Goushinnso memento гайд

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

A Valkyrie ( Japanese: 戦乙女 ) is powerful female warrior that is infused with Honkai Energy by the Schicksal organization. Because Honkai Energy is extremely volatile, many valkyries are at risk of losing their lives not only in battle but within themselves as well. If a valkyrie succumbs to Honkai Energy, they will become zombies like those seen on the battlefield and will mindlessly seek to destroy humanity. Please offer these girls your full support, Captain!

For clarification, Valkyries each have multiple Battlesuits but are often referenced as Valkyries as well. For example, Kiana's battlesuits are White Comet, Valkyrie Ranger, Divine Prayer, Knight Moonbeam, Herrscher of the Void and Herrscher of Flamescion.

Want to upgrade your Valkyrie Battlesuits? Check out the handy Evolution and Fragment Farming Guide!

Hello, this is a guide for Captains around, approaching, or is level 80 or even returnee Captains! The guide serves as a general basis for what is still good, is good now, and/or are no longer a priority for the recent v4.0. After reading this, you should have a better idea on how to optimize your game playing! Keep in mind that I will not cover everything like an encyclopedia, but I will cover some rather important ideas that I believe all captains should know by the time they hit level 80.

Table of Contents

Managing your stamina:

Because every day at 4:00AM Server Time that the server refreshes, you get a new batch of daily missions, including doing 5 story stages. This set of missions can be accomplished with Expeditions (found in Dorm) as well. You can put your stamina into at least 5 Expeditions every night before you sleep so you can collect them the next day to fulfill the Story Stages missions.

Credits to Marisa for this image

Starlit Astrologos is a new valkyrie who will be very prominent in 4.0 as a support valkyrie. In 4.0, there will be a lot of ways for you to farm for her fragments. I do not recommend captains pull for her in her special supply with your valuable crystals but I do recommend farming for her up to until SS rank. She can apply a lot of debuffs and buffs for her team through her QTE. For more information on Starlit Astrologos, visit the link below for a more in-depth guide about her, made by yours truly!

Swallowtail Phantasm , Void Drifter (augmentation of Valkyrie Ranger), and Night Squire , are all valkyries who are very powerful DPS. These three are very versatile in many physical DMG demanding matchups. The only thing is that they want to be SS rank at the very least and Void Drifter needs Tranquil Arias and Schrodinger T. The other two would like the DIrac set Stigmatas to be top scorers but can still make high scores without. And with the introduction of Starlit Astrologos, Swallowtail Phantasm will be even more menacing than before.

Drive Kometa , the augmentation of Yamabuki Armor, is a top tier support who works very well in Physical Teams. She can apply most of her support while barely ever coming out to fight. And she tends to be in a team with Starlit Astrologos quite frequently. You want DK to be at least SS rank, particularly SSS rank.

In the War Treasury, I suggest to always buy all the Ancient Willpowers before the next month arrives. Otherwise, play as much Memorial Arena as possible! If you have gotten your Land of Wishes eggs and the Dorm Supply Guarantee, I suggest farming either your Knight Moonbeam (to SSS) or your Lightning Empress (to at least SS). They have a lot of support potential especially after level 80.

Now, depending on your existing gears and S-ranks, you may consider the other following:

Goushinnso Memento - Unless you have her signature sword to craft for her PRI Frozen Naraka, Schrodinger T, Mei: Beach Party M, Shakespeare B (or Newton B), as well as planning to get her to SS rank, I do not recommend unless you have the other more important valkyries.
Molotov Cherry - Unless SS rank and geared, she performs poorly as DPS in MA. However, she makes for an effective Blood Dance support for Lightning Empress and Hawk of the Fog teams as a PSY valkyrie who can invoke Time Fracture upon ultimate evasion.
Blood Rose - A niche valkyrie who can be a niche support with ignite and Blood Dance.

Valkyries to Pull
Land of Wishes and Dorm Supply Guarantee

If you have already gotten your S-rank from the Dorm supply, then you should next focus on the Land of Wishes (accessible from the Bonus tab on your left at the main menu). There are two Valkyrie Ovyom Eggs. Both are dropped from their respectable Land of Wishes, and the first egg must be obtained before you can get the second. Each pull costs 60 crystals and it takes a maximum of 100 pulls for the first egg and 80 pulls for the second egg. Expect yourself pulling at least 90 times and 70 times before you can start getting your first and second eggs respectively.

As of now in 4.0, Knight Moonbeam and Lightning Empress makes for top tier supports. Between both of them, they are great choices. However, with the way the story is heading, I recommend picking Lightning Empress out of the 3 choices for the first egg.

