Ravager прохождение игры

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Ravager (18+) - интерактивный визуальный роман с мультяшной рисовкой и захватывающей историей. В отличие от большинства фэнтезийных проектов, здесь геймерам отводиться роль молодого дракона, что остался одним из немногих, кого не истребили "светлые" воители и прочие фанатики. Персонаж не собирается прятаться и скрываться. Он начинает подготавливать почву для ответных действий и свершений. А для этого ему потребуется не только собственная сила, но и верные союзники. Вот этим процессом и придётся заниматься. Диалоги помогут найти тех кто будет готов отомстить, а так же выяснить массу ценной информации и поближе познакомиться с участниками восстания.

Unfortunately Ravager is a very overpriced platformer when you consider all of its problems. The store description suggests a "2D Open World Platformer" which is just objectively not true; I would consider it a very linear game with limited exploration if any. First of all, the game takes around 3 minute to load and you might run into other starting issues. There are no settings of any kind, not even a limited support for controller. The gameplay mechanics are not polished, it is not uncommon to run into glitches or even optimization issues. I was very much decived by a realtively pretty trailer, only to find a shallow game with repetitive gameplay and mediocre visuals.

The only interesting part about Ravager is the ability to pick between several characters. Each has a unique auto-attack and 3 special abilities. You will have to find the obelisks to unlock 1 ability at a time, it is kind of fun to see what each character can do. I find that you can pretty much skip most of enemies because there is no reason to kill anything. The game does not do a good job of motivating you to switch characters, so far I used the same 2 guys just fine. To be honest there is nothing about the gameplay that I would consider above average. It plays like one of the flash games which is not a complement. I had some high expectations for the visuals due to the price, while the game has decent detail in environment, I did not enjoy its aesthetics or the soundtrack.

+ lots of characters with unique abilities
+ nice pixel art detail in the environment
+ clunky boss fights, but I think they can be fun

- takes a few minutes to start
- lack of settings
- lack of controller support
- occasional glitches
- some clunky mechanics
- I would not consider it "Open World Platformer"
- very repetitive, no reason to kill enemies

Overall Thoughts 4/10

There are simply too many technical issues that reduce my enjoyment with this game, and we not even talking about lack of settings. The store description is just wrong, this is not a "2D Open World Platformer". As it stands, Ravager is a very average platformer with several characters and many problems.

Продуктов на аккаунте: 1,262 Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 13 Рекомендую 4.1 ч. всего

Wow this game is beautiful I love the art style. Gameplay is simple and I like that. I do not like the controls. This walking in the direction your not pressing is annyoing. I had fun.

1. Game is beautiful.
2. Simple gameplay.
3. Music is great.
4. Great Story element.
5.The Characters powers.
6. The first boss does something amazing when he kills you.

1. The controls.
2. Damage seems a bit high.
3. Bosses feel the same across the board.
4. No customization. sounds, difficulty, controls.
5. Buggy. Getting stuck in rocks.

My overall opinion. Play it.
This game feels like alot of love and care went in to it and it shows. This needs some work on the gameplay level with the controls being really hard to get used to. Couple bugs that forced me to restart the level. I love the mix of characters, the art and music are all great. I plan to sink alot of hours in this game untill I beat it.

Продуктов на аккаунте: 81 Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4 Не рекомендую 5.4 ч. всего Beatiful pixel art that I will never be able to see ( stuck in first boss battle )
Awfull gameplay and controls. ( that is why I will never see the rest of the pixel art ) Продуктов на аккаунте: 3,458 Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 9 Рекомендую 3.4 ч. всего Товар получен бесплатно

For this review to work it's crucial that you don't touch anything for the next three minutes, but allow the words to load into your brain.

For those that have already purchased and played this game will understand the in-house joke. Yes, when you start this game you are asked not to touch anything or else. The else comes in the form of massive white obtrusive blocks blocking your way, a schizoid flickering screen, and objects that phase in and out when they feel like it. However those patient enough to run the game as Administrator and NOT PRESS BUTTONS will be delighted to eventually see the game working 'maybe'. Anyone up for Russian roulette?

Im one of those that were lucky to get it to work and immediately became enthralled by a beautifully hand drawn pixelated side scrolling platformer. The imaginative landscapes dazzling my eyes with an alien world of concepts and Norse Mythology bizarre.

