Mystic messenger прохождение

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

1. Игра доступна только на английском языке? И для каких она устройств?

2. Что из себя представляет игра?

Как сказано выше, это отомэ-игра, в которой вашей задачей будет выйти на рут (ветку истории) одного из персонажей игры, узнать его, помочь ему и любить всей душой. Чтобы это сделать, надо заходить в чатики игры, которые будут появляться круглосуточно, и стараться не пропускать их по возможности. Если самостоятельно вам это будет трудно, то можно воспользоваться табличкой с расписанием чатов, которая находится в альбоме группы "Подсказки"

3. Вот я нахожусь в менюшке, нажал(а) Original Story, а там есть три выбора истории: Casual, Deep и Another. два из них недоступны, как их открыть и в чём разница между ними?

4. После чатов мне приходят звонки и эмейлы от персонажей, но я не знаю, правильно ли я отвечаю. Есть ли для такого табличка?

5. Сколько всего концовок в каждом руте?

В руте каждого персонажа есть одна хорошая концовка, одна нормальная, три плохих и 2 плохих концовки отношений.
Чтобы выйти на хорошую концовку в Casual и Deep Story, нужно в последний (11 день) набрать минимум 15 гостей, в Another порог для хорошей концовки выше, где-то примерно 20 и выше, если их не набрать, то будет нормальная концовка.
Плохие концовки заработать достаточно трудно, чтобы на них не выйти, достаточно разобраться в ситуации.
Чтобы не получить плохие концовки отношений, надо присутствовать минимум в 30-40% чатиков каждого дня.
Также по окончании первых 4 дней можно получить плохую концовку (в каждой Story она своя), если вы пытались выйти на рут того персонажа, с которым в этом Story рутить нельзя. Её можно ещё получить, если у вас было собрано одинаковое количество сердечек от персонажей, с которыми можно рутить, или в днях с 2 по 4 у вас 30-40% пройденных чатов в день.
Есть ещё плохая концовка в прологе ( Casual и Deep) и две плохих концовке в прологе Another.

6. Как мне получить часики и зачем они?

1 часик = 100 сердечек. Сердечки собираются с персонажей, когда ты отвечаешь то, что им нравится. Часики позволяют звонить героям, открывать руты, секретки и афтер эндинги. В общем, контент и доп. контент.
Часики можно собирать с пролога сколько угодно раз, если правильно отвечать героям. Также часики частенько выпадают в самих рутах, но выпадение часиков с персонажей рандомно.
Можно заплатить за часики реальную денежку. Стоят они дешево.

Если вы не вышли из чата (там срабатывает автоматическое сохранение, когда вы нажимаете на выход в конце чата), тогда тут же закрывайте приложение и заходите снова. Чат можно будет пройти еще раз.

Mystic Messenger Related Pages

Contributor(s): Yomi Cheng, rina, tira_lu, Airy, Babytin D.F.P.L, Nyx, menaim

Character(s): Zen, 707

Selection 1
707, what are you doing this late at night? (707)
Zen, you’re up pretty late. (Zen)

Selection 2
I think she has personal feelings for you. (Nothing)
I think she’s your fan. (Alt Selection)

Alt Selection
;; (707)
I am your fan ^^ (Zen)

Selection 3
I’m not really sure ^^ (Zen, 707 BREAK! **)
A witty and creative alien? (Nothing)
lololololololol (707)

Selection 4
A woman who only care for looks (707)
A sensible woman (Zen)
An obedient woman (Zen Break)

Selection 5
Your looks do play a huge part. (Nothing)
But if he weren’t talented, his good looks might have played against him. (Zen)

Selection 6
I understand how you feel? (Nothing)
Isn’t it better to succeed? (Nothing)

Selection 7
How did 707 help you? (707)
How did V help you? (Zen)

Selection 8
Are you not in good terms with Jumin? (Zen)
Zen, you’re not jealous of Jumin, are you? (707, Zen Break)

Selection 9
Good night, Zen. (Zen)
Good luck on your work, Seven. (707)

**Because of the Break and then the Heart, the two cancel each other out awarding you no hearts for this answer.

Characters(s): Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin

Selection 1
Hiya. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, what are you doing at this hour? (Nothing)

Selection 2
Don’t play games too much. (Nothing)
lolol It’s okay. (Yoosung)

Selection 3
The game must be fun. (Nothing)
How about inviting them to the RFA party? (Email from lolol)

Selection 4
You just fell for the games company’s evil master plan. (Yoosung)
Since you are so lonely. (Nothing)

Selection 5
You raged too much… Good night

Good night. (Nothing)

Selection 6
Jaehee, you logged in pretty late. (Jaehee)
Hello, Jumin. (Jumin)

Selection 7
That’s a bit too much. (Jaehee)
Oh! That’s a good idea. (Yoosung Break + Jumin, Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1
I think Zen would suit Jaehee better. (Jaehee)
I guess that’s how you group people in the company. (Nothing)

