Pathfinder kingmaker гайд некромант

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Некра лучше всего делать из жреца - на колдуна и мага в этом плане лучше даже не смотреть - у загробного наследия колдуна толку от вычета урона мало и заклинания призыва первой нежити получаешь сильно позже, а маг. Ну как запасной вариант пойдет, но как чистый некромант на мой взгляд он довольно слаб и больше подходит для комбинации разных школ.
Когда лепишь приличный билд некра есть два путя(не опечатка). Первый - максишь мудрость и ловкость.
Мудрость - основная ментальная стата, а ловкость для попадания дебаффами, которых у некра до задницы. Тогда надо брать меткий выстрел, стрельбу вблизи и избранную школу некромантии. И все - билд готов. Пуляешь во врагов лучами поноса и валишь заклинаниями смерти.

Через харизму вариант поинтереснее. Максишь также её и мудрость, берешь перки на проведения энергии, совершенный призыв и бонусный призыв, а после валишь всех скелетами и проведением негативной энергии из-за их спин. Еще нужно будет выбрать любое божество с доменом смерти - чтобы тебя самого нег. энергия не била и для расширения арсенала некроманта.

PS. А еще есть мифик лича, которому вроде как именно маг с кучей интеллекта нужен.

Herald is an Excellent creature summoner (Converting spells into summons), MT is another excellent creature summoner (Good at everything (Summon, tank, dps, buffs, healing) but never great), etc. However, none of them actually has a real advantage for the necro side.

Feats: Empower: 1.5x + Extend: double duration + Maximize: All stats use max range values ​​(like roll the best)

Result: (Max = 6 undeads; Empower = 6 + 3 = 9; 9 undeads for 12s / level)


"This +1 quarterstaff grants a +3 enhancement bonus to the weapons of the monsters summoned by the wielder using animate dead and create undead spells."

"The wearer feels all the weight of the old age. He gains a -3 profane penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, but +2 profane bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma."

"Undead" topic:

Would want to spec pure sorcerer.

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Well mostly depends on the type of Necromancer you want to be.

More precisely you can either focus on Animate Dead with conjuration feats to command an army of undead, otherwise you can focus on necromancy feats and spell and just blast your enemies with dark magic.

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My second play through was as a undead bloodline sorc. I definitely thought she was one of my weakest characters for a long time, and she did basically nothing for easy fights. Late game she--like all full casters--turned into a monster, though.

For feats I went with Spell Focus (Necromancy) (+ Greater), Spell Penetration (+ Greater) and some metamagic feats (most importantly Heighten, but also Quicken and Empower). Also some stuff like Great Fortitude because I thought it was thematically suitable.

For difficult fights I would use a Lesser Quicken Rod to cast True Strike and then cast Enervation (or--in the late game--Energy Drain) to debuff and Boneshatter / Finger of Death etc for damage. Some various summons sprinkled throughout the fights.

Awhile ago, I posted a thread asking for help with a build I was working on and I received a couple requests to post a guide with my findings. I bring you the build that will get you the absolute MOST hit dice worth of undead per caster level you can do with the Paizo rules alone, (DM interpretation willing).

Quick Note Before Reading: The main focus of this build relies on the control bucket from Animate Dead counting separately from each class you cast it from, then leveling them each via Mystic Theurge levels. Over the course of my research I have seen it interpreted both ways on several forums, but for the purpose of this build we will assume that they are counted separately.

Variant Undead Guide - A reference guide to creating and reanimating variant undead. Variant undead are very important, as it adds more versatility and longevity to our undead minions.

Ability Scores

Now the the meat and potatoes of the build.

Build Snapshot

Not necessarily taken in this order.

Juju Oracle (4) - With the Spirit Vessels revelation, we raise the control limit of Animate Dead to 6 HD per Caster Level instead of 4, and gain the [[Command Undead feat]] for free.

Wizard [Necromancy School] (3) - Wizard gains Power Over Undead which functions similarly to the Command Undead feat.

Mystic Theurge (8) - This is where the build really comes online. Mystic Theurge ups the caster level of both Oracle and Wizard at the same time with only one level. This makes a single MT level worth 10HD of undead, 4 HD from Wizard and 6 HD from Oracle.

Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Bluff, and Diplomacy are our more important skills so that we can qualify for AotG and MT, explanations on bluff and diplomacy later. After that, Spellcraft, Perception, and Use Magic Device. As always, after putting ranks into the skills we need for prerequisites, we put 1 rank into our class skills to get that sweet, sweet bonus.

[[3 Metamagic Feats]] - To qualify for Spell Perfection, we need any 3 metamagic feats. I would definitely take Reach for long range animation.

There are actually some extremely powerful traits for the True Necromancer.

Animate Dead, Lesser - Use this until we gain access to Animate Dead.

Desecrate - Allows us to animate more undead with a single casting.

Orange Prism (Ioun Stone) - This Ioun Stone adds +1 CL as a static bonus, and adds 10 HD of undead we can control.

This Build

Oracle Animation Bucket (Oracle 4/Mystic Theurge 8/Agent of the Grave 5/+2CL from traits/+4CL from feats/+1CL from Ioun Stone) - 174 HD

Oracle Command Undead (feat) - 19 HD

Wizard Animation Bucket (Wizard 3/Mystic Theurge 8/+4CL from feats/+1CL from Ioun Stone) - 64 HD

Wizard Power Over Undead SU - 12 HD

Total Permanent Undead Controlled: 242 HD (Assuming Command Undead and Power Over Undead are controlling unintelligent undead.)

There is the possibility of several hundred more HD worth of undead through the Command Undead Spell when targeting unintelligent undead.

EDIT: 5/29/16 (12:46 PM) - Changed sorcerer to wizard, adjusted Ability Score allotment accordingly. Raised Oracle level to 4 so that we can actually cast 2nd level divine spells to qualify for Mystic Theurge. Finished Classes section, added Skills, Feats, Traits, Spells, and Equipment. Added links.

5/29/16 (12:48 PM) - Will add the full, completed build with all the math and buckets broken down soon.

EDIT: 6/6/16 (8:53 PM) - Added the math for the amount of undead you can control with this build in each bucket.

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