You play the part of a ‘Ravager’ someone who is told that they cannot die, but who longs for a death in battle so that they can get to Valhalla (a door that moves you on). Like me you should therefore be surprised when you start this game and meet the first boss, that you will actually die a lot. After vanquishing the first boss after many cries and pounded computer keys you are again confirmed as the ‘Ravager’ someone who is immortal and cannot die. This is because around the littered landscapes are safe zones and if you die you simply respawn at the last safe zone you have visited. This technically makes you immortal.

Your goal is to simply ravage the lands of trolls and crows and all things not nice. Show the 7 bosses that your male appendage is bigger than there's and collect 12 characters each with their own 4 special abilities which you can turn into to help you to defeat those big baddies. The first two bosses gave me some grief, but as you begin to develop the various characters, the rest become somewhat a picnic and the last boss was as painful to deal with as stubbing a toe.

In final the curse of immortality and the blessing of mortality was an interesting concept to ponder in a story that was brazenly basic. The games immortality is its beauty and artistic license in the form of imaginative and colourful levels that will stay in your mind and last forever. However the games mortality is the developer’s inexperience in coding which makes the game somewhat temperamental. Hopefully however if you ravage the game as administrator and don't touch anything gaming opportunities will open to you and you'll get to play and feel like you’re in Valhalla for the next 3 hrs.

Ravager is a role-playing game where you play a young dragon, determined to reclaim their birthright. To do so, you will need to build your power, ally with dark forces, evade justice, and whet your monstrous appetites.

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Version 4.3.3, Entities & Identities (Enhanced)

  • We are now structuring our dev plan so that we’ll spend three weeks on a content build (with new scenes and media), followed by an enhancement build (with bugfixes, improvements, and additional media) one week later. This is an enhancement build!
  • MVP of this build is CDT, for adopting the French translation and producing a huge volume of work in a very short time.
  • Art: Valzira’s oral scene, remastered (Lubbio).
  • Art: Zizeryx’s character art, remastered (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Cooch’s character art, wisp variant (Irrelevant Art).
  • Animation: Cooch’s vaginal scene (two variants, Amon Ra).
  • Voice: Adeline’s part in the showdown with Balthorne (Marina Montague).
  • Voice: Maelys’s protean fate (Catkit).
  • Translation: Polish translations have been added up to the end of Act I (Holo, zlotybananek, PalWrotki).
  • Translation: French translations have been refreshed and extended up to early Act II (CDT).
  • Improved behaviour for mercenary recruitment, if done towards the very end of Act III.
  • Valzira’s egg laying has been added to the Gallery as ‘Unwanted Delivery’.
  • Improved logic for Malice’s parenting outcomes if you had unhappy captives, but have since… removed them.
  • Cooch is the second character to earn themselves another Gallery page.
  • The oral scene with Marie-Anne in your lair grants Potency, if it is the first contact you’ve had with her.
  • Likewise with Mina’s Bed Of Riches scene.
  • Voices will be stopped at the end of a scene if they would otherwise continue due to text-skipping.
  • Mac builds are working again. Sorry!
  • Choosing Eburon as your consort will not prevent Malice’s birth.
  • Infernal fate followups are triggering as intended, including Marie-Anne’s new scene.
  • Marie-Anne’s breeding scene will not suggest she might be the first mother of your children if you already have children.
  • Cooch will not stand in the way of her own thirsty scene.
  • Nor will she be prone to looping the scene indefinitely.
  • Visual glitches in Mina’s gagged scene animation have been fixed.
  • Likewise with one route of Marie-Anne’s stable scene.
  • Bed Of Riches has been restored to the Gallery.
  • Mercenary recruitment takes proper notice of your Mercy check, if you use it.
  • Issa’s layering problems have been fixed.
  • Assorted grammatical and typo fixes (thank you to Lorennar for spotting so many!).

Ongoing Steam Support? (Dev reply appreciated)

So I discovered Ravager through Steam and I would like to support Ravager on Steam, but I have been burned in the past by purchasing erotic games on Steam, only to discover that support has been largely suspended on Steam in favour of Patreon backers (for example, later chapters only being released to Patreons, or content being cut from Steam DLC releases with the full versions only being available through Patreon). Unfortunately, these sorts of tactics stink of suckering Steam users out of their money .

27 сен в 9:42

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Female Protagonist?

Can you choose to be a female in this game?

22 сен в 18:15

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More goodish dragon/mercy options?

Can we get some more good dragon options? Like with the merchant maybe just take half her goods, or even employ her, itd be smart to get her to work for you. And with Naho, maybe a path that gets her on your side, I could totally imagine things going a bit differently if you just said, im not with the queen and im not with the humans, im with me, or something like that. In fact I think it could be really interesting to see a route of her willingly joining you. One of the big things I like about this game i.

