Как пройти к гиганту dead cells

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Что за большая дверь в начале?
По ней герой стучит и даже пытается открыть ногой но она не открывается.

Это DLC дверь, если у тебя есть dlc "Rise of the Giant"То после первого прохождение игры, эта дверь выломается, там ты возьмешь ключ подземелья. Дальше в интернете посмотри.

Дополнение моего комментария с другого аккаунта, после того как взял ключ подземелье, у тебя будет выбор, идти на босса тайм кипера (по русски хранительницу времени она в часовне) либо в пещеру (босс гигагнт). Dlc если идти в пещеру. Но гигант труднее тайм кипера примерно раза 2-3,но плюс в том что ты сразу можешь попасть в тронный зал и к последнему боссу, деснице короля. (после того как пройдёшь 5 раз игру, и пойдёшь её проходить на 5 стволовых клетка босса), откроется дверь в новую локу, астролабораторию. Там будет босс алхимик. На гигант лучше тоже идти на 5 стволовых клетках, но вообще без разницы. Но если раньше 5 стволовых клеток, то будет прикольная концовка файта.

Босс состоит из 3-х существ: правый и левый кулаки и глаз. Кулаки исполняют все атаки босса, за исключением лазеров из глаз. Разрушив одну руку, на неё можно будет взобраться, чтобы нанести урон вылетевшему из тела Глазу - он будет неподвижным и безобидным, по истечению 3-х секунд рука восполнит своё ОЗ и продолжит атаковать игрока. Уничтожение глаза будет считаться за победу над боссом.


1 фаза:

  • Горизонтальный удар рукой, покрывающий всю арену
  • Выпускает из руки последовательно огненные шары.
  • Вертикальный удар рукой в игрока.

2 фаза:

Когда набирает 3 заряда руки:

  • Если рука относительно игрока левая, то она выпускает из руки огненные шары в разные стороны.
  • Если рука относительно игрока правая, то она совершает комбо из 5 вертикальных ударов рукой. При ударе по земле расходятся волны.


  • Быстрое оружие дальнего боя отлично подойдёт на этот бой, также как и многочисленные кровотечения/отравления.
  • Медленные, но мощные оружия будут крайне плохим выбором на битву, особенно если это Серп-коготь, Огниво или Двойное копьё.
  • При себе можно иметь щит, ведь парируя огненные шары можно нанести большое количество урона боссу - лучше всего подойдут Отражающий щит, Возмездие и Кровожадный. Штурмовой щит не подойдет, потому что во время второй фазы будут лучи, через которые никак не пройти.
  • Мутация Мазохист уменьшает получаемый урон от обломков скалы и розовой лавы до 10%.
  • Турели в этом бою не так хороши, ведь каждая атака Гиганта способна легко их снести или даже сбросить в лаву.
  • Мутация Общая связь прекрасно заходит на этот бой, ведь благодаря ей можно делить наносимый урон между Кулаками.
  • Оружия с модификаторами +100% или +300% к наносимому/получаемому урону лучше всего показывают себя именно в этом бою, позволяя бесконечно ломать руки босса, не давая ему исполнить ни единой атаки.
  • Имея амулет, дающий два дополнительных прыжка и Паучью руну, можно допрыгнуть до одной из стен арены и, периодически срываясь с нее кувырком или отпрыгивая и тут же снова цепляясь, провести на стене большую часть боя. Всю работу за Вас сделают, например, Прилипала и Большой боевой филин. Иногда отлипать от стены нужно для того, чтобы атаковать глаз, когда тот показывается и для периодического "натравливания" филина(если быть на стене постоянно, филин не будет дотягиваться до рук, а если приблизиться к ним на радиус его атаки, он продолжит их обстреливать, даже когда персонаж вернется на стену).
  • Гигант состоял в королевской страже и был одним из немногих приближённых короля. После прихода на остров Хвори, Гигант стал критиковать методы короля по её подавлению. После этого король пронзил его Убийцей Великанов, и сказал позаботиться о нём стражникам, чтобы он никогда не проснулся. Но после убийства короля, можно предположить, что заклинание, наложенное на меч, было снято, и Гигант ожил.

Особые награды

  • С босса можно получить 5 костюмов, в зависимости от того, сколько активированно стволовых клеток, и какое количество побед одержано над боссом.
  • Если прийти к боссу с 4 стволовыми клетками и победить его, можно получить 5-ую стволовую клетку. (если прийти с меньшим кол-ом клеток, при смерти босс покажет неприличный жест персонажу.)

