Как получить дио овер хевен в yba на русском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024


When you have completed the Quest for gathering all of the Saint's Corpse Parts for JOE, he will send you to DEO's realm to defeat him.

Heaven Ascension DIO is one of the Bosses you must defeat in order to obtain Made In Heaven or The World: Over Heaven. Heaven Ascension DIO has been renamed "Heaven Ascension DEO" in-game in order to avoid copyright issues.

JOE won't take your Corpse Parts.


Heaven Ascension DIO

Heaven Ascension DIO is one of the hardest bosses in the game, with approximately 600 HP.

You must defeat him in order to obtain his Bone, a vital component for evolving C-Moon into Made In Heaven and The World into The World Over Heaven in The Heaven's Plan.

You will be assigned to defeat him after talking with JOE and bringing him all 4 of the Saint's Corpse Parts.

Entering DIO's Realm

  • JOE: "Do you have the "Saint's Corpse parts" yet?"
  • Player: Yes, here they are. (Continue) Bye. (Decline)
  • JOE: "DEO should summon us to his realm any minute now. Get ready to beat his face in".

JOE and Player will be teleported to Heaven Ascension DEO's Realm. You will see that you are in a purple colour dimension with Heaven Ascension DIO across from you and JOE.


When you attack Heaven Ascension DIO from a far distance, he will Time Skip behind you and perform a barrage.

When DIO is Half HP, he will begin to use his Reality Overwrite moves and will Time Stop every 10 seconds. He will also start using the Self Injury Overwrite move on himself in order to heal.

Defeating DIO

When you finally Defeat DIO, the Reward is $500 and +2880 EXP.

You will now have to obtain DEO's Bone to complete JOE's quest. There is a 16% chance of the bone being dropped, so you may have to fight him multiple times.


  • Heaven Ascension DEO is located at the Heaven Arena; you can enter it by collecting all the Corpse Parts and talking to JOE.
  • Even if the quest is completed, you still need all four corpse parts to enter the Heaven Arena.
  • Heaven Ascension DIO is immune to Time Stop, and Return To Zero (Cancel Time Stop, not de-summon stand).
  • It takes just about 7 minutes for Heaven Ascension DEO to respawn.
  • There is a 2% chance that Heaven Ascension DEO will drop his hair upon death.

Tips and Tricks

  • While Heaven Ascension DIO does have reality overwrite punch, he does not have the passive. This means that it's very important to use moves that increase your defense because he cannot bypass them.
  • When barraging, try not to fully barrage, because H.A.D can counter barrage towards the end.
  • If he barrages, you shouldn't barrage back, as he will almost always do a barrage finisher afterwards, which means that if you barrage back you might be loosing out on a little bit of damage, which is not good for fighting this boss and Joe Kujoh

Main Stand

Star Platinum:

You have to unlock all the moves, no need to max out rage and upgrade Stand Jump to III.

Star Finger is really helpful as it is a good stun when paired with Inhale. Jaw Breaker is also useful for ragdolling someone. Stand Jump will be very useful, along with Time Skip, because this will help keep distance from H.A.D.

SP+Boxing Combo: Star Finger+ Inhale + 4 LMB + Eye Gouge + Ora Kicks.

Once H.A.D gets ragdolled, he will time skip behind you within 3 seconds- Stand Jump in order to escape from this move.

SP+Hamon Combo: Star Finger + Barrage + Zoom Punch + Inhale + 4 LMB + Ora Kick.

Hamon is recommended, because it has a good amount of defense and damage with a useful stun from Zoom Punch and a burning effect from Scarlet Overdrive.

Zoom Punch + Star Finger + Sunlight Yellow Overdrive + Scarlet Overdrive + Finisher.

Star Finger + Time Stop + Barrage + Zoom Punch (when Time Stop ends) + Star Finger + Ora Kick.

Keep your distance and use these combos. If needed, enable Rage Mode to increase your defense.

Star Platinum: The World + Vampirism:

You must have every move unlocked to complete this.