Selection 8
I think Jumin was just joking. (Jumin)
Capitalism is so sad… (Jaehee)

Selection 9
I want to go to bed now. (Nothing)
You seem very busy… Good luck! (Jaehee + Jumin)

Characters(s): Zen, Jumin
Note: Zen calls after this chat

Selection 1
Ah… I’m starting to feel fuzzy. (Nothing)
Zen, good morning. (Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1
I usually wake up early. (Nothing)
I spent a restless night with thoughts of you. (Jaehee)

Selection 2
You’re the best in that area. (Zen)
I think he’s too practical. (Nothing)

Selection 3
How childish… (Zen)
Is this gap moe;;; (Jumin)

Selection 4
I’m leaving too;; (Nothing)
Good bye, Zen. (Nothing)

Characters(s): Jumin, Jaehee, 707

Selection 1
Hello, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Hey 707. (707)
Jumin, I’ve been seeing you often today. (Jumin)

Selection 2
Airport? (Nothing)
What meeting was it? (Nothing)

Selection 3
What kind of sugar-coated words? (Nothing)
Seven, you didn’t go to work yet? (707)
I guess Jumin is popular? (Jumin)

Selection 4
I think it’ll be good. (Email from culture)
I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Selection 5
The main character? (Jaehee)
That small creature? (707)

Selection 6
omg. (Nothing)
lololol (Nothing)

Selection 7
I think it’s a story Yoosung would love lolol (Yoosung)
I don’t think that person exists;; (Jaehee)

Selection 8
Look for her lololol (707)
Everything is for elise! (Jumin)
Omg… (Jaehee)

Selection 9
You might find her once you start looking! (Nothing)
Jaehee… Good luck (Jaehee)

Selection 10 (These award nothing)
I have to go now.
Good luck!

Characters(s): Zen, Jaehee, Yoosung
Note: 707 calls after this chat

Selection 1
Zen, you’re here. (Zen)
Hiya (Nothing)

Selection 2
Add more one crazy patient

. (Nothing)
Master, you’re here. (Zen)

Selection 3
I won’t. (Alt Selection 1)


Alt Selection 1
Then I will

I’m not going to… (Nothing)

Selection 4
See you later. (Nothing)
Oh no

. (Zen)

Selection 5
Oh, Jaehee you just came in. (Nothing)
Jaehee, good to see you

Zen was just here. (Jaehee)

Selection 6
More people are coming in. (Nothing)
Yoosung, I missed you

! (Yoosung)

Selection 7
The LOLOL avatar . (Yoosung)
The photo of Zen. (Jaehee)

Selection 8
I want to see it too. (Jaehee)
You have a DVD? (Nothing)

Selection 9
Aren’t you going to go game now? (Nothing)
Yeah…. (Yoosung + Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1
It’s nothing. I’m only doing what I can. (Nothing)
Thank you for being kind to me, Yoosung. (Nothing)

Selection 10
I guess V has his own ideas about the party. (Nothing)
I want to meet you and everyone else too. (Yoosung)

Selection 11
Okay, enjoy the game and let’s talk later ^^ (Yoosung)
Good bye. (Nothing)

Character(s): Jaehee, Yoosung

Selection 1
Do you think Zen looks handsome in the photo? (Jaehee)
Jaehee, you’re online again? (Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1
You mean Yoosung’s game avatar? (Yoosong BREAK?)
The photo of Zen? (Jaehee)

Selection 2
Yoosung, good to see you ^^ (Yoosung)
There’s no way Jaehee’s going to take a photo of your avatar. (Jaehee + Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1
Jaehee, you must really like Zen

lolol (Jaehee + Alt Selection 2)
Did you look into the Lady of the Bracelets? (Nothing)

Alt Selection 2
You like Zen’s musical and photos of him. (Nothing)
I feel like you have feelings for him… (this might be bad…) (Nothing)

Selection 3
lololol That’s funny. (Nothing)
Why don’t you invited her to the party? (Email from bracelet)

Selection 4
I really can’t get used to that name. ‘Luciel’ (Yoosung)
Luciel… 707 must be an angel. (707)

Selection 5
Yoosung is a really pretty name. (Yoosung)
I think Jaehee is a pretty name. (Jaehee)

Selection 6
Wow! I’m really curious of that club. (Yoosung + Alt Selection 3)
lolol…. (Nothing)

Alt Selection 3
We should invite that club to our party! (Email from star)

Selection 7
Did you level up? (Yoosung)
Take care of yourself… (Yoosung BREAK!, Jaehee Heart)

Selection 8
What are you going to do, Jaehee? (Jaehee)
Hot shower +_+ (Yoosung)

Selection 9
Yoosung, rest well! (Yoosung)
Jaehee, Good luck. I’m cheering for you! (Jaehee)

Character(s): Zen, Jaehee

Selection 1
I want to see you take a shower… (Zen)
Zen, hello. (Nothing)

Selection 2
I hope he becomes more like you, Zen. (Zen)
I want to go out with Yoosung… (Yoosung)

