Как купить potato в killing floor

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Меня интересует очень непонятный нюанс. Я заметил, что после обновления игры появилась непонятная херня. Какой то Potato за 70000. Меня очень интересует что это такое ? Вроде это не оружие ? Накопил с грехом пополам 70 кусков и нихера не происходит. Не покупается. Короче, что эта за ерунда такая за 70 00 кусков ? :):)

Прим. для использования лечебных дротиков нужно нажать клавишу альтернативного огня, которая по умолчанию установлена на клавишу "С". Вы можете настроить назначение клавиш в разделе "Опции">"Назначение клавиш".


Вид от 1-го лица. Обычный режим.

Вид от 1-го лица. Режим коллиматорного прицела(ПКМ). Обратите внимание, в любом оружии медика можно найти всю необходимую информацию в пространстве прицела(Патроны, заряд дротиков)

Potato Fools Day was a promotional scavenger hunt arranged by Valve, to promote Portal 2, during the time surrounding April 1 st , 2011. Killing Floor was one of thirteen indie games participating in the event. Among the changes and additions to Killing Floor during the update were a potato on the weapons list, the character biographies, and several achievements.


Potato [ edit ]

The trader icon for the potato weapon.

The potato added to the Trader weapon list cost £70,000 to buy and provided the achievement Uber Tuber to all players and spectators in the game upon purchase, providing the user wasn't on solo and only used whitelisted content. The game also opened a Steam browser page to the Aperture Science login page, to which the password was "failed experiments". The player didn't actually gain any sort of potato weapon to attack specimens with upon its purchase.

The model of dropped money was also changed to a potato.

Buying the potato [ edit ]

In order to legitimately acquire the £70,000 required to purchase the potato one of the following situations could have been used:

  • Playing on beginner difficulty on a listen server, not solo. You must collect as much as you can weapons on map in the current round and drop them in front of the Trader's door in single heap. You can leave a last Clot alive and then exploring map and find weapons. Then you must hurry up and sell all the weapons in the stack in trading time. 2-3 Players can collect enough money in 4 rounds.
  • Playing on beginner difficulty on a listen server, not solo, with the faked players mutator enabled, set to 99 players, as a level 6 Berserker. Since there will be 800 specimens per wave all other classes will have ammunition issues.
  • Leaving a single weak specimen alive at the end of a wave and healing a team mate as it damages them for the healing money. This tactic takes a very long time, and can also be used in conjunction with leveling the Field Medic perk.
  • Playing on the map HeresyBeta3, due to it having a money room.
  • Playing on Perklevelingultra, due to its money room, can get you the achievement in under three minutes.

Achievements [ edit ]

Of the six achievements originally added only one was originally achievable; Uber Tuber, for buying the potato. The other five were cyphertexts encoded using the Enigma cypher. These five cypher achievements were later changed into the level achievements for Aperture, and Not ASCII was changed to Glyphy with the description Glyph Glyph and later to the Golden Potato achievement.

Expensive but delicious! Brought to you by Dr. Dougley and Lord Ned.





Science Got Done

Win a Long Game on Aperture on Normal Difficulty.

Win a Long Game on Aperture on Hard Difficulty.

This is a Triumph

Win a Long Game on Aperture on Suicidal Difficulty.

I'm Making a Note Here, Huge Success

Win a Long Game on Aperture on Hell on Earth Difficulty.

Get into GLaDOS' core on Aperture.

Character biographies [ edit ]

Another change to the game was the character biographies, which were changed during the April 4th update. During the April 8th update all but the biographies of DJ Scully, Mr Foster, and Paramedic Alfred Anderson were removed. The biographies for DJ Scully, Mr Foster, and Paramedic Alfred Anderson were encoded messages. DJ Scully's being in base64 for "the writer", Mr Foster's being a cypher, and Alfred Anderson's being hexadecimal code for "Alien 8 It. 2074 -4629 17". Following the April 12th update all character biographies were reverted back to normal except for Mr Foster and Paramedic Alfred Anderson. The biographies were as follows:

- Глупые субьекты, я не знаю, зачем я обновил это, вы все равно ничего не узнаете. Вы ведь еще не решили прошлую загадку.

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Killing Floor - Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Так же в магазине появилась картошка за 70000 тысяч, возможно это и есть тест

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Killing Floor - Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Наверняка некоторые заметили загадочный 25-ый кадр из нового ролика Portal 2 от Valve на котором изображены загадочные числа.

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Killing Floor - Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10) Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Killing Floor - Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10) На самом деле там зашифрованы фразы бинарным кодом (подробнее здесь).

Так причем же здесь Killing Floor? Дело в том, он входит в недавнюю акцию от Valve Potato Sack, и можно было заметить, что деньги в игре были заменены картошкой(как бы это абсурдно не звучало). Под шумиху Killing floor выпустил загадочную новость:

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Killing Floor - Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10)

Картофельное безумие (upd. 8.04.10) 99 76 101 97 114 108 89 44 32 116 104 101 114 101 32 97 114 101 32 110 111 32 109 111 114 101 32 99 108 117 101 115 32 116 111 32 98 101 32 102 111 117 110 100 32 122 101 114 111 32 114 101 97 115 111 110 115 32 101 120 73 115 116 32 116 111 32 99 111 110 116 105 78 117 101 32 116 111 32 108 117 114 99 104 32 105 110 116 101 114 110 97 108 108 121 44 32 115 117 114 101 108 121 44 32 106 117 115 116 32 34 71 111 111 103 108 105 110 103 32 97 114 111 117 110 100 34 32 105 115 32 98 101 84 116 101 114 32 116 104 97 110 32 34 112 108 97 121 105 110 103 34 32 102 79 114 32 89 79 85 114 32 112 117 114 101 32 114 101 115 101 97 114 99 104 Это переводится как: " cLearlY, there are no more clues to be found zero reasons exIst to contiNue to lurch internally, surely, just "Googling around" is beTter than "playing" fOr YOUr pure research "

Что переводится на русский примерно так: "Ясно, что нельзя больше найти ключи к разгадке, никаких причин нет, чтобы найти внутреннию суть, так что "погуглить" лучше, чем "играть" ради твоего расследования"

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