Guild wars 2 mastery points гайд

Обновлено: 19.05.2024

Благодаря Мастерству, игроки, достигшие 80 уровня, получат возможность продолжить свое путешествие, получая новые мощные способности на весь аккаунт. Мастерство, это то, благодаря чему прогресс продолжится после 80 уровня в PvE, однако это не похоже на традиционный прогресс, поэтому давайте взглянем поближе на то, как конкретно будет работать эта система.

Что такое Мастерство?

Мастерство дает вам способности и бонусы, которые можно разблокировать для всех персонажей вашего аккаунта, проходя игровой контент и получая опыт в PvE. Мастерство позволяет вам прогрессировать в PvE, проходя PvE content. В отличии от традиционной системы прогресса, Мастерство расширяется вместе с миром. Вместо того, чтобы понемногу повышать базовые характеристики, Мастерство дает вам значительные силы, которые влияют на ваше взаимодействие с игрой и открывают новые возможности по мере вашего развития. В каждой из цепочек мастерства есть несколько уровней, которые можно разблокировать, что позволит вам получить более мощные навыки, связанные с тематикой цепочки. Мастерство создано для того, чтобы добавить систему прогресса в PvE компонент Guild Wars 2 — на WvW есть своя система навыков, прогресс на PvP зависит от вашего умения, а в PvE теперь будет значимый эндгейм прогресс за счет Мастерства.

Как получать Мастерство?

Возможность развивать Мастерство открывается на 80 уровне для всех игроков, у которых имеется дополнение Heart of Thorns. Когда эта возможность разблокирована, в PvE зонах полоска опыта персонажа будет заменена на полоску развития мастерства. Эта полоска будет отслеживать ваш прогресс в развитии выбранной вами цепочки мастерства, показывая навыки, которые вам ещё предстоит натренировать и те, которыми вы уже овладели. Чтобы посмотреть цепочки мастерства, потратить очки мастерства и изменить цепочку, которую вы развиваете в конкретный момент, вам нужно будет кликнуть по этой полоске мастерства. Так как полоска тренировки Мастерства полностью заменяет опыт, игроки, достигшие 80 уровня, больше не будут получать уровни, вместо этого, они будут тренировать Мастерство. Это соответственно означает, что персонажи, достигшие 80 уровня, больше не будут получать очки навыков за поднятие уровня. Очки навыков будут добавлены в качестве наград за выполнение высокоуровневого контента, чтобы компенсировать это изменение.


Чтобы развить определенную цепочку мастерства, вам нужно сначала разблокировать её, потратив очки мастерства. Очки мастерства можно получить за выполнение различного игрового контента. Такие действия, как выполнение главы личной истории, выполнение определенных достижений, обнаружение труднодоступных локаций, победа в сложных боях, победа в Приключениях в Сердце Магуумы, или открытие карты на 100%, дадут вам очки мастерства. Каждое очко мастерства можно получить один раз на аккаунт, так что кроме того, что они позволяют вам разблокировать цепочки мастерства, они также являются индикатором того, какую часть игры вы уже опробовали. Когда вы разблокируете возможность развивать мастерство, возле имени вашего персонажа будет отображаться количество очков мастерства, которое вы заработали, а не ваш уровень. Очки мастерства можно будет получать на любом уровне, но потратить их можно только на 80.

После того, как вы разблокируете уровень цепочки мастерства при помощи очков мастерства, вы можете начать развивать эту цепочку. Цепочка развивается получением опыта, когда эта цепочка установлена в полосу развития мастерства. Более высокие уровни цепочек мастерства, требуют больше очков мастерства и больше опыта для развития, в прогрессии.

Каждая цепочка мастерства привязана к региону Тирии — их нужно разблокировать очками мастерства, полученными в этом регионе и развить их можно также только в этом регионе. С релизом Heart of Thorns, будет доступно два региона мастерства: Heart of Maguuma, куда будут входить все PvE зоны, являющиеся частью дополнения Heart of Thorns и основной мир Guild Wars 2, куда будут входить все доступные на данный момент PvE зоны. Так как цепочку мастерства можно тренировать только в соответствующем регионе, бар развития мастерства будет менять цепочку автоматически при смене региона, возвращая последнюю выбранную вами для этого региона цепочку. Некоторые очки мастерства будут зачисляться за контент, который существующие игроки уже выполнили, поэтому эти очки мастерства будут начислены автоматически вместе с релизом Heart of Thorns, что позволит вам сразу же начать ваши приключения на пути к мастерству.