For the second egg, I recommend picking Phoenix out of the three. She makes for an amazing support in both Masters and Exalted Memorial Arena. Blood Rose has an extremely niche support in Memorial but only requires Blood Dance while Goushinnso Memento can make great plays but requires a lot of gear and to make a difference.

Stygian Nymph reigns supreme in top DPS S-rank Valkyrie for some time, and 4.0 is no different. Getting her and her gear is a safe bet. On the other side of the coin, Bright Knight Excelsis , who was introduced in v3.9, has become even more valuable with the introduction of the A-rank valkyrie Starlit Astrologos. And Vermillion Knight , when equipped with at least the divine key weapon Might of An-Utu, can take down various bosses, such as Herrscher of the Void and Argent Knight: Artemis, for very high scores. I highly suggest getting these three, with Stygian Nymph being the highest priority of the three.

Others (Herrschers lol):

Weapons/Stigmatas to Farm
There are actually a surprising amount of good free2play stigmatas and weapons available to us that are pretty viable, even in the late game and higher tiers. Therefore, I will be suggesting gear that is usable even at level 80 and beyond.

Before we get started on the gear, I wish to relay the importance of these two items, especially AE imaginons. AE Imaginons and SS Imaginons, farmable through expeditions and overworld missions, are very important currencies. While both enable you to craft, the AE Imaginons can be used to buy Honkai Shards. Due to the significance of this possible purchase, I recommend that, unless there are crystal rewards, you always accept Overworld Missions that reward at least 4 AE Imaginons per mission.

Having maxed weapons without needing to sacrifice your own gacha weapons is what helps push you to higher tiers.

In the foundry, there are a couple of gears that you should be aiming to get or have already.

This weapon allows the wielder to inflict damage to enemies even when she is switched out. So that means that while switched out, the wielder can apply any stigmata debuffs/buffs to the enemy or her team upon damage infliction. And this weapon is good for ignition as well. You only need to have 1 and do not need to max it out. It makes for a good substitute to Thunder Kikaku.

Ogier T and Ogier B each have great passives. While the host is switched out, the team will gain Elemental or Physical DMG respectively. This makes for a great support stigmata. I highly recommend owning 2-3 pieces of both stigmatas.

Roald Amundsen is really only good for its 3-set effect passive. The team gains 10% Fire, Lightning, and Ice DMG, making it good for Elemental Teams. 1 or 2 of the entire set is only needed.

Dark Jixuanyuan is a good set for specific strategies. Almost never, are all 3 pieces equipped at the same time for a host. The T stig is good for shield breaking, M is amazing for increasing Crit Rate for valkyries like Void Drifter and Twilight Paladin, and B stig pairs with M for the 2-set effect of increased Physical DMG.

Jingwei T is an amazing f2p stigmata for DPS hosts in boss fights. Because most boss fights only have 1 enemy, the host will always have a 31% Total DMG Multiplier. I recommend owning 1-2 T pieces.

Picasso TM are great when their 2set effect is applied. The host of just PIcasso T can apply Red paint to enemies. The host of just Picasso M can apply Yellow paint to enemies. However, the host of both Picasso T and M, can apply Orange Paint to enemies when the host hits an already Red or Yellow painted enemy. Orange Painted enemies intakes 25% more Physical DMG, making Picasso a great Physical support set. I recommend owning two Ts and two Ms, two Ts and one M, or one T and two Ms. The reasoning behind this is because if you have one support valkyrie with Picasso TM and another support valkyrie with Picasso T or M, you can have the 2nd valkyrie apply red or yellow paint, and then switch to your 1st valkyrie to apply the Orange paint.

Fu Hua: Knight M and Fu Hua: Pride B are amazing Melee Physical DMG stigmatas for DPS hosts. They both give 30% Melee Physical DMG buff each at all times. A lot of strong valkyries are Melee Physical DPS, so they would enjoy these stigmatas as good substitutes.

Bounties to seek out

Bounties are a good way for one to get their hands on strong weapons without needing to pull anything from gacha. The only downside is that it can be quite time consuming and that it would suck if what you farmed was not worth it. So I will list the following that are worthwhile to farm for. Keep in mind that PRI weapons, craftable once the Captain is above level 80 and have owned the lv.35 non-PRI variant at least once in their account play-time, can be crafted with any gacha lvl50 weapons and are very powerful. However, some may not be worth it or even be right for you.

Lier B provides the host with pure Physical DMG as long as they have full HP. At first glance this may seem terrible, but for DPS valkyries who quickly come and leave such as Void Drifter, it is the perfect stigmata.

