Как получить raiden mei honkai impact

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Crimson Impulse

Raiden Mei is a protagonist of Honkai Impact 3rd along with Kiana Kaslana and Bronya Zaychik. She is the natural 3rd Herrscher and a member of the St. Freya team.



Mei has dark purple long hair and indigo eyes. In her Herrscher Form, she has red eyes and has red horns on her head.

In A-Post-Honkai-Odyssey, Mei has long hair and purple eyes, and wears a white and black suit with a blue feather on it, blue-purple gloves, black thigh highs and shoes.

Battlesuit Appearances

  • Crimson Impulse: Mei wears a pink and black suit, black thigh highs and pink shoes.
  • Valkyrie Bladestrike: Mei wears a red and black dress with a brown top, red sleeves, black gloves, yellow, black and red thigh highs and black and red shoes.
  • Striker Fulminata: Mei wears a white and blue hoodie, black gloves, black thigh highs and black shoes.
  • Shadow Dash: Mei wears a black and red suit, a black and red cape, and red and black boots.
  • Lightning Empress: Mei wears a black and purple demon-like mask above her face, a black and purple suit with a ripped school uniform inside, and blac thigh highs and boots.
  • Herrscher of Thunder: Mei has red eyes and two red horns on her head, and wears a white, black and red suit, black gloves, a black dress, white thigh highs and black shoes.


Mei has many virtues: she's motherly, patient, diligent and caring. She often makes lunches for everyone in the dorm. She is brave and responsible-- scoring in the top 3 for the first written tests at St. Freya Academy.

When Mei became the 3rd Herrscher, Mei's Herrscher personality woke. Mei's Herrscher personality was originally very malicious and cold: viewing those lower than her as scum. Her Herrscher personality could not only feel her pain, but also her joy (along with her feelings for Kiana). The Herrscher personality was touched when Kiana caught Mei from the edge of the school rooftop. However, both Mei and the Herrscher personality grew fearful of hurting Kiana and losing this precious bond. The Herrscher personality concealed herself within Mei, and studied Kiana in secret.

Mei's Herrscher personality becomes more soft as time passes on. She is willing to help Mei protect Kiana: fighting alongside Mei as Kiana's consciousness was overtaken by the 2nd Herrscher.

Tired of being powerless and desperate to save Kiana, Mei chooses to ascend as the Herrscher of Thunder. Mei's personality then changes slightly. Despite being more cold and merciless than before, she is still kind. The only difference is that she has a new drive: the desire to protect Kiana. Even she admits that the fate that Ana Schariac and Owl suffered was not deserved, as she saw herself in Owl. The concern she showed towards the two proves there's some empathy she can't help showing.


On April 13th, 1997, Raiden Ryoma and his wife gave birth to Mei in Nagazora City (Honshu, Japan). A few years later, her mother died of cancer. The year she died is not specified. Later, her stigmata awoke, and Ryoma sealed it as best he could. Some terrorist organization kidnapped her in 2004, and it isn't clear how Ryoma got her back.

Mei underwent 3 years of therapy afterwards.

Otherwise, Mei lived a cushy life. Servants would prepare her lunches, everyone showered her in attention, and even with her father often gone for business, she had kendo lessons with Mr. HOMU, who was actually her father, Ryoma, to keep her busy. Life was beautiful. Then, all of a sudden, everything changed. Her father was falsely accused of embezzling funds by Cocolia, and was put in prison in 2013. Ryoma had told her a strong heart is what will get you through battle. She thought her heart was the strongest, but when everything collapsed before her very eyes, she knew she was wrong. The ME Corp assets were frozen, and she no longer had servants to help her get by. This is when Cocolia took over the corporation herself.

At first, Mei's cooking was awful, as she had never cooked a meal in her life. This time, when she asked her classmates to sit with her, they rejected her. No one wanted to hang out with a "criminal's daughter" after all. She realized that because she was no longer an heiress, no one cared about her. All their enthusiasm was for their own benefit. Mei found the Mr. HOMU costume in the training room, and realized her father had been training her all along. Alone, she could not handle the hatred threatening to engulf her. Then, Kiana Kaslana came into her life. Despite Mei being cautious towards this underclassman, Kiana managed to worm her way into her heart. She defended Mei from bullies, ate lunch with her, and gave her more than she had ever experienced before. Mei finally found a real friend. Kiana's enthusiasm for Mei's homemade lunch started a long love for cooking. Mei realized cooking was no longer simply to survive. Kiana told her it didn't matter what her father may or may not have done. She was Mei, and only Mei. The two found solace in each other.

