Mystic messenger прохождение 707

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Selection 4
The timing… (*. )
Seven!! Run for you life!! (707)
The criminal is here.

Selection 5
It seems he cannot speak human. (707)
Stop joking around… (*707)

Selection 6
Don’t increase the font size like that;;; (*707)
God Seven, where are you? Please save the world from all the bugs!! (707)

Selection 7
Everyone, move over!! (707)
Are you ignoring what Jaehee said? (*707)

Selection 8
Could you get straight to the point? (*707 + Jaehee)
Hacker?? But you’re the hacker. (707)

Selection 9
Don’t tell me… that alarm and messages were sent by a hacker? (707)
How did you let this happen? (*707)

Selection 10
I can’t trust this app then; (*707)
Don’t tell me someone’s reading all our messages T_T (707)

Selection 11
It’s because of a hacker that I joined this group;;; I’m getting nervous;(*707)
Do you think… the person has something to do with “Unknown”? (707)

Selection 12
Yup. Let’s not be depressed and try to have a positive outlook on solving this. (707)
I can’t tell how serious this situation is because you’re so blaze about it. (*707)

Selection 13
Show them what team play is all about!! (707)
I thought she’s a maid? (*Jaehee)

Selection 14
I… will have Seven’s blessing!! (707)
I think I’m the one in most danger right now… (*Nothing)

Selection 15
Yay. God Seven!! (707)
Don’t come. (*707)

Selection 16
I feel like you spend too much time with Ms. Vanderwood, Seven. T_T (707)
That’s not enough. (*707)

Selection 17
Go. (*Nothing)
I’ll be waiting for you☆ (Nothing)

Selection 18
Think he’s just careless as always. (*707)
I’m a bit doubtful myself T_T I guess she’s not just any other maid. (707)

Selection 19
Go ahead! (Jaehee)
Good bye. (*Nothing)

Character(s): Zen, Jumin
Note: 707 calls after this chat

Selection 1
Zen…Good morning. (*Zen)
Did you both have breakfast? (Nothing)
Anyway… Jumin ^^;; Good morning.

Selection 2
douche. (*Jumin)
I like having Zen talk to me ^^;;
God Seven…! I miss him… I guess he’s busy with work right? >.< (707)

Selection 3
You two must have been very tired. (*Nothing)
No way… (Nothing)

Selection 4
I trust God Seven to protect me. lol (707)
I’m not fine;; I hope this get taken care of asap. (*707)

Selection 5
Ms Vanderwood… I wonder who she is. (707)
Isn’t Seven sort of incompetent if he’s been hacked twice though…?;;; (*707)

Selection 6
I guess Seven’s not very social? (*707)
Why not? So what if he has a friend. (707)

Selection 7
Zen… No way… It’s not that, right? (*Jumin)
I hate womanizers ^0^
If you have a thing for maids, then just say so. (707)

Selection 8
She’ll protect him meow

?? (*Jumin)
I’d like to protect you Zen.
Please send over God Seven to me. (707)

Selection 9
Don’t feel like it.
They seem nice. Since everyone has headaches! (Email from medicine)

Selection 10
Good luck on the meeting

! (*Jumin)
Have some mercy on Zen ^^;; Good bye. (Zen)

Selection 11
I’d like to protect you T_T (*Zen)
Run away. (Nothing)

Selection 12
Hurry up and get ready. (Nothing)
Perhaps because your looks are timeless? (*Zen)

Character(s): Jaehee, 707
Note: Jumin calls after this chat

Selection 1
Did you get to the office fine? (Jaehee)
Is Jumin at his meeting? (*Jumin)

Selection 2
You did that on purposes…;;; (*Jumin)
Wow! I’m sure that has nothing to do with the cat project… You just want to be prepared for fluctuating oil prices? (Jaehee)

Selection 3
8h;aw4ietej (707)
Could you please just get straight to the point? (*707)

Selection 4
I guess you’re still caught up with the agency T_T Cheer up! (707)
Can’t you just do one thing at a time? You should quit one; (*707)

Selection 5
Are you a stalker or something?;; (*707)
I knew it! I felt as if you were looking at me every 2.35 seconds. (707)

Selection 6
Don’t come. (*Alt Selection)
It’d be so great if you could come! (707)

Alt Selection
I’d prefer to be alone when I’m at home. (*707)
I’m just kidding, haha! I want you to be by my side.

Selection 7
Aren’t you ignoring what Jaehee said?;; (*707 + Jaehee)
I love all robots♡ (707)

Selection 8

!! (707)
This thing is supposed to protect me? (*707)

Selection 9
Why did you create something so dangerous?;; (*707)
Spitting fire balls of love… Cupid’s fire. (707)

Selection 10
God Seven, you’re way cuter ^^ (707)
I don’t look like that. (*707)

Selection 11
It does help! If only it didn’t spit fire, I would have wanted one! (707)
Yes mte. (*707)

Selection 12
Then just take a walk

! You should clear your head. (707)
Nothing you can do about not being able to concentrate; (*707)

Selection 13
Next time, come back after you’ve fixed everything. (*707)
I’ll be waiting for you! Cheer up! (707)

Selection 14
He should be tracing the hacker if he has time for that;; (*707)
I love genius people! (707)

Selection 15
Hurry and go! I hope he doesn’t mention anything related to cats! (*Jaehee)
I will! You be careful too, Jaehee! (Nothing)

Character(s): Yoosung
Note: 707 calls after this chat
Outgoing (suggested, not confirmed): 707

Selection 1
Did you get to school safe? (Yoosung)

Did my ickle Yoosung baby have his lunch

Selection 2
That’s quite scary! (Nothing)

Selection 3

So cool! (Yoosung)
Yoosung… Your last name is Kim? I never knew lol (Yoosung Break)

Selection 4
Ugh, you’re so bougie lol (Yoosung)
So jealous… No one can come to me because of security reasons… T_T … I wish as least Seven could come. (707)

Selection 5
Little boy, you dream of such nonsense. (*Nothing)
People will think you’re a movie star or something +_+ (Yoosung)
You’re getting ahead of yourself. lol (Nothing)

