Mineshafts and monsters minecraft сборка гайд

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Unlike most mod-packs, this pack has a completely unique questing system. After you gain villagers' trust, they will be neutral to you. But they are still far from being chummy with you. By trading with villagers, they will start to ease up on you. That means they will start giving you information on how to progress through the world. Keep in mind that it takes quite a lot of trades to buy their friendship. So be ready to either farm resources or loot giant dungeons/structures!


Villagers will sometimes give you side-quests that are not compulsory to finish the mod-pack. Besides villagers, FeyWild and Dungeons Mod both give you some interesting side-quests to take on. Check their wiki page for more info! Of course, the quests are well-integrated into the mod-pack itself as well.

To get started in Mineshafts and Monsters, you simply need to follow the objective: Kill a Pillager. It will then drop a book that gives you some context regarding the world you find yourself in.


credit: Replic

After reading the book, you should have some clue as to what progresses you through the game: reputation and fame.

To survive in mineshafts and monsters, you don't fight every chance you get. Pick your fights wisely, some mobs are simply too strong for you to fight in early stages. Finding a shelter and a bed should be you first priority. Stealing from villagers is often not going to work out though.

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credit: Doctorsaul

After finding a place to live, your next priority would be to secure a stable food source. You can find a lot of food in normal structures and dungeons, but that will not be a sustainable solution. Alternatively, farming animals is also not a good idea since it negatively affect your reputation with animals. Thus, a vegan diet is recommended, at least until you can automate mob farming, or find someone else to do the dirty job for you. Farmer's Delight should provide a few fun and interesting way to get through this stage. Straw golems (Sneak right click with wheat in hand to assign container) is a great way to automate this process as well.

Now that you've settled down, it's time to explore around and kill those pesky pillagers to gain villager trust!

Mineshafts & Monsters screenshot 1

Surprisingly, many game fans try to implement the progression by all means. All because thanks to it, one can expect constant results, rewards, and other interesting bonuses. This time we would like that you consider using the Mineshafts & Monsters add-on for Minecraft.

It is a fresh development that adds new types of progression to the game, updates almost the entire role-playing system, and allows you to pleasantly spend your free time. If you are ready to get fully immersed in the updated environment, then do not waste time and just start your adventure. Good luck!

Mineshafts & Monsters screenshot 2

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Mineshafts & Monsters mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).

There are a few abilities that you have to 'learn' or 'unlock' along the journey. It's intended to be a surprise when you do get them. But if you're wondering, here is a list of them.


Dual Wielding

You can learn to dual wield weapons after defeating 100 mobs.

Spawner Breaking

You can unlock spawner breaking after defeating 150 mobs.

Creating "Safe Zone"

Defeating 250 mobs unlocks the ability to craft Interdiction Torches which repels mobs from a 15 block radius. It is crafted with coins which can be obtained through killing creatures in 'Blood and Madness' mod.



You can learn to dodge (Press x) and improve the ability simply by running and jumping around to build up stamina.


You can learn to use the Smithing Table from the villagers. But since they don't like to give away their secrets, it may take a while for them to teach you that.


You can learn to intimidate pillager-type enemies by slaying the Alpha Insane Dog.

You can also learn to intimidate insects by slaying the Myrmex Queen.


There are quite a few magic mods in this mod-pack, but all of them need to be unlocked. Those include Ars Nouveau, Eidolon, and Mahou Tsukai. Check their individual mod wiki page for more information!

For Eidolon, the soul enchanter is further locked behind killing different kinds of mutant creatures and obtaining their mutated souls.

Mineshafts & Monsters screenshot 1

Удивительно, что многие фанаты игры стараются любыми путями внедрить прогрессию. Ведь благодаря ей можно рассчитывать на постоянный результат, награды и прочие любопытные плюшки. На этот раз мы хотим обратить внимание на дополнение Mineshafts & Monsters для Майнкрафт.

Это свежая разработка, которая добавляет на просторы игры новые разновидности прогрессии, обновляет практически всю ролевую систему и позволяет приятно провести свободное время. Если вы готовы полностью погрузиться в обновленное окружение, то не стоит терять времени и просто начинать свое приключение. Удачи!

Mineshafts & Monsters screenshot 2

Как установить модификацию:

Первый шаг: скачайте и установите Fabric и Fabric API.

Второй шаг: скачайте файл с модом.

Третий шаг: скопируйте пакет мода Mineshafts & Monsters в раздел .minecraft/mods (если данной папки не существует, установите Forge ещё раз или создайте её сами).

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