Payday 2 банк сан мартин прохождение

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

После событий расширения “Border Crossing Heist” разработчики из студии Overkill Software вновь приглашают поклонников кооперативного шутера Payday 2 посетить солнечную Мексику, так как именно в этой стране находится “Банк Сан Мартин”, который уже прямо сейчас можно ограбить благодаря одноименному дополнению.

В нем игрокам необходимо будет обчистить связанное с наркокартелем хранилище, при этом широкий простор для планирования операции позволит провести ее как в скрытном режиме, так и с оружием наперевес. Кстати, данная миссия станет дебютной для местной полиции, у которой будет шанс доказать, что мексиканский спецназ не уступает своим американским коллегам.

Также вместе с дополнением “San Martín Bank Heist” вышло еще три DLC, включающих новые автоматические пистолеты, одежду и возможность покраски оружия. Все расширения можно приобрести в составе единого набора или по отдельности.

San Martín Bank.jpg

San Martín Bank is a PAYDAY 2 heist released on Feburary 27 2020 in Update 199 Mk II A.


Overview [ ]

Vlad catches wind of the Payday gang's operations in Mexico and requests some help while they're still there. Apparently stealing the Murkywater plane in Mexico caused problems for not only The Dentist, but for Vlad as well, and that the Payday gang kind of "owes him one".

The Coyopas own a bank in Mexico, the San Martín Bank, mainly using it to host illegal activities like money laundering. They also hold some Russian Treasures of the Romanov Dynasty that Vlad claims to be family heirlooms.

Break into the bank and reclaim Vlad's loot to keep the Ukrainian happy.

Objectives [ ]

  1. Enter the bank
  2. Get past the gates
  3. Find the safe
  4. Find some tape
  5. Find the manager's fingerprints
  6. Get the key
  7. Get past the gates
  8. Find the manual
  9. Open the vault
  10. Find the code
  11. Open the vault
  12. Shut down the lasers
  13. Secure the loot ( 4 minimum)

Preplanning [ ]

Players are given 10 favors in this heist. Most of the assets are extra loot drop offs. Vlad can also arrange a surprise loud entry to throw the cops off their feet.

Walkthrough [ ]

Players start around the main fountain area right in front of the bank. The first objective is to get inside. You can either walk through the main entrance while still in casing mode or walk in through the sides; the left side leads to a staircase to the three levels of the building; on the right side is a fire escape, which has a ladder with a red tag that you can shoot and cause it to drop down.

The first major objective is to locate the manager's safe. The safe will be hidden on a bookshelf in the manager's office, which is located in the middle of the back of the upper floor. Rummage through the books until the safe is located. Next, you will need to grab some tape from a tape holder. The tape holder will be around or inside the large meeting room, or on the manager's desk.

After getting the tape you will need to find the manager's coffee cup, which the manager himself is usually right next to, so getting around him without alerting him will be quite difficult. Obtain his fingerprint, go back to the safe in his office and open it to obtain a key for the security gates (opening one opens all). This entire process can be bypassed by drilling any one of the security cage doors (240s drill without Drill Sawgeant), and drilling a door open will not affect the others, so it may not alter guard patrol routes.

Once you unlock the gates, go through them to find the door to the vault. Similar to The White House's west wing, there will be a RFID reader, which upon being interacted with, will display two colors lit up; red, green, blue or yellow. You will need to find several power boxes and cut the wire corresponding with the two colored lights. However, unlike the White House, the power boxes do not display a color and will display a number. In order to find out which wires to cut, you will need to locate a blueprint manual in one of the ground floor back rooms which tells which number corresponds to which color.

After finding the manual and studying it, locate the boxes and cut the wires based on what the manual displays. For example if you need to cut a red wire and the manual says that number 736 is the red wire, find the power box with the number 736 and cut it. If you spend too long looking for a box, a correct box will eventually be marked out for you.

When you finish cutting the wires, go back to the now-open door with the RFID reader, and investigate the vault. The vault will require a 4-digit code to open. There will be a note on the side with the name of whomever is on vault duty. Find the desk on the second floor with the nameplate that matches, and hack it to initiate a 30s hack, after which it will display the 4-digit code necessary to open the vault. Return to the vault and plug in the code. If you spend too long looking for a computer, the correct computer will eventually be marked out for you.

With the vault door open, another problem presents itself; lasers. The lasers completely block the entrance to vault, so there is no way around them. The lasers will need to be deactivated by turning off a power box, located in one of the two rooms on the roof (one guard patrols the area). Deactivate the power, return to the vault, and loot it. The lasers can be deactivated at any time.

Strategy [ ]

  • Kill all guards (two wandering and one camera operator, opening certain doors can change guard patrol routes so another can walk in) and the civilian on the ground floor back room for ease and safety of moving loot.
  • Buying the garbage truck preplanning asset at the mechanic's shop will make moving loot much easier and safer as there are only two civilians and a guard who are ever there.
  • The pager operator will NOT send additional guards when 4 pagers are answered.
  • When buying the dead drops (be it body or ammo bags), place them in the mechanic's shop as there is easy access to it from the bank. If you place them in the plaza, you risk getting spotted by a civilian or cop/guard, especially if the drunk Mariachi band preplanning asset was purchased.