Что я могу получить от Мастерства?

Мастерство, это распространяющиеся на весь аккаунт навыки и бонусы. Вот только некоторые примеры того, что вы сможете развить в дополнении Heart of Thorns как в Сердце Магуумы, так и в основной части мира Guild Wars 2:


Чтобы лучше понять, что может означать для вас Мастерство, давайте взглянем на планеры, новый метод исследования, который будет добавлен в Heart of Maguuma.

Когда вы разблокируете цепочку Gliding Mastery, вы сможете доставать ваш планер в любое время, находясь в свободном падении в Сердце Магуумы. Когда вы впервые достанете планер, вы заметите, что у вас ограничено количество энергии в воздухе. Будьте осторожны, если у вас закончится энергия, пока вы парите, планер свернется и вас будет ждать жесткая посадка!

Продолжая исследовать джунгли, вы сможете дальше развивать ваши навыки планирования, улучшая это мастерство. Летайте дольше, прыгайте выше и воспользуйтесь сильными воздушными потоками, чтобы воспарить с большей силой — сделайте так, чтобы ваш планер лучше работал на вас и исследуйте Сердце Магуумы в полном объеме.

Различные виды мастерства и Сердце Магуумы были созданы, чтобы поддерживать друг друга. Открывая мастерство, вы будете становиться более эффективным в боях с определенными противниками в джунглях, вы сможете добраться до новых областей и полностью исследовать карту и вы сможете повторно посетить места, где вы были раньше, но при этом у вас будет преимущество, которое дают развитые со временем способности. И по мере выполнения контента в Сердце Магуумы, такого как достижение определенных результатов в приключениях, или исследование карты, вы будете получать ещё больше очков мастерства, которые сможете потратить как вам будет угодно.

Каждое мастерство, в которое вы вложитесь, принесет выгоду всем вашим персонажам на аккаунте. Планирование серьезно улучшает вашу возможность передвижения по джунглям, но другие виды мастерства сфокусированы на боях, истории и исследовании.

Мастерство остается здесь навсегда

Мы с нетерпением ждем возможности поделиться Мастерством с вами, когда Heart of Thorns будет запущено в Guild Wars 2.

You have earned your first Mastery Point! Masteries are abilities that can be trained by level-80 characters with access to expansion content.

Mastery interface:
(1) Total amount of spent mastery points,
(2) Current regional block,
(3) Current mastery track,
(4) Number of available (unspent) mastery points for this region block,
(5) Permanently acquired masteries,
(6) The mastery currently being trained, and the progress experience bar (full),
(7) Number of mastery points needed to permanently acquire the mastery after it is fully trained.

The Mastery system is an account-wide progression system for level 80 characters that provides players with account-wide benefits such as gliding, mounts, etc. The mastery system interface is accessed through the bottom left tab of the hero panel, and is divided into four regional blocks: Central Tyria mastery tracks, Heart of Thorns mastery tracks, Path of Fire mastery tracks, and Icebrood Saga mastery tracks.

Each mastery is permanently acquired through the following process, further detailed below: 1: Start training a mastery, earn enough experience to fill the progress yellow bar. 2: Earn enough mastery points. 3: Spend your mastery points to permanently acquire the trained mastery for your account.

See Mastery point unlocks for a full list of all the mastery points in the game. There are far more mastery points than are needed to acquire all masteries.


Unlocking the mastery system [ edit ]

To unlock the mastery system, you must own any expansion and unlock one of its mastery tracks. This can for instance be done by completing certain story chapters:

    , Act 1: Torn from the Sky , Act 1: Sparking the Flame , Episode 1 (Whisper in the Dark): Silence

Alternatively, some mastery tracks can also be completed outside of the story in order to unlock the system, such as killing a raid boss in Heart of Thorns raids, entering some Living World zones, or completing certain achievements in strike missions.