Selection 6
I would want one if only it didn’t spit fire lolol Seven is so cute! (707)
What do you mean it’s cute?;; It’s practically a weapon. (*707)

Selection 7
He’d work so well if only I could go to his house!! (707)
I think he’s just ADHD (*707)

Selection 8
Enjoy it while you can lololol (Nothing)
Have fun in class! (Yoosung)

Character(s): Jumin, Jaehee

Selection 1
So the meeting went well? Congratulations! (Jumin)
You did well too, Jaehee! (Jaehee)

Selection 2
What a shame… I really looked forward to the new cat project ^^ (Jumin)
Oil prices are effecting the currency too… The global economy is always hard to figure out. (Jaehee)

Selection 3
Oil Prince. (Jaehee)
Peter Petrol. (Nothing)
Arabica Trevor. (Nothing)

Selection 4
Mr. Luciel is always open to financial cooperation. (707)
Jumin, you’re a genius. (*Jumin)

Selection 5
Jeahee, aren’t you being too obvious? lololol (Jumin)
There’s not much time left!! (Jaehee)

Selection 6
Good bye. (Nothing)
Hurry and write that email. (Jaehee)

Selection 7
Jaehee is very smart… No, perhaps she is just desperate to live a proper life. (Jaehee)
I want to work at your company too! Climbing up that promotion ladder

Selection 8
Yes, take your time ^^ For Jaehee. (Jaehee)
You’re leaving tomorrow, right? Hope you get ready without much trouble! (Jumin)

Character(s): Zen

Selection 1

Is the body guard with you? (Alt Selection)


Alt Selection
Did something happen?
Why are you being so mean to our Jumin? T_T (Jumin)

Selection 2
Wow! They look so reliable! (Jumin)
Who is that man… I’m scared T_T (Zen)

Selection 3
I wish I could bring Seven goldfish-shaped bread since he’s working so hard… (707)
You can’t joke about things like that T_T (*Zen)
I just laughed a bit too lololol (Jumin)

Selection 4
Oh, right? Did the meeting go well? (Zen)
What kind of thoughts? (Nothing)

Selection 5
I don’t really think it’s a good idea.
Sounds fantastic! (Email from tradition)

Selection 6
Maybe they’re being spread around social media? (Zen)
Maybe there’s a Tripter bot that spreads you photo nonstop? lol (707)

Selection 7
Try thinking it out while jogging. Bye. (Nothing)
I would love to see how you sweat while running. (Zen)

Character(s): Yoosung
Note: 707 calls after this chat
Outgoing (suggested, not confirmed): 707, Yoosung

Selection 1
You must be very tired, haha. (Yoosung)
How was school? (Nothing)

Selection 2
I think Jumin did that on purpose. lolol He’s actually pretty funny. (*Jumin)
It’s God Seven’s doing. God Seven!! Please enlighten us with your presence! (707)
I know ^^; Zen must have been really flustered. (*Zen)

Selection 3
Please don’t send ridiculous texts. (*707)
It’s okay… haha. But what were you talking about? (707)

Selection 4
Stop caring about me and just focus on work. (*707)
Then come see me

! (707)

Selection 5
To be honest… I want one ^^ (707)
Hey. What if I get burned? (*707)

Selection 6
Yeah. Don’t waste your time on something like that now. (*707)
What matters in the intention

! I would love for you to give it to me. (707)

Selection 7
Seven… You don’t…!? (707)
Stop spamming;;; (*707)

Selection 8
Why would you read weird books like that?;; (*707)
I think taking action is more important than listening to a boy who’s never dated girls before. I’m ready! (707)

Selection 9
Stop being ridiculous and just focus on work. (*707)
Creating itself with the blessing of God Seven… This is almost a myth. (707)

Selection 10
This isn’t the time for that. (*707)
Romantic… That sounds nice! I want to experience what that’s like

★ (707)

Selection 11
Just throw away useless crap. It’ll just get in the way. (*707)
Don’t!! Someday you’ll use it for something!! (707)

Selection 12
You do a lot of things… (Nothing)
The Tripter bot?? (Nothing)

Selection 13
You’ve been doing something good for Zen

! (707)
That’s nice of you… but you did get his permission, right? (*707)

Selection 14
So you’ve been hiding it on purpose. (*707)
Like… the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing! (707)

Selection 15
Right you are

! (707)
Haha, the fact that Zen exists does make the world a better place. (*707 Break)

Selection 16
Seven… (707)
Seven, weren’t you working? (*707)

Selection 17
I feel like he’s trying to avoid talking about his feelings. (707)
He’s always weird. (*707)

Selection 18
I hope that’s the case, haha. (707)
Uhm, I wouldn’t really feel comfortable about that. (*707)

Selection 19
Have fun being a social outcast! (Yoosung)
Aren’t you gaming too much. (Nothing)

Character(s): Jaehee, Zen
Note: Yoosung calls after this chat

Selection 1
Hey Jaehee

Did you get off work? (Jaehee)
Hello. (Nothing)

Selection 2
Hi! (Zen)
Isn’t Yoosung gaming too much? (Nothing)

Selection 3
I think Seven is so talented at everything lol (707)
Jaehee, you didn’t know about the bot?
Didn’t he go over the line doing something like that without your permission? (*707)

Selection 4
I think he said something similar yesterday. (Nothing)
I knew he had a hidden agenda. (*707)

Selection 5
Anyways, shouldn’t he be appreciated since it ultimately helped Zen? (707)
I think Seven is being a bit odd. (*707)

Selection 6
I’m sorry that I’m so attractive.. T_T
But Seven denied that he has feelings for me… (707)
I still think he just has ADHD (*707)

Selection 7
Maybe he needs time? (707)
He seems to be quite contradictory. (*707)

Selection 8
Have a good time with the body guards

Go and rest

! It must have been a rough day. (Zen)

Selection 9
But you were busy! (Jaehee)
And I thought you were the know-it-all fan!? (Nothing)

Selection 10
Hope you find that bot! (*Zen)
Don’t work too hard and rest up


Character(s): Yoosung, Jumin
Outgoing (suggested, not confirmed): 707

Selection 1
Hello, Jumin ^^ (Jumin)
Did you get a job as the bus driver? (Yoosung)