Fuxi B may be outshined by Leeuwenhoek, it can still land the player extremely high scores when hosted by Vermillion Knight. It is also versatile with other Fire Valkyries who can ignite often as well.

Exchange House:
And lastly, I wish to discuss the Exchange House. This section of the shop can bring the player both weapons and stigmatas. However, it can be very expensive to obtain just one item, and for a f2p player, you want an item that is good for a long amount of time, if not forever. Therefore, I will only be mentioning gears that have been good since day 1 and are still good today.

Blood Dance has been and still is a top tier Elemental Support weapon. Any enemies hit by the small moving AOE tornado of blood will be debuffed into intaking 60% more Elemental DMG for 9 good long seconds.

Schrodinger T , Mei: Beach Party M , and Newton B are all time lasting stigmatas that have been amazing, especially Newton B. Schrodinger T has less meta valkyries who use it but it still has the capabilities for extremely high scores.

Mei: Beach Party M is like the M piece of Newton B but has a weaker debuff effect but also provides an all time Total DMG Multiplier buff to the host, making it useful for quick attackers/supporters like Hawk of the Fog and Starlit Astrologos. I recommend owning 1-2 pieces.

Gustav TM is a powerful pair of physical support stigmatas. Its M piece buffs the team while the 2-set effect slightly debuffs the enemy into intaking more Physical DMG. The T piece is useless without the M piece. Do note that the new Shujing stigmata may take up some of the playtime that the player has been dedicating to Gustav. I recommend owning only 1 pair of Gustav TM.

Mid-ranged DPS.
Stores charges to deal AOE Ice DMG.
Ultimate: DPS Boost and restores charge.

Main Combination [ ]

Information [ ]

[Shadow Dash] Soul-Awakened version, Mecha-type melee Valkyrie that manipulates Kinetic Energy to perform middle ranged AOE attacks.


Pulls in enemies within a large AOE to compensate for Goushinnso Memento's limited attack radius.
MECH-type. May benefit from leader skill.

Time locks multiple enemies to set them up for Goushinnso Memento's attacks.
MECH-type. May benefit from the leader skill.

Leader Skill
Sakura Dance

Special Attack
Combo: Instant Draw


Frigid Rave

Clone Step

Basic Attack

Leader Bonus:
All characters in the team gain 17% Crit Rate at above 80% HP.
MECH-type battlesuits: Gain 30% All Elemental DMG.

All characters in the team gain 21% Crit Rate at above 80% HP. MECH-type battlesuits: Gain 36% All Elemental DMG.

High speed battou slash.
Consumes 200 kinetic energy to unleash Zankeki ULTRA and inflict minor Rime Trauma.
Kinetic energy caps at 1000 and slowly regenerates when the Valkyrie is deployed.
Zankeki: 50% ATK of Physical DMG.
Zankeki ULTRA: 100% ATK of Physical DMG + 200% ATK of Ice DMG.
Assault: 100% ATK of Physical DMG.

Each hit of Zankeki ULTRA additionally deals 300% ATK of Ice DMG.

Switch entry triggers an ice explosion that deals 180.0% ATK of Ice DMG to surrounding enemies. When Switch and QTE skills hit a target, then recover 205 kinetic energy.

Gains Ignore Interrupt and 40.0% Total DMG Reduction when unleashing Basic or Combo ATKs. Each Zankeki ULTRA performed gives 1.50 SP.

Passive bonuses apply automatically.

5th Basic ATK sequence, Ultimate Evasion ATK, and Ultimate mark enemies. Attacks against marked / stunned / paralyzed / frozen / time slowed enemies deal 40.0% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG.

Recovers 10.0 KE per second even when off the battlefield. Restores 30 KE per 0.25s for 10s after unleashing Ultimate.

Instant battou slash against enemies in front.
Icewind: Total of 900% ATK of Ice DMG, with the last hit freezing the target.
Execute: Shatters the ice to deal 1200% ATK of Physical DMG.
Energy Charge: Gains 250 KE upon unleashing Ultimate, and gains 30 KE per 0.25s for 10s when Ultimate ends.
SP Cost: 125

After using Ultimate, gains 30.0% Total DMG Multiplier for 12s.

For every enemy killed by the Ultimate, character heals self for 550 HP.

Recovers an additional 600 kinetic energy when using Ultimates.

Quick dash to evade enemy attacks.
White Shadow: A White Shadow (summoned entity) emerges upon Ultimate Evasion and explodes after 1s, dealