Миссис фостер killing floor 2 как получить

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

23 апр. 2018 в 5:51 Are you for real my lads? What is wrong with you all? Why are you overracting so much? yes they said zedconomy is going to fund future updates and content and it is truth but they never mentioned its going to fund mrs foster back in 2015. so please calm down. just please. people like sell way worse dlc packs for way higher money while you get a fan favourite character from kf1 (which was also sold as dlc. ) who will have new lines , a proper voice actress and you complain because of a statement said back in 2015 that they didnt do anythign wrong or lied to us. you will get free weapons,free content,free characters. just calm the ♥♥♥ down jesus christ. also ti is a expirement as mentioned in the post on the last paragraph.
You people are unbelievable. 23 апр. 2018 в 6:03 I love this game, i see many problems with this game, Paid mrs foster is not one of them, im surprised paid characters havent come out sooner, while im not all for the practise i bought characters in kf1 that had just the two standard "classic briar classic masterson" voice lines i remember in character selection being like "this a masterson or a briar" KF2 meanwhile has given us characters each with voice acting some better then others, i want more characters i dont want more D.A.R's recycling voice lines, i never asked for mrs foster to be voiced by someone famous, but im also all for voice artists getting work, is this the end of free characters? i dont know but as an old KF1 player i remember when the first character DLC was released where you paid for a selection of four with no new voice work. i seem to recall one of them was mr foster the literal most popular kf character of all time. Sorry for the long post with varied qaulity of grammar. 23 апр. 2018 в 6:04 I love this game, i see many problems with this game, Paid mrs foster is not one of them, im surprised paid characters havent come out sooner, while im not all for the practise i bought characters in kf1 that had just the two standard "classic briar classic masterson" voice lines i remember in character selection being like "this a masterson or a briar" KF2 meanwhile has given us characters each with voice acting some better then others, i want more characters i dont want more D.A.R's recycling voice lines, i never asked for mrs foster to be voiced by someone famous, but im also all for voice artists getting work, is this the end of free characters? i dont know but as an old KF1 player i remember when the first character DLC was released where you paid for a selection of four with no new voice work. i seem to recall one of them was mr foster the literal most popular kf character of all time. Sorry for the long post with varied qaulity of grammar. 23 апр. 2018 в 8:40 Are you for real my lads? What is wrong with you all? Why are you overracting so much? yes they said zedconomy is going to fund future updates and content and it is truth but they never mentioned its going to fund mrs foster back in 2015. so please calm down. just please. people like sell way worse dlc packs for way higher money while you get a fan favourite character from kf1 (which was also sold as dlc. ) who will have new lines , a proper voice actress and you complain because of a statement said back in 2015 that they didnt do anythign wrong or lied to us. you will get free weapons,free content,free characters. just calm the ♥♥♥ down jesus christ. also ti is a expirement as mentioned in the post on the last paragraph.
You people are unbelievable. Honestly I agree with you 100% they never said that they were going to like funds new characters that actually have to be voice acted by professional voice actors, they said free content they have been giving us free content, for example look at the new characters they've already given out so far for free and now they have the chance to use a really cool voice actor and their game of course the character is not going to be free and she was at free in the first one either, it's also the same thing with my DJ Scully you can't get DJ Scully unless you get the deluxe edition 23 апр. 2018 в 8:46

Seeing as TWI took awhile with Mrs foster I'm lead to assume they take their time when producing characters of this quality and wont dump them out constantly to the point that it becomes overwhelming.

We're nowhere near as bad as some games


We're fine, everyone is just overreacting, and besides it's not like they're selling it for 15$ or something stupid, I'd take it it'll be 5$ tops which is fine by me.

23 апр. 2018 в 8:52 We got like 5 new characters for free yet we have 1 that needs to be bought and everyone goes crazy. I honestly don't care, the only characters I really care about are our generic soldier 1 and generic cop 1 from Killing Floor 1 release. 23 апр. 2018 в 9:31 exactly guys lets all aprreciate the fact that they are already working on the update where according to Molly they are talking about increasing the difficulty : D since with the mrs foster update you are going to have a chance to upgrade your weapons statistics for instance more damage on a tier 3 weapon etc. 23 апр. 2018 в 9:54

And then you'll get another paid character. And more. And more.
Then you'll get paid guns from KF1. More.
Then workshop maps would be in the store page with some of the share going towards the creator.
What will happen to the free updates, now that they have way more income from DLCs?
They'll be way less frequent, and the pricing of the DLCs would be excused by more famous voice actors.
And you'll eat it up like a good dog you are.

23 апр. 2018 в 9:58

And then you'll get another paid character. And more. And more.
Then you'll get paid guns from KF1. More.
Then workshop maps would be in the store page with some of the share going towards the creator.
What will happen to the free updates, now that they have way more income from DLCs?
They'll be way less frequent, and the pricing of the DLCs would be excused by more famous voice actors.
And you'll eat it up like a good dog you are.

No.Just no. stop with that nopaidcharacters stuff you dont even know what the hell you are doing. go cry somewhere else 23 апр. 2018 в 10:00 .
No.Just no. stop with that nopaidcharacters stuff you dont even know what the hell you are doing. go cry somewhere else

Oh i'm well aware about the topic.
It's you who prefers to dismiss all the speculations about this game turning into Payday 2. It's the usual thing for humans to do. They tend to regret it afterwards tho.

