Крейзи даймонд yba гайд

Обновлено: 05.07.2024


Crazy Diamond is a Stand from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. It is wielded by the main protagonist, Josuke Higashikata. During this part, the Stand is seen repairing objects such as a motorcycle, a pipe, and broken debris like sidewalks and broken glass. In-game, Crazy Diamond has a 2.5% chance of becoming your Stand. Crazy Diamond has been renamed "Shining Sapphire" in-game in order to avoid copyright issues.

Crazy Diamond's main niche is its healing, which only ten other Stands have - Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, Tusk (all acts), Killer Queen: Bites The Dust, Made In Heaven, Mr. President, and The World Over Heaven. However, Crazy Diamond's healing is more constant, at the cost of its rage bar decreasing. This makes Crazy Diamond vital for teams within the Steel Ball Run gamemode. Crazy Diamond can also trap opponents in a wall, which allows the Stand to easily perform combos.

Crazy Diamond is extremely unique in that its main abilities are extremely versatile, the biggest example of this is the Rock Trap from rage mode and Wall abilities. Rock Trap can immobilize an enemy, allowing you to land brutal attacks. The Form Wall ability is extremely defensive, allowing you to block projectiles and other dangers, such as The Hand's erasures. Form Wall also comes with I-frames.

Crazy Diamond is one of the best all-rounders and starting stands, with it's high damage output, an immobilizing move, a high mobility move, and a ranged attack. It also has the best healing abilities in the game. When this stand is in the right hands, it can become a powerful threat, or a powerful ally.


Passive - Rage Bar: The user has a rage bar which builds up via dealing damage. If you heal with Crazy Diamond, it will lower the rage bar. Once full, you will be able to activate Rage Mode.

LMB - Punch: This short move with a short cooldown deals 8.9 damage at max destructive power and can be combo'd 5 times, ultimately dealing 44.5 damage if all hit.

E - Stand Barrage: Crazy Diamond sends out a flurry of fast and strong punches that deals 1.5 points of damage when Destructive Power is maxed. (Around 30 punches in total)

R - Stand Barrage Finisher: Crazy Diamond throws a strong punch that deals 17.7 points of damage when Destructive Power is maxed. This fuses a player with a rock when in Rage Mode, immobilizing them for a considerable amount of time.

T - Form Wall: Crazy Diamond punches the ground and repairs it to form a wall. It can deal damage if an opponent is close when the wall is being formed. When you use this move, you will be invincible for a few frames, making this good as a block substitute. If landed on shield, this move will break their guard, and cannot be perfect blocked.

Z - Bearing Shot: Crazy Diamond will flick a metal bearing at the user's cursor, dealing 24.2 points of damage when Destructive Power is maxed. This move also guard breaks, and cannot be parried. It is one of the few Stand-specific moves with the ability to be used without the Stand equipped, however this makes it deal less damage.

H - Rage Mode: The user becomes enraged, which causes the Stand to deal more damage and healing than usual. You must have a full rage bar in order to do this. Like other active rage modes, you'll also gain damage reduction. These defensive and offensive buffs stack with spec passives, such as hamon punch and tough skin, making it very useful. Healing others will reduce the rage bar.

R - (Rage Mode) Rock Trap: Crazy Diamond does a strong punch. When hit, rocks will be formed around the opponent and trap them. Like a normal heavy punch, this can be parried, but instead of block breaking, this move bypasses block completely, trapping them as if they never were blocking. In this "rock" state, the opponent is unable to block, but is able to barrage (since barrage is the only move that can be used in hitstun).

X - Stand Jump: Crazy Diamond catapults itself and it's user high into the air. Crazy Diamond's Stand Jump is the weakest out of the three Stands that can do this.

Crazy Diamond Healing Mode

Y - Heal Mode: Healing mode gives the Stand a yellow aura and causes all regular stand moves to restore the missing health of others instead of dealing damage. This does not apply to anything else, such as attacking with specs, form wall, or bearing shot. You also can't heal yourself with this mode, unlike other stands with healing abilities. All healing moves bypass block and cannot be parried.