The Giant is a special tier 2 boss in the game. He is encountered in Guardian's Haven RotG , the paths of which are unlocked by opening the gate to the Cavern RotG in the Graveyard (requires Cavern Key RotG ).

His skeleton rests in the Prisoners' Quarters until the player beats the Hand of the King. Once awakened, he busts down the door after the starting items, where the Cavern Key RotG can be found. If the player follows him, a small cutscene will play, then a key can be found to permanently unlock the Cavern RotG entrance from the Graveyard. The Cavern Key RotG must be used on the door for it to remain open.


Moveset [ ]

First phase [ ]

In 1+ BSC, the Giant goes straight to the second phase.


  • Description: The Giant clenches one of his fists and charges it, causing one of the three stripes on that side's pauldron to light up.
  • Destroying the charging fist before it finishes interrupts the charging.


  • Description: The Giant lifts up one fist to the side of the arena and punches across the entire arena. The fist does high damage and pushes the player into the lava when hit.
  • Can be blocked, parried , and dodge rolled.
    • Parrying stops the fists completely.

    Energy salvo

    • Description: The Giant puts down his fists on the ground and opens one of them. From this hand, he shoots out energy orbs in different patterns.
    • Can be blocked, parried , and dodge rolled.
      • Parrying the energy orbs sends back a projectile.

      Slam fist

      • Description: The Giant raises a clenched fist and follow the player with it. After a few seconds slams the fist into the ground. A wave of fire then erupts and moves towards the sides of the arena upon impact.
      • Can be blocked and dodge rolled.
        • Fire can be jumped over.
        • Description: At 75% HP the Giant will stop any attack and roar, pushing the player back. This will start the second phase.
        • Will interrupt any attack that it may be performing.
        • If the player is attacking the eye and the Giant goes below threshold hp it will instantly retract the eye even if three seconds haven't passed yet.

        Second phase [ ]

        Retains all attacks from the previous phase.

        Eye lasers

        • Description: The Giant fires a laser from each eye to the side of the arena that moves inwards and traps the player in the middle of the arena.
        • Often used in combination with Energy Salvo.
        • Description: At 50% HP the Giant will stop any attack and roar, pushing the player back. This will start the third phase of the fight.
        • Will interrupt any attack that it may be performing.
        • If the player is attacking the eye and the Giant goes below threshold hp it will instantly retract the eye even if three seconds haven't passed yet.

        Third phase [ ]

        Retains all attacks from the previous phases.

        Double slam fist

        • Description: The Giant raises both fists together at the center of the arena and, after a pause, slams the fists into the ground. Fire erupts from the center and moves towards the sides of the arena upon impact. This attack triggers the crystal collapse attack.
        • Can be blocked and dodge rolled.
          • Fire can be jumped over.

          Crystal collapse

          • Description: Giant crystals will fall from the ceiling in a random pattern after the Giant successfully executes his double slam fist attack.
          • Can be blocked and dodge rolled.

          Charged attacks [ ]

          When the Giant has charged a fist three times without interruption it will use one of the following attacks. Which attack depends on the charged fist.

          These attacks can be used in any phase.

          Multi slam fist

          • Description: The Giant raises up his left fist at the far right side of the arena. He then slams down the fist six times in rapid succession, each time raising and inching his fist to the left with the 6th slam being performed at the far left edge of the arena. A wave of fire erupts and moves towards the sides of the arena upon each impact with the ground.
          • Can be blocked and dodge rolled.
            • Fire can be jumped over.

            Energy volley

            • Description: The Giant raises up his right fist over his shoulder and charges it. After charging fires volleys of energy orbs in a sun pattern.
            • Can be blocked, parried , and dodge rolled.
              • Parrying energy orbs sends back a projectile.

              Strategy [ ]

              Damaging the Giant [ ]

              • The Giant can only be damaged when one of its eyes is out. If a fist's health has been depleted, it will fall to the ground and the eye on that side will pop out of the Giant's skull. The eye stays for 3 seconds.
                • While the eye is out the other fist cannot be damaged. The Giant cannot perform any other attacks but crystals will keep falling from the ceiling if they already are.

                Vulnerabilities and immunities [ ]

                Primary attacks [ ]

                • The fist can still be damaged when charging and destroying it before it completes charging interrupts the charge and decreases it by 1.
                • Best strategy to deal with this attack is to parry it. Dodge rolling requires precise timing and jumping over it is impossible.
                  • Blocking can be done but the attack will push you off the side of the arena into the lava.

