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Здравствуйте, кто знает как поднять ВВП в Millennium Dawn?

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Денис Петреник

Денис Петреник

Строй фабрики, повышай налоги, меняй экономические статы

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Архип Одинцов

Архип Одинцов

Денис, налоги наоборот замедляют рост, т.к. они дают процент на гражданские фабрики

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Денис Петреник

Денис Петреник ответил Архипу

Архип, если фанатично повышать, то сделают хуже, а так 5% тебе погоду не испортят

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Архип Одинцов

Архип Одинцов ответил Денису

Денис, как по мне идеально просто в 0 выйти и строить фабрики тем самым повышая экономику

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Иван Пятков

Иван Пятков

Никак. Живи за счёт картофеля и долгов

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Александр Кузнецов

Раньше нужно было фабриками всё застроить, а сейчас не знаю

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Владимир Горностаев

Александр, чем больше фабрик, тем больше траты на образование, так что нужно ещё бороться с коррупцией и снизить ненужные траты

Hearts of Iron 4 / День победы 4 Strategium

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Здравствуйте, представляю вам Мод «Millennium Dawn» для игры «Hearts of Iron IV»

Он передвигает временную рамку с ВМВ на современность. По крайней мере, технологии прописаны пока именно до 2050-го. А первая стартовая дата – это 1 января 2000 года.

Развитие модификации находится ближе к старту, чем к финишу. Но уже сейчас это вполне играбельная версия.

Даты начала игры:
1 января 2000 года
1 июня 2016 года

Какие политические изменения сегодняшнего мира отражены в картах «Millennium Dawn»? Автор довольно честно отразил мировые реалии. В 2000 году существует независимая Чечня, ведущая войну с Россией. От Грузии отколоты Южная Осетия и Абхазия.

Ещё интереснее у нас, в 2016 году. Понятное дело, тут наше внимание падает на Украине и отношении европейцев к имеющему здесь местному конфликту. Тут всё более-менее адекватно. Имеется российский Крым, имеется Новороссия, находящаяся в состоянии войны с Украиной.

Второй регион, сконцетрировавший наше внимание – Ближний Восток. Конкретнее, Сирия, Ирак, территория ИГИЛ. Здесь автор щедро нарезал провинции участникам конфликта. Так что если вы имеете свои симпатии в данной войне, можете найти приложение своим силам. Вплоть до масштабного противостояния с применением ядерного оружия.

Прежде всего, новинка касается внутренней политики. В ванильной версии у нас имелось всего три типа законов – призывники, экономика, импорт/экспорт. В моде «Millennium Dawn» автор добавил законы об иммигрантах (острая тема для Европы) и управление налогами. Кроме них, шестым пунктом добавлен советник. Слотов под министров теперь шесть штук.

Национальные фокусы набросаны, по крайней мере для России, за которую я поиграл. Их названия и эффекты изменены.

Дерево технологий. Схематически обрисовано. Даже картинки новые есть. Скажем, вместо трехлинейной винтовки вы увидите автомат Калашникова. Но надписи остались ванильные. Поэтому «калаш» будет подписан как «ППШ».

Millenium Dawn 1.6 Starting Guide (Outdated) От BEEPlord This guide is for people who would like some of the mechanics of the new MD merger update explained or have some basic tips for starting out, don't expect any more updates for this guide anytime soon, i'm not that interested in new MD anymore, if anyone wants to take updating the guide over feel free to message me

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The Merge and new Features

Economy (Money and International Investment)

Outlooks, Ideologies and Elections

Комментарии The Merge and new Features

Modern Day 4 and Millenium Dawn have decided to merge their mods into one, the new mod mostly uses the MD4 Map and Units while retaining some MD focus tree among other things.

  • Taxes, Money and debt
  • Investing into nations via building
  • Influencing Nations
  • 24 Ideologies for the 5 Outlooks and many Leader Portraits for these ideologies
  • 2000 start date (based off of MD4)
  • New Generic Focus Tree and some new Focus trees
  • Party Coalitions and Government Popularity
  • Land Doctrines and a few new Techs
  • Many new decisions
Economy (Money and International Investment)

One of the new features is an Economy System, you have a Daily Income, Daily Expenditures and Debt

You can change the Tax Rate ingame via clicking on the + or - under your Leader Portrait, each click costs 50 PP and changes the tax rate by 1%. Changing the Tax Rate will be your main source of Income but be careful not to increase it too much as that will lower your Ruling Party popularity.

Resource Exports
Haven't really figured out how this works exactly but you gain a bit of money from having resources

International Investments
You can open the Investment window by left clicking a foreign state (puppets and Allies work aswell). After clicking you should see a small window above the State window, there you can select which building you want to build, how many you want to build and can see how much time it will take and how much it will cost. After Investing the project will pop up as a decision timer showing you when its done among other infos. Investing gives you International Investment Points (refered to as IV form now on), you gain as many as you spent in the construction. You can sell off 1 IV point to gain 0.95 Cash if you really need it. You can also just gather as many IV points as possible and gain a daily income boost from it

Government Expenditure Laws
You can Find these under your Political Window in Laws, each Grant you some bonus while costing Money or sometimes even other things, you can reduce these by changing the law at the cost of PP, doing this will reduce your daily expenditure but also lower your Ruling Party Popularity. Unfortunately the tooltip won't tell you how much you'd gain by changing the law.

