Escape from Alligator River
Река с крикодлой расслабляющейся.
Веслом по башке и удирать скорее.
Но сразу так легко не получится.

(голосов: 90)
4 июня 2015 • Играли: 12691 раз • Онлайн Игры Коммент (15) • Игровой форум

Онлайн игры Квест / Quest & PnC

Классные онлайн игры на Дуделке - бесплатная онлайн игра "Escape from Alligator River".
На этой страничке можно играть в эту интересную онлайн игру из категории "Квест / Quest & PnC".
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7 мин легкая Подскажите, где нижнее левое насекомое Ничёче легкая ))) Я 36 минут швендяла )))))) 123, в левой локе в дупло палкой Справой стороны в локе где цветочки,над цветками в дупло запихнуть палку,выползет таракан.

не трудная. но кабана крокодилу скормить,это что-то. а вот к чему был заяц, так и не поняла. он мне не понадобился)))

палку за деревом еле увидела))) ей по гнезду с яйцами в левой локе

лопатой чуть левее от кабана. в яму капкан..нажать а кабана.

одну из палок в дупло в левой локе(ближнее дерево)

двум змеям по яйцу..

цветные шарики в правую локу,где молоток..но они вставятся,когда найдёте подсказку

стрекозу на цветы в левой локе. (подсказка к кнопкам в пр.локе)

доски и гвозди на лодку)))

камни выставлять в 1 локе на квадрат у дерева. камни выставляются только по порядку. т.е. с первого. там и будет два последних жучка

WowEscape - Wow River Bank Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Wow Escape. In this game, you came to see the beauty of river bank. But unfortunately you missed the way out. You have to find the way to escape from here by finding useful objects, hints and solving puzzles. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Play Wow River Bank Escape

If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Posted by EscapeGames24


going right from start, the place to put the grasshoppers is under the waterfall, 1st scene to the right.

nipchkin, I played it earlier today. Might be able to remember something that helps if you need it.

Use paint roller on both windows of the house.

More gold rocks and A-H clues will come in later scenes.

I believe the butterfly clue was one of those on the house.

Thanks. I tried it on the house but not on the windows before. Symbol clue gave my my 5th butterfly and left window told where to place it. Now in 3rd set of scenes.

Pretty straightforward from there. Now out. Thanks WOW!

Thank WOW nice game.

Nothing left in my inventory and still searching for: One leaf, one log, two green puzzle pieces, clue for four symbol puzzle, one gold stone, one multi-colored line puzzle.

Oh, and a key for the cabin.

Ugh. Found the last leaf. That should get me going again.

So where did you find the last leaf?

Suggestion for whoever does video walkthroughs, if you read this:

I finally found a fourth leaf over the B=C + 3 sign.

The only things I got stuck on were the 4th leaf and the place to use jug for 4 fruits, which was not obvious at all for me and totally random. 3 stars

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