LMB - HM Left Click: A punch that heals for a max of 13.7.

RMB - HM Right Click: A heavy punch that heals for 18.7.

E - HM Barrage: Crazy Diamond sends out a flurry of punches that heals for 2.3 points per punch.

R - HM Barrage Finisher: Crazy Diamond sends out a punch that does 17.7 healing.

Original Version

The concept of Crazy Diamond Requiem most likely came from Uzu's statement within the FAQ channel of the game's official Discord server, where he stated that every Stand will get a requiem, even if it was non-canonical. This was further shown with King Crimson Requiem being added to the game, which, like Crazy Diamond Requiem, does not happen within the canon of the series nor any spin-offs.

The appearance of the Stand was made by Cray and AshToons, meaning the Stand model itself was fanmade. It had two colorizations. One where its main colors were gray and blue, and another where its colors were similar to Crazy Diamond, having light blue and pink colors.


The reason why Crazy Diamond Requiem seemingly stopped development is currently a point of contention.

In the general channel of the official discord server, RebornNova stated that the Stand was canceled; however, this message was lost, along with the entire history of the channel, after the channel was deleted. After stating it was cancelled, Reborn posted three gifs of the stand.

The community also believed that Uzu canceled it as he wanted Crazy Diamond Requiem to have hair. This came from a post from the Your Bizarre Adventure Subreddit where Reborn was found in the Main Game gamemode and stated that Crazy Diamond Requiem would have been able to reverse time and something similar to reality warping.

The sneak peak of version 0.88 of Your Bizarre Adventure showed Jade Peace, a skin for Crazy Diamond which was white and had extra details. Due to its appearance change, people thought that it was a finalised version of Crazy Diamond Requiem and bought back the concept to the community. This caused Uzu to announce on the Your Bizarre Adventure Discord that the Crazy Diamond Requiem that was described by RebornNova was never planned to begin with. Uzu also mentioned that the models were just fan models.

Глеб Давлетханов

Глеб Давлетханов

Данил Кемперов

Данил Кемперов

Данил Кемперов

Данил Кемперов ответил Данилу

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов

Максим Кочетов

Максим Кочетов

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Максиму

Максим Кочетов

Максим Кочетов ответил Никите

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Максиму

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Никита, это кринж, а не шутка, если ты без авакенинга нихуя не можешь

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Никите

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Никите

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Никите

Максим Кочетов

Максим Кочетов ответил Никите

Никита, Ебать герой а я дьяволло с вайт албумом и крейзи даймондом убил ,и что?

Никита Ъутов

Никита Ъутов ответил Максиму

Константин Веселовский

Константин Веселовский ответил Никите

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Константину

Константин Веселовский

Константин Веселовский ответил Никите

"без авейкенинга нихуя не можешь" это способность станда. Получается, СПЗВ без Рейджа ничего не может?

Никита Бессмертный

Никита Бессмертный ответил Константину


Для новых участников.
Мы НЕ являемся официальным сообществом плейса Your Bizarre Adventure, и мы не можем никаким образом связаться с Uzu, разработчиками или модераторами игры.

Максим Ульянов

Максим Ульянов

Никита Терентьев

Пожалуйста можете быстрее сделать обновление? Или выпустить коды? Просто я не могу ждать, добавьте стоун фри

Никита Терентьев

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia

Никита Терентьев

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia, узу спасибо , можно снюс овер хевен зачитает Моргенштерна под бит славы мерлоу

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia запись закреплена

[самопиар момент]
я тут группу бахнул по eco (это не плейс в сроблоксе, а отдельная игра)

если кто-то шарит за игру, то зайдите пж

Максим Ульянов

Максим Ульянов

Егор Загребайлов

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia запись закреплена

Дурачок Амир решил что будет смешно перебанить всю беседу.
Если не получается зайти то пишите в лс