Selection 3
I think you’ll be more profitable as a model than as an actor. (Zen BREAK!)
Maybe they want you to model for them since you are so handsome? (Zen)

Selection 4
I agree too… (Jaehee)
Hello Jaehee. (Nothing)

Selection 5
If Yoosung gets a girlfriend, he might stop playing games. (Yoosung + Alt Selection 1)
I guess you focus more on women than hobbies, Zen. (Zen)

Alt Selection 1
Do you like game, Jaehee?
You know everything, Jaehee.(Jaehee)

Selection 6
What’s wrong with being busy? Love is more important. (Zen, Jaehee BREAK!)
You’re not ready to be in love. (Jaehee)

Selection 7
You’d lose your popularity though . (Jaehee)
Oh… So romantic!! (Zen, Jaehee BREAK!)

Selection 8
I want to fall in love…(Zen)
Jaehee has a point. lol. (Jaehee)

Selection 9 (These award nothing?)
Logged out as fast as lightning…
Jaehee, what did you say about being in love?

Selection 10
lololol That’s a long sentence. (Alt Selection 2)
I guess you’re not an innocent girl lolol (Nothing)

Alt Selection 2
It’s fine

lololol (Jaehee BREAK)

Selection 11
Will he add it though. lolol (Nothing)
It’s fine. You didn’t say anything weird

. (Jaehee)

Character(s): Yoosung, Zen

Selection 1
Did you finish your shower? lol (Yoosung)
Yoosung, hello. (Nothing)

Selection 2
I’ll make sure you’re not lonely. (Yoosung, possibly better than the other…)
It’s not very good to be addicted to games. (Yoosung BREAK!)
You won’t get lonely if you play in teams

. (Yoosung)

Selection 3
Do you have any other hobbies than games? (Yoosung)
What did you do during the day? (Nothing)

Selection 4
I think being a game junkie suits you better than coffee. (Alt Selection 1)
I think it suits you. (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 1
Then how about lessening your game hours… (Nothing)
You don’t. I’m just kidding haha (Yoosung)

Selection 5
Hello Zen. (Nothing)
Hello, lovely Zen. (Zen)

Selection 6
Zen, you have something you want to say? (Zen + Alt Selection 2)
lolol you have so many typos. (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 2
Go ahead. (Nothing)
I’m going to go play games too. (Nothing)

Selection 8
Invite that group to the party! (Email from artwoman)
It must have been hard for you… (Nothing)

Selection 9
You look better than a model! (Alt Selection 3)
Looks okay lol (Nothing)

Alt Selection 3
Why do you have to be so selfish and look so handsome? (Zen)
You should be a movie star!! (Nothing)

Selection 10
Zen, good bye ^^ (Nothing)
Yoosung, have fun with your game

lolol (Yoosung)

Character(s): 707, Jaehee

Selection 1
Jaehee, you’re here. (Jaehee)
I’m here ^^ (707)

Selection 2
Serves you right. (Jaehee)
For what? (707)

Selection 3
Watch out for yourself, 707. (707 + Alt Selection 1)
I’ll be careful of Seven, Jaehee ^^ (Jaehee)

Alt Selection 1
The more positive a person is, the more sensitive they are. (Nothing)
To be honest, you do seem that way.

Selection 4
It’s not like you to be so serious… (Nothing)
Have you lived your life this way, Seven? (Nothing)

Selection 5
Don’t tease Jaehee

! (Jaehee)
lololololololol (707)

Selection 6
Jaehee, let’s talk soon

Sleep tight, 707. (707)

Character(s): Yoosung, Jaehee, Zen
Note: Jumin calls after this chat

Selection 1
Hiya, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Hey, Yoosung. (Yoosung)

Selection 2
I’m worried about Seven. (Jaehee)
Hello, Zen


Selection 3
Wouldn’t if feel as if you’re under someone’s control? (Alt Selection 1)
Your productivity would probably increase. (Jaehee)

Alt Selection 1
Try taking on another hobby ^^ (Zen)
I can lock you up lol (Yoosung)

Selection 4
Let’s talk about something more appropriate. (Jaehee)
Zen, have you ever acted out a situation where you’re locked up? (Zen)

Selection 5
lolololololol What is that? lolololololol (Zen)
I want to eat jalapeno cheese burger pizza. (Yoosung)

Selection 6
lolololololol I want to see that play. (Zen)
Jaehee! You have a really good memory. (Jaehee)

Selection 7
You get fat. (Jaehee)
Me too… (Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 2
I’m going to go by myself. (Zen, Jaehee BREAK!)
let’s build up the transfat together everyone. (Yoosung)

Selection 8
I want to see that musical too. (Jaehee)
I think you’ll do well in anything Zen. (Zen)
I’ll probably order pizza too. (Yoosung)

Selection 9
Zen, good luck working out ^^ (Zen)
Jaehee, good bye^^ (Jaehee)
Bye Yoosung . (Yoosung)

Character(s): Yoosung, Zen

Selection 1
Yoosung, when are you going to bed? (Nothing)
Playing games? (Yoosung)

Selection 2
You didn’t. (Nothing)
You did. (Yoosung)

Selection 3
Sounds good. (Alt Selection 1)
It’s a good idea, but I’m not sure if we’ll get anything out of it.