They lived peacefully until the Gem of Conquest was stimulated in Nagazora in 2014. This gem awoke the hidden powers in Mei's stigmata long sealed away. The burst of Honkai energy that arose from her eruption turned almost every citizen into zombies. Kiana was not affected by the Honkai poisoning that plagued everyone else. At that point, another personality took control over Mei: one that hated humanity, and that was much more violent than the mellow friend Kiana had made. Even so, Kiana did not waver, and beat the personality back, allowing Mei to come to her senses. When Mei awoke, she looked on in horror at what she had done, and tried to jump off of the very roof the battle took place. Kiana reached out her hand and told her not to give up. Even after Mei exhausted all of the worries she had, Kiana still urged her to take her hand. Mei took it, and thus her fate was changed.

There is another version of her awakening that Mihoyo has told. Everything is the same except Mei chooses to ascend as the 3rd Herrscher in an act of revenge against all those who harmed her. In this version, Kiana meets Mei as the Herrscher personality. Even though this personality has many chances to kill Kiana, she doesn't. Kiana is still as stubborn as before, and keeps insisting she will save Mei from herself. Eventually, the Herrscher personality grows scared of her kindness and decides to end her life. Kiana reaches out for the Herrscher, and she accepts her defeat. Mei awakens, and begs Kiana to let go, but Kiana refuses. Just like the other version, Mei ends up taking her hand.

The two headed off to explore the city, and find a way to survive. During this time, Mei still had doubts welling up within her, and told Kiana to leave her behind. Kiana refused, and promised Mei if she ever lost herself to that personality again, she would beat her as many times as it takes. Mei called her an idiot, but she was comforted by those words. Soon they met Bronya Zaychik, and the three kept wandering until a few months later.

Manga Story

Second Eruption

Mei briefly appears as a baby crying in her mother's arms as she watches a news report on a television screen in a city.

Escape from Nagazora

In the midst of a honkai attack, Kiana took a fatal blow for Mei, which caused her other personality to take control. The Herrscher personality made it clear that she wanted to kill Kiana herself, so she wouldn't let her die here. Schicksal, having already noticed the spike in Honkai energy, sent the battleship Hyperion to check out the situation. Among the crew was Murata Himeko. The two fought each other for only a litte bit of time before Mei managed to heavily damage the battleship. Right when she was on the cusp of winning, the Kaslana in her arms woke up. To everyone's surprise, she shattered the wings of the Herrscher, thus putting that personality to rest once more.

The three were taken on the Hyperion, and were offered the chance to be Schicksal Valkyries. At first, Mei opposed the idea, as she thought the Herrscher power inside her was too dangerous; if she were to be taken over again, the results would be catastrophic. She asked Himeko to simply kill her and get rid of the problem, but Himeko refused. She told Mei that if she's willing to give up her life, she should give it to saving people. Schicksal planted a bomb next to Mei's heart: one that would explode if her Herrscher powers were used for more than 5 minutes. This made Mei feel safer about attending.

AE Invasion

Cocolia from Anti-Entropy wanted Mei's power, so she sent one of her clones of Welt Joyce to kidnap her. Neither Bronya nor Fu Hua could stop him, but Kiana swooped in just in time. Mei's Herrscher persona lent Kiana her power, and thus made the Moonlight Empress battlesuit, an alternate version of the Knight Moonbeam battlesuit. The two of them defeated the clone, and he ran off.

In this part of the story we learn that Mei's Herrscher personality actually cares about Kiana, and is afraid of hurting her. However, the Herrscher would never admit it out loud, and keeps up a mask of aggression.

Game Story

The girls were on a mission to investigate and find the control room of a battleship named Selene that was flying over a big city. Shortly after Kiana and Mei met up on the aircraft, a honkai beast Kiana thought she had defeated came back to fight. Kiana was injured, and Mei held off the beast with her sword. Desperate to save Kiana and herself, she let her other personality take over.

The stress on her body was too much, and she collapsed soon after.