Даниил Суханов

Даниил Суханов Кто думает что Амир опущенный лох, и он заслуживает посидеть на пике, то ставте лайк

Аркадий Наумов

Аркадий Наумов

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia

Your Bizarre Adventure Russia запись закреплена

(Для тех кто не в курсе: Kur (создатель A Universal Time) использовал эксплойты чтобы украсть ассеты Your Bizarre Adventure. Kur уже сам перестал это скрывать, но если кому-то нужны пруфы то смотрите видео в посте ниже)

"Для людей которые спорят насчет того что Uzu украл ассеты у людей не из команды разработчиков Yba.
Показать полностью.

Разработчики у которых Uzu взял ассеты ПУБЛИЧНО опубликовали их в тулбокс Роблокса чтобы каждый разработчик мог ими воспользоваться.

Uzu никогда не использовал эксплойты чтобы красть ассеты у других разработчиков и это тупо сравнивать использование бесплатных ассетов с реальным воровством."

Николай Хисоков

Данил Блинов

Данил Блинов

К слову, вот что пишут в Дискорде AUT:

1. So, just to address the ping that was made by Uzu in the YBA server. No one but kur was aware of this particle situation, he was made aware of it a few days ago, however had his COVID vaccine and therefore wasn’t able to rectify the issue.

I’m going to tell the full story as I know it, just so you can form your own opinions about the matter.
Показать полностью.

I saw the YouTube video Uzu referred to yesterday, and immediately contacted a senior YBA member to confirm whether these assets did in fact belong to them. I did some digging, and found quite a few that were registered to the YBA developer featured in the video, I got into contact with him, explained the situation, and let him know I’d be removing the particles as soon as I had a replacement for them. “Why not remove them instantly?” I hear you ask, well, kur is the basically the only person who works on effects, we script the moves and the current deal has always been that he adds effects to them after we have made the functional side of them, I cannot go around removing assets from other peoples code without causing errors and potentially breaking the game, therefore I said that I would replace the assets as soon as I could find a replacement.

Myself, the developer mentioned in the video, and a few other members of the YBA team hopped in a group chat, and they tried to give me any information they could about assets that may belong to them, I developed a search algorithm and found that the majority shown in the video were actually the same 5 or 6 particle emitters, however they were just recoloured. I’ll be removing them ASAP.
Alot of the assets belonging to YBA were not taken by us, a developer (who I’m not going to name as they will just get hate) had clearly stolen YBA assets, and then sold them to us without our knowledge of them being stolen.
However, as kur admitted in that group chat, he did copy the properties of some of emitters he knew were stolen from YBA. I’m not going to defend that action, as I personally don’t agree with it.
However, kur admitted this to the YBA team, and we agreed we’d pay them in full for the assets he had copied, and we would remove them from the game. They were happy with this, and we agreed to discuss it further today as it was getting rather late for all of us. We agreed not to make a public fuss out of the scenario, as that’s not beneficial to anyone in this scenario, and we’d agreed to all the terms they’d proposed.

Uzu was obviously told about this, and posted his ping, inciting people to report AUT for exploiting, to my knowledge, kur nor any of the current AUT developers have ever used an exploit client on YBA, however, by association I understand Uzu’s reasoning.

My own personal opinion, is that this was a disproportionate response, and that if the offending game had been anything other than AUT (YBA’s current biggest rival) there would have been no announcement about it, and this could have been something sorted very easily. I also do find fault with the fact that this whole situation started with someone using exploit clients on our game, and yet Uzu has asked the YBA discord to report us for the very same thing, but I can understand his reasoning, and I’m not going to act as though Kur is innocent.

We’re obviously still going to the agreed compensation to the YBA developers, remove their assets from AUT, and I don’t intend on commenting any further on this situation, as I believe it’s been resolved.

Thanks for reading.

2. TLDR;
Kur used assets that were stolen from YBA, he knew they were stolen, the developers will receive the compensation they agreed to.
No further replies on this message.

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