This is a combo to beat H.A.D with SP:TW and Vampirism. Combat precision + Time Stop + Barrage (he can't barrage back in time stop) + Platinum Slam + 4x LMB + Ora Kicks + barrage TS ends + Skull Crusher + Freeze + Life Drain + dash backwards + Space Ripper Stingy Eyes + Heavy Punch + Barrage + Ora Kicks. Then keep on fighting and when low, you should use Skull Crusher + Beatdown (if SC is on cooldown just use beatdown,) since it is long it should give a good time to heal a portion of your health back.

C-Moon + Spin/Hamon/Boxing:

C-Moon with Spin has a very great stun, so use that mostly to your advantage. For example, Gravitational Shift is a great combo starter. Note to always use T after you use Y so you can add extra damage. If H.A.D is about to stop time, press Z and jump so you'll be stuck in mid air, resulting in H.A.D being unable to damage you during stopped time. Z also increases your gravity moves by 2x, which can deal extreme amounts of damage if used well. Also, your counter is useful when it tries to hit you with a heavy damaging move, since you can negate it and add even more damage.

Golden Skin + Gravitational Shift + Steel Ball + Multi Steel Ball + 4x LMB + Surface Inversion Punch + Uppercut to the Moon + Spin Punch + Barrage + Heavy Punch + Steel Ball + Multi Steel Ball + 4x LMB + Spin Punch.

Hamon is another recommended Speciality, as it can heavily buff its damage while having the Hamon Charge passive. You also gain a 30% reduction of damage taken and a 25% damage output boost. This will come in EXTREMELY handy as you can quickly melt H.A.D's health. When you're about to use gravity moves, always use it with Hamon charged. A combo is Z + E + B + Y + T. This can melt H.A.D's health very quickly. Always try to use this combo; its Z can be replaced with the counter move too.

Boxing is the last recommended Spec. Although it is not as good as Hamon, it can be used to extend attacks and punish H.A.D hard if used well. Having an extra barrage (similar to Hamon's Sunlight Yellow Overdrive) and your jaw breaker can Stand crash H.A.D, leaving you an open space to attack. Your Eye Gouge doesn't do anything except damaging and slowing him down, so you can use other moves while he's slower.

Gold Experience Requiem + Hamon:

Note that you must unlock the Hamon Punch passive.

GER + Hamon is a powerful matchup for beating H.A.D, but it's good to have one friend with you that can be used to take turns whenever you're low. Try to spam X with Hamon charged, as it can deal heavy damage output. Do not barrage first, and always spam LMB after you finish barraging. Always keep your Hamon charged, as it will come in handy sooner or later. Note that H.A.D has an extremely long Time Stop, so you can just Return To Zero to cancel it or summon a tree so he won't be able to hit you during it. A good combo with Hamon charged is X (use scorpions instead of directly hitting them) + LMB x5 (wait until they barrage) + E + LMB x4 + R.

Awakening can melt H.A.D's health quickly when paired with charged Hamon, use it whenever you can so you can send out an arsenal of attacks. Never forget to spam LMB at H.A.D once he finishes barraging, as it can deal heavy damage with Awakening, and even more so with Hamon charged. Do not directly hit your X, as scorpions deal more damage than directly hitting H.A.D

D4C:LT can make it so that H.A.D cannot damage you. Start off with 4 m1s, a barrage and then LT then if H.A.D barrages you, you can dimension hop and sooner or later you will auto leave and you can heal since H.A.D cant leave the dimension hop. rinse and repeat and you can cheese him.

Support Stands

There are other Stands that can be used for support, but these are the recommended ones while fighting H.A.D with your friend.

Gold Experience:

Gold Experience is almost a made-for-support Stand. It has a heal which gives 60 hp, and a move that can cripple H.A.D, along with a beatdown. If your friend is low, you can quickly heal them and then use beatdown on H.A.D, allowing them time to quickly pose and heal. If H.A.D uses Time Stop, you can quickly summon a tree to avoid any attacks. Your barrage's damage output isn't half bad too, so you and your friend could double barrage at H.A.D.

Hierophant Green:

Hierophant Green is an excellent Stand to stall time for your friend to quickly pose and heal due, to its 20 meter Emerald Splash and normal Emerald Splash. Your Emerald Splash can deal hefty amounts of damage, with an amazingly short cooldown giving you the ability to spam the move. Your 20 meter Emerald Splash is also another good way to stall time for you and your friend to pose. However, your close ranged moves are weak, so you're going to have to rely on Specs like Hamon for damage output, and Boxing for more melee moves.