Selection 2
It’s a game, but I suppose it’s a proper society of its own. (Yoosung)
Yoosung… Aren’t you too addicted to games? (Nothing)

Selection 3
I thought you were just volunteering lolol But you were paid for it.
Yoosung, you seem pleased about the deal lolol (Yoosung)
What do you think Seven is doing right now? (707)

Selection 4
He said something similar yesterday, and I could understand it… if you consider Seven’s career. (707)
Anything that is “vicarious” cam’t be good, since it’s too dependent. (*707)

Selection 5
But isn’t it all pointless because I’m not the one enjoying the result? (*707)
I feel bad that Seven’s job has so many restrictions… (707)

Selection 6
Really!? You?? Study?! (Yoosung)
Sounds like a normal day of a high school freshman. (Nothing)

Selection 7
Well, there’s no need to waster you precious energy on me;; (Nothing)
What’s up with you, haha? (Jumin)

Selection 8
Maybe he wants to do something for you? (Jumin)
I don’t think it’s anything important. (Nothing)

Selection 9
But shouldn’t you still try to maintain a regular lifestyle? (Yoosung)
Enjoy it while you can. lolol (Yoosung)
I’m jealous.

Selection 10
So cool… For better fame and glory! (Yoosung)
Don’t game too much though ^^ (Nothing)

Character(s): 707

Selection 1
God Seven!! How’s work going!? (707)
Are you looking at me…? (Nothing)

Selection 2
You shouldn’t have made that robot then;; (*707)
Don’t feel too much pressure. You can always do it tomorrow! (707)

Selection 3
Yeah… I guess Yoosung’s more normal. (*707)
How is he different? (707)

Selection 4
Did you run away from home? (Nothing)
God Seven… Don’t be weak. (*707)

Selection 5

? I want to know more about you, Seven. (707)
I’m not that interested so don’t worry. (*707)
I hope you didn’t try to rhyme just now?^^ ++ (Alt Selection)

Alt Selection
You, you should be sorry;;; (*707)
Don’t think that way… You can’t be funny all the time. (707?)

Selection 6
Hmm… (*707)
Do you really believe in God? (707)

Selection 7
I guess your world must be complicated. I’m not really interested though. (*707)
Why are you being so sad…? Seven, you can have anything you want! (707)

Selection 8
Yeah, I really can’t understand you Seven.(*707)
Just let everything go… Be yourself. (707)

Selection 9
Let’s go to the moon together someday, haha. (707)
There’s not enough oxygen on the moon. (*Nothing)

Selection 10
Yeah, you should really pull yourself together. (*707)
That damn hacker!! (707)

Selection 11
Yeah! I guess you’ll feel better if they come? (Email from hacker if you hadn’t already gotten one in the first 4 days)
Hackers…? Let’s not invite them.

Selection 12
Yeah. Good luck keeping an eye out. (*707)
Thank you… I can feel God Seven’s good graces protecting me ^^ (707)

Selection 13
If it gets too tough, just think of me and feel better! (707)
Bye, Seven. (*Nothing)

A 707 Mystic Messenger walkthrough to ensure you get the Good End - and unlock the further mysteries and secrets of this many-layered story.

This Mystic Messenger guide page provides details on how to successfully complete 707's route.

It begins at Day 5, so you will need to have got yourself onto 707's route by playing days 1-4 of Deep Story mode. It is absolutely chock-a-block with spoilers, so you may prefer to click away and check out the full 707 route Mystic Messenger chat times schedule instead.

If you're still with us, below you'll find a full list of 707 route endings and details on how to obtain them. Scroll down past the image below for the full Day 5 through 11 707 route walkthrough.

As with other Mystic Messenger characters, 707's route offers multiple endings. Here’s the breakdown:

  • 707 Normal End: reach the party with 0-9 opened RSVP emails.
  • 707 Good End: reach the party with 10 or more opened RSVP emails.
  • 707 Bad Story End 1: select incorrect answers (blame 707 for the security issues) through to the Day 7 branch.
  • 707 Bad Story End 2: select correct answers through the Day 7 branch, then switch to incorrect answers (ignore 707's emotional issues and personality change, keep being playful and flirty) through to the Day 9 branch.
  • 707 Bad Story End 3: select correct answers through the Day 9 branch, then switch to incorrect answers (doubt 707, side with Saeran, insist on attending the party) through the Day 10 branch.
  • 707 Bad Relationship End 1: score below chat 30% participation or win more hearts for another character than 707 on Days 5 through 7.
  • 707 Bad Relationship End 2: pass the Day 9 branch, but score below 30% chat participation or win more hearts for another character than 707 on Days 7 through 10.

Judicious use of saves can help you get all these down with just one visit to 707's route. You will need to reload your save four times, so it will cost you 20 HG in total. Make sure you understand the rules for reloading saves before you do this! Here’s the most efficient method:

  • Do not open RSVP emails (those you receive after three correct replies).
  • Make a manual save after reaching Day 5, then achieve Bad Relationship End 1.
  • Reload your save and achieve Bad Story End 1.
  • Reload your save and achieve Bad Relationship End 2.
  • Reload your save, progress to the Day 7 branch point, make a second save, then achieve Bad Story End 2.
  • Reload your second save, then achieve Bad Story End 3.
  • Reload your second save, then achieve Normal End.
  • Reload your second save, open all your RSVP emails, then achieve Good End.

The walkthrough below suggests the answers leading to 707's good ending. Let us know if you’d like more guidance as to which answers lead to bad endings.

Just as a reminder, bear in mind that you don’t have to action every chat to reach the good ending – just try to hit as many as you can. Unlike the common route on earlier days, every chat on the 707 route after the Day 4 branch offers chances to earn hearts from him.


