Карты на прохождение гаррис мод

Обновлено: 02.07.2024


This collection has no horror map except LSOI series.
Note that some maps like NOAMZ and gm_gilmancity are for survival only.
Some maps may require hl2 ep1&ep2.
Maps that require CS:S are not included.(probably, as I have tested most of them and that I don't own CS:S)
Not all these maps are bug-free due to the constant update of game and addons. So Ulx Admin mod is recommended for !noclip in some gamemode(Coop mode).

This is a short story map made by me. You are a survivor trying to escape from the city under the control of combine forces. Find the truck and escape.

Set the command variable "sbox_weapons" to "0" for the best experience!

A small base in the middle of a frozen wasteland holds a power generator for the rebel cause, which is now a high-piority target for the Co.

The legendary Gordon Freeman has returned! And Dr. Kleiner needs the teleporter relay hidden in the basement of your safehouse to guide him to Black Mesa East! One issue though: The Combine are about to raid the sa.

After a successful raid on a Combine storage warehouse at City 17, you have been continuously on the run from the Combine.

You have fought hard, but now stand at an abandoned ch.

Set the command variable "sbox_weapons" to "0" for the best experience!

You have been tasked to break into a warehouse used by the Combine, raid any devices potentially useful for the rebel cause, and escape.

Welcome to my fourth map it took me a lot to complete this (mainly because the hammer editor kept crashing on me) but at the end I managed to complete it. This map is made by two phases: a defense one where you have to protect yourself and your base from c.

An action/puzzle mission map.

An action/puzzle mission map.

An action/puzzle mission map.

In this map, antlions attack an outpost in an endless assault. The attack is triggered with the green and red buttons inside the main tower, with green being to start and red being to stop.

An action/puzzle mission map duo. Includes parts one & two in one upload for ease of use.

No games required!
Play this in Sandbox!

A faithful port of Zombie Master's zm_gilmanhouse_v2.
If you begin to lag, try playing the lowspec version. The lowspec version is designed for weaker computers by.

Select your gamemode and fight off tons of different enemies including combine, zombies, antlions, apcs, striders and more! A tutorial is given upon choosing a gamemode. If you want to skip it, open the console, enable cheats, then type "host_timescale 10".

"You don't have much time. They're coming. You're the last free man. you will fall but you're gonna bring as many as possible with you"

Hello everybody and welcome to my brand new map! I've put a lot of effort in making this so i hope you.

Go and play the second in this series! You can find it here.

Play in the gamemode sandbox.
No god mode
Don't play on a serv.

1) Play in the gamemode sandbox.
2) Unselect "god mode".
3) Don't play on a server, host it from the main menu.
4) Start the map called: lsoi2start.

Zombie survival map made by Mister Dan and uploaded here with his permission. I am just a reuploader so don't thank me :D

Kill as many Zombies as possible.
There are several check points in the game for how many zombies you have killed.
This map was .

Night of a Million Zombies tunnels
By Mister Dan. Reuploaded by me with his permission.
The Aim of the game is to kill lots of zombies, more zombies than anyone else has ever.

Ok, at first this may seem like another Zombie kill fest but there are a fe.

Night of a Million Zombies WaterFront
By Mister Dan. Reuploaded by me with his permission.
Kill as many Zombies as possible and stay alive. killcounter included in the map

Video made by PandoraGamingInc.

This is an adventure map which you can play with friends/strangers or alone. Just keep in mind that the map was built around the idea of a single player so try to stick together.

The story is something like this I guess:

You/You all wake up in your a.

The city has been overrun by the infected! Zombies are everywhere. Infilitrate in the city with your friends and slaughter any of the zombies wandering out there! Good hunting and good luck

This game only requires Gmod

For a roleplay version of th.

Pretbek here with a new map avalible on the Gmod 13 workshop.

Zombiesurvival_mojave_lonesome is a map set in the mojave desert. Can you survive.

Survival map where you and your friends (if you have any) have to face a horde of undead. Items and weapons spawn on marked places in random interval between 60 and 120 seconds and the type of weapon and item is also random. It would be nice if you rate th.

"Unknown World" is a mini-campaign; consists in a series of maps to fight against enemies and pass across atmospheric places.

This is the first map of the mini-campaign!

You can use any weapon you want, I hope you have fun!

·If you have.

"Unknown World" is a mini-campaign; consists in a series of maps to fight against enemies and pass across atmospheric places.

This is the second map of the mini-campaign!

You can use any weapon you want, I hope you have fun!