Полностью идентичен оригинальному The World, за исключением цветовой палитры. Его кожа блекло-фиолетовая. Шлем, нагрудник, перчатки до локтя, пояс и задняя часть голени - белые. Водолазные балоны на спине, присоединённые к его затылку трубки, подбородок, наплечники, часть самого плеча, ребристые ремни на туловище, налокотники, браслеты, костяшки перчаток, фигура сердца на поясе, туфли и передняя часть голени - жёлтые. Склера глаз и зрачки полностью чёрные, а радужки наоборот - полностью белые.

На коленях появились буквы "D", заместо фигур сердец, как у оригинала. Также, буквы "D" располагаются на внешней стороне ладоней на выпуклом круге, заменяя оригинальные циферблаты.


Перезапись реальности

The World Over Heaven получил новую, божественную силу, позволяющую перезаписывать реальность, в конечном счёте делающую Дио властным над всеми её аспектами.

Потенциал этой способности, по-видимому, безграничен, поскольку эту силу можно использовать для перезаписи существования всего, чего Дио пожелает: для кражи душ и использования их в качестве рабов, исцеления себя, воскрешения мертвых и полного отрицания почти любой другой силы, которую франшиза может предложить (как было продемонстрировано на примере способностей Tusk Act 4 и Gold Experience Requiem) и т. д. Тем не менее, эта способность страдает от одного единственного ограничения: она может быть инициирована только через кулаки The World Over Heaven, что означает, что стенд должен ударить что-либо для активации способности.

Остановка времени

Основная способность классического The World, которая позволяла Дио останавливать время, потеряла все прежние ограничения. Как и ранее, она позволяет Дио останавливать течение времени для всех, помимо его самого, но теперь, он способен использовать эту способность не продемонстрированные им в финале Крестоносцев звёздной пыли максимальные 9 секунд, а тот промежуток "времени", который ему заблагорассудится, вплоть, скорее всего, до бесконечности.

The World

Берём The World и используем дневник Дио (Обязательно при каждом чтении дневника берите The World. Если взять любой другой станд то вам скажут что всё написанное в дневнике не имеет для вас смысла).

Вам дают первое задание, убить 50 игроков в режиме 1v1. В него можно попасть из меню, однако многие говорят, что он сейчас не работает. В нём есть много людей которые пришли только ради твоха, так что вы просто можете обмениваться киллами с людьми. Дамажьте их, они дамажнут вас, и вы оба ресетаетесь.

Квест на 1vs1

После того как вы убили 50 игроков в 1v1, берите The World и снова читайте дневник (При повторном чтении, "фразы" дневника о прошлых заданих остаются, однако появляются новые. Не бойтесь, ваше задание приняли) Следующее задание будет убить 50 игроков в Metal Ball Run. Убивать можете как и в казуале так и в соревновательном. Держите в уме, что чтобы вам засчитало убийство игрока вам нужно нанести больше урона чем все другие. В казуале так же есть много трейдеров, но есть так же скамеры и люди срывающие трейды.

Квест на Metal Ball Run

Следующее задание — это получение кости Дио из Дио достигшего рая. (ВНИМАНИЕ, если вы выбили кость прежде чем получить этот квест, то её у вас не примут!).



ЭКСТРЕМАЛЬНЫЙ РАШН ФАНДОМ ФО YBA / Your Bizarre запись закреплена

Tommy Boon

Александр Мотыгин

Александр Мотыгин

Кира Валентинов

Кира Валентинов

Tommy Boon

Кира Валентинов

Кира Валентинов ответил Tommy

Tommy, мне так один челик с михом сказал,так что скорее всего да

Кира, Взять квест у Пуччи -> Получить все части трупа -> Убивать Овер Хевен Дио до тех пор, пока с него не получишь кость -> Берёшь следующий квест у Пуччи -> Убиваешь Джотаро(6 часть) до тех пор, пока не получишь его диск -> Взять последний квест -> Встать на самую высокую гору

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