Как получить ferrari 599xx evo forza horizon 4

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

22 апр в 22:21 Anyone has a decent tune? I dont care about the class
I just want an agile car that can take corners with good speed and dont feel super heavy
I also dont want the car to bug with the asphalt for some reason every tune I ve tried on the tune shop had that. I prefer a smooth ride without any exploits

here is my W.I.P. tune . decided to post/upload as im pretty close to being finished.

no glitch, upgraded parts, 294mph w/auto trans

im still tweaking and trying to get that last couple mph out of it .

share code:
386 934 353

its my all time driver and i like it!

22 апр в 23:15

here is my W.I.P. tune . decided to post/upload as im pretty close to being finished.

no glitch, upgraded parts, 294mph w/auto trans

im still tweaking and trying to get that last couple mph out of it .

share code:
386 934 353

its my all time driver and i like it!

23 апр в 0:40 Ferrari 599XX Evo - 136022880 Grip, Speed, X
Ferrari 599XX Evo - 138197204 Top Speed, X 23 апр в 2:37

here is my W.I.P. tune . decided to post/upload as im pretty close to being finished.

no glitch, upgraded parts, 294mph w/auto trans

im still tweaking and trying to get that last couple mph out of it .

share code:
386 934 353

its my all time driver and i like it!

I liked this its smooth thanks

Ferrari 599XX Evo - 136022880 Grip, Speed, X
Ferrari 599XX Evo - 138197204 Top Speed, X Its the car of choice when it comes to top speed, but if you tune it down for racing mode I find the mosler a better pick for class X. 23 апр в 6:13

I have alot of tunes shared, I try to upload alot since I restarted my progress on the steam version, I'm a grandmaster player.

My tunes are available if you search for the following nickname: Nayuuu uwu

I also do some paintings that are replicas from irl, thanks if you check out my storefront!

Dude, just search in-game for the tune with the most stars in it. That will be the best tune for that car. You dont need to ask anywhere. In fact, i dont recommend you to get any tune recommendation from here.

As for the bug going thorugh asphalt, if you want the tune with the most speed, you cant avoid that. Its a known bug never fixed, and i dont think it will ever be. But since kids and not very smart players only want something to go as fast as possible.. (even when its completely pointless in this game) they dont care.

23 апр в 10:33

Dude, just search in-game for the tune with the most stars in it. That will be the best tune for that car. You dont need to ask anywhere. In fact, i dont recommend you to get any tune recommendation from here.

As for the bug going thorugh asphalt, if you want the tune with the most speed, you cant avoid that. Its a known bug never fixed, and i dont think it will ever be. But since kids and not very smart players only want something to go as fast as possible.. (even when its completely pointless in this game) they dont care.

Very wrong, the tunes with the most stars are actually from youtubers or very old tunes that are very outdated. Don Joewon Song has got fun tunes but they aren't good/fast in any mean, yet people think they're the best because he's a forza ytber

Dude, just search in-game for the tune with the most stars in it. That will be the best tune for that car. You dont need to ask anywhere. In fact, i dont recommend you to get any tune recommendation from here.

As for the bug going thorugh asphalt, if you want the tune with the most speed, you cant avoid that. Its a known bug never fixed, and i dont think it will ever be. But since kids and not very smart players only want something to go as fast as possible.. (even when its completely pointless in this game) they dont care.

Very wrong, the tunes with the most stars are actually from youtubers or very old tunes that are very outdated. Don Joewon Song has got fun tunes but they aren't good/fast in any mean, yet people think they're the best because he's a forza ytber Which are some of the best tuners in your opinion? 23 апр в 10:52 Very wrong, the tunes with the most stars are actually from youtubers or very old tunes that are very outdated. Don Joewon Song has got fun tunes but they aren't good/fast in any mean, yet people think they're the best because he's a forza ytber

your statement is very true

there are many sheeple out there. people who follow other people and do what other people say . like getting tunes. "hey go get this tune its a ytber tune." all the while a much better tune is sitting there unused and unliked!

btw, your best to just ignore the all hateful one there your replied to .
its replies are nothing but pure hate, ignorant childish thoughts, troll behavior and more

23 апр в 10:54 I wanted a no glitch agile tune cuz the tuning shop is filled with glitched tunes why are you guys making a big deal about this thread lmao 23 апр в 11:33

I have alot of tunes shared, I try to upload alot since I restarted my progress on the steam version, I'm a grandmaster player.

My tunes are available if you search for the following nickname: Nayuuu uwu

I also do some paintings that are replicas from irl, thanks if you check out my storefront!

i DL your ferrari "Fast + Handling" but do you have a Fast + Handling for winter? TY 23 апр в 11:44

I have alot of tunes shared, I try to upload alot since I restarted my progress on the steam version, I'm a grandmaster player.

