Как получить облик старый учитель на дарта мола в battlefront 2

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

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Александр Анишин

Александр Анишин запись закреплена

А как получить награды за этапы? Например облик Дарта мола или облик люка, я про не знаю что за этапы

Андрей Синицын

Андрей Синицын

Чтобы получить облик на люка - надо убить 5000 врагов за героев, за мола аналгично - убить 5000 врагов за злодеев

Old Master is a Legendary appearance for Darth Maul in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. It is unlocked by completing the Old Master milestone: eliminating 5,000 enemies as any Dark Side hero.


Overview [ ]

The Old Master skin is based on Darth Maul's appearance in the third season of Star Wars Rebels, which takes place during the Age of Rebellion era, after which time he has been stranded and abandoned, hence the tear, and had already been bisected and thus being forced to use cybernetic legs in order to move. He has also replaced his lightsaber with one taken from an Inquisitor, having lost his original one during his duel with Ahsoka Tano on Mandalore at the very end of the Clone Wars.

Дарт Мол — герой темной стороны в игре Star Wars Battlefront II. Он имеет двухсторонний световой меч, дающий ему преимущество в атаке. Его появление в игре сильно искажено. По канону Мол никогда не сражался за Основная атака [ ]

Иконка Maullightsaber.jpg
Урон 120 HP в лицо
150 HP в спину
Макс. кол-во атак 14
Макс. кол-во отраженных ударов 10
Макс. кол-во отраженных выстрелов 18
Задержка регенерации выносливости 2 с
Регенерация всей выносливости 2,1 с

Способности [ ]

  • Яростный бросок — Ситх бросает свой световой меч в место, указанное прицелом Мол бросает свой световой меч прямо перед собой, нанося урон всем врагам, которых задевает клинок меча.
  • Атака с вращением — Мол устремляется вперед и проводит быструю атаку, вращая световым мечом и разя врагов на своем пути.
  • Удушающая хватка — Мол душит нескольких врагов на близком расстоянии. По завершении удушения врагов отбрасывает на землю.

Фразы [ ]

"At last I will have my revenge" — Первая эмоция "I sense your fear" — Вторая эмоция "The Sith are all-powerful" — Третья эмоция "You are no match for me" — Четвертая эмоция "Die!" — В игре "Pitiful!" — При использовании "Яростного Броска" "Such a waste." — При использовании "Яростного Броска" "You are helpless." — При использовании "Удушающей Хватки" "Such weak flesh!" — При использовании "Удушающей Хватки" "Choke in my grasp!" — При использовании "Удушающей Хватки" "Beware." — При использовании "Атаки с Вращением" "Fall." — При использовании "Атаки с Вращением"

"Наконец-то я отомщу" — Первая эмоция "Я чувствую твой страх" — Вторая эмоция "Ситхи всесильны" — Третья эмоция "Тебе не сравниться со мной" — Четвертая эмоция "Умри!" — В игре "Жалкий!" — При использовании "Яростного Броска" "Пустые затраты." — При использовании "Яростного Броска" "Ты беспомощен." — При использовании "Удушающей Хватки" "--" — При использовании "Удушающей Хватки" "--" — При использовании "Удушающей Хватки" "--" — При использовании "Атаки с Вращением" "--" — При использовании "Атаки с Вращением"

Режимы игры
Одиночная игра: Обучение • Звездные истребители героев • Герои против злодеев • Битвы звездных истребителей • Превосходство • Стрелок • Офицер • Головорез • Эвок • Штурмовик (ОЭ)

Darth Maul is a Dark Side Hero for the Separatists and Galactic Empire in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. His personal starship, the Scimitar, can be played in Starfighter Assault and Hero Starfighters.


Overview [ ]

"Darth Maul's intimidating appearance and brutal elegance in battle strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest foes. Deadly and agile, Maul quickly closes the gap, striking with unrelenting speed." — Battlefront II website

Darth Maul's Old Master appearance

Maul's first ability, Furious Throw, sees him hurl his lightsaber straight ahead of him, damaging all enemies it touches before it returns to his hand. Prior to the June 11th Patch, Maul threw his lightsaber vertically as opposed to the horizontal method he employs now. Maul's Furious Throw gives him a ranged attack that he can use to take out troublesome enemies form afar. Due to the precision it requires to be effective though, this ability should be reserved for times when Darth Maul is only facing one or a few enemy units. If he misses, he will have to wait for the ability to recharge before he can use it again. He is also defenseless when his lightsaber is in the air.

With his second ability, Choke Hold, Maul chokes a few enemies at close range before sending them flying to the ground. This ability is limited to his immediate line of sight and its range is also limited, so it is advised that players position themselves wisely before using it. Maul will also be momentarily defenseless and unmoving when using this ability. However, if enemies lie within the range of this ability, its affect can be devastating. It is usually non-lethal on enemies with full health, but surviving units can be mowed down quickly with a Spin Attack or a Furious Throw. There is no limit to the number of enemies Darth Maul can choke, so it is possible to rack up a large number of Battle Points by using this ability in the right position.

His third ability sees him enter into a high velocity lightsaber Spin Attack, cutting down enemies in his path as he leaps forward. This ability can be used in rapid succession at least two times before going into cooldown. Not only can Darth Maul use his Spin Attack to launch himself at an enemy, but it can also be used to make a hasty retreat if under fire. Although the Spin Attack deals quite a bit of damage, it does not often kill enemy units and additional attacks may be required. That said, the Spin Attack can be very effective against a large cluster of enemies, as it can deal damage to all of them simultaneously, leaving them vulnerable to a few quick strikes from Darth Maul's lightsaber. The Spin Attack will also deflect incoming laser bolts when used.

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