Naughty boy escape прохождение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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Posted by Games4King


A return to the classic style of G4K games - thank you : )

Hints on pocket knife are for scene 8 and 9.

Thought that note in S2 would apply to grid in S4, but if so not worked out yet.

Use knife left-side S4

Hint in scene 8 for candles scene 5, new hint scene 8 for scene 6.

Ah ty Puffin - just saw you post : )

My animal head with 3123 disappeared before I used the clue but luckily I wrote it down. But then my apple disappeared too so red x for me.

Use 4213 on hanging heads in S6

My apple has gone too.

Screwdriver on grate in S6, get key

my apple too. two games in a row with glitches. not a good day.

Hm - what to do with cowboy and plinth in S13?

Ah - then you press lever .

Bug. Apple disappeared. Do not put apple away before using flower clue.

Have tried candle and razor blade in all scenes - nothing happening.

Candle goes in S10

Clue for plant in S11 after placing candle. Gives pumpkin.
Razor blade on pumpkin gives weight.

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Quick finish - weight on plinth in S13 and gates open. Out.

Good game. Feel bad for the people who had glitch with the apple. Anyhow - ty G4K.

need hint for sudoku please

Dawn, no same number in any column or row

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tank you yvonne

Aw! Apple is gone. It was really fun until then!

challenging start but finally out!

Same issue here, not restarting this crap

To avoid apple disappearing you must use plant clue LRLRRLR when you get it first time. Otherwise it disappears.

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Games4King - G4K Cute Naughty Boy Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King. There was a fortress in the beautiful mystery surrounding a beautiful magnificent darkness. A naughty boy came to see that fort. That naughty boy was unexpectedly stuck to the castle one day. It is your duty to save those naughty boys from there that are stuck there. It will help you to find the hidden clues where the naughty guy is there to save it from there. All the spots are detected and those naughty boys rescued from there and congratulations you win the game. The tricks of the trick are a little harder to find, but somehow it may be a matter of interest. This game is highly desirable. Good luck and have a fun!

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If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Posted by Games4King


start with the owl

LR clue for mittens

watercan for plant start sc

PBRY for ostriches, been searching where to use the clue

wood under the colored lamp

SD from moving colors for left wood under the flask where you find second key

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