Outward как купить дом в берге

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

25 мая. 2019 в 6:07

Where to buy a house?

I didn't save Cierzo i got the quest to kill 3 warlords in vendefell or something and i kept dying in emmerkar forest its not like i had worthy stuff in my chest at cierzo, i made tons of mana potions tho. So im too lazy to remake a character for my house. Can we buy a house in emmerkar forest or anywhere and how please? I am at Berg

You get offered the "Player House" in Berg, if you join the Blue Chamber Collective. Similarly for the house in Monsoon, if you join the Holy Mission. For the Heroic Kingdom, it's different. You first need to finish related quests before you can buy the house in Levant. And finally, if you've finished the main quest line, you can buy the house in each city.

A Player House is a type of building in Outward which players are able to purchase throughout their play-through. Houses can be found in all major Cities.

Purchasing a player house in cities other than Cierzo will require a certain amount of progress either in the town's related faction, or by fully completing your own faction's quest-line.

Levant thumb.jpg

Levant is the major City in the Abrassar region in Outward, home to The Heroic Kingdom of Levant. Ruled by King Simeon and Queen Calixa, it is located on the eastern side of Abrassar.


Description [ ]

Features [ ]

    - 25 silver per night - there is a large circular container of water in the center of the city

Shop Prices [ ]

Until Blood Under The Sun is completed, all prices (both buy and sell) in Levant are higher than usual with the exception of Gold Ingot and gemstones.

  • Buy prices: 1.75x higher
  • Sell prices: 1.2x higher

note: upon completion of the quest, sell prices are still increased regardless of the outcome.

Slums [ ]

The Slums is a poor district of Levant. This area is very important to the story of Levant, and there are some important features one can unlock there.

See the Slums page for more details.

Heroes' Palace [ ]

The Heroes' Palace in Levant is where players can find the royalty King Simeon and Queen Calixa, as well as Kirouac, Prince Jaden and Prince Pietro.

There is an entrance to Undercity Passage in the western area.

Unknown Arena [ ]

This location contains an end-game boss fight known as an Unknown Arena. See this article for more details.

Levant Player House [ ]

For members of the Heroic Kingdom, the Levant Player house can be obtained after the conclusion of Blood Under The Sun.

  • If the murder is solved in time, the player receives the house as a reward. Otherwise, the player may purchase it for 500 silver.

Players of other factions can receive or purchase the house at the end of their quest-line.

Outward квесты — дополнительные квесты в Берге прохождение игры

Некоторые из них отправят вас на поиски новых предметов, сырья или оружия. В качестве награды за выполнение заданий вы обычно получаете деньги или зелья для восстановления здоровья.

Если вам нужно больше информации по игре — пометите наше руководство по Outward. Там вы найдете полное прохождение игры, а так же фишки и уловки, советы и секреты Outward, которые будут вам полезны.

Найти: Осколки голема зверя

Outward квесты — боковые квесты в Берге прохождение игры

Вы можете получить эту миссию от Огоя, Казите асассина. Он попросит вас принести два обломка голема зверя. Вы получите их в бою. Выполнение задания будет вознаграждено деньгами.

Алхимия: холодный камень

Алхимик из Берга попросит у вас холодный камень. Вы можете подготовить их с помощью набора для алхимии.

Для создания предмета вам понадобится камень маны и немного голубого песка. В качестве награды вы получите 50 серебра.

Найти: Хвост Мантикоры

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