Mei, Kiana, and Bronya headed to the first destination on their list: New Zealand, where the Gem of Desire is located. As it turns out, they met a girl named Wendy, who had the gem implanted in one of her legs in a similar fashion to Mei's own implant. The only difference is that the Honkai energy left her unable to walk, and that caused her to hate Schicksal, thus leading to her awakening as the Herrscher of Wind. The girls tried their best to fight her off, but during the battle, Anti Entropy titans (sent by Cocolia) came and subdued both Mei and Wendy. They took off with the two girls, Bronya assisting them (not by her own will).

Mei was kept hostage in the ME Corp, and is saved by Bronya, who destroyed the bio chip in her brain to stop following Cocolia's orders. When she wakes up, she was shocked to find Bronya in critical condition, and fights off the MSR-7 Wotan with Kiana, Theresa Apocalypse, and Murata Himeko.

Mei mostly stayed by Bronya's side, watching over her recovery. She rested for a while, but was awoken to the news of Kiana's capture. Once Kiana was confirmed to be captured by Schicksal, she and the Hyperion crew defected from the organization. The bomb was disabled per her request. She was exhausted, but remarked that she could only think of Kiana as she fought her way through the Schicksal defenses. Mei tried to fight the Herrscher of the Void (HoV), but to no avail. HoV ripped the Conquest gem from her body and nearly killed her in the process.

Next, the crew of Hyperion, including the newly aligned Anti Entropy, set off for Arc City. There they were supposed to meet Grey Serpent, an intel dealer, for news of Kiana's whereabouts. Mei encountered Rita Rossweisse, who had taken out the dealer prior to their landing. She tried to fight her off, but had to run away, as she was too strong of an opponent. They couldn't find Kiana.

After the events in Arc City, Dr. Einstein and Dr. Nikola Tesla (Anti Entropy leaders) informed the group that there were two options to take. One was to continue searching for Kiana, and the other was to head to the Anti Entropy base in the Pacific Ocean to retrieve the Gem of Desire. They ended up deciding to do both. Despite Mei wanting to talk to Cocolia about her kidnappings, she decided she would rather go look for Kiana. Einstein, Theresa, and Bronya would go to the base, while Tesla and Mei headed to Anti Entropy headquarters to repair the Ningyo that they found in Arc City. After completing their first task, Mei and Tesla headed back to Arc City to look for Kiana.

Mei found Rita, who was gathering intel in Heliopolis. With her blade to Rita's neck, she demanded to know where Kiana was located. She also took back the eye Rita cut out of Gray Serpent. This would be useful for the Ningyo's reawakening. Once she got what she wanted, she immediately rushed to Kiana.

In the basement of Heliopolis, the two reunited. Mei rushed to embrace her, but Kiana's quiet resolve shook Mei to her core. Kiana explained that she didn't want to put anyone in danger, and that she would not be leaving with her. They headed outside, where Mei got injured by Raven. Mei watched as Kiana beat Raven, but spared her life. Then, she could only watch as Kiana defused the bomb and fell from the sky. Durandal, who had caught Kiana with the powers of the Sixth Divine Key (Abyss Flower), obliterated Mei in the fight for Kiana. She burst off into the distance and Mei chased her, but to no avail. Mei, exhausted and weak, could only cling to Kiana's jacket as she watched her be taken away. Feelings of uselessness swelled in her heart as she cried.

About three days after the incident, Mei and Tesla caught a strong Honkai signal from Nagazora. Believing it to be Kiana, they arrived as fast as they could. In the midst of their search for Kiana, they stumbled upon Sora, who led them to her home. There, Mei learned there were actually survivors in Nagazora, and that they had someone looking after them. Sora talked about that person's impact on her, and how she was given a reason to go on by her kindness. Mei reminisced in the past, opening up to Sora about Kiana's importance to her. Sora said it sounded like Kiana was like her own teacher was to her. That teacher ended up being Raven, who saved the two from Benares.

For Mei, the 4 months before she found Kiana had brought her to the realization that she hadn't changed. She was still the weak girl who couldn't do anything. She was the one who wasn't strong enough to protect her loved ones. After a confrontation with Raven, her Herrscher powers arose, despite not having the gem within her. Raven backed off, telling her to go get Kiana before she changed her mind. Mei finally found Kiana, but Honkai poisoning had worked its way all over her body: she was on the brink of death.