Day 5

    Day 5 - 00:18
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: I’ll leave him a word for you ^^
  • 3: You’re very quick. lol
    Day 5 - 01:48
  • 1: Jaehee, didn’t you see any weird messages in the chatroom?
  • 2: I hope it’s not anything serious…
  • 3: Yeah mean about the cat business?
  • 4: Seven!! Run for you life!!
  • 5: It seems he cannot speak human.
  • 6: God Seven, where are you? Please save the world from all the bugs!!
  • 7: Everyone, move over!!
  • 8: Hacker?? But you’re the hacker.
  • 9: Don’t tell me… that alarm and messages were sent by a hacker?
  • 10: Don’t tell me someone’s reading all our messages T_T
  • 11: Do you think… the person has something to do with “Unknown”?
  • 12: Yup. Let’s not be depressed and try to have a positive outlook on solving this.
  • 13: Show them what team play is all about!!
  • 14: I… will have Seven’s blessing!!
  • 15: Yay. God Seven!!
  • 16: I feel like you spend too much time with Ms. Vanderwood, Seven. T_T
  • I’ll be waiting for you☆
  • 18: I’m a bit doubtful myself T_T I guess she’s not just any other maid.
  • 19: Go ahead!
    Day 5 - 08:40
  • 1: Did you both have breakfast?
  • 2: God Seven…! I miss him… I guess he’s busy with work right? >.<
  • 3: No way…
  • 4: I trust God Seven to protect me. lol
  • 5: Ms Vanderwood… I wonder who she is.
  • 6: Why not? So what if he has a friend.
  • 7: If you have a thing for maids, then just say so.
  • 8: Please send over God Seven to me.
  • 9: They seem nice. Since everyone has headaches! [Unlocks email.]
  • 10: Have some mercy on Zen ^^;; Good bye.
  • 11: Run away.
  • 12: Hurry up and get ready.
    Day 5 - 14:21
  • 1: You did well too, Jaehee!
  • 2: Oil prices are effecting the currency too… The global economy is always hard to figure out.
  • 3: Oil Prince.
  • 4: Mr. Luciel is always open to financial cooperation.
  • 5: There’s not much time left!!
  • 6: Hurry and write that email.
  • 7: Jaehee is very smart… No, perhaps she is just desperate to live a proper life.
  • 8: Yes, take your time ^^ For Jaehee.
    Day 5 - 21:20
  • 1: Did you get a job as the bus driver?
  • 2: It’s a game, but I suppose it’s a proper society of its own.
  • 3: What do you think Seven is doing right now?
  • 4: He said something similar yesterday, and I could understand it… if you consider Seven’s career.
  • 5: I feel bad that Seven’s job has so many restrictions…
  • 6: Really!? You?? Study?!
  • 7: What’s up with you, haha?
  • 8: I don’t think it’s anything important.
  • 9: (any)
  • 10: So cool… For better fame and glory!

Day 6

    Day 6 - 01:33
  • 1: Did you find that Tripter bot that Seven made?
  • 2: Is something up?
  • 3: (any)
  • 4: Yes… I don’t feel good about it. You should ask Seven.
  • 5: I’m kind of worried about Seven. He doesn’t seem very well.
  • 6: I’ll try talking to him…
  • 7: If you have any good photos, share them with me! Good night!
    Day 6 - 03:17
  • 1: Hello, Zen… What about the email?
  • 2: I think Seven would say it’s just a spam message.
  • 3: I’m quite worried…
  • 4: I think so too…
  • 5: I wish nothing like that every happens to Seven.
  • 6: I do think that none of us know much about Seven… I want to know more about him.
  • 7: Just think about it makes me sad…
  • 8: Why are suddenly talking about relationships? haha
  • 9: Time for some night time snacks!
  • 10: I want to dream about Seven.
    Day 6 - 13:01
  • 1: Heya Zen.
  • 2: lololololol Congratulations, Jaehee.
  • 3: Did you say you saw Zen’s DVD again last night? I’d like to hear your thoughts.
  • 4: It feels more suspicious since that whole hacker thing just happened a couple of days ago…
  • 5: I miss Seven… I wanna joke around.
  • 6: You must still have a lot of work, but I’m happy you seem more relaxed today. Good luck!
  • 7: I think it’s a bit serious… Don’t you think he needs help?
  • 8: I pay my respect to your diligence, Zen.
  • 9: Bye, lovely Zen!
    Day 6 - 14:39
  • 1: Jumin Han. I wanna shout his name too lololol
  • 2: What did Jumin tell your mom?
  • 3: Oh! They seem like a nice group. Can we invite them to the party? [Unlocks email.]
  • 4: I don’t think Jumin will listen. He’s in a plane. ^^
  • 5: Good bye… T_T
    Day 6 - 16:04
  • 1: Heya God Seven
  • 2: I can’t believe Mrs. Kim is going to go see him! I’m getting more nervous lol
  • 3: Hahaha, well whatever happens, I’m having fun ^^ I want some popcorn
  • 4: Let’s not be too harsh on him haha
  • 5: Wow you managed to find it so fast! You’re such a genius God Seven!
  • 6: So you mean the hacker sent us that email!?
  • 7: How are you going to make sure I’m safe?
  • 8: Seven, aren’t you without a bodyguard too? Are you okay?
  • 9: Let’s go out for some fresh air together once this ends ^^
  • 10: Won’t it be too dangerous?
  • 11: I’ll go with you!! You can’t go there alone!
  • 12: Don’t strain yourself, Seven… Bye.
  • 13: I think so too. Everything will work out if we work together…
  • 14: I wish he’d just tell me everything… I’m worried about him too.
    Day 6 - 17:55
  • 1: Jaehee… Hello!
  • 2: Probably exactly what’s going on? haha
  • 3: Yup. You have to keep your job, haha.
  • 4: I’m more worried about Seven. I think he wants to take care of everything himself…
  • 5: Yes, please left Jumin know of the gravity of the situation.
    Day 6 - 19:19
  • 1: Did your mother get there?
  • 2: Wat? Omg, I need to bring my popcorn.
  • 3: Bu-but think of it positively… You get to live a better lifestyle now.
  • 4: lololol That’s how much you want to escape.
  • 5: She’ll just stay for a couple of days ^^;; Moms always carry around a lot of stuff.
  • 6: OMG lololol So cute lololol I want to be your stepmother.
  • 7: I pray that you can escape…!

