Rimworld мод expanded prosthetics and organ engineering гайд

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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1 Stats for Most of the Boinics/Organs "Updated"

I will be starting off from the Basics to the Advanced and will not be listing Crafting info. "I may not have listed all of them if I didn't Sorry and sorry for any miss spelling" "! I have updated some parts in the main list aswell !"

Peg leg Efficiency 60%
Wooden foot Efficiency 70%
Steel arm Efficiency 35% DMG 10
Hook hand Efficiency 30% DMG 7
Eye patch Sight -50%
Ear bandage Hearing -50%
Denture Eating -30% Talking -40%

Prosthetic arm Efficiency 70% DMG 10
Prosthetic leg Efficiency 80%
Prosthetic hand Efficiency 70% DMG 10
Prosthetic foot Efficiency 90%
Artificial pelvis Efficiency 90%
Hydraulic jaw Eating +20% Talking -20%
Artificial nose Efficiency 100%
Golden eye Sight -50% Talking +20%

Brain stimulator Efficiency 65%
Surrogate lung Efficiency 65% Moveing -10%
Surrogate heart Efficiency 65%
Surrogate kidney Efficiency 65%
Surrogate stomach Efficiency 65%
Surrogate liver Efficiency 65%

Advanced Bionic arm Manipulation +30% DMG 15
Advanced Bionic leg Moveing +30%
Advanced Bionic Manipulation +25% DMG 15
Advanced Bionic foot Moveing +25%
Advanced Bionic spine Manipulation +30% Moveing +30%
Advanced Bionic eye Sight +30%
Advanced Bionic ear Hearing +30%
Advanced Bionic Jaw Talking +30%
Advanced power arm Manipulation +25% DMG 30
Exoskeleton suit Manipulation +25% Moveing +25%
Power claw Efficiency 92% DMG 15

Joywire Consciousness Efficiency -20% Mood +30 "I belive its better mood for less brain function"
AI chip Consciousness +100% Consciouness max +100% "helps with Brain DMG but not illnesses!"
Painstopper x0% "Dose what it says No more pain, yet may put the users life at risk!"
Synthetic lung Breathing +20% Moveing +10%
Synthetic heart Blood pumping +20% Manipulation +10% Moveing +10%
Synthetic kidney Blood filtration +20%
Synthetic stomach Eating +20%
Synthetic liver Blood filtration +20%

"Updated section of the list no specail sorting this time sorry :i "

Synthetic skin Will heal any scars bullet woulds or current wounds or even Brain DMG! "not ilnesses"
Bionic BrainPal Blood filtration +10% Consciousness +20% Sight +20% "Dose not fix brains!"
Artificial Clavicle Efficiency 90%
Tactical Cornea Implant Aiming time -15% Shooting Accuracy +50.00%
Muscle Stimulator Manipulation +20% Melee Cooldown -0.15 Seconds Melee hit Chance +15% Moving +20%
Auxiliary AI (Constructing) Construct success chance +15% Construction speed +25%
Auxiliary AI (Agricultural) Plant harvest yield +15% Plant work speed +25%
Auxiliary AI (Mining) Mining speed +25% Smoothing speed +15%
Auxiliary AI (Medical) Medical surgery success chance +20% Medical tend quality +15% Medical tend speed +15%
Auxiliary AI (Diplomatic) Diplomatic gift impact +15.00% Recruit prisoner chance +25.00%
AI Persona Core Pain x150% "Incressed Pain" Consciousness +50% Blood fltration +20% Blood pumping +20% Hunger rate x150% "Needs to eat more often" Tiredness x50% "Gets tired qwicker I think" Fixes Brains at a very very high cost! Be Prepared to deal with mental breaks beserkings wanderings and way more food being eaten. "Dose NOT fix ilnesses in the brain"

Well I hope this helps people out, it took more then a hour to type out time away from my day. This was made on the date of 9/24/16. "Updated on 8/2/17 may of missed a few parts >w<"

Мод добавляет возможность создавать протезы и искусственные органы. Для этого нужно очень много исследовательской работы. Главные возможности:

Мод не совместим с другими модами основными на хирургии, частями тела или органами. Совместим с Glitter Tech и другими модами.