My tunes are available if you search for the following nickname: Nayuuu uwu

I also do some paintings that are replicas from irl, thanks if you check out my storefront!

With a name like that I was hoping for some heavy weaboo paintings. Very wrong, the tunes with the most stars are actually from youtubers or very old tunes that are very outdated. Don Joewon Song has got fun tunes but they aren't good/fast in any mean, yet people think they're the best because he's a forza ytber

lol. No dude. The tunes with most stars are 99% of the times, the tunes that have been around A LONG time, and many people voted for it for one reason or another. They usually also are the ones recommended by the community, week by week. It is not based on youtube or whatever. thats completely nonsense lol.

I have myself hundreds of tunes that i downloaded years ago from the official forums recommended by players, amazing tunes, and after almost two years they are precisely the ones with most stars. I hope you can follow the logic here. New tunes recommended by the official forums are never going to have more than one star, for obvious reasons. You first need to understand how this works lol.

There are some cases with specific cars that its harder to find an actual decent tune, but again, in the official forums you will probably get it.

Любите побеждать в гонках? Выбирайте этот автомобиль.

«Гони или умри» – негласное кредо геймеров-стритрейсеров, которое они свято чтут со времен выхода первых частей «Форсажа» и культовых номерных частей «Need for Speed». Поэтому разработчики гоночных симуляторов , желая утолить эту жажду скорости, добавляют в свои игры автомобили, которые без особого труда бросают вызов существующим законам физики в области аэродинамики.

Forza Horizon 4 – Ferrari 599XX Evolution

В этой статье мы расскажем о самой быстрой машине в Forza Horizon 4 – игре, которой удалось возродить жанр аркадных гонок из пепла.

Какая машина в Forza Horizon самая лучшая

Автомобиль-фаворит появился в игре в 18 апреля 2019 года в рамках осеннего сезона бесплатного 8 обновления. Им стала заднеприводная Ferrari 599XX Evolution 2012 года выпуска. При наличии модернизированных комплектующих и грамотной настройки двигателя данная модель способна разгоняться до 320 миль/час (515 км/час) . Однако даже на таких скоростях управляемость транспортного средства снижается незначительно , что делает его практически идеальным автомобилем для участия в гонках и прохождения сезонных ивентов.

Forza Horizon 4 – Ferrari 599XX Evolution

Как получить Ferrari 599XX Evolution

На данный момент известно два легальных способа получения самой быстрой машины в Forza Horizon 4:

1. Простой , но дорогой . Машина часто продается на аукционе, однако за возможность прикоснуться к прекрасному придется выложить крупную сумму кредитов .

Forza Horizon 4 – Ferrari 599XX Evolution на аукционе

2. Трудозатратный , но бесплатный . Проявляя активность в сезонных мероприятиях на играх фестиваля Horizon, игрок накапливает очки прогресса . При достижении 50% прогресса участник получит пропуск за кулисы , где в качестве награды сможет выбрать Ferrari 599XX Evolution.

Forza Horizon 4 – Ferrari 599XX Evolution за кулисами

Пишите в комментариях, имеется ли в вашей гоночной коллекции Ferrari 599XX Evolution, или вы предпочитаете участвовать и побеждать в соревнованиях Forza Horizon 4 на чем-то другом?

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Если вы играете Forza Horizon 4, это руководство покажет вам, как получить одну из самых быстрых машин в FH4, если вы только начинаете.

Самая быстрая машина в начале Forza Horizon 4

Получать Mosler MT900S от аукционного дома

Прежде чем мы начнем, самая быстрая машина в игре - Ferrari 599XX E.
Проблема в том, что он стоит колоссальные 10 миллионов кредитов, поэтому получить его практически невозможно, если вы не поработаете несколько дней, но это не важно, потому что есть машина, которая почти не уступает Ferrari по качеству. скорость и это Mosler MT900S.

Обычно вы можете найти его примерно за 60.000 XNUMX кредитов на аукционе, что делает его очень дешевым и доступным.

Найдите настройки скорости

После покупки Mosler перейдите в меню настройки и найдите настройки скорости (вы, конечно, можете выбрать другую настройку, если хотите сосредоточиться на разных частях, например, на большем сцеплении)

Это должно стоить вам около 100.000 кредитов, так что имейте это в виду, но, конечно, есть и другие более дешевые варианты настройки.


После настройки вашего mosler, у вас теперь есть автомобиль, который может развивать скорость до 440 км / ч (273 миль / ч).

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