Night of revenge прохождение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

I'm hoping more impregnation, like. Spider boss maybe or continuation to arachne rape. But those squid on waterfall finally get their H? Fine by me.
D-lis make a good job already.

. mmm, if only recover the restart get continued.


New member
Joined Feb 26, 2020 Messages 7 Reputation score 4

You guys need to chill out with this hero save us nonsense. Which is code for I want free shit. Either wait patiently or pay the developer.

This is not a pirate site.

That would be fair to say if the site where you're actually able to sponsor the developer weren't arbitrarily full and didn't let more people pledge money.


New member
Joined Mar 1, 2020 Messages 6 Reputation score 10

Injections, milking tentacles, aphrodisiacs, oh my. Could this game get any more hotter?
Like this is so hot it even got a massive lurker like me to come out. Holy hell.

Now I'm just waiting for hypnosis/brainwashing, and the game will reach godhood.

The Arch Devil of Lust or simply the Devil of Lust, is the boss of the ninth area.

Stats: She has three phases each phase change indicated by a ripping of clothing and the arena getting smaller. She has four main attack types. First is her basic melee, this will typically be a simple one hit combo but sometimes it is more, it is with her tail, and hits all around her. She will do this after a teleport making it difficult to revenge attack. Second is a ranged firing of dark projectiles, these can either be focused all next to each other, sometimes it will be in a spread. Third is where attacks will either come from the sky or ground. Typically it will be an attack from the ground then the sky. Fourth only happens after phase two, and it is a sort of bullet hell. Be careful with the bullet hell. If you are right next to it when it gets going it can melt your HP.

Appearance: She is a beautiful woman. Full of hip and breast. Her hands and feet are inhuman black and red ,claws and talons. She also has curved red horns and a tail. She wears a black outfit that leaves little to the imagination. Black straps with rings at the end partially cover the nipples, these straps are attached to a choker. She also wears a black corset. She wears a long skirt slit down both sides to show lots of thigh. One thigh has a fishnet stocking and hater belt, the other thigh is left bare.

I think I've seen someone mentioned this before, Aradia could just straight up become horny and fucks whoever she sees first
or since she gets a dick when affected by the Succubus, why doesn't she fucks the Succubus back? ( although I don't know if the Succubus had a vagina. )
heck, even become another succubus herself and does whatever was done to her against her friends and allies back in the church
personally I would like to see more of other female NPCs, especially the H event involving Candore D-lis mentioned
and of course Suzune's event ( katana girl )

This month's update includes some quality of life changes, namely the spears' and casting weapons' aerial attack
which I would say are pretty nice to have

The casting weapons got a simple swing forward attack, well it's. better than nothing
you wouldn't expect much from a casting weapon's melee attack
they deal their respective magic damage type ( based on the hits' visual effect when I tested ), and the lightning dagger charges up the summoned lightning sword as usual
( and somehow the lightning dagger's hitbox is actually a lot bigger than it looks )
The change to the spears on the other hand is pretty good imo, they get what they've been missing out on
you get an extra wide-range circular slash after the initial thrust ( not as wide as the greatswords tho )
and if you're close enough you can land both hits
it's nice to see some underperforming mechanics getting some love

and one more thing, the second image in this month's note where Aradia gets grabbed by some vines
on the left you can see possibly a dark skin person, which reminds me of the shopkeeper witch. yeah boi


Active member
Joined Dec 22, 2019 Messages 103 Reputation score 115

I think I've seen someone mentioned this before, Aradia could just straight up become horny and fucks whoever she sees first
or since she gets a dick when affected by the Succubus, why doesn't she fucks the Succubus back? ( although I don't know if the Succubus had a vagina. )
heck, even become another succubus herself and does whatever was done to her against her friends and allies back in the church
personally I would like to see more of other female NPCs, especially the H event involving Candore D-lis mentioned
and of course Suzune's event ( katana girl )

This month's update includes some quality of life changes, namely the spears' and casting weapons' aerial attack
which I would say are pretty nice to have

The casting weapons got a simple swing forward attack, well it's. better than nothing
you wouldn't expect much from a casting weapon's melee attack
they deal their respective magic damage type ( based on the hits' visual effect when I tested ), and the lightning dagger charges up the summoned lightning sword as usual
( and somehow the lightning dagger's hitbox is actually a lot bigger than it looks )
The change to the spears on the other hand is pretty good imo, they get what they've been missing out on
you get an extra wide-range circular slash after the initial thrust ( not as wide as the greatswords tho )
and if you're close enough you can land both hits
it's nice to see some underperforming mechanics getting some love

and one more thing, the second image in this month's note where Aradia gets grabbed by some vines
on the left you can see possibly a dark skin person, which reminds me of the shopkeeper witch. yeah boi

I would like to see Aradia putting both her hands behind her back, squatting down with her thigh spread evenly left and right, and with a tampon stucked into her V area, with the tip of the tampon chained to a medium length steel chain hold by a goblin as it parades the cave with Aradia bragging to the rest about what he just caught. And the screen loops as she gets drag deeper and deeper into the captive's cave with lesser chance to escape by the minute. With Aradia squirting along the way with the intense chain pulling.

Or, bath Aradia in a tub filled with aphrodisia (or cums) while she is being tied up and hanged on the ceiling by her new found master. Struggling to keep her V out of the tube which followed by an insane orgasm if her V gets dipped in or ovum impregnation xray.

Платформер в жанре Metroidvania и Souls like с элементами RPG, на подобии 2D Dark Souls или копия Salt and Sanctuary.
Игра в раннем доступе, текущая версия может в дальнейшем отличаться от конечной версии продукта глобально.
Разработка продвигается на движке Unity.
Также, эта игра от разработчика Bullet Requiem.

Раскладка управления:
Lef- A
Down - S
Attack -ЛКМ
Magic -
Guard -ПКМ
Step -F
Jump -Space
Menu -I
Sumbit -E
Item -Q
Map -
Itemcursor -R

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