23 апр. 2018 в 10:03 .
No.Just no. stop with that nopaidcharacters stuff you dont even know what the hell you are doing. go cry somewhere else

Oh i'm well aware about the topic.
It's you who prefers to dismiss all the speculations about this game turning into Payday 2. It's the usual thing for humans to do. They tend to regret it afterwards tho.

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с Killing Floor 2. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Killing Floor 2.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

В этом руководстве я постараюсь найти все плюсы и минусы при покупке отдельного игрового персонажа в Killing Floor 2 и стоят ли они своих денег или вообще вашего внимания.

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Сама Миссис Фостер появилась еще в первой части Killing Floor и играть за нее можно было только при покупке DLC.

В принципе, разработчики и во второй части сделали точно также, только теперь ее можно купить во внутриигровом магазине и она не идет как доп. контент, а как вещь в ваш инвентарь.
По логике можно догадаться, что она - то ли жена, то ли близкий родственник самого Фостера - одного из значимых персонажей серии и из-за чего купить ее хочется немного, но больше.

Как бы оригинально и банально это не звучало, но за покупку мы получаем только базового героя с небольшим выбором цветной расцветки противогаза и ее одежды. Всего цветов как и у многих других героев только 6: Белый, зеленый, красный, коричневый, розовый и черный.

Ниже прилагаю видео с игрой на самой Фостер с ее уникальными репликами:

Как правило, герой имеет из уникального только озвучку и в редких случаях одежду, которую можно нацепить только на его (помимо базовой расцветки основной одежды).
И в этом случае Миссис Фостер не сильно выделилась. Она имеет полную русскую озвучку со своими острыми фразами в сторону мутантов и не только.
В первые минуты геймплея ей играть реально интересно и слушать ее реакцию на окружающую среду. Как она комментирует что ей темно, холодно и т.д. Впрочем, эти реакции были и у базовых героев игры, так что выделиться у нее не вышло.

Лично я считаю что 10$ или де за 645 рублей многовато для самостоятельного героя, даже для такого, как Миссис Фостер. Однако в игре иногда проходят внутриигровые скидки на товары и ее можно урвать за полцены, тогда это не выглядит так дорого.
Так же для тех, кто любит коллекционировать все, что есть в магазине Killing Floor 2 и что нельзя достать другим путем, я думаю цена не остановит и они ради полного комплекта контента все таки купят ее и не пожалеют на нее денег.
Как по мне есть предложения и по лучше, чем покупать игрового персонажа без особых навыков и который выделяется только моделькой и репликой за 10$, но с другой стороны есть люди, которые донатят в свои любимые игры и побольше денег. Так что все это дело - это всего лишь дело вкуса, но как по мне если и хочешь ее купить, то лучше ждать распродажи.

Надеюсь мой субъективный и сырой отзыв кому то поможет при покупке или же не покупке этого героя. Если нужно подробное видео ее косметических вещей (как они выглядят в игре) то могу залить, если кому то это реально интересно.

At the same time, a free Steampunk version of the character was added which could be unlocked by completing achievements on the Lockheart's Steamland map.

She was added to Killing Floor 2 as a DLC character in the Mrs. Foster DLC during the Summer Sideshow event in 2018.


Killing Floor Description

"She was a scarily-successful commodities trader when she interviewed Foster for a job. He was clearly a no-hoper as a trader - but there was something about him. He was so cool, so suave, so. unique. Unique enough to give her a gas mask of her very own on their first date. It was almost as if he'd known of her certainty that bio-virus-evil would create the flesh-eating-clone-horde and ruin her run of multi-million-pound bonuses. They may not be able to work together in the City - but they can work together to exterminate zeds!"

Steampunk Mrs. Foster Description

"In one of the perverse paradoxes created by weird alternate realities, that place where day traders are hip and trendy seems to have the same effect on their slightly-warped commodity-trader girlfriends. Now who would have guessed that?"

Killing Floor 2 Description

This is just an expanded version of her original description:

When she interviewed Mr. Foster for a commodities trader job, Mrs. Foster was already a scarily-successful trader at a top firm in London. She was what he wanted to be, but Mr. Foster was clearly a no-hoper as a trader; he couldn't play by the rules or keep his mouth shut. Still, there was something about him; he was so cool, so suave, so. unique. Unique enough to give her a gas mask of her own on their first date. It was almost as if he'd known that a chaingun wielding mutant maniac was going to create a flesh-eating clone horde and ruin her streak of multi-million-pound bonuses. They were married soon after in a whirlwind of flowers, lace, Zeds, and explosives. They may not be able to work together in the city making huge piles of cash, but they can work together to exterminate the zeds making huge piles of Dosh!

Господин Фостер (ориг. mr. Foster) - персонаж игр Killing Floor и Killing Floor 2, доступен для выбора в главном меню, вкладка "Снаряжение".


Фостер пришёл в финансовый бизнес со школьной скамьи - из не слишком притязательной английской частной школы, где ему чаще всего приходилось слышать слова "Вы, Фостер, ни на что дельное не сгодитесь". Впрочем, его это мало заботило. как ни странно, но на бирже Фостер обрёл себя. Он начал зарабатывать неплохие деньги, что ему очень нравилось. Конечно, он никому не признался бы, что нравится ему и сама работа. Также он приобрёл привычку оскорбительно отзываться об авторитетах. В итоге Фостера считают умным парнем с сардоническим чувством юмора и хорошим вкусом к костюмам и автомобилям. Ну или мелким выскочкой. Решать вам.


«Вы только посмотрите, мы все остались живы! Отблагодарите меня позже.»
— Господин Фостер

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