                  Energy salvo

                  • The patterns of the energy orb salvos allow the player to dodge them by jumping or ducking but require precise timing.
                  • Parrying the orbs is easier and more effective, each orb parried could trigger a shields parry effect.
                    • Each orb parried sends back a projectile which can deal massive damage to the fists.
                    • The fist follows the player around before slamming down. Walk around baiting the fist until it stops moving, then double jump and dodge roll as needed to avoid the slam and fire.
                    • The lasers always start at the outside of the arena and move slowly inwards so immediately moving to the center of the arena is the best strategy.
                      • The center of the arena is also the best place to deal with Energy Salvo which is always used in combination with this attack in the second and third phase.
                      • Both lasers deal damage when touched, but if the lasers are dodge rolled, then they simply behave like walls and contact with the beams in this manner will not cause any damage.
                        • If the lasers have stopped moving at the center of the arena, dodge rolling into it and maintaining contact while not moving forward will prevent any damage from being dealt. This allows successive dodge rolls to be done in place.
                        • Dodge rolling to a still moving laser and touching it will cause the roll to be blocked before shortly dealing damage. This is because the laser is still moving after the roll ended.

                        Crystal collapse

                        Charged attacks [ ]

                        The best strategy is to prevent the fists from reaching max charge. Kill the fists to reduce their charge by 1.

                        Multi slam fist

                        • Prepare to evade one of the slams and move to the right side of the arena to avoid the rest of the slams. Alternatively, move to the left edge and only prepare to evade the final 6th slam, all while jumping over the waves of approaching flames.
                          • A single jump is sufficient to avoid one wave of fire.
                          • More precise timing is required here because the slam is performed six times in rapid succession.

                          Energy volley

                          • The energy orbs can be blocked, parried and dodge rolled, but its random pattern will make dodging them very hard.
                          • Parrying the orbs is easier and more effective, each orb parried could trigger the shield's parry effect.
                            • Each orb parried sends back a projectile which can deal massive damage to the fists.

                            Weapons/Skills [ ]

                            "The Giant didn't like the Hand of the King, and the Hand of the King didn't like the Giant. But they did agree on one point: nobody liked the Alchemist."

                            The following information contains spoilers regarding the true ending of the game. Discretion is advised.

                            When reaching the Giant for the first time, he reveals the Beheaded as the former King, his body lost to the Malaise. The Giant thinks poorly of the Beheaded as he recalls The King's actions, but still respects his title.

                            When defeated, the Giant again expresses his frustration and disappointment with the King's actions, then sinks in the lava while calling him "an incorrigible ass" and giving him the middle finger. The Beheaded returns the gesture.

                            Defeating him on 4 BSC for the first time triggers a different dialogue where the Giant admits that he was defeated fairly. He gives the 5 th Boss Stem Cell to the player, noting that it might be of more use to him, then his head explodes before he can finish his sentence. This cutscene cannot be seen again once the 5 th Boss Stem Cell is absorbed.

                            The Beheaded doesn't seem to be able to understand the Giant's speech as he is unaware that he is the King.

                            Dialogue [ ]

                            Intro [ ]

                            • "You. here?"
                            • "The Malaise has really had its way with you."
                            • "Yes indeed."
                            • "In keeping with your arrogance!"
                            • "Which has brought nothing but ruin on the Kingdom!"
                            • "In spite of all my warnings. "
                            • "Not a shred of hope is left to us."
                            • "DIE!"

                            Outro [ ]

                            The following information contains spoilers regarding the true ending of the game. Discretion is advised.
                            • "You were a model for all of us. "
                            • "What drove you to all this destruction?"
                            • "You've even managed to destroy your own body. "
                            • "My King. "
                            • "You. "
                            • "ARE AN INCORRIGIBLE ASS!"

                            4 BSC first win outro [ ]

                            • "You've beaten me fairly. "
                            • "Not like before. "
                            • "Take this, it might be of more use to you. "
                            • "Make a wish. "
                            • "I jest. You most certainly are a"

                            Trivia [ ]

                            • The Giant is basically a skeleton wearing heavy armor. However, parts of his face are animate.
                            • He wears a crystal on his forehead identical to the one on the King's chest.
                              • When reaching the Giant with 4 BSC active, the crystal glows orange.
                              • He is also the first boss to employ a unique fighting mechanic, namely composing of multiple high-health units and requiring the player to defeat one of them in order to damage other ones.