Alt Selection 1
Please contact them as soon as you can. (Yoosung + Email from barista?)
Thank you. (Yoosung)

Selection 4
Be prepared if it tastes bad ^^ (Yoosung)
Thank you ^^ (Yoosung)

Selection 5
Hello, Zen ^^ (Zen)
Yoosung is off to play games

. (Yoosung)

Selection 6
You don’t deserve to say anything to Yoosung. (Nothing)
You really owe V your life. (Zen)
Omg… scary. (Nothing)

Selection 7
I don’t really care for looks. (Zen)
I have pretty picky taste. (Nothing)

Selection 8
I’ll think about it.
Invite them! (Email from model)

Selection 9
Sleep tight. (Nothing)
lolol That’s interesting. Good night ^^ (Zen)

Гайд и прохождение Mystic Messenger – Ответы на почту 2020 (Ответы на все романтические письма)

Ниже перечислены ответы, которые вы должны дать каждому гостю, чтобы они пришли на вечеринку. Кстати, если вы сможете дать три правильных ответа гостю, у него будет 100% шанс появиться на вечеринке, и также вы сможете получить бесплатные песочные часы от них.

Гайд и прохождение Mystic Messenger – Ответы на почту 2020 (Ответы на все романтические письма)


  • Cat Allergy
  • Beef and Seaweed Soup
  • I might be allergic to guests not coming to the party


  • Monet
  • Louvre
  • Cantabile


  • I Look forward to your next video!
  • Report them


  • 100% interest rate
  • Swiss Bank
  • $1.2 Million


  • Arabica
  • Drip Brewing
  • Italian


  • Don’t Worry
  • Silver Bracelet
  • Claw Machines


  • Cat Buffet
  • People Putting on a Show
  • Cat Limousine


  • Head meow
  • Odd eye meow
  • Crystal litter


  • Of Course
  • Give them food
  • Social media


  • Green
  • Poke it with a straw
  • Diamond
  • 3 Cups
  • You mix as if you’re cutting
  • 20 minutes


  • I saw it on YouTube
  • I mean you the owner
  • Cheese


  • Nook
  • Yellow and Black
  • Candlelight


  • Mythical Creatures
  • Limited Edition Title Change Ticket
  • Create a Banner


  • Borberry
  • Verragamo
  • Flower Bed of Pretty Boys


  • Hawk Pose
  • Shiny White
  • Silk Underwear with Scarf


  • Vanished Treasure Islands
  • Yoosung’s LOLOL Exploration
  • Jaehee


  • The Seal Is Unlocked
  • Black
  • Rise of the Fire Dragon


  • Jaehee
  • Soda as Prizes
  • You’re Too Smart


  • I wanted to help you
  • I want to see a movie
  • I hope you come to our party


  • Rainbow colored floppy disk model
  • Windows 8.1
  • Limited edition cassette tape


  • All to the bank
  • Bank passbook
  • We split it up


  • Jumin’s Cat
  • Jalapeno’s Photobook
  • Zen’s Underwear
  • Wow! Amazing that I get to talk to God!
  • I am your daughter
  • I think you’ll walk into the party room like a normal person
  • Driver Shape
  • Shoes that dry quickly
  • Leather that does not wear out


  • Lucky Kim
  • He’s an oldie
  • Grandma


  • Lots of people with warm hearts
  • Rice, soup, green salad, baked salmon, fried eggs
  • Sell Small Issue Magazine


  • Hippocratic Oath
  • Request exam results
  • Compare several hospitals


  • Filial piety
  • Confucius
  • Healthy


  • Scheam
  • Nameless
  • Game convention


  • Ergonomics
  • Ctrl C
  • Movi
  • Compete with your son
  • Drifting
  • Car from when you were young Pong!
  • Call the Police
  • Say Hello
  • Kick in the butt


  • Dia
  • Of course LOL
  • Play LOLOL together


  • Headset
  • Focus on balance
  • Blood dragon


  • Meowmeow, (must include the comma)
  • Miumiu!
  • Nyannyan!
  • Bae screen wedding
  • Tripter Tript Invitations
  • Use screenshot function!


  • Maybe…maybe… Diamond Pharmaceuticals
  • It’s Diamond Pharmaceuticals.
  • Diamond Pharmaceuticals.
  • Pink bandage
  • Coffin with lace all around
  • Life size marble statue of Pharaoh


  • Of course
  • The chance to discover a gem!
  • Your face reflected on thy eyes.


  • The best of all pens in the nation, BIK
  • “Sear the end with a lighter.”
  • Classic is best.