12 окт в 17:07

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Version 4.3.2, Entities & Identities

  • Our first proper update since launch! This one is big on dynamic scenes, updated art, and other delights.
  • MVP of this build is Tosk, for finally conquering the engine's limits, and delivering us truly smooth animations.
  • Performance: Another huge performance improvement - one that should herald the end of the black box forever (Tosk).
  • Scene: Sabetha & Inej can get the ropes out when they're your consorts. Lucky Sabetha! (collab with Garoompahfah).
  • Dynamic: Young Malice hangs out with the mercenaries (Dreamweaver request, collab with Mattrex).
  • Dynamic: Young Malice spends some quality time with her cosmic godmother (Dreamweaver request, collab with Mattrex).
  • Dynamic: A new consort skit with Sabetha & Inej, exploring their origins (collab with Garoompahfah).
  • Dynamic: if Malagar appears while Darja is unhappy or gifted to a horde, you will have an opportunity to correct your prior misjudgement.
  • Dynamic: Issa finds an ancient treasure (collab with Maya Fae and Julia).
  • Fate: A followup to Marie-Anne's infernal fate (collab with Var and Julia).
  • Art: Sabetha and Inej split the winnings (Lubbio).
  • Art: Mina's kobold shift change (Lubbio).
  • Art: Valzira's egg-laying (Lubbio).
  • Art: Images for Naho's petrification (adapted from Lubbio).
  • Art: Issa's character art, maid dress variant (lovestruckbear).
  • Art: 4MinuteWarning's character art (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Updated character art for Mother (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Updated character art for Eburon (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Emotes for Maelys, new dress variant (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New emotes for Mother and Eburon (Irrelevant Art).
  • Animation: Rhyll's animated idles (Amon Ra).
  • Achievements: A whole bunch of new achievements have been added (Tosk).
  • Roost redecoration scenes will always trigger if you change consort during Act IV. As a side effect, this means they will trigger a second time if you reload midway through an old save.
  • Asking Marie-Anne for shelter in Act II will allow you to peacefully recruit her in Act III.
  • Malice's last night will play out differently if Valzira is her mother, or the words of power have not been encountered.
  • Sprites for Issa, Malagar, Mother, and Zizeryx have been tweaked so that they are in proportion with other characters (Painted artstyle only, for now).
  • Maelys's animated battle poses have been converted to the more modern 'stripped' state.
  • Malice can be given a complimentary name when Heloise asks for it.
  • Chanwe no longer takes her robes off when visiting her at the convent.
  • All character images are reset to their default state at the start of the character AMA.
  • Darja's Infernal Fate has been renamed as 'The Dragon Princess'.
  • Splitting The Winnings and Shift Change have been added to the gallery.
  • Numerous improvements to visual and audio direction.
  • Fixed a rare error that would unlock all achievements.
  • Sabetha's oral animations are properly proportioned.
  • It is no longer possible to 'escape' the replay from Valzira's vaginal scene.
  • Resolved a fringe inconsistency with gifting Heloise to the Infernals before her pregnancy is confirmed.
  • Broodmother's gallery entry has been fixed and should unlock properly.
  • Petruk will stop appearing if he is dead.
  • Petruk's successor will no longer occasionally inherit his name.
  • Time will pass when capturing Chanwe, Cooch, and Mina.
  • You will gain Strength if you eat Issa after his encounter with Naho.
  • You will gain Potency if you pursue the new option with Valzira.
  • Cooch will remember to visit the beach during your Last Night with her.
  • Several lines have been split to prevent overlapping the textbox.
  • And everything found in the playtest! Thank you, playtesters!

Point of conquering land?

Since dragon becomes the ruler after taking the capital. Is there a reason to capture the locations? They don't even provide treasure if captured.

Ravager is a game where you play a young dragon, determined to reclaim their birthright. To do so, you will need to build your power, ally with dark forces, evade justice, and whet your bestial appetites.

The game currently spans most of the first four acts of the story: from your birth to your conquest of the realm. It has a nonlinear plot, with many significant choices to make (and fun to have) along the way.

Ravager includes:

  • Voice acting
  • Several animated scenes
  • An original soundtrack
  • Maiden-kidnapping
  • Lair development
  • Horde management

As the game continues to update, I’ll be adding more plot, more waifus, more scenes, more hordes, and more events.

It is very NSFW. Adult content must be enabled via the Preferences menu. Consider yourself warned.