Day 7

    Day 7 - 01:10
  • 1: Wassup Yoosung ma homie.
  • 2: Yes… I feel really sad.
  • 3: If that’s really the case, shouldn’t we go rescue him?
  • 4: Perhaps that’s why he was so crestfallen and described it that way.
  • 5: Why don’t we bring him Honey Buddha Chips?
  • 6: Oh…
  • 7: I do think he’s overly worried about me.
  • 8: What do you think he meant by that?
  • 9: You’re not playing games right now, right? lolol Good boy.
  • 10: I show respect because of your passion.
  • 11: lololololololol Make soap! So I can give them to Seven.
  • 12: He seems to have lost his confidence. I hope he gets it back soon.
  • 13: If he has a dangerous job, I’d like to stop him…
  • 14: You’re right! I should go to bed.
    Day 7 - 02:30
  • 1: Zen, what were you doing so late at night? ^^
  • 2: No, the photo is dazzling.
  • 3: Did you find it?
  • 4: Yeah, good job ^^ Our proud God Seven!
  • 5: He’s a genius. What can’t he do? lol
  • 6: Give something back if you’re so thankful lolol
  • 7: Good idea!
  • 8: I agree with that.
  • 9: Yeah… want Seven to just honestly express his feelings for me…!
  • 10: Haha…
  • 11: No smoking! It’s bad for your skin and your lungs.
  • 12: (any)
    Day 7 - 10:40
  • 1: How are you doing with your mom? ^^
  • 2: (any)
  • 3: I’m fine. Seven’s protecting me ^^
  • 4: (any)
  • 5: I agree with Jaehee…
  • 6: Hello, my rainbow unicorn.
  • 7: (any)
  • 8: Are you okay?
  • 9: I’m disappointed that my unicorn smokes cigarettes.
  • 10: Maybe she smokes too?
  • 11: To be honest, I don’t like that he told Seven to just get rid of his emotions.
  • 12: I can’t get rid of my emotions.
  • 13: Yeah, it’s a good cause! Let’s invite them. [Unlocks email.]
  • 14: Okay, don’t worry. Hope the meeting goes well.
  • 15: He might have a problem controlling his emotions. But isn’t the fact that he’s in a difficult situation what’s really getting to him?
  • 16: It would have been good if you slept early lolol
  • 17: Bye, celebrity boy.
  • 18: Yes, I think Seven did a very good job.
  • 19: (any)
  • 20: (any)
    Day 7 - 12:27
  • 1: I did ^^
  • 2: Oh! That’s genius!
  • 3: You want to build a golf course on desert too?
  • 4: Good! Let’s invite them. [Unlocks email.]
  • 5: Win the game ^^
    Day 7 - 13:36
  • 1: Yes? Why? Is something wrong?
  • 2: What.
  • 3: You’re coming here?
  • 4: Seven, wait!
    Day 7 - 14:58
  • 1: There’s no way I can know since he didn’t explain anything… I’ll just have to stay here.
  • 2: I’m not sure, but I can tell that he’s super conscious of Ms. Vanderwood being there.
  • 3: Seven! What were you talking about just before? Please explain.
  • 4: Seven’s coming here right now?
  • 5: I think he doesn’t have any other choice right now. I should just listen to him and wait.
  • 6: Is he famous? Can I have his contact information? [Unlocks email.]
  • 7: I’m fine. Hurry, Yoosung!

Day 8

    Day 8 - 01:05
  • 1: Don’t worry ^^;; Seven’s on our side
  • 2: I was just having a lovely chat with Zen ^^
  • 3: I think Jumin would still care…
  • 4: We would have been in big trouble if it weren’t for Seven.
  • 5: Let’s wait a bit for him to reach us.
  • 6: Jaehee, it’s late so please be careful and good luck!
  • 7: Yeah, I’m impressed that Jumin decided to just come straight back…
  • 8: He seems a bit busy, but he’s nice.
  • 10: I’ll be careful. Thanks for worrying, Zen.
    Day 8 - 03:12
  • 1: Welcome home.
  • 2: I think we should discuss that issue with Seven.
  • 3: What is Elizabeth doing?
  • 4: I guess you meet your father often.
  • 5: Poor Yoosung…
  • 6: I plan to stay up a bit more.

Take good care of her

    Day 8 - 19:29
  • 1: Seven is working hard as usual.
  • 2: You’re absolutely right!!
  • 3: Jaehee, don’t despair! He’ll be back in touch! Soon!
  • 4: It means that he trusts you, so be positive ^^; Of course, I’m sure it’s tough…
  • 5: Should we invite them to the party? [Unlocks email.]
  • 6: Hang in there ^^;; Accio phone call!
    Day 8 - 23:30
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: Seven! V’s finally here.
  • 3: (any)
  • 4: So the phone was bugged?
  • 5: … What do you think Seven?
  • 6: Are you doubting Seven?
  • 7: The letters might really be there.
  • 8: Seven!! Why don’t you calm down and listen to V?
  • 9: Maybe you shouldn’t dive V towards the wall?
  • 10: He must have really bad service…
  • 11: Seven… are you okay?

Day 9

    Day 9 - 01:12
  • 1: I think this is really difficult for him.
  • 2: You barely missed V…
  • 3: I feel so bad…
  • 4: I’m sure there’s a secret he wants to keep hidden. Don’t you think he should open the drawer?
  • 5: Still, we didn’t hear his explanation yet, so we shouldn’t just assume that he did all bad…
  • 6: Jaehee… aren’t you taking V’s side too much here?
  • 7: …I’m sure Seven doesn’t want RFA to split up.
  • 8: Try to rest and calm down a bit for now, Yoosung.
  • 9: But… what gets me more is that V was really flustered to hear the name Saeran.
  • 10: (any)
    Day 9 - 02:46
  • 1: I was thinking about what you said to me earlier…
  • 2: Shouldn’t you explain to the RFA members about Saeran now?
  • 3: So V was your savior at the time.
  • 4: I remember… how you looked when you found out about it.
  • 5: Now I understand why you can’t trust V.
  • 6: I’m sure that Saeran is first now…
  • 7: Okay, I think that is the best option for you.
  • 8: I will. Don’t work too hard and please take a break.
    Day 9 - 10:01
  • 1: Hi… How’s work going?
  • 2: Yoosung, you understand how Seven feels, right?
  • 3: Still, don’t you think there will be something he can help with?
  • 4: I don’t think that’s a good idea…
  • 5: (any)
  • 6: Why did you suddenly decide that…?
  • 7: That’s too harsh…
  • 8: So my feeling mean nothing to you, Seven…?
  • 9: Yoosung…
  • 10: Yoosung… are you okay?
    Day 9 - Branch
  • If you have made correct choices to this point, the game will continue as below. If not, you’ll eventually arrive at a Bad End.