  • Personalized framed cross-stitch
  • Buy her handcuffs
  • Give her a bouquet Jasmine.


  • A film about the environment
  • Realism
  • Cannes, Venice, Berlin


  • Zen.
  • This production of “The Red Pepper Was So Hot”
  • Get the help of college student.


  • Luciel
  • (Your name)
  • Jihae


  • Treatment of getting locked up in a room of mirrors
  • He takes a lot of selfies
  • Lake Na


  • Yes, there is injustice going on so please come to our party and help us!
  • There’s no story of a magical girl who’s not violent
  • It’s cool… completely suits you


  • Green
  • Long enough to do well with my eyes closed!
  • Get a camel through the eye of a needle


  • Baleman
  • Onthesteller
  • Leonardo Dicappucino
  • Fancy party! Lots of parking space!
  • Of course!
  • Bald


  • To the freezer!
  • Bubblewrap on the window
  • Fried rice


  • Silvervine
  • Salmon fish sauce
  • Fish (Shape)


  • Netizens
  • A law must be implemented that protects reporters
  • I cannot tell you that


  • Antigua
  • Whole Beans
  • 15 Days


  • Of course!
  • You One and Only Top Star
  • Kiss!
  • It’s an extravagant and elegant party
  • I recommend you take the Olymbus X20
  • I recommend you take the heavy professional Ganon camera


  • He is very practical
  • More than enough
  • Just your normal attire


  • Korea
  • Because it’s cool
  • Gold


  • First. Leave the phone in the living room and go to your room
  • Leave the battery only half charged
  • Popcorn brain


  • A man’s word is his bond!
  • Your girlfriend will love that!
  • You’ll be useless if you give up now
  • Hi, I’m Youngsoo. I got your number through Chulsoo
  • Wear a watch!
  • Asking is not a challenge but a confirmation
  • Memories of my first kiss
  • I want to eat it!
  • I have to make a wish!


  • Tell them to invest in stocks
  • Not losing all your money
  • Chief Assistant Jaehee Kang


  • Of course!
  • Stick
  • At the party!


  • Everyone has small feet!
  • Chinese
  • Nimtendo
  • Call the zoo!
  • Stock prices of peach drinks are going up
  • It means your grades! Two Fs!


Lay your passion upon us


  • So much time!
  • C&R Director
  • Old man under the moon


  • Red wine
  • Ice wine
  • Jumin



  • What are you interested in these days?
  • Who says you’re late! You didn’t even try
  • Convince your parents

Mystic Messenger – Another Story

Хотя ответы на электронные письма, которые вам нужно дать в режимах «Казуальный» и «Глубокий сюжет», одинаковы и перечислены выше. Если же вы играете в Another Story, то будете следовать по пути V и Рэй. Он потребует от вас давать разные ответы разным людям. Все они перечислены ниже:

Mystic Messenger Related Pages

Contributor(s): menaim, Siansii, Kiric, Unearth, Alia Altynbekova, Mitsuki


Character(s): Jaehee

Selection 1
When is Jumin coming? (Jumin)
Jaehee, you’re still awake? (Jaehee)

Selection 2
Oil Prince! I’m sure he must be very rich. (Nothing)
You’re still thinking about work this late. That’s amazing. (Jaehee + Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1
To be honest, I’m jealous of you.
Everyone need compliments and encouragement. (Jaehee)

Selection 4
Good bye. (Nothing)
Hurry and rest, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

Character(s): 707, Yoosung

Selection 1
Do you still feel tired? (Nothing)
Seven, got a good night’s rest? (707)

Selection 2
You should play games. (Nothing)
Just take it out on Yoosung. (707)

Selection 3

I missed you. (Yoosung)
Omg. He really came. (707)

Selection 4
What’s big trouble? (Yoosung)
Yoosung… what do we do now? (707)

Selection 5
Seven’s just messing around lol (Yoosung + Alt Selection)
Ya. U’ll be in trouble if u drink coffee. (707)

Alt Selection
lolololol (Nothing)
-_- (707)

Selection 6
You should prepare yourself. (707)
I think fainting is a bit too much… (Yoosung)

Selection 7
Whomever named it is a bit…;; (Nothing)
Ya. It exists. (707)

Selection 8
Last year there were about 1024 deaths in the country… (707)
What’s wrong with the name lolololol A disease called Drink Caffeine and Faint lololol (Yoosung)

Selection 9
A stroke of good luck in this misfortune. (707)
^^;; (Yoosung + Alt Selection)

Alt Selection
I wasn’t crying. (Nothing)
T_T. You have to return. (Nothing)

Selection 10
Call me if anything happens. (Yoosung)
Call Seven if something happens. (707)

Selection 11
^^;;; (Yoosung)
No need ^^ (707)

Selection 12
;;; (Nothing)
Seven, look out for my health too. (707)

Selection 13
I’ll wake you up… (Yoosung)
Don’t worry… Even if you don’t wake up the party will be a success. (Nothing)
Seven is just playing with you lolol (Yoosung)

Character(s): Jaehee, Jumin
Note: Zen calls after this chat

Selection 1
Jaehee, are you still waiting for Jumin? (Jaehee)
Hello, Jaehee. (Nothing)

Selection 2
Seven is really funny lol (707)
I feel bad for Yoosung. (Jaehee)

Selection 3
Jumin, how was your flight? (Jumin)
Hello. (Nothing)

Selection 4
How was the meeting with the Oil Prince? (707, Jaehee)
How was the meeting with the Lady of the Bracelets?