Tesla managed to successfully save her, but told Mei that Kiana only had two more months to live. Kiana's pain, and the revelation she was going to die, made Mei unable to sleep. She stayed awake until Kiana finally woke up. Mei pushed down her fears and walked into the medical bay, only to see Kiana looking up at her. Despite how happy she was to see her, Mei also scolded Kiana for running away and not even telling them where she was. Kiana tried to lighten up conversation with a compliment, but eventually apologized. Mei informed Kiana of everything that had happened these past 4 months. After a bit of chatting, Kiana said she wanted to go outside. Mei reluctantly accepted and let her go, but also made sure to come along. The two went for a walk around Nagazora, and chatted about their previous travelling through the city. They bickered back and forth, but eventually the mood became serious. Kiana told her that she was K-423, and Mei told her it didn't matter. No matter what, she and the others would stay by her side.

Afterwards, Tesla and Einstein told Mei what their thoughts were on the matter: as Kiana's problem is Sirin herself, they cannot do anything to cure or prevent her death. Basically, it would be up to Kiana alone. Einstein said for now, they wanted to move her to a base and prepare for the worst. Mei asked for elaboration, and Einstein did not answer, but the silence answered for her. They would have to kill Kiana if worst came to worst. Sora arrived right afterward, wanting to say goodbye to Mei, but Mei couldn't muster up the will to smile at her. Feeling bad, she walked Sora back to the Nest, where Raven said World Serpent had a way to cure Kiana's condition, and to come back alone in two hours if she was interested.

Later on, she overheard Tesla and Einstein talking to Kiana about her condition. Kiana expressed immense regret for the hurt she had caused everyone, but especially Mei. She said she took everything Mei had wanted away from her. She asked the doctors to not let her friends come near her if things went south, and that she didn't want to cause them any more grief. Mei could only shed a tear; Kiana had been putting on a mask for her.

Mei's despair swelled when Kiana lied to her about being able to taste the curry she made for her. The one she wanted to help would not even rely on her, so she took matters into her own hands. She met Raven at the Nest and then met Kevin Kaslana. He told her if she became the true Herrscher of Thunder, she would be able to give Kiana more time to live. He told her she would not lose herself this time. Kevin added that he has seen people like Kiana before, and that she would never stop trying to be a hero. He said the only true way to save her was by joining World Serpent and stopping the threats before Kiana could. Mei agreed to his offer.

A while later, she woke up in the streets and ran into Kiana, who was covered in wounds. Kiana told Mei to head back to Helios. She stated that she wanted to use her void powers to close the portal in the sky, and Mei tried to tell her off, but Kiana said she didn't care if she died. Mei looked on in horror as Kiana summoned Benares to fly to the source of the Honkai energy, with Mei left chasing her once again. After running wildly through the city, Mei stumbled upon a wounded Benares, with a sword impaling it. Nihilus, the creature that owned said sword, proceeded to fight her. Although it took forever to defeat, and Mei was heavily injured, she won against it. Suddenly, though, it turned back time and came back. It charged at Mei, and swung its sword down onto her. Benares took the blow, and died in the process. Mei fell unconscious.

This is when she entered a place familiar to her. A void with only purple light. She knew where she was. Her Herrscher personality was surprised Mei came to her first, and asked if she was sure she wanted to become the real Herrscher of Thunder. Mei was resolved. She would save Kiana. Thus, she took up her power alone, the Conquest gem transferring into her strength. She took the remains of Benares, creating a new life and renaming it Kurikara . Mei fought Kiana despite the girl's protests, and when Kiana began to use the powers that were killing her, Mei beat her down quickly. Mei explained it wasn't right for Kiana to suffer in silence, dying for her heroism. Kiana dismissed it, saying this was simply her mission. Mei broke the lances surrounding her and chased after Kiana, quick enough to catch up to her this time. She defeated her and left with World Serpent.

High Sophomore

Raiden Mei is an A-rank Valkyrja and the Herrscher of Thunder that awakened in Nagazora City, Japan. She's the daughter of Raiden Ryoma, the CEO of Massive Electric Corp, making her an heiress. So far, she's a playable character in A Post Honkai Odyssey

She plays a bigger role in Chapter 15 and above. Mei first debuted in Chapter 1 with Kiana and Bronya.



