Как открыть арену в madness project nexus 2

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

"MADNESS: Project Nexus is a third-person Run n' Gun-slash-Beat'Em Up filled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality. Train your custom Madness combatant for the endless trials of Arena Mode, building weapons from your own sick imagination to get through just one more wave of deranged assailants. Or, play through the core campaign as the antiheroes of the Madness universe and unearth the terrible secrets of Project Nexus itself.

MADNESS: Project Nexus challenges your use of immersive & tactical combat, on-your-feet decision making, environmental navigation, a massive selection of weapons, and a pretty heavy dose of comic blood and violence. You'll progress through the game by navigating between rooms and overworld stages, engaging baddies along the way (who become wiser and more tactical as you advance). Not everyone is cut out to survive; we think you may be the exception.

Can you overcome the hordes of gun-toting Agents, sword-brandishing assassins, and bullet-deflecting giants that Project Nexus throws in your path? Grab your trusty weapon and let's find out." - Steam Store description



Demo: 2.01.a
Beta: 2.01.a

Demo: October 14th, 2020

MADNESS: Project Nexus (rebranded from "Madness: Project Nexus 2") is a Madness Combat shooter/action game developed by Krinkels and The-Swain. It is the sequel to Madness: Project Nexus (Classic).

Unlike its predecessor, the Steam version is not made using Flash. Instead, the game is made using the Unity game engine. With Unity, this enables the game to be created with fully functioning 3D graphics. The 3D models used for the game are being made by Krinkels, and The-Swain is the programmer.

The gameplay remains in a diagonal isometric perspective, with a similar room format as its predecessor. Krinkels has also stated that despite the move to 3D graphics, the visual style will remain "cartoony", thanks in part to custom cel-shading.

In the game, there are 4 different difficulties.

  • Tourist - the "easy" difficulty. Enemies can't stunlock you and medkits heal all of your corpus. All the guns also have 2 magazines.
  • Normal - Medkits heal all corpus blocks, guns have one and a half spare magazines.
  • Tough - the "hard" difficulty. Guns have only one spare magazine, and medkits only heal one corpus block.
  • Madness - This difficulty is the closest to the Madness cartoons. You do very well, slaughtering enemies with ease, until you do one small slip-up and you get punished very hard. Everyone has 5 times less health, medkits only heal 1 corpus block and guns only have 60% of a spare magazine.

The higher the difficulty, the more enemies you have to kill during mini arena-like waves in certain rooms during the Story Mode.

All news and updates for the development on the game can be found on the official blog or on the Official Changelog, as well as Steam patch notes and on the game's official discord server .


Story Mode

Uncover the secrets of Project Nexus in the Story Mode. It includes 19 stages and 7 hub worlds:

Arena Mode

Crack the Playground Mode

Ever wondered who would win in a fight between a mag agent and 300 grunts? Now you can find out yourself!

Spawn all enemies you can meet in the game (with the exception of a few bosses), arm yourself with different weapons of your choosing, become your favorite character and play some nice music to accompany you in your crazy playground adventures. In playground mode, you can spawn different characters, morph into characters, spawn weapons and play music.


(Note that almost no updates past beta 1.0 are documented here. The game was still being updated after that update released.)

The M:PN Demo was released on October 14th, 2020; currently free to play. It contains only two levels, ending after the first boss-fight with Jorge and Church. After defeating them and attempting to blow up the door to the next level, Sanford and Deimos claim that they need "bigger demo" to blow up the door, ending with Deimos shouting the word "Demo" to drive in the point that it is the end of the Demo.

Beta version 1.0 was released on September 8th, 2017 with the introduction of two new bosses, patches and an interactive mode.


Alpha Version 1.04 released September, 8th, 2016 with patch notes. With a graphics overhaul, squad system overhaul and in-game menu changes.

Alpha Launched on June 28th, 2016 and can be pre-ordered on the Project Nexus 2 website.


An official Facebook page for Madness: Project Nexus 2 was created on June 30th. See here.

The official M:PN website was created on July 23rd. See here.

The official M:PN development forums were launched July 25th, 2014. See here.

The-Swain has released an alpha teaser for MADNESS: Project Nexus on June 20th. You can watch the teaser below, or watch it on the YouTube page.

On July 23rd, The-Swain created a video where he discusses M:PN and the gameplay it will feature upon its initial release. You can watch it below, or watch it on the YouTube page.

On August 24th, the Kickstarter page for MADNESS: Project Nexus was created. See here.

On August 25th, MADNESS: Project Nexus was put on Steam Greenlight. See here.