The materials in Rika’s drawer.. It’s very shocking, isn’t it?

Day 10

Day 11

    Day 11 - 08:00
  • There are no choices in this chat.

The party is available any time from midday onwards and can be actioned at any time you like. Make a back up save before you begin. If you proceed without ten confirmed guests, you’ll see the Normal End. You can then reload your save for 5 HG, action all your confirmation emails, and see the Good End.

    Day 11 – 12:00
  • [party and ending]

But what happens next? 707 and Saeran's story continues in the Secret Ending, but you'll need a lot of HG to unlock every episode!

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A walkthough to get you on the 707 route in Mystic Messenger, starting at the Prologue and running through to the Day 4 branch.

This Mystic Messenger guide page is designed to hold your hand from the very start of the game right through to where you'll be locked into the 707 route.

707 route is only available in Deep Story mode. We recommend playing 707's route last, because it contains the most background story information of any Mystic Messenger route. It makes more sense once you've played all the others, and also can spoil your experience with the other characters.

The 707 route get walkthrough below only covers those chats where there are significant 707 hearts or email opportunities. You can and should participate in other chats, to keep your chat participation at 60% or more. Your strategy in other chats should be to avoid giving Jumin hearts, and to spread your other hearts around the remaining three characters as evenly as you can. You can't accidentally end up on Yoosung, Zen or Jaehee's routes in this mode, but you can get a bad end after Day 4 if 707's heart tally isn't high enough.

If you're trying to get the 707 route and don't want a full walkthrough, try out Mystic Messenger Day 1 through 4 chat times schedule; it'll help you hit all the 707 chats without giving you the answers. We also strongly recommend consulting the Mystic Messenger all answers email guide, as you'll need a lot of RSVPs for 707's good ending.

How to get 707 route - Prologue

  • 1:I am [your name]. Who are you all and what is this place?
  • 2: I am flustered too. I was connected to a stranger through a messenger app and he sent me the address.
  • 3: Ya. I know nothing.
  • 4: (any)
  • 5: (any)
  • 6: (any)
  • 7: (any)
  • 8: (any)
  • 9: I’m not really interested.
  • 10: (any)
  • 11: (any)
  • 12: I’m not interested.

How to get 707 route - Day 1

    Day 1 - 00:03
  • 1: I’m a pretty unique person.
  • 2: Thank you ^^
  • 3: Have fun
    Day 1 - 11:58
  • 1: You’re not playing games?
  • 2: I think yes way;
  • 3: Can’t you just tell me?
  • 4: (any)
  • 5: Good bye, Seven.
    Day 1 - 13:48
  • 1: How do you do, Mr. Han?
  • 2: Why?
  • 3: Is the job hard?
  • 4: I’ll try my best.
  • 5: I’m not interested.
  • 6: Conquering the world.
  • 7: (any)
    Day 1 - 23:15
  • 1: Jaehee, you’re still awake.
  • 2: I plan to try my best.
  • 3: I am curious of 707.
  • 4: You’re fun too
  • 5: (any)

How to get 707 route - Day 2

    Day 2 - 00:30
  • 1:Seven, what are you doing?
  • 2: I don’t think it’s bad to spend a lot of time doing what you like.
  • 3: Negative
  • 4: (any)
  • 5: 110-000-110 & 111-000-111
  • 6: I’m just kidding lolol
  • 7: I love twisted love. OH YEAH.
  • 8: Seven, just let me know if there’s anything I can do
    Day 2 - 09:22
  • 1: a;ejag;ifjdklv!!
  • 2: What’s up meow? Over.
  • 3: None lol If I had to say, it would just be this weird situation happening right now.
  • 4: Thanks, Seven ^^
  • 5: Don’t you have any photos of you?
  • 6: (any)
  • 7: Just adopt one!
  • 8: Your maid is very fierce;;
  • 9: So awesome!!
  • 10: Good!! Two birds with one stone!
  • 11: (any)
  • 12: Don’t go T_T
    Day 2 - 11:50
    Note: 707 is not in this chat but there are multiple 707 hearts and an email opportunity.
  • 1: Jaehee, did you have lunch?
  • 2: The side dishes don’t look so good.
  • 3: Yoosung, Cheer up. Money’s nothing compared to a good heart!
  • 4: Cheer up, Jaehee!!
  • 5: I trust Seven about that.
  • 6: I’m a bit nervous to be honest, since I don’t know V at all.
  • 7: So Seven works for RFA and as a hacker too.
  • 8: Perhaps they are being careful to make sure everyone is safe?
  • 9: I thought Seven was always the secretive type?
  • 10: I’m worried he’s working on some dangerous things.
  • 11: Oooh. Just like a movie lol
  • 12: Jaehee, it must be so hard to do this job.
  • 13: I don’t think you can just open up banks like you do with shops.;;
  • 14: I think it’s a good idea! Tell them to contact me. [Unlocks email]
  • 15: It was fun talking to you, Yoosung. Bye!
  • 16: Jaehee, talk to you later!
    Day 2 - 14:12
  • 1: Heya Seven.
  • 2: Wow, I want to know! How?
  • 3: (any)
  • 4: Guess you really love cars >.<
  • 5: Wow so cute! Seven’s cute!
  • 6: Always be careful meow
  • 7: Aight. Just let me know what you feel safe telling me.
  • 8: (any)
    Day 2 - 15:58
    Note: 707 is not in this chat but there are multiple 707 hearts.
  • 1: Jaehee, how’s work?
  • 2: Do you think Ms. Vanderwood is important to Seven?
  • 3: (any)
  • 4: It’s Jumin Han. The handsome man in a suit.
  • 5: You didn’t know?
  • 6: It’s good to be honest, but I think Jaehee will be upset if you say it right in front of her…
  • 7: Yeah…
  • 8: I didn’t even get to say good bye…;;
  • 9: Jumin, you were never in Jaehee’s shoes, so I don’t think you understand this.
  • 10: If you just keep a closer look… I think you’d know why.
  • 11: Uhm… Do you guys want a moment? Should I leave?
  • 12: He didn’t even give me a chance to say good bye…
  • 13: Thank you for caring.
  • 14: OMGOMG Make sure you send me a selfie!!
    Day 2 - 19:56
  • 1: Cheer up Seven O Seven! Sevenny! Sevv! Lovely Seven!
  • 2: Someone’s here.
  • 3: Nah. We were just joking around.
  • 4: Evading the question?
  • 5: No… No way!
  • 6: So you are a forever-alone, or not?
  • 7: (any)
  • 8: I am an open-minded person, so feel free to come out. I appreciate all types of people.
  • 9: I’m still having fun lol
  • 10: He ran away.
  • 11: Don’t go T_T
    Day 2 - 22:00
    Note: 707 is not in this chat but there is an email opportunity.
  • 1: Wow Zen, I missed ya.
  • 2: I think Jumin can’t be gay too.
  • 3: A woman’s instinct! +_+
  • 4: You smell like a man, lovely Zen!
  • 5: But you were always considerate towards women… So cool!
  • 6: Lamb kebab?
  • 7: I think it’s a good idea. Tell him to email me ^^ [Unlocks email]
  • 8: Oh….Shower….>_<