If you enjoyed it, you are welcome to pop over to SubscribeStar to help keep its development going, or to buy us on Steam if you are looking forward to the final result!


Ravager 4.3.3 for PC 375 MB Ravager 4.3.3 for Linux 339 MB Ravager 4.3.3 for Mac 340 MB Ravager 4.3.3 for Android 357 MB

Development log


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Under Adeline the Royal Reunion and Right of Conquest scenes are unavailable in the gallery after using the unlock all scenes feature. They are highlighted in red but nothing happens when you tap them. This is on the Android version.

So am I understanding this recent dev update about the Steam version correctly that the full version of Ravager will NEVER be available for purchase on Itch.io?

I was unaware this was done in some countries, and I apologize for my lack of research. I hope the issue is removed soon on your end. There is a way (or at the very least was, idk about now) to buy removed games. Problem is you would need to know the exact hyper link to get there. I pulled it off with one game awhile back thanks to I think reddit?

However that was

  • Taken down by the developer
  • A popular franchise at the time
  • 4 years ago so steam may have updated their blocking system.

Anyways I hope things go your way. Cheers!

Backers at $5+ get the latest full build of the game, and backers at $20+ also get a permanent Steam key!

Android Version is not working for me. After opening it I got stuck at the intro screen.

I have a question, will act v be available to buy in icth.io or it will become free at one point?

i sense I have been playing it seems like game has a set path in way, at least right now. -> for example when comes to experiments or dealing with witch so forth it seems like there set chars you just have to give up or you fail no options no real choice it give you false sense of choice but if you do not pick right choice that game wants you pick you fail it seems. fine example is experiment stuff id there chars i rather give up but i am forced to give up a certain one and I was like o that sucks. same with the dealing with witch, it also seem like you have to play heavy ether mercy or paying cruel there no wish washy movement or you lose it seems. if it was dnd game best way to describe it is this you can ether play Chaotic evil or Lawful Evil but not neutral evil neutral evil is more like evil that is not pure evil or one that plays by rules but one that is self interested in what they want to do doing things how they feel they want to. Chaotic evil is just evil for sack of evil. I bought this on steam. -from what also i gather in story from playing it seems due to dreams that world playing in might be a dream state of your char due to some accident at some school which I hope that is not case and that this is not going turn into one of those weird story where char is paralyzed or in coma and whole thing story what you go through is figment of your mind, cuz that been over played a lot in past in storys and in movies and it always annoys me when it story ends that way, with char waking up or some crape. lol

Thank you! Yes, more Issa content is in the works :)

glad to hear any chance of getting more femboys and choosing issa as consort?

We do plan to make Issa into a consort option!

awesome now if we could just get more femboys :3

Una pregunta dónde busco Farmstead

Would be nice if the game was also sold on other platforms other than Steam. It and many other adult games are blocked on Steam in my country :(

Okay, so this game has to be my top NSFW game, now unfortunately for me, to me it was so good, I am not enjoying the other games as much as I used to, so I guess congrats on making a game so good it makes others just seem much worse then they did before.

Cant download the game on android tried 4 times already it would always stop when its about to be completed :(

Ask petruk or if you killed him grokak to make a trap before you meet them

Oh ok thank you

Hey, love this game. Any plans to release a full/paid version for Android? I do almost all my NSFW gaming on my phone.

When will there be a release of the starting menu ost? Its fantastic and would love to listen on repeat.

Our composer, Exo Spectra, is actually working on a soundtrack now!

Will naho get to be a consort?

Steam as a bunch of NSFW games disabled in my country is it possible to play the full game over SubscribeStar?

Are you going to continue making android versions of ravager?

Amazing game, Heloïse best girl <3

i had an idea for when ever the malagar stories get added maybe this is vauge to prevent spoilers for those who dont want it, maybe naho can have a dragon child in the path that makes sence when you use her in malagars experiment either way cant wait to see how things go and i hope to start donating soon

I heard Patreon is harassing Ravager. Is this true? 😟😥

Though "bestiality" is a highly subjective term, that most of humanity is too dumb to correct.

it should be beastiality to be honest makes more sense

i love the game and its voice acting although sabatha holds a special place in my heart. although what interaction would sabatha give she or any character saw an slightly or injured or heavily injured dragon its an interesting though none the less cant wait for the next act

Well ,sadly my country was not allowed to show the game.

So after playing the game a bit more. A couple of things came to mind:

- One is that there should be a "Skip unseen text" checkbox option available in preferences. This is needed for the following reason.

Also, Chia the maid seems to have been neglected and forgotten about lately. She need more content.

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