On September 3rd, MADNESS: Project Nexus was successfully greenlit.

On September 7th, the MADNESS: Project Nexus kickstarter reached 500 backers.

On September 14th, the MADNESS: Project Nexus kickstarter reached 750 backers.

On September 19th, the MADNESS: Project Nexus kickstarter reached 900 backers.

On September 21st, the MADNESS: Project Nexus kickstarter reached its target goal, and reached 1,000 backers.

On September 23rd, the MADNESS: Project Nexus kickstarter reached 1,200 backers.

The Arena Combat Mode is a game mode where you play as Subject 1v02P_6, your own unique, customizable character and play through the Nexus Training Program. Stats, weapons, and equipment can be upgraded and bought as you level up your character in the Gear Shop. Players can also hire squadmates to fight alongside them in the arena.

Each time you complete a wave (or die) you will earn a set amount of cash and experience based on your performance. Using this cash you can purchase weapons, gear, and hire squadmates. If you die during a wave, the next time you enter the arena you will start over at Wave 1. You will also lose the weapon you were carrying, but you will retain your armor and secondary weapon (if you have one). There is no limit to what wave can be reached.

When you level up, you are given 3 skill points and 3 stat points to spend. Stats enhance your combat, whilst skills increase your efficiency with certain weapons. After every 5 points that are spent on a certain stat or skill, a perk is unlocked. Each stat and skill has a maximum at 30 points. There is no limit to what level can be reached.

Arena is planned for MADNESS: Project Nexus, albeit with a more open-world twist and no ties to the original arena. Enemies still come in waves as before but objectives vary.

Arena Waves

As of Version 1.5, the wave system is structured like this;

  • Wave 1: Grunts, hand-to-hand combat, grunts armed with melee weapons appear near the end. About 24 A.A.H.W. Units. Note: the player will most of the time lose due to not having any stats, skills or weapons.
  • Wave 2: The first half has melee weapons. The scond half introduces enemies with pistols. 25 A.A.H.W. Units, including one Agent at the end.
  • Wave 3-4: Mostly Grunts, one Agent, mostly pistols, some melee. About 33 A.A.H.W. Units.
  • Wave 5-6: Half Agents, half Grunts. One of the 33 A.A.H.W. Units will be an A.T.P. Engineer, appearing at the end of the waves.
  • Wave 7-11: Agents to Grunts ratio increase steadily, but 41 AAHW Units including one A.T.P. engineer.
  • Wave 12: The first G03LM Mk1 (These appear every 12 waves until Wave 36) in addition to the same 41 A.A.H.W. Units.
  • Wave 13-16: Introduces use of more advanced weaponry like SMGs and shotguns. 49 A.A.H.W. Units. Only one Grunt in comparision to the four Agents (and the sole A.T.P. Engineer at the end of the waves).
  • Wave 17-28: One A.T.P. Soldat at the end of each wave. No Grunts. A.T.P. Engineer frequency scaled up, replacing the Grunts. At first, Agent to Engineer ratio is still favorable to Agents. Afterwards, Engineer to Agent ratio increases steadily. Note: AAHW Unit Count unknown after Wave 24. In some hacked versions, before Wave 28, AAHW Units may appear with Rifles.
    • Wave 24: Two G03LM Mk1s in addition to 49 enemy units.
    • Wave 28: Introduces rifles, however in small numbers at first. Only one Agent.

    The normal Arena Mode seems to break at Wave 60+: Wave 60 and every wave afterwards have the chance to never end, even after killing all enemies (only occurs after G03LM or G04LM rounds).

    Zombie Arena Mode

    The Zombie Mode Arena.

    An alternate version of Arena Combat Mode, Zombie Arena Mode, features a new arena. Zombie Arena Mode is unlocked when the player reaches Level 30. The player's character and squadmates remain the same. There are two cardboard boxes for cover in the arena. The enemies consist of nothing but Zombies. Enemies ranging from Zombie Grunts, Agents, A.T.P. Engineers and A.T.P. Soldats are featured, along with zombie G03LMs. The music featured in Zombie Arena Mode is Swamp Zombies by Cheshyre. Progress for completion of waves remain constant between the Zombie Mode and Arena Combat Mode. For example, if the player reaches Wave 30 in Arena Combat Mode and switches to Zombie Mode, the player will still start on Wave 30. The only difference is that money and experience are gained in much higher quantities.