How to get 707 route - Day 3

    Day 3 - 2:59
    Note: 707 is not in this chat but there’s an email opportunity.
  • 1: Hi, Jaehee! How about you?
  • 2: OMGOMG >0< Zen Zen Zen!! My lovely Zen!
  • 3: The photooooo.
  • 4: Huh? I thought LOL’s the game Yoosung’s in love with?
  • 5: I mean, no one can beat Zen.
  • 6: I’d love to see it in person +_+ Will there be more shows?
  • 7: That’s a good idea. [Unlocks email]
  • 8: What an elegant schedule.
  • 9: congrats
  • 10: So sorry Jaehee T_T
  • 11: New girlfriend…? Is Mr. Han single?
  • 12: …Again?
  • 13: Jumin, sleep tight! ^^
  • 14: I guess you never get any breaks, Jaehee.
  • 15: Me too! Sleep tight!
    Day 3 - 07:46
  • 1: Are you ok?
  • 2: Feel like people trust others less and less these days T_T Such a cruel world!!
  • 3: Seems like you two talk often. He must really trust you.
  • 4: Thanks for saying that, but everyone’s waiting for the party, so we can’t let them down, haha.
  • 5: But don’t you already know everything about me?
  • 6: (any)
  • 7: I wanna have Honey Buddha Chips and Doctor Pepper for breakfast too! lol
  • 8: Really? Wow, so jelly!
  • 9: Sleep tight ^^
    Day 3 - 20:01
    Note: 707 is not in this chat but there are multiple 707 hearts and an email opportunity.
  • 1: (any)
  • 2: Hey.
  • 3: I’m sure he’ll take care of it. Seven seems to be working hard too.
  • 4: You only talk to Seven.
  • 5: To be honest, I love talking to Seven!
  • 6: You must know each other’s families too.
  • 7: Women are all the same.
  • 8: (any)
  • 9: Please set it asap for everyone. I think Yoosung’s having a hard time.
  • 10: I think it’s a good idea. Let’s invite her! [Unlocks email]
  • 11: Don’t forget to set the date. Yoosung and I are waiting desperately!
  • 12: You don’t meet with V often?
  • 13: Okay. Good night.
    Day 3 - 22:14
  • 1: Hey hey hey!
  • 2: I thought you two talk regularly?
  • 3: I hope the date gets set soon.
  • 4: No. T_T
  • 5: Should I start nagging you like a childhood friend, Seven? lol
  • 6: You don’t have any childhood friends?
  • 7: Yes… Maybe that person is already nearby you///
  • 8: What’s wrong? Emergency?
  • 9: (any)
  • 10: (any)
  • 11: T_T Don’t go T_T

How to get 707 route - Day 4

    Day 4 - 13:10
  • 1: Hungry. Hunkie. Hunchy.
  • 2: I want to lick it.
  • 3: Well, who cares if it tastes good?
  • 4: God Seven!! God Seven!!
  • 5: lololololol sin7 cos7 tan7
  • 6: I was going to ask you through morse codes when we’re alone.
  • 7: Seven awesome!
  • 8: Seven, it’s not polite to ask a woman that.
  • 9: Why doesn’t he just leave his cat with Seven?
  • 10: Maybe Seven has his own way of loving… ^^
  • 11: It must be tough for you… Well, I guess it’s all for the company T_T
  • 12: Seven, you can give him ideas!
  • 13: I guess Seven can empathize since he has a job too? T_T
  • 14: That’s such a cool car! Jaehee, did you like it?
  • 15: God bless you!
  • 16: But you’re always with God inside your heart?
  • 17: I can’t! I want to stay here with you, Seven!
  • 18: I think it’s okay. The cat’s cute. [Unlocks email]
  • 19: You’re amazing… I hope you don’t get any more work.
  • 20: You must really like them.
  • 21: Good luck, meow!
    Day 4 - 17:07
  • 1: 707!
  • 2: You’re more of the mysterious types, so you can’t post selfies as often. lol
  • 3: Should I cut your hair? lol I want to.
  • 4: lololol So no one press for answers meow!
  • 5: Don’t pierce through my heart! >_<
  • 6: Seven… You’re too popular T_T
  • 7: (any)
  • 8: Sounds fun lolol [Unlocks email]
  • 9: What a lovely way to put it.
  • 10: Cheer up, Seven!