Unlocking any mastery track will also unlock all mastery tracks in the Central Tyria mastery category. However, other mastery tracks and regions must be unlocked separately. For example, a player that completes the first chapter of the Heart of Thorns story unlocks the first two Heart of Thorns mastery tracks and all Central Tyria mastery tracks for their account, but will not unlock the Path of Fire mastery category—they will need to do the first chapter of the Path of Fire story to unlock this. Similarly, unlocking the "Raids" mastery track first will also unlock the Central Tyria mastery tracks but not the rest of the Heart of Thorns or other categories.

Note: Certain mastery tracks within each category may be locked until certain conditions have been fulfilled (e.g. enter a map for the first time). See the mastery tracks table for more details.

Players should note that mastery points (explained below) are saved forever in their account, and are never lost, even if they haven't unlocked the mastery system.

Acquiring a mastery [ edit ]

To acquire a mastery, players will need to start training it, earn enough experience to fully train it, and then spend mastery points to acquire it.

Training a mastery [ edit ]

To train a mastery, players simply need to access the mastery system interface and select a mastery. Up to one mastery track can be trained per region (i.e. Central Tyria, Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, etc.) at one time.

Once the player is training a mastery, all experience earned will go towards progressing the selected mastery for that region and their experience bar will change to track the current progress (does not include experience gained from leveling crafting disciplines). If a level 80 player has not yet unlocked the mastery system, earned experience will go towards a track that rewards spirit shards when completed (i.e. the normal "level up" reward). If the mastery system has been unlocked but no mastery track has been selected, any experience earned will go towards the first untrained mastery track for that region.

Moving to a different region will automatically swap to the respective mastery track for that region. It is not possible to train a mastery track in a region that is not where the mastery is from. Players can switch their mastery in training without losing any progress (experience gained) on it.

For example, a player training the Raptor Mount mastery will only be able to earn experience towards said mastery within any region belonging to Path of Fire. Experience earned in Heart of Thorns or Central Tyria regions will not train the raptor mastery—instead, they will train the mastery track that was selected for that particular region.

Once a mastery track has been fully trained, it may be unlocked using mastery points (see below). If a player does not have enough mastery points to unlock the mastery, additional experience gained in that region will spill over to the next available untrained mastery track (or a player can select the next track to train manually). In the case where every remaining track has a full experience bar and the player does not have enough mastery points, additional experience will go towards a track that rewards spirit shards when completed (i.e. the normal "level up" reward).

Players that have acquired all the masteries that are available to them but have not completed the prerequisites for the hidden tracks for the region they are currently in will return to the usual experience bar that rewards a spirit shard upon completion.

For example, for Path of Fire masteries, only the Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, and Jackal mastery tracks are available at the start. The Griffon, Roller Beetle, Skyscale, and Crystal Champion mastery tracks are hidden until their requirements have been met (see below for unlock requirements).

Mastery Points [ edit ]

Mastery points are a currency used for acquiring masteries. As players progress through the game, they will earn mastery points. All mastery points are earned by completing achievements. These points are stored in the player's account permanently once obtained (even if the player has not unlocked the mastery system), and may be spent to permanently acquire a mastery once the yellow experience bar for the currently-tracked mastery is filled. Achievements can be filtered to show only those that give mastery points or mastery points belonging to a specific region.

Achievements that reward mastery points include but are not limited to:

  • Communing with Mastery Insights.
  • Completing certain story chapters or steps.
  • Finishing various scavenger hunt and exploration achievements.
  • Defeating certain world bosses.
  • Earning silver or gold rewards on adventures.
  • Earning world completion.
  • Purchasing mounts from renown hearts.

Each of the four mastery regions has its own type of mastery point, easily discernible by color (red for Central Tyria, green for Heart of Thorns, etc.) Each mastery can only be acquired by using mastery points of the corresponding region. For instance, the Gliding mastery can only be acquired from the Heart of Thorns mastery points, while Raptor mastery comes from earning Path of Fire mastery points, and so on.