Crimson Impulse

Shadow Dance

Valkyrja Strike

Lightning Empress


BH2 Mei Stig

Skill Tattoo Mei

Character Introduction

Her father was originally the president of Massive Electric (ME) Corp. When Mei was 15 years old, the company was deeply affected by the financial crisis, and her father was deeply mired in economic fraud (framed by Cocolia). At the end of the prison, almost all of the property was frozen. Cocolia later took over the corp for herself.

This incident has had a major impact on Mei, and it has made her cheerful personality a bit solitary.

Daughter of ME CEO

Her father, Raiden Ryoma, was a young leader in the science and technology field. After taking over the position of the ME president at the age of 30, he transformed the ME Corp from a commercial electrical appliance manufacturer into a smart electronic company with the world's most valuable technology secrets for more than a decade.

1 out of every 10 electronic devices in the world is equipped with electronic chips produced by ME.

Raiden Ryoma once became a representative of Japan's domestic technological innovation and business thinking revolution, and was sought after by countless young people.

However, little is known, based on unpublished statistical data, ME has become the world's largest military supply provider, and has maintained a hidden cooperative relationship with many major countries, secretly developing the next generation of combat weapons.

For this reason, although Ryoma has not publicly involved in the political arena, it has a small impact on the ruling and opposition pattern.

As the daughter of ME president, although she lived the life of Missy since childhood, Raiden Mei formed a noble temperament with graceful elegance and maturity under the strict education of her father.

Mei as a student

Since the beginning of primary school, she has been outstanding in performance, as a student leader, and widely supported among students.

Her noble beauty is the object of countless boys' dreams, combined with a natural cool temperament, and is called the "Queen of Thunder".

In middle school, because ME established a high-level research institute in the school city, Mei moved to the school city with her father's family and studied at the Senba Highschool.

Only 1 month after enrolment, Mei became the most popular idol in the school. The name "Queen of Thunder" had spread again.

However, when Mei was popular as the 'Queen', a huge change came to the fore.

The Great Impact

The ME company suddenly exposed an economic fraud case. Ryoma was not only dismissed from the board of directors because of the alleged falsification of financial documents, but also suffered a prison sentence, and his reputation plummeted. Thisis incident had a great impact on Mei. The classmates who originally surrounded Mei had suddenly cold-eyes towards her. Even her "closest" friends have been keeping their distance intentionally or unintentionally.

As a lost girl, she has stood on the shackles of the crowd and now suffers from various forms of discrimination.

After trying to muster all kinds of human feelings, Mei learned to be more sensitive and delicate to see the people around her. She still maintains the restraint as a noble lady. The more she is discriminated against, the more she has to build a shell to protect herself. Tears remain in the corners that no one sees. Inevitablyly, the cold-hearted view of Mei on the world also bred hatred deep inside. After the the father’s incident, Mei no longer participated in any club activities after school. She found herself a corner that was undisturbed, and the ME Institute was sealed up.

t was the place where her father worked day and night before the incident, and that Mei felt that she felt the closest to her father.

She also hopes to find the clues to what happened before her father's incident. She faintly feels that her father was framed.

Unfortunately, after the institute was seized, from disk to paper, any possible information has been destroyed. Until one day, in the empty uninhabited research institute, Mei suddenly found a suspicious object. The man left a strange box. Driven by curiosity, Mei had an opportunity to change her destiny and the destiny of the whole world.

The 3rd Herrscher was triggered at the same time that Mei opened the door of fate. Mei became the Herrscher of Thunder, causing a massacre after being taken over by her Herrscher persona. Soon after, her underclassmen in named Kiana Kaslana fought the 3rd Herrscher and saved Mei. Despite her suicide attempt after being freed, she was caught by Kiana. Soon after, they ran away and fought through hordes of zombies and Houkai beasts before the two meet Bronya Zaychik, who was ordered to capture Mei but ended up joining the group.

Honkai Impact 3rd Mainline

Escape From Nagazora Comic

They encounter a powerful and large Houkai beast that gravely wounded Kiana, who protected Mei from it's attack. It caused Mei to befall in despair and Kiana's wound exasperated the Herrscher and once again took control of an grieving Mei. After disposing the monster, though, she was assailed by Hyperion, a battleship from Shicksal, who wield the intentions of killing her and end the arisen 3rd Houkai War. Himeko fought the Herrscher, but was simply outmatched. It was only when Kiana resuscitated and absorbed the Houkai energy from the 3rd Herrscher's wings with her bare hands that she was stopped and the 3rd Houkai War came to an end.