Selection 5
Why don’t we invite the Oil Prince to the party? (Email from oil)
Korean wave is the korean wave… ^^;

Selection 6
Jaehee, I think that’s a bit rude. (Jumin)
How hard did you make her work for her to say that…? (Jaehee)

Selection 7
You really like the cat. (Jumin)
Still I do not think it’s right to skip work. (Alt Selection)

Alt Selection
The one with power shall obtain freedom.
Jaehee was on standby the whole weekend because of you. (Jaehee)

Selection 8
Cheer up, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
It may be difficult but what can you do…

Selection 9
Don’t say sad things like that. (Jaehee)
Everything will work out.

Character(s): Jaehee, 707, Yoosung
Note: Yoosung calls after this chat

Selection 1
Jaehee, are you busy today? (Jaehee)
Hello. (Nothing)

Selection 2
You did something good ^^ (Jaehee)
What that organization? (Alt Selection)

Alt Selection
Those are good standards.
If that’s the case, how about inviting the group to the party? (Email from homeless)

Selection 3
Hello, 707. (707)
No way


Selection 4
Yoosung, why are you crying. (Yoosung)
I never knew you did things like that. (707)

Selection 5
lololol So cute. (Yoosung)
Naive Yoosung… Good bye. (707)

Selection 6
Hurry and turn on the humidifier right now!! (707)
lololololol (Yoosung)
^^; (Jaehee)

Selection 7
So cute lolol (Yoosung)
!? (Nothing)

Selection 8
You were tricked. (Jaehee)
The clock stopped in this world. (707)

Selection 9
Seven lied to you that you have a disease. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, you are so naive.;;; (Jaehee)

Selection 10
There there… (Yoosung)
Congrats on being fooled. (Jaehee)

Selection 11
I’ll do what my heart desires. (Yoosung)
You should tell Jaehee that. (Nothing)
I’ll protect you, little boy. (Nothing)

Selection 12
Have a good day, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Yoosung, cheer up. ^^ (Yoosung)

Character(s): V, Yoosung

Selection 1 (These award nothing)
It’s V!
V, you’re online.

Selection 2
It’s fine. (Nothing)
Hello, Yoosung! (Yoosung)

Selection 3
What do you think, Yoosung? (Yoosung)
I’m sorry? A week later is too soon… (Nothing)

Selection 4
I don’t feel burdened…. (Nothing)
You cared for me. (Nothing)
It would have been nice if you discussed this together… (Yoosung)

Selection 5 (These award nothing)
We should hurry and gather guests.
I will have to work together with the organization members.

Selection 6
Maybe V has his own reasons? (Nothing)
Yoosung, you should calm down a bit. (Yoosung)

Selection 7
But Yoosung does have a point. (Yoosung)
Small doubts tend to bring big doubts… (Yoosung BREAK)

Selection 8
V, good bye. (Nothing)
I think deep in his heart, Yoosung understands too. (Nothing)

Selection 9
Don’t be so emotional. (Nothing)
Cheer up. We’re able to hold the party now anyways. (Yoosung)

Selection 10
Whatever happens will happen. (Yoosung BREAK)
I’ll be fine. We can all try hard together. (Yoosung)

Character(s): Jaehee, Yoosung
Note: Jaehee calls after this chat

Selection 1
Hello, Jaehee. (Nothing)
Jaehee, how is your break? (Jaehee + Alt Selection)

Alt Selection
omg… (Nothing)
Did Jumin interfere again? (Nothing)

Selection 2
Yoosung, hello

I feel too bad for the cat to leave it with Seven. (Jaehee)

Selection 3
He may be. (Yoosung)
Trust him a bit more. He is important to the organization. (Jaehee)

Selection 4
Did you get a girlfriend? (Yoosung BREAK)
You didn’t quit gaming, did you? (Yoosung)
Are you pregnant? (Nothing)

Selection 6
Why TOEIC all of a sudden? (Nothing)
Amazing. Quitting all at once! (Yoosung)

Selection 7
Yoosung, you’re not that normal. (Nothing)
Don’t really like guys who only have good resumes. (Yoosung)
You’re finally becoming an adult. (Nothing)

Selection 8
Tsk tsk… (Jaehee)
Yoosung… You’re so cute. (Yoosung)

Selection 9
Still you are capable and awesome career woman, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
So sad T_T The life of an employee. (Yoosung)

Selection 10
You can get a girlfriend at the TOEIC academy or in a club. (Nothing)
I think trying something new always helps. (Yoosung)

Selection 11
Should I invite them to the party…? (Email from toeic)
lololol Yoosung, do you have big feet?