Icon Type Total
Central Tyria mastery points 83
Heart of Thorns mastery points 198
Path of Fire mastery points 130
Icebrood Saga mastery points 76

See Mastery point unlocks for a full list of all the mastery points in the game. There are far more mastery points than are needed to acquire all masteries.

Acquiring a mastery [ edit ]

Once a mastery is fully trained by obtaining enough experience, the experience bar will start blinking and players will be able to spend the required amount of mastery points to permanently acquire the mastery on their account. All acquired masteries are available to all characters in the account, regardless of their level (except Spectral Aid which is only active for level 80 characters).

Before spending the points to acquire a mastery, or switching to train another mastery, any additional experience (up to one full XP bar) gained will be redirected to training the next unlocked, untrained, least progressed mastery track in the same region, if one is available.

While training a mastery, the icon for the mastery appears in the bottom right corner of the screen, to the right of the experience bar. If no track is currently selected, the icon area will be blank. If all Mastery Tracks are completed, the spirit shard icon will be shown instead.

To the left of the experience bar, the total number of mastery points spent will be displayed, referred to as your "Mastery rank".

Mastery track [ edit ]

Mastery tracks are split in 4 blocks; each block has a separate set of mastery points earned by playing its content, which can only be spent on the respective masteries. Before masteries from a given track within a block (such as gliding) can be trained, the entire track must be unlocked by completing a certain task.

Новая система развития персонажа Masteries в Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns позволит и дальше улучшить своего персонажа после получения 80 уровня.

Система даст бонусы и дополнительные способности всем персонажам вашего аккаунта за покорение PvE-контента игры. После получения 80 уровня все владельцы дополнения Heart of Thorns игроки увидят новую полосу (вроде полосы опыта) и будут получать вместо опыта очки Masteries, которые нужно будет тратить на открытие тиров, дающих новые возможности для развития.

Получение дополнительных Masteries сделает вас более успешными в боях, откроет возможность быстрее бегать, выше прыгать и т. д.

Каждая ветка будет привязана к определенному региону в игре, так что придется изучать весь игровой мир для получения всех баллов, но сделать это придется всего 1 раз на аккаунт.

Я в соцсетях: Instagram / Twitter / Facebook . 05.02.2015, 22:27

Аватар для Кагэрис_renamed_1182358_10062020

Master Legends: Train in legendary crafting to learn to create all existing legendary weapon precursors and new legendary weapon precursors introduced with Heart of Thorns.

Master Exploration: Mastering jungle movement will unlock the ability to hang glide to previously unreachable locations as well as the ability to use special mushrooms to traverse the Heart of Maguuma faster.

Master Combat: The Heart of Maguuma will be home to some of the most challenging combat in Guild Wars 2, and Masteries will give you the tools you need to excel in these fights. Hunt new enemies, master abilities to defeat champions, and become more deadly against the new creatures waiting in the jungle.

Master Fractals: Uncover new depths in the Fractals of the Mists to gain powerful new abilities to overcome difficult fractal challenges, garner greater rewards, and unlock more powerful infusions.

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What Are Masteries?

Masteries provide abilities and bonuses that can be unlocked for all characters on your account by completing in-game content and gaining experience in PvE. Masteries allow you to progress in PvE by playing PvE content. Unlike traditional progression systems, Masteries expand with the world. Instead of earning small increases in base stats, Masteries give you meaningful powers that affect your interaction with the game and open up new possibilities as you progress. Each Mastery track contains several tiers to unlock, allowing you to gain more powerful abilities associated with each track’s theme as you progress. Masteries are all about adding an exciting progression system to the PvE component of Guild Wars 2—WvW has its Abilities system, PvP progression is focused on player skill, and PvE will now have meaningful endgame progression with Masteries.

How Do I Get Masteries?

The ability to train Masteries is unlocked at level 80 for all players that own Heart of Thorns. When this ability is unlocked, your character’s experience bar will change to become a Mastery training bar while in PvE zones. This bar will track your progress on training the Mastery track you currently have selected, showing both the abilities you are training toward and those already earned from the track. To see all your Mastery tracks, spend Mastery points, and change which Mastery you are currently training, click the Mastery training bar to bring up the Mastery tray. Because the Mastery training bar completely replaces the experience bar, players who’ve reached level 80 will no longer gain levels but will instead train Masteries. This means characters that have reached level 80 will no longer gain skill points through leveling. Skill points will be added as rewards across high-level content to offset this change.
To train a specific Mastery track, you must first unlock it by spending Mastery points. Mastery points are awarded for completing various pieces of game content. Things like completing a chapter in your personal story, completing certain achievements, reaching hard-to-find locations, overcoming challenging encounters, excelling at adventures found within the Heart of Maguuma, or earning 100% completion for a map will award Mastery points. Each Mastery point can be earned once per account, so while Mastery points allow you to unlock Mastery tracks, they are also an indicator of how much of the game you’ve experienced. In fact, once you have unlocked the ability to train Masteries, your nameplate will display the number of Mastery points you have gained rather than your level. Mastery points can be gained at any level but cannot be spent until level 80.
Once you’ve unlocked a Mastery track tier with Mastery points, you can begin training that Mastery. Mastery tracks are trained by gaining experience while the Mastery track is slotted on the Mastery training bar. Higher tiers in Mastery tracks require progressively more Mastery points and more experience to fully train.
Each Mastery track is tied to a region of Tyria—they must be unlocked with Mastery points gained in that region and can only be trained in that region. With the launch of Heart of Thorns, there will be two Mastery regions: the Heart of Maguuma, encompassing all PvE zones that are part of the Heart of Thorns expansion, and the core Guild Wars 2 world, encompassing all PvE zones currently available in the game today. Since Mastery tracks can only be trained in their respective regions, the Mastery training bar will automatically change the Mastery track slotted when you change regions, reverting to the last Mastery track you had selected for that region. Some Mastery points will come from content that existing players may have already completed, and these Mastery points will be automatically awarded to you with the release of Heart of Thorns, allowing you to get started on your Mastery journey right away.

What Can I Get From Masteries?

Masteries award account-wide abilities and bonuses. Here are some examples of Masteries you can train in the Heart of Thorns expansion in both the Heart of Maguuma and the core Guild Wars 2 world:

Master Legends: Train in legendary crafting to learn to create all existing legendary weapon precursors and new legendary weapon precursors introduced with Heart of Thorns.
Master Exploration: Mastering jungle movement will unlock the ability to hang glide to previously unreachable locations as well as the ability to use special mushrooms to traverse the Heart of Maguuma faster.

Master Combat: The Heart of Maguuma will be home to some of the most challenging combat in Guild Wars 2, and Masteries will give you the tools you need to excel in these fights. Hunt new enemies, master abilities to defeat champions, and become more deadly against the new creatures waiting in the jungle.

Master Fractals: Uncover new depths in the Fractals of the Mists to gain powerful new abilities to overcome difficult fractal challenges, garner greater rewards, and unlock more powerful infusions.
To give you a better understanding of what Masteries can mean for you, let’s take a closer look at gliding, a new method of exploration introduced in the Heart of Maguuma.
In the jungle, you can make your way up through the canopy layers and climb to impossible heights. While you’re up there, you’ll have the chance to check out some stunning views—and, of course, you’ll be accompanied by the ever-present threat of falling an incredibly long distance to your death on the forest floor. When you train the Gliding Mastery, however, you’ll have the option to soar freely through the treetops, escape the dangers that await you on the jungle floor, use the air to your advantage in combat against certain foes, and save yourself from accidental death by slipping.
Once you’ve unlocked the Gliding Mastery track, you can pull out your glider any time you’re in free fall in the Heart of Maguuma. When you first pull out your glider, you’ll notice that you have a limited amount of energy while in the air. Be careful—if you run out of energy while gliding, your glider will collapse and you’ll be in for a rough landing!
As you continue to explore the jungle, you’ll have the option to further develop your gliding skills by advancing this Mastery. Fly longer, jump higher, take advantage of strong wind currents, and launch yourself into the air with greater force—make your glider work harder for you, and use it to explore the Heart of Maguuma to its fullest.
Masteries and the Heart of Maguuma have been designed to complement and support each other. As you unlock Masteries, you’ll be more effective in fights against certain enemies in the jungle, you’ll be able to reach new areas and fully explore the maps you’re in, and you’ll be able to revisit previous encounters with the advantage of the abilities you’ve mastered over time. And as you complete more content in the Heart of Maguuma, such as hitting certain performance thresholds in adventures or exploring maps, you’ll be rewarded with even more Mastery points to spend as you see fit.
Every Mastery you invest in will bring new benefits to all of the characters on your account. Gliding greatly enhances your ability to move around the jungle, while other Masteries focus on combat, lore, and exploration.

Masteries Are Here to Stay

We are very excited about bringing Masteries to Guild Wars 2. We believe it’s the perfect progression system for a game where the journey is the goal. Masteries allow us to focus on giving you new abilities without invalidating your past achievements. They allow you to constantly grow and overcome new challenges while focusing on playing the game instead of grinding for gear. Masteries have the flexibility to both take us to new places and revisit our old favorites, and since the Mastery system provides account-based progression, new characters are always welcome.
We can’t wait to share Masteries with you when Heart of Thorns arrives in Guild Wars 2.

3 Wholesome

Hey everyone, here is a guide to all 40 Mastery Insights available in the Mastery Insights tab in your Path of Fire achievements. This only counts the ones that you can interact, not those mastery points on the map that are part of puzzles/other achievements.



Base Raptor/Canyon Jumping

Canyon jumping for raptor unlocks at Mastery Rank 3.

Mount MasteryMapMastery InsightText GuideVideo Guide
Base RaptorCrystal OasisAmnoon BazaarTextVideo
Base RaptorCrystal OasisOld AmnoonTextVideo
Base RaptorCrystal OasisImed’s GrottoTextVideo
Base RaptorCrystal OasisSifuri QuicksandTextVideo
Base RaptorDesolationSilent IsleTextVideo
Base RaptorDesolationShattered RavinesTextVideo
Canyon JumpingDesert HighlandsKanuz OverlookTextVideo
Canyon JumpingElon RiverlandsOssa’s DefeatTextVideo

Base Springer/High Vault

High Vault for Springer unlocks at Mastery Rank 3. Springer and its High Vault ability allow you to access most of the masteries. Note that I did most of the guides (except for Crystal Oasis) with a springer that has high vault mastery unlocked so some mastery insights that say it only requires base springer may not be exactly correct. Having springer assumes you have canyon jumping for raptor unlocked.

Mount MasteryMapMastery InsightText GuideVideo Guide
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsMakali OutpostTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsLifeblood Falls Grub ledgeTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsBase of the WatchtowerTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsSunderlands CraterTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsHighjump RiseTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsDerelict PerchTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsStandstill SpireTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsOverreach Spider NestTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsGiant’s BoughTextVideo
Base SpringerDesert HighlandsBrightwater HollowTextVideo
Base SpringerElon RiverlandsHeroes’ OverlookTextVideo
Base SpringerElon RiverlandsPillars of SovereigntyTextVideo
Base SpringerElon RiverlandsSovereign RidgeTextVideo
Base SpringerDesolationArena of VayuTextVideo
Base SpringerDesolationTarstone WeepsTextVideo
Base SpringerVabbiZagonur TowersTextVideo
High VaultCrystal OasisSanctum of NabkhaTextVideo
High VaultCrystal OasisGlint’s LegacyTextVideo
High VaultDesert HighlandsPalace of AbanTextVideo
High VaultElon RiverlandsVulture Drifts SummitTextVideo

Base Skimmer

Ride the Wind mastery for Skimmer is not needed for any of the mastery insights. Base Skimmer assumes you have base springer unlocked.

Mount MasteryMapMastery InsightText GuideVideo Guide
Base SkimmerElon RiverlandsLeviathan’s GulletTextVideo
Base SkimmerElon RiverlandsShallows of DespairTextVideo
Base SkimmerDesolationHenge of JokoTextVideo
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Jackal Shifting Sands

Base jackal is useless for the most part, Shifting Sands is required for these insights as there is no way to reach them otherwise.

Requires Springer High Vault or hidden mount

Map Break or Hidden Mount

There is only one mastery insight that remotely requires a hidden mount. Fear not as this is easy to map break without a hidden mount by using springer high vault.

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