Мод изменил объем ЗОЛОТА. Для постройки любого объекта нужно умножать на х20 золота. Это сделано для того, чтобы уравновесить стоимость протезов, органов и тд. Также поднята стоимость золота на рынке. По сути игрок не должен заметить разницы 🙂

There is support for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Chinese, Korean and Russian. It will automatically detect the language of your game, you don't have to change anything.

EPOE is fully compatible with Rimworld Royalty!

This mod gives you the ability to craft your own prostheses and artificial organs. Starting with basic prostheses like a peg leg or a hook hand, you can research everything you can think about: Simple prostheses like the vanilla ones, countless new, bionic body parts and even advanced bionics. But to get advanced bionics you have to do plenty of research and they're also pretty expensive to craft.
If you tend to lose your organs, this mod helps, too! You can research and craft surrogate and synthetic organs, so you never have to miss your kidney again!
This mod is quite extensive, so there's enough work to do to keep you busy until the endgame!

  • Craft prostheses! There's a wide array from hook hands to exoskeleton suits and even brain implants!
  • Many new parts like steel arms, a silent jaw, a brain stimulator, bionic spines, bionic hands and feet, advanced bionic eyes, medical ribs, exoskeleton suits, auxiliary AIs, cornea implants and many more! If you can lose it, you can replace it!
  • Upgrade your bionics with advanced components!
  • New prosthetics table for all your artificial bodyparts!
  • Craft organs at the organ printer! Go from rudimentary surrogate organs to high tech synthetic organs!
  • Still not advanced enough? Complete quests for new archotech parts!
  • Cure brain damage using late game brain implants!
  • Treat bad backs!
  • New orbital traders: The textile trader and the prostheses trader!
  • Tons of new research projects!
  • Be Frankenstein! Harvest organs and install them somewhere else!
  • Not brutal enough? Mince spare natural body parts at the butcher table!

Q: What is the difference between this EPOE, EPOE Forked and RBSE?
A: Both EPOE Forked and RBSE are based on the original EPOE (this one).
The Forked version is based on EPOE 2.24 and fixed many issues this version had. These problems have since then also been fixed in EPOE.
The differences between this mod and Forked now aren't that huge. Forked keeps the old 4 workbenches and adds some new parts like prosthetic digits, while the original EPOE tries to stay to closer to vanilla, only adding 2 new benches and having the body parts selection feel closer to vanilla.
RBSE derived way earlier from EPOE, so there some more differences. RBSE has two workbenches with its own unique asthetic. It has also changed how body parts are crafted, so that bionics for example do not require their prosthetic counterpart.
But all three of these mods feature roughly the same bionics and organs, all of them are balanced and all mods should be bug free.
So essentially, it comes down to what you prefer.

Q: Is this mod compatible with existing save games?
A: Yes, it is! I'd recommend backing up a save game just in case, but EPOE shouldn't cause any issues when added to an already existing colony.

Q: Is this mod compatible with *insert mod here*?
A: Yes, it should be. EPOE tries not to replace, but to add. So it shouldn't cause problems with most other mods.
You should however only use one bionics mod, because using multiple of them will most likely cause issues!

Q: I liked the version without the prosthetics table better!
Fear not, I've got something for you: This submod removes the prosthetics table so that you can craft your prosthetics at the machining table and the fabrication bench again!

rimworld протезирование

  • Колонист с навыком медик (Чем выше, тем больший шанс удачной операции)
  • Протез (Если нужно заменить)
  • Медикаменты
  • Лечебная койка

Также можно проводить операции по извлечению органов у колонистов и заключенных. При успешной операции колонисты получат фактор плохого настроения.

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