Economy Growth Rate
You can find this under your Political Window in Laws, the better it is the more Tax income you get, it also increases Stability slightly and increases Construction Speed although you'll have to pay a bunch of cash to change it, even if it gets changed via event.

You gain debt by going below 0 in your treasury, this mostly happens if you have a negative daily income or changed your Economy Growth Rate. You can also get a loan by left clicking, and pay off debt by right clicking the debt resource on the right of air experience. You have a minimum of a 0.5% Interest Rate which means you pay 0.5% of your debt as expenditure each day although if your debt is very low you don't pay any at all.

Starter Tips:
to be added

  • Taxes + International Investments + Resource Exports = Income
  • Government Expenditure Laws + Interest on Debt = Expenditure
  • 10 (10 Cash) International Investment Points = 0.001 Daily Cash
  • 1 International Investment Point sold off = 0.95 Cash
  • Income - Expenditure = Increase or decrease in Treasury
  • Debt x Interest Rate = Daily Debt Interest Expenditure

Another new feature is Influence, similar to Victoria 2, each nation can Influence each other Nation. You open the Influence Window by right clicking a nation. Influence can be gained by clicking the buttons in the influence window, and used for economic gain, changing their party popularity or even puppeting a nation

  • Spread Influence, Costs 100 PP and gives you 4-16 power depending on your Power Status (national Spirit)
  • Give Economic Aid, costs money depending on the targets nation Economy
  • Target Other Influence, Costs 100 PP and reduces Influence of another Influencer by 10 and aditionally of another by 1%, also reduces your Influence by 1%, you can target the second highest influencers (excluding you) and the Independence from foreign Influence Level of the nation.
  • Manipulate Politics, Costs 10% Influence and increases their party popularity for your outlook aswell as ideology by 5%
  • Attempt coup, costs 200 PP, has 3 outcomes based on different Factors, Succesful Coup (Change Ideology to yours), Unsuccesful Coup, and Civil War for your ideology/outlook
  • Economic Exploitation, Costs 10% influence, grants you 20% of their Civilian Factories and 20% cheaper trade but reduces relations with the target nation and their neighbors
  • Turn to Puppet, has no cost although they need to have the same outlook and you need to have 80% influence on them
Outlooks, Ideologies and Elections

Millenium Dawn had a bunch of Ideologies, Modern Day 4 had 5 Outlooks, because people liked both they decided to somehow make both work. What we ended up with is having the 5 Outlooks but subcategories, or Ideologies within these Outlooks, this was done because Ideology just isn't as Important in the Modern Age as is general outlook on the world situation, this also fixes weird things from Millenium dawn like Social Democrats leaving a Faction with a Conservative Leader because they're not the same Ideology

  • Pro Western Autocracy
  • Conservative
  • Liberal
  • Social Democrat
  • Communist
  • Left-Wing Radical
  • Reactionary
  • Autocratic
  • Moderate ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Revolutionary
  • Hardline ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Revolutionary
  • Wahabi Monarchist
  • Salafi Jihadism
  • Moderate Islamist
  • Non Aligned Autocrats
  • Non Aligned Conservative
  • Oligarchs
  • Libertarian
  • Greens
  • Democratic Socialist
  • Non Aligned Communist
  • Right-Wing Populist
  • Fascist
  • Military Junta
  • Monarchy

If your nation has Elections enabled you will see when the next one happens under your leaders Portrait. If an Election rolls in you will get some events to potentially decrease other Outlooks Popularity or potentially increase your own. You can do Propaganda Campaigns for an Outlook to increase it's Popularity or click on the two arrows on the right of the Manage Occupied Territories button, there you can boost a small party or attack a big party which will result in an Increase/Decrease of their party popularity and thus their Outlook. You can also increase the Election Threshold in the decisions, if you, for example have a 5% election Threshold a party needs to have 5% to be Available for Coalitions

After the Elections you will sometimes have to go into an Coalition to keep your ruling party in Power, look into the decisions tab to see who you can go into a coalition with, some parties won't go into a coalition with some others so check that. depending on your Coalition Partners ideology you will receive a daily boost to their respective Outlook

Актуальная версия 0.15.2
Необходимая версия HOI4 (1.10+)
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Краткое описание:
Millennium Dawn: Modern Day - это хороший мод на современность, который по праву является одним из самых популярных работ на эту тему. Что вы должны знать о Millennium Dawn? Это мод, который превратит мир в некое подобие того, в чем мы живем. Новое время со всеми странами, самыми интересными событиями, уникальными фокусными деревьями, новыми ветвями исследований, уникальными юнитами пехоты, техники, авиации и флота, полный комплект.

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