"Unknown World" is a mini-campaign; consists in a series of maps to fight against enemies and pass across atmospheric places.

This is the third map of the mini-campaign!

You can use any weapon you want, I hope you have fun!

·If you have.

"Unknown World" is a mini-campaign; consists in a series of maps to fight against enemies and pass across atmospheric places.

This is the fourth map of the mini-campaign!

You can use any weapon you want, I hope you have fun!

"Unknown World" is a mini-campaign; consists in a series of maps to fight against enemies and pass across atmospheric places.

This is the fifth map of the mini-campaign!

You can use any weapon you want, I hope you have fun!

·If you have.

"Unknown World" is a mini-campaign; consists in a series of maps to fight against enemies and pass across atmospheric places.

This is the sixth map of the mini-campaign!

You can use any weapon you want, I hope you have fun!

·If you have.

"Unknown World" is a mini-campaign; consists in a series of maps to fight against enemies and pass across atmospheric places.

This is the seventh and final map of the mini-campaign!

You can use any weapon you want, I hope you have fun!


Just a buggy map i made for me and my friends to play,
that turned out to be my longest and biggest project ever.
I recommend to play this map with a friend,
although you can enjoy it entirely by yourself.


This is part 2
In this part I made my own alternate version of rollermine,
which I like to call ''kamikaze mine'', you'll see why.

Just a buggy map i made for me and my friends to play,
that turned out to be my lo.

Welcome to my third map it took me a lot to make this one due to school and overall lazyness but now it's finished and i'm really proud about it.
It still needs some little tweaks so i'm going to upgrade and expand it in the future
Please report any bug .

A simple map i made in a couple of days set in a military base owned by combine troops under siege by zombies. As always don't forget to rate and comment

  • Fully noded zombies and combines can navigate the map efficiently an

Use the CO-OP Gamemode.
After downloading the gamemode, select it in the main menu and look for "coop_evac_1" in the map selection menu (should be under the "c.

Use the CO-OP Gamemode.
After downloading the gamemode, select it in the main menu and look for "coop_abducted_1" in the map selection menu (should be under th.

Use the CO-OP Gamemode.
After downloading the gamemode, select it in the main menu and look for "coop_abducted_2" in the map selection menu (should be under th.

Hello, today i present you my biggest project yet, my custom campaign map, that mostly inspired by HL2 Beta stuff, it's not trying to be canon in any way, just taking place .

Use the CO-OP Gamemode.
After downloading the gamemode, select it in the main menu and look for "coop_abducted_3" in the map selection menu (should be under th.

Use the CO-OP Gamemode.
After downloading the gamemode, select it in the main menu and look for "coop_abducted_4" in the map selection menu (should be under th.

*This happens in the same time line of HL2, at the begin of the Uprising*

Arrested and beaten for trying to resist the authority, you see your chance to escape when the guard goes out, maybe something is happening outside. You know there is a covere.

Episode about Del-1, whose get mission - to deliver an intelligence. Map for 20-30 minutes. Solve co-op puzzles and fight with combines.

Escape the prison that is Rock 24, now in Gmod!
This is fully functional (even the npc textures); I played through this entire addon, without having to cheat once.

Rock 24 takes place on an abandoned Cliffside prison. The prison is situated on the side.

Enjoy the legendary mod, that got its creator a job at Valve, in Garry's mod! I know you guys have been waiting for this!

In MINERVA: Metastasis, you play the role of a scientist's helper, and, strapped to the underside of a stolen Combine helicopter, y.

Hylophobia [Co-op. and Single][+Xmas / Winter Version][+Random Scripts][Abstract-Adventure Map]

- Continued Hylophobia, map Mnemophobia in active development!

My most requested port is now available for gmod!

The Citizen is set parallel to the events of the original Half-Life 2. The player takes the role of an ordinary man, pushed over the edge by the oppressive regime controlling his life. His home trashed, .

My Self-made map.In here you must go throught the map and escape by train from the city full of zombies. This is my first Gmod-uploaded map soo some feedback could be good.

An action/puzzle mission map.

A Week of Work I Want to present my SDK Cooperative Map For Gmod.

Welcome to intense surviving, earn rewards, encounter boss battles, lock the door, and stash up ammo to save yourself in the newly reimagined world of Zwonder 2. Fixed Textures. Requires Ep 2.

This is the perfect way to have great fun with your download.

Episode about Del-2, whose should save an intelligence from upcoming combine attack. Map for 30-50 minutes. Solve coop puzzles and fight with the forces of combines.

Gm rocks карта с круглыми валунами (ОПАСНО! РАЗДАВИТ!)

Gm rocks это простая карта с круглыми валунами на горке которые могут случайно скатится с нее. Будьте осторожны прогуливаясь у подножья этого места и почаще

Gm_ragdoll_slaughter_v6 карта с орудиями пыток

Gm_ragdoll_slaughter_v6 карта с орудиями пыток

Карта представляет собой небольшой полигон напичканный изощренными орудиями пыток. Это модифицированная версия карты Ragdoll Slaughter v4 с еще более ужасными машинами. Можете использовать эту карту

Карта ZiMA (неофициальная карта CS 1.6)

Бурильная платформа комбайнов работает глубоко в Северном Ледовитом океане, копая глубоко в землю и добывая ресурсы. На карте есть массивная платформа для экскавации Комбайнов в

Rp_aneurism_v2 карта

Сюрреалистичная карта Rp_aneurism_v2

Сюрреалистичная карта с множеством полуразрушенных мест, которые каким то образом соединены в единую карту, больше напоминающую сон нежели реальность. Мрачные подвалы, бункеры, завораживающие пейзажи, тюремные

Безумный бой NEVADA

Безумный бой NEVADA

Карта в стиле Madness combat на которой вы можете устраивать настоящее безумие. Была сделана для игрового режима Dungeon Party. На ней вы можете активировать случайно

Дом из мема "Ой мама пришла" (Minecraft)


Симпатичная и очень атмосферная карта дачного участка. На участке есть небольшой огород с овощами, продуктовый магазин и конечно же сама дача с хозяйственными постройками и

Вспомни Свои Сны (хоррор карта)

Вспомни Свои Сны (хоррор карта на прохождение)

Карта представляет собой крутую и атмосферную хоррор бродилку с множеством головоломок и задачек. В некоторых местах придется включить мозг и хорошенько подумать, прежде чем вы

Silent Hill: Condo карта

Silent Hill: Condo карта

Это фанатская карта для Gmod, основанная на серии Silent Hill. Исследуйте апартаменты Sycamore в городе Сайлент-Хилл и раскройте его ужасное прошлое. Расположенный в мире Silent

SCP 3008 не такая уж бесконечная IKEA

SCP 3008 не такая уж бесконечная IKEA

Атмосферная карта огромного магазина IKEA с затуманенным пространством внутри. Можно будет разыграть своих друзей и напугать их до смерти, или устраивать ролевые игры, создавать стрёмных

Городок из Cry of Fear

Городок из Cry of Fear

Outlast - тюремный блок

Не очень большая, но детально проработанная карта тюремного блока из Outlast. Жаль конечно что нет НПС, но к примеру толстяка вы всегда сможете закинуть и

Stage 2 - хоррор карта

Открыв глаза вы осознаете что место где вы находитесь совершенно Вам незнакомо и напоминает какую то больницу. Поискав выход Вы ничего не находите кроме странного

Вы обычный коп из округа Колумбия. И вот в одном из дежурств Вам приходится преследовать опасного преступника который не справляется с управлением и вылетает в

Five Nights at Freddy’s 3

Очень крутая и детально проработанная карта 3 части FNAF. Каждая текстура, каждая моделька была тщательно прорисована. Над картой кропотливо трудились аж 10 человек доводя все

Слендер NPS + карта темного леса

BigCity хоррор версия

Карта BigCity выполнена в стиле хоррор. В целом карта стала более мрачной и атмосферной. В некоторых местах по городку стелется туман, в темном парке шныряют неприкаянные

Любите хоррор карты, а как на счет скримеров? Если да тогда вы зашли по адресу. 2 ну очень жутких карты напичканные всевозможными скримерами заставят вас навалить кучу кирпичей. В общем запасайтесь корвалолом, боярышником или гранатометом, приглашайте друзей и вперед. Для полного погружения не рекомендуется убавлять звук и играть днем.

Scary Gmod

Довольно страшная, мрачная и темная карта со скримерами созданная по мотивам больного воображения автора. Для сохранения своей психики не рекомендуется проходить ее в одиночку.

Scary Gmod

Scary Gmod

Хоррор карты и другие страшилки:

Gm_Death House

Не менее жуткая и темная карта так же забитая до отказа скримерами и прочей нечистью. Содержит в себе около 60 кастомных звуков и 20 текстур. Так же не рекомендуется покорять ее в одиночку, идеальным вариантом станет прохождение в троем.

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