Selection 12
Good luck, Yoosung ^^ (Yoosung)
Good bye, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

Character(s): Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee

Selection 1
Zen, what are you doing? (Nothing)
Hey! It’s handsome Zen. (Zen)

Selection 2
On the brink of madness. (Nothing)
It’s a serious problem. What do we do? Everyone’s eyes will freeze. (Zen)

Selection 3
Ssup Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, you’re not going to play games? (Nothing)

Selection 4
lol Not bad. (Alt Selection 1)
You’re attractive ^^ (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 1
You’re okay. (Yoosung)
Not my type. (Nothing)

Selection 5
Because you’re frigid. (Zen)
Because you’re addicted to games. (Yoosung)
Because you’re slow.

Selection 6
lmao (Nothing)
Hello, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
I like guys who are short. (Yoosung)

Selection 7
Being wild is important! (Zen)
I think that’s a bit subjective. (Yoosung)

Selection 8
I think it’s cute. (Yoosung)
It’s tacky to be honest. (Zen)

Selection 9
I’m going to save this

^^ (Jaehee)
No wonder you were so subjective, Jaehee (Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 2
No, I like it very much. (Zen)
Not really my type. (Yoosung)

Selection 10
God. I’m cringing. (Yoosung)
Now I know the true meaning of beauty. (Jaehee + Zen)

Selection 11
Beautiful Zen, have a good work out and see you later. (Zen)
Cheer up, Yoosung

! (Yoosung)

Selection 12
I want to work out with Zen… (Nothing)
Wet hair, sweat drops rolling down his muscles… (Yoosung)

Selection 13
Hmm… I’ll think about it.
I think it’ll be nice to invite them. (Email from education)

Selection 14
Good luck looking after the cat, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Hurry and go, Jaehee. (Nothing)

Character(s): 707, Jaehee
Note: 707 calls after this chat

Selection 1
Seven, Hello


You’re here again. (Jaehee)

Selection 2
It’s nothing like that

. (Jaehee)
Are you being jealous? (707)

Selection 3
Jaehee, relax lolol (707)
I don’t think she’s jealous. (Alt Selection 1)

Alt Selection 1
Do you want to see what real hysteria looks like? (Jaehee)
Shut that mouth. (707)

Selection 4
lolol (Nothing)
Omg. (Jaehee)

Selection 5
Oh! You found the great lady! You are amazing. (707)
Don’t joke around


Selection 6
I think he’s high on something. (Jaehee)
It’s so beautiful that she put so much passion into making worthless workbaskets for 15 years. Do you think he’s aiming to be gap moe? (707 + Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 2
Jaehee… I’m hurt T_T (Nothing)
We’ll have a small wedding at the space station. (707)

Selection 7
I’m not going to invite her;;
Let’s invite her! (Email from niddle)

Selection 8
Well… At least he’s funny ^^ (707)
I agree. (Jaehee)

Selection 9
Hope he’s not just fishing… Good luck, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
Okay, go ahead


Character(s): Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee

Selection 1
Yoosung, are you taking a break from playing games? (Nothing)
Yoosung, it’s a good evening


Selection 2
We’ll see… ^^ (Nothing)
Good luck..^^ (Yoosung)

Selection 3
Yeah lolololol don’t think it’s possible. (Zen)
I support you, Yoosung. (Yoosung)

Selection 4 (These award nothing)
Hey hey everyone.
It’s crowded here

Selection 5
That might be true. (Jaehee)
lolol Stop teasing him. (Yoosung)
You’re never gonna get a girlfriend so just enjoy life. (Zen)

Selection 6
lololol I enjoy teasing Yoosung too. (Yoosung)
Jaehee, you’re not… (Nothing)

Selection 7
Invite the to the party. (Email from tradition)
Hmm. Don’t think they’ll fit with the party theme ^^;

Selection 8
It must be hard, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
I guess cat’s are pretty time consuming. (Zen)
Jumin must be busy with his schedule. (Jumin)

Selection 9
Jaehee… I guess it’s been really tough? (Jaehee)
Don’t be like that to Jumin. (Jumin)

Selection 10
Jaehee, good luck

! (Jaehee)
Zen, talk to you later ^^ (Zen)

Character(s): V, Jaehee

Selection 1
Oh! It’s V. (Nothing)
Jaehee, he still hasn’t picked up the cat? (Jaehee)

Selection 2
Exhibition? (Nothing)
Are you a painter? (Nothing)

Selection 3
So cool

! (Jaehee)
I think he’s rich. (Nothing)

Selection 4
I think the party will be fine without V’s help. (Yoosung BREAK)
Thank you, V! (Nothing)

Selection 5
I am safe. (Alt Selection 1)
Did I do something? (Nothing)

Alt Selection 1
What do you mean I’m not safe? (Nothing)
Jaehee… are you suspicious of me? (Nothing)

Selection 6
Hmm… I understand. (Nothing)
If you weren’t going to trust me, you shouldn’t have accepted me as a member in the first place.(Nothing)

Selection 7
You do trust me, right? (Nothing)
You could have just asked me what you wanted to know.