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Selection 1
The computer looks really nice… (*707)
Do you think Saeran hacked into our system here? (707)

Selection 2
It’s no use wondering about it now. (*707)
First… if Saeran really used this computer, we’d better start transfering the materials. (707)

Selection 3
It looks like you’ve done this before. Hmm… (*707)
Seven, are you transferring the information already? You’re so fast. (707)

Selection 4
Saeran…? (707)
Who…!? (*Nothing)

Selection 5
What are you going to do with us!? (*707)
Seven, shouldn’t we run? (707)

Selection 6
Saeran… still please listen. Nothing will change just by you listening. (707)
Seven, did you do something wrong to Saeran? (*707)

Selection 7
Saeran, I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding. Please listen to what Seven has to say. (707)
I’ll be the judge of that. (*707)

Selection 8
And last time when he saw you.. that’s when he realized that V didn’t keep his promise. (707)
Believe what you want to believe. It’s up to you. (*707)

Selection 9
Saeran, what really happened? (707)
Whatever happened, Seven was wrong to leave. (*707)

Selection 10
Savior? (707)
Who should I believe. (*707)

Selection 11
(Inserts floppy disc into the computer.) (*707)
Seven, just show it to him. (707)

Note: From this point on, if you are able to continue to follow this with Selection 12, congrats! You passed the branch! If you are in the bad end, you will not see this choices, but only one selection choice. Keep playing out, but if you miss chats, I wouldn’t pay HG to get into them.

Selection 12
I think the door’s locked!
Seven… should we run after him? (707)

Character(s): Jumin, 707
Outgoing Calls (suggested, not confirmed): Zen, Jumin, Jaehee, Yoosung

Selection 1
Cars? (Nothing)
I guess he’s not picking up on purpose. (Nothing)

Selection 2
Jumin… Seven and I are locked in right now. (707)
Jumin, we might need some help. We’re locked in. (Jumin)

Selection 3
Please explain the situation to Jumin. (707)
How longer do you think it’ll take? (Nothing)

Selection 4
My life is on the line, pull yourself together. (707 Break!)
We will! Don’t lose faith. (707)

Selection 5
Haven’t we already made a fuss? ;; (Nothing)
Won’t someone else come attack us? (707)

Selection 6
You can do it, Seven. (707)
If you’ve calmed down, go back to work. Move move! (Nothing)

Selection 7
Only fate will know. I’ll get going. (Nothing)
Everything will be fine, Jumin. I’ll get going too. (Jumin)

Character(s): Zen, Yoosung, 707

Selection 1
Yes… we had a a moment to spare. (Zen)
Is RFA doing okay? (Nothing)

Selection 2
We’re safe. We are still locked in… (Yoosung)
Not yet. We’re still locked in. (Nothing)

Selection 3
I don’t know. He seems busy. (Nothing)
Seven will be here soon. (707)

Selection 4
Yes! (707)
It’s more important to get out of here first. (Nothing)

Selection 5
Shouldn’t we go somewhere safer? (Nothing)
We can’t leave until we find Saeran and the truth. (707)

Selection 6
We’ll be in touch again! (Yoosung)
Wish us luck. (Nothing)

Character(s): Jaehee, Jumin

Selection 1
We’re currently leaving the building through blind spots. (707)
No. Seven just stopped for a moment to find the way out so I came in here. (Nothing)

Selection 2
Did you guys hear from V yet? (Nothing)
V’s coming to the party, right? (Nothing)

Selection 3
I should go back to Seven now. Cheer up both of you! (Nothing)
Tell me if you hear anything from V. I’ll get going. (Nothing)

Selection 1
I think we missed Saeran… (707)
We were late because you hesitated in the middle. (707 Break)

Selection 2
First let’s get out of here. (Nothing)
Someone must have driven off quickly… It’s not Saeran’s car, is it. (707)

Selection 3
V? (Nothing)
Saeran…? (Nothing)

Selection 4
What is that about? (Nothing)
V, you’re blind? You don’t seem that way. (Nothing)

Selection 5
Seven! Have you ever lent anyone your car? (707)
Can we believe him? (Nothing)

Selection 6
I thought Vanderwood was your maid? (Nothing)
How the hell does the agency operate? (Nothing)

Character(s): V
Outgoing Calls (suggested, not confirmed): 707

Note: Even though you are in this chat, there are no selections.

Character(s): Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee, Jumin
Outgoing Calls (suggested, not confirmed): Zen, Jaehee, Jumin

Selection 1
Yes, but first, did you read what V said? (Nothing)
Yes… we’re moving to a safe location. (Yoosung)

Selection 2
Maybe he was too shocked and just left;; (Nothing)
Jaehee, I think something’s wrong with Jumin. Shouldn’t you give him a call? (Jumin)

Selection 3
Although we don’t know the truth yet. (Nothing)
I think Seven is just as shocked. (Nothing)

Selection 4
That’s a good idea. You guys can comfort each other. (Yoosung)
That’s not very manly… but go ahead. (Nothing)

Selection 5
Don’t worry about us and Yoosung! Hurry to Zen’s house. (Yoosung)
Okay, I will. Everyone try to calm down. The party’s tomorrow. (Zen)

Selection 6
I’m just worried that Seven seems really hurt. (707)
V just told us to trust him without giving us any evidence. (Nothing)

Selection 7
I should get going too. I should at least try to comfort Seven. (707)
I have to watch over Seven so that he doesn’t dose off. (Nothing)

Character(s): 707
Note: Zen and Yoosung call after this chat
Outgoing Calls (suggested, not confirmed): Yoosung

Selection 1
Seven, aren’t you tired driving? (Alt Selection)
we’re the only one here… (Nothing)

Selection 2
It’s fine. (707)

Selection 3
I’m sure that V’s our enemy. (Nothing)
Yes, I think my heart is still racing. (Nothing)

Selection 4
But how did you find this cabin? (Nothing)
You were working on your computer earlier. What were you doing? (Nothing)

Selection 5
What do you think Vanderwood plans to do with Saeran? (Nothing)
I’m feel bad for Saeran. (707)

Selection 6
I think it’ll be safe to be with you until Mint Eye is no longer a threat. (707)
I’ll be with you until the end. (707)

Selection 7
Yes… I won’t be able to attend, but I hope it goes well. (Nothing)
Since I can’t go… I was forgetting about it. (Nothing)

Selection 8
Okay, I hope the party goes well tomorrow… we’ll end the day here! (Nothing)
I’ll be hoping for everything to work out. (Nothing)

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