In the aftermath of the event, Mei, Kiana and Bronya were taken to Saint Freya Academy, with Bronya joining later after she was found in the Hyperion. Mei was locked in a cell where Himeko confronted her and told her that Kiana fully recovered from her wounds. Grateful for their help, Mei gives Shicksal sanction to do whatever they want with her, even to the point she allowed them to kill her. This revolted Himeko instead, who proposed to train her to control her prowess. When Mei counter-argued that her inability to control the 3rd Herrscher made her a threat, Himeko told her a bomb near her heart would be placed as indemnification. Afterwards, Mei jubilantly reunites with Kiana and Bronya, and the trio transferred to Saint Freya Academy.

Chapter 1: Dusk - Girls - Battleship

Some time after enrolling in St. Freya High School, an incipient honkai energy surge was picked up and Theresa dispatched Himeko's student team to deal with it. Unexpectedly awaiting for them in the air qas an alarmingly astronomically immense battleship found flying in monitored airspace south of Soukai City. Himeko deploys Kiana, including Mei and Bronya, to make their way in the battleship in different paths before meeting each other again.

Upon reaching the battleship Kiana joins Mei to investigate the outside of the ship. Kiana starts to feel faint and loses conciousness, leaving Mei alone to defend the ship trying to buy Bronya enough time to disengage alarm and defense protocols of the ship. As the situation gets dire, Mei feeling like she has no choice, permits her Herrscher personality to take out the Emperor class Houkai beast that attacked the two, only to also become exhausted and collapse into the arms of Bronya who was just finishing the process of hacking the mysterious battleship. Accessing the Moonlight Throne database, Bronya notices something is wrong but loses control of her body and the bio-chip inside her brain enabled Cocolia to fully manipulate Bronya. Under control of Cocolia, she turns from searching the database to confront and attack the recently awoken team mates but is luckily subdued by her friends. Kiana and Mei opt to keep the body snatching event from Himeko or Theresa in fear of losing their friend and trusting Bronya's innocence. Himeko's communication cuts back in and she asks for a briefing. After Himeko got a vague report from Kiana, knowing the girls are keeping something from her, she plays along with the girl's report since everyone is alive.

After finding the message about Kiana, they opt to keep Selene under Shicksal for further inspection due to Kiana's connection to it.

Chapter 2: Voice in the Dream

Returning to Saint Freya Academy, Theresa and Himeko task Mei and Bronya to help tutor Kiana and ask for the special help of the Hall Monitor and A-Rank Valkyrja Fu Hua for special training. Sirin's power drives were slowly awakening, causing her to revive inside of Kiana's subconsciousness. Later on, despite showing a good charisma at the first time they met, Sirin revealed her true colors in the second nightmare that got even more intense and Sirin assumed the form of Raiden Mei, using the image of her love interest to mock and shatter her feeling for Mei. Eventually, the two engage in combat but Sirin kept her identity as a secret. When she was defeated in Raiden's skin, she assumed the form of Murata Himeko in another location to taunt Kiana even more. Mei doesn't make that much appearances in this chapter.

Upon the end of the exam, Himeko has found information about the location of the Gem of Desire and of a mythical weapon hidden in the Nine Realms. Upon confirmation of the Location of the Gem of Desire, the girls embark on the Hyperion to meet a Valkyrja named Wendy. Though suspicious, Himeko orders the Valkyrja to head to New Zealand to retrieve the Gem of Desire from Schicksal's Oceanic branch.

Though suspicious, Himeko orders the Valkyrja to head to New Zealand to retrieve the Gem of Desire from Schicksal's Oceanic branch.

Like how Venti is.

Now that i think about it venti does look like wendy

Doesnt mention SoHP and God Kiana

I haven’t played hi3 but is this mei’s costume from there or has electro archon been leaked?

this isnt her costume there, she has no kimono eaque costumes

I don’t know who she is but I want her

This should really be tagged as OC not media. Media tends to be a flair for in-game screenshots of some kind.

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