Entering the bank will be the first objective. You can enter by drilling through one of the metal gates to get inside. Alternatively, buying the Vlad's Surprise asset from preplanning will bring Vlad's brother-in-law in and he will ram his car into the bank entrance. You must then attach the winch to the bank teller window and signal him to yank the door off, before driving off. Doing this will provide a quick and simple way into the bank without having to wait for the drills.

After the alarm sounds, metal bars will lower blocking entry to the vault. You will need to disable them by finding the server room in one of the back rooms. After you find it, you will need to locate the IT guy on the upper floor. He will be a man in a white shirt and black trousers with short black hair and glasses, getting close to him will highlight him in yellow. Escort the IT guy to the server room and he will start the hack. The federales can interrupt the hack by turning off the power, after which you will need to turn it on again and shout at the IT guy to continue.

With the security bars turned off, you can enter the vault room. However, due to Vlad's poor information, the vault is not easy to access as previously thought, and will need to be cracked open with The Beast, the same drill used in The Big Bank. Run outside and signal Bile to send three bags of The Beast. Move each of the three bags to the vault and start the drill. Similar to the Beast in the Big Bank, the drill cannot jam, however it will malfunction a bit and will need to be repaired with spare parts. There will be a van outside whose back doors can be opened. Open the doors to the van to find a box filled with spare parts, and return to the Beast and repair it, this can occur up to 4 times.

After the vault is finally open, you can bag the loot. If you bought the zip line asset, you can send the bags to the zip line and it will send it right outside the van, but this does not secure it, and the Mexican police can still steal the bags. Be careful as Snipers will be stationed on the church and surrounding buildings, and SWAT Van Turrets can be deployed outside and near the escape van, which can quickly down heisters. After securing all or enough loot, get to the escape zone and leave.

Variations [ ]

  • Location of the manager's safe will be behind a different bookshelf each time.
  • The tape holder will be in a different spot each time, around or inside the meeting room or inside the manager's office.
  • Manager and his cup will be in a different spot each time, either in the small room adjacent to his office, in the staff breakroom (his cup can be on the kitchen counter or on a table to the side) or inside the meeting room.
  • Colors of the RFID reader will alternate between two colors each time.
  • Location of the RFID manual will be in a different room.
  • Locations of each power box and their numbers will vary each time.
  • The person on vault duty will be different, as will the locations of the specific employees' desks and the 4-digit code from the computer.
  • The power box to disable the lasers will be in a different room on the roof, and the actual room locations will be different.

Mayhem+ Changes [ ]

All cameras will become Titan cameras.

The FBI Files [ ]

San Martín Bank does not have an entry.

Gage Courier Packages [ ]

Achievements & Trophies [ ]

Mariachis Have More Fun
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "The Minstrel" Outfit.
Is That a Gun or a Guitar?
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Dust Devil" variant of the "The Minstrel" Outfit.
Keep Playing to the Sound of Money
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
Guitars And ARs
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Skin of the Saint" variant of the "The Minstrel" Outfit.
Play Me a Narcocorrido
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
Your Gunfire is Drowning out my Trumpet
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Teotihuacan" variant of the "The Minstrel" Outfit.
Mariachi Day
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty. Unlocks the "Calavara" variant of the "The Minstrel" Outfit.
The Ballad of San Martín
Complete the San Martín Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
Now Hit Me With The Music
The rhythm is the boss. Unlocks the "Sombrero" Mask.
Kill one of the Mariachi band members in the San Martín Bank job with the El Ritmo melee weapon.
Gunpowder Glory
In the San Martín Bank job, let the heist go loud before anyone enters the bank and keep all enemies away from the fountain plaza until the escape is available on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Skull White" weapon color.
Silencioso y Codicioso
In the San Martín Bank job, complete the heist in stealth having secured all loot and emptied all deposit boxes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Dollar Green" weapon color.

The following teasers were added on February 21st, 2020, and removed in February 27th, 2020.

На этом сайте вы найдёте все игровые видео выпущенные на канале YouRoPlay.

Payday 2. Как одному пройти San Martín Банк по стелсу. Смертный приговор. Death Sentence.

Payday 2. Как одному пройти San Martín Банк по стелсу. Смертный приговор. Death Sentence.

Медаль "2К лайков"
GoHa.Ru I Степени

После событий расширения “Border Crossing Heist” разработчики из студии Overkill Software вновь приглашают поклонников кооперативного шутера Payday 2 посетить солнечную Мексику, так как именно в этой стране находится “Банк Сан Мартин”, который уже прямо сейчас можно ограбить благодаря одноименному дополнению.

В нем игрокам необходимо будет обчистить связанное с наркокартелем хранилище, при этом широкий простор для планирования операции позволит провести ее как в скрытном режиме, так и с оружием наперевес. Кстати, данная миссия станет дебютной для местной полиции, у которой будет шанс доказать, что мексиканский спецназ не уступает своим американским коллегам.

Также вместе с дополнением “San Martín Bank Heist” вышло еще три DLC, включающих новые автоматические пистолеты, одежду и возможность покраски оружия. Все расширения можно приобрести в составе единого набора или по отдельности.

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