Guardian tales меч чемпиона прохождение

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

World 1
7 - Champion's Sword

Monster Level

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Main Rewards




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Kanterbury Forest Passage 5 Inn Take-off

Secret Stages

The Champion's Sword stage is a mysterious forest that will make you lost if you make even one wrong turn. Going the wrong direction will send you back to the beginning. Just follow the Little Princess' handkerchiefs and you'll reach the other side.

After the Healing Altar, you can finally see the princess and Loraine there. The princess will question as where are they going, because the princess knows that this is not the way to the inn. Loraine will try to make excuses but just as she was confessing, the Mercenary Trio, better know as the Mad Panda Trio, drops from the sky on her. They are bout to catch the princess but you jump in and a boss fight will start.

The tactic here is to just avoid dodge the charge attacks from afar, but then get close when they spinning the spiky ball. Once you defeat them, the princess is finally reunited with you. But Loraine is still watching from afar and runs away as you see her. Following her will lead you to another sword in the stone. The Little Princess asks you to pull it out as she is too weak to do so.

Collectibles [ ]

Talking to the lady on the first screen you enter, she'll tell you that the forest is making her confused. She wishes you to tell her if you find a way out and will follow you as a Poacher Lady on SNS.

You can find the Unknown Dungeon by instead of following the handkerchief left by the princess, you go in a pattern, that is shown by arrows on the bottom-right of the map after first clearing the forest maze following the story. Follow the code as follows: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right. You will reach a dungeon gate which will upon interacting, reveal the location of Unknown Dungeon. (This is a reference to universally known "Konami Code")

Going south from the Healing Altar, you'll find ten purple coins and a Star Piece. Just next to the Champion Sword to the north, there is a secret passageway. It will lead you to a treasure chest that has Lv. 15 Navigation [ ]

Guardian Tales

Guardian Tales Wiki - русская неоф. база знаний по мобильной игре Guardian Tales.

Guardian Tales © Kakao Games Corp.



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Guardian Tales

В конце видео есть карта с расположением всех фиолетовых монет, звездных кубов, сокровищ, мистических табличек, комиксов и видео записей.

Цифра показывает число фиол. монет в локации, чтобы вы легко могли найти недостающие.


  • Цифра Фиол .: Фиолетовые монеты
  • Цифра Желт .: Звездные кубы
  • Цифра Серая с Синей рамкой: Мистические таблички
  • CB: Комиксы
  • VR: Видео записи
  • * (Звездочка): Открытие новой карты
  • F: Подписчики
  • Сундук: Главная награда / Сокровище
Продолжение (после 5-3)

Вторая часть прохождения после того, как вы завершите уровень 5-3.

Продолжение (после 5-4)

Третья часть прохождения после того, как вы завершите уровень 5-4.

A mysterious sword in the Kanterbury forest ruins. It seems to signal the start of a long adventure.

The Champion's Sword is a main part of the story of Guardian Tales. It is obtained in the stage 1-7 Champion's Sword in front of a knight statue.

The sword of champion is an ultimate weapon created by ancients heroes in order to defeat the invaders. It acts as a key to activate Heavenhold. Furthermore, it was mentioned by the Little Princess to be very light that even she can hold it up.

As stated by Lili, the former queen of Kanterbury, it has yet to find its owner. As for now, the sword acts like a champion detector as it lights up and reacts if there is a champion nearby. Once the champions are completed, only then does the sword reveal its true potential and accept the guardian as their owner.


Champions [ ]

Champions LQ.jpg

There are a total of 13 champions as shown in the game's graphic.
The identity of 9 champions have been revealed through the Story and Video Tapes that can be played in Heavenhold's inn.

Known [ ]

This is a currently unknown champion with the silhouette of a fairy. Nothing else is currently known about this champion.

This is a currently unknown champion. Has a similar silhouette to Alexander from Final Fantasy Series.

This is a currently unknown champion. Speculation currently points to it possibly being Kaden from Dungeon Link.

This is a currently unknown champion. Nothing else is currently known about this champion.

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