Selection 8
I’ll have to wait and see. (Jaehee)
I trust you too, V. (Nothing)

Selection 9
I’m amazed that you trust V so wholeheartedly. (Nothing)
Is V close with Mr. Han? (Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 2
Then you must have grown up in a rich neighborhood.
Then you two must have been close haha (Nothing)

Selection 10
It’s a bit difficult but I guess I have no choice.
I should be the one grateful for the opportunity. (Nothing)
Everyone has been helping me, so I’m not worried. (Jaehee)

Selection 11
You’re leaving? …Shouldn’t you care more about the party?
Have a good trip


Selection 12
Yes. Have a safe trip. (Nothing)
.. (Nothing)

Selection 13
I’m fine

. (Jaehee + Alt Selection 3)
I can’t really figure him out. (Nothing)

Alt Selection 3
He should focus on making the party of success. (Nothing)
Yes, thank you for explaining, Jaehee. (Nothing)

Selection 14
Yes. Good Luck ^^ (Jaehee)
Bye. (Nothing)

Character(s): Zen, Yoosung, 707

Selection 1
It’s getting late… (Zen)
Zen, V was here. (Nothing)

Selection 2
I think he’s playing games lol (Zen)
He said he’s quitting. (Nothing)

Selection 3
How dare he escape the evil plans of LOLOL so easily. (Zen)
I think he’ll pull it off. (Yoosung)

Selection 4
Did you delete your game character? (Nothing)
Yoosung, hello


Selection 5
Oh, it’s Seven. (Nothing)
Seven’s suddenly here! (707)

Selection 6
So good for them. (707)
Stop teasing Yoosung. (Yoosung)

Selection 7
Yeah, you should thank Seven. (707)
What kind of logic is that? (Zen)

Selection 8
So petty 222 (Nothing)
It’s Yoosung’s fault then. (707)

Selection 9
I like guys like Yoosung. (Yoosung)
I don’t understand either. (Nothing)
Yoosung, be enlightened. (707)

Selection 10
Just looking at it cleanses my soul★ (707)
Photo of a hypocrite (Zen)

Selection 11
Seven…. I knew you were pure and charming. (707)
lmfaoooooooooo (Yoosung)

Selection 12
Yeah. Don’t follow Seven. (Nothing)
Yoosung… Don’t fall for Seven’s trick! It’s a trap! (Yoosung)

Selection 13
To be honest, I did expect him to start again. (Zen)
So now we return to base one. (707)
Stop messing with Yoosung

! (Nothing)

Selection 14
I thought you went to another city, not France; What’s with the French? (Zen)
Bienvenue! (Jumin)

Selection 15
How pretentious. (Zen)
So cool…! (Jumin)

Selection 16
Zen, you have your own charms. (Zen)
Zen is jealous


Selection 17
I can’t understand how you can like cats that much. (Zen)
Hurry and take her. Jaehee had a rough time. (Jaehee)
The cat’s so lucky


Selection 18
Should I invite them to the party? (Email from catlover)
Seven, you must like cats too. (Nothing)

Selection 19
-_- (Zen)
Good idea. (707)

Selection 20
No way I’ll date Seven lol (707 BREAK!)
So childish. (Nothing)
What’s wrong with dating Seven? (707)

Selection 21
Zen, are you going to stay here? (Zen)
Bye, 707. (Nothing)

Selection 22
Let’s talk again, Zen ^^ (Zen)
Good bye


Character(s): Jaehee, Yoosung, Zen

Selection 1
Jaehee, did Jumin take his cat? (Jaehee)
Yoosung, how does it feel to be back on LOLOL (Yoosung)

Selection 2
I think you more than deserve it?
I think someone made a fuss about quitting games earlier… (Jaehee)

So awesome. (Yoosung)

Selection 3
Go ahead, Jaehee

Have courage, Yoosung. (Yoosung)

Selection 4
LOLOL guild… How about inviting them to the party? (Email from lololguide)
Hope you become a legendary guild leader.

Selection 5

Zen, how was your work out? (Zen)

Selection 6
I have fun. (Zen)
Why are you asking me that? (Nothing)

Selection 7
You can’t trust me…? (Nothing)
This is creepy…
To be honest, I’m using an app that only lets me say programmed things. (Nothing)

Selection 8
We might both be robots. (Nothing)
You’re scaring me T_T (Nothing)

Selection 9
Talk to you tomorrow ^^ (Zen)
Good night (Nothing)

Game branch!

At this point, depending on your answers(?), the game will give you a caution. Touch that caution and the game will warn you that you are about to branch. After this, the character who’s route you are in will appear in the empty area below the day.

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