Pretty school boy escape прохождение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

School Boy Escape
Хоть я в школу не хожу,
Но с шахматишками дружу.
Все фигуры поставлю в ряд,
Покажу Вам детский мат!
(Автор: Людмила)

В школу так успеть хотел,
Даже кашу не поел,
И портфель забыл, и ручку,
А тетрадку Бобик съел.
Ну а я писать спешила,
И все буквы пропустила.
(Автор: Larin)

(голосов: 23)
5 сентября 2021 • Играли: 1265 раз • Онлайн Игры Коммент (2) • Игровой форум

Онлайн игры Комната / Room Escape

Классные онлайн игры на Дуделке - бесплатная онлайн игра "School Boy Escape".
На этой страничке можно играть в эту интересную онлайн игру из категории "Комната / Room Escape".
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Категорически рекомендую зарегистрироваться, либо зайти под своим именем - и будет тебе щастье.

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В школу так успеть хотел,
даже кашу не поел,
и портфель, и ручку,
а тетрадку Бобик съел.
и портфель забыл и ручку,
а тетрадку Бобик съел.
Ну а я писать спешила,
и все буквы пропустила)))

Хоть я в школу не хожу,
Но с шахматишками дружу.
Все фигуры поставлю в ряд,
Покажу Вам детский мат!

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Cynthia just got called again to that school boy’s home for he needed help with his subjects especially math. Well Cynthia knows that she is good at math and the boy gives good snacks when she accepts, so that day she went to the boy’s house for she doesn’t have anything better to do that day. Cynthia walked to the boy’s house for a few minutes and when she arrived, she noticed the door open, so she just entered and there she heard the cry for help!

Cynthia was instantly startled but then she stopped, that voice seems to have been coming from the boy whom she is going to help! Where in the world was he? Cynthia continued to investigate until, she found the boy actually trapped inside his room and it’s weird for he was alone in the house which wasn’t at all typically. Escape players, Cynthia is surely going to rescue the boy for she can’t understand why his parents were missing. Care to join in the rescue here with Cynthia as quickly as possible before the boy gets hurt in his struggle?

Pretty School Boy Escape is a brand new point and click room rescue escape game released by 8b Games.


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If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Posted by MegiPoland


Time is PM (military).

Ball and puzzle pieces under Gowtham

Click on middle panel inside house

Canteen used in left pot/vase outside left.

Balls go under statues

Bites in the apples are not important!

Puzzle pieces go on square far left scene

Letter/word hint from outside is used inside the left house.

Switch is used in almost the same place you get it from.

4 letter hint is a slider hint as well (third house).

Click all the balls to see what letters they are and then click in order as the hint outside.

Crwobar behind panel on left wall (inside house 3 and then right room).

Thanks small!!
Been stumped a bit with the left,right code, look at the leaves of the apples players! Not The bites

On the right wall a panel as well, with a hint for the first house.

Been reading Gotham on that Puzzle, duh!

Hm, W, L etc was the left right hint for the two hands. No idea what the W or L stands for.

Crowbar used in front of first house and button thingies are used inside the first house. Still missing one :(

use crowbar on cellardoor right side

Winner and Loser.

Ah tricky, the LMCE hint is used twice.
Very nice game :)

Ah of course. Thanks for explaining, Hotzenplotz :)

Paper clue right picture in front of where you got crowbar

and thanks for animals clue small-tool :)

In case you have trouble with the sliders:
Click each color following the number, not the height of each color

Still missing lion? And nothing left

Dazz, I think, the lion was above door in right scene

Jackpot!! Top of the clock!

Thanks hotz! Found it, LMCE stands for the animals

Nice game g4k, thanks guys!

Nice touch using LMCE twice.

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Thank you Gowtham! Very nice game! Love double clues! Appreciate your hard work!

great clues :) thanks!

Where is the WL clue?

Got it! WL clue appears after using the LMCE on the door. Finally out.

Lion above clock right scene
Monkey from room with flower on the wall
Cow from the two statues
Elephant from 4 color jig saw puzzle

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