    Zombies in this mode behave in a unique way. They often change between slow and fast speeds and usually take a few bullets before collapsing. They have an increased sense of attention and are sensitive to gunfire, although some of them ignore the sound of gun fire and stand and stare in a direction until someone grabs their attention. Some zombies may carry weapons, but unless melee, they will likely not use it. If attacked in close range by a zombie, you will become immobile, as the zombie slowly consumes your TAC-Bar. The player must mash the movement keys (WASD) to escape the grasp of the zombie. If the player fails to do this, the zombie will instantly kill the player upon depleting the TAC-Bar.

    Zombie Arena Waves

    As Version 1.7, the wave system is structured like this;

    • Wave 1: Only Zombie Grunts.
    • Waves 2-4: All are Zombie Grunts, with one Zombie Agent at the end. Note: Wave 4 (and maybe Wave 3) has 4 Zombie Grunts per round instead of 3.
    • Waves 5-8: A mix between Zombie Grunts and Agents, one Zombie A.T.P. Engineer at the end. In Wave 8, Agent to Grunt ratio increases steadily..
    • Waves 9-15: Same as Waves 5-8, but with the inclusion of a Zombie G03LM at the end. Wave 13 to wave 17 has a sole Zombie Grunt. Note: Zombie G03LMs may or may not appear with a helmet. Wave 12 does not have the Zombie A.T.P. Engineer at the end of it.
    • Wave 16: Same as waves 9-15, but with two Zombie G03LMs at the end.
    • Wave 17-28: No Zombie Grunts. mainly Zombie Agents and A.T.P Engineers. One zombie G03LM appears halfway through. At the end, two Zombie G03LMS and a Zombie A.T.P. Soldat. At some point, Engineer to Agent ratio increases steadily.
    • Wave 29+: No Zombie Grunts or Agents, mainly Zombie A.T.P Engineers and A.T.P. Soldats, one-two Zombie G03LMs appear(s) halfway through, with the end having two-three Zombie G03LMS. The number of Zombie G03LMs and the Soldat to Engineer ratio will gradually increase over time.

    Much like normal arena waves zombie waves break wave unknownwave+: Wave unknownwave and every wave afterwards have the chance to never end, even after killing all enemies (only occurs after G03LM rounds)

    Обсуждаем вышедший проект и задаем интересующие вас вопросики =)

    Нужно прокачать силу для первого перка и можно будет носить два оружия с собой.

    Иван Лунев

    Александр Дерюгин

    А раны полученые за бои на арене никак не убрать? или он так и будет покоцаный?

    Александр Дерюгин

    Иван Лунев

    Так и будет, но Кринклс возможно даст способ убрать раны.

    Влад Махмутов

    хух кто уже прошёл все 8 уровней? на 7 и 8 боссы жгут конечно этот броненосец и MAG агент

    Иван Лунев

    Александр Дерюгин

    игра и так удалась но главное то что в ней много нового что было до этого не упоменалось о новых бойцах о новых оружиях типа корбонового меча и ещё будут обновы

    Александр Дерюгин

    я до сих пор играю в арене и накопил 5000 с хером долоров

    Александр Дерюгин

    я уже 3 раз умираю нна 10 волне задрали уронил мечь с домагом 20 подабрал и меня хер какойто с нубо дубинкой ударил по балде и я сдох я короч вышел из игры потом буду качаться дальшн

    Я уже задолбался мочить босса в броне с красными полосами ( я понял как его убивать и шлем даже сбил но потом какая то мразь убила( И иногда когда сэнфорд должен воскреснуть не воскресает(

    Краткое пошаговое руководство о том, как менять персонажей во время совместной игры с другом.

    Определитесь с уровнем, на котором хотите играть.

    БЕЗУМИЕ: Простые шаги в Project Nexus Как менять местами персонажей в совместной игре - Шаг 1: - 7B8F5B6

    Загрузитесь на уровень и нажмите паузу. Выбросьте второго игрока.

    Нажмите L.CTRL (или любую другую кнопку, к которой вы привязаны «Обмен символами»), чтобы переключиться на желаемый символ.

    Я хочу быть Сэнфордом, поэтому я нажал L.CTRL, чтобы поменяться местами.

    БЕЗУМИЕ: Простые шаги в Project Nexus Как менять местами персонажей в совместной игре - Шаг 3: - 185D73A

    БЕЗУМИЕ: Простые шаги в Project Nexus Как менять местами персонажей в совместной игре - Шаг 3: - 9971215

    Пусть после этого присоединится второй игрок!

    БЕЗУМИЕ: Простые шаги в Project Nexus Как менять местами персонажей в совместной игре - Шаг 4: - 221E105

    Теперь я могу играть за Сэнфорда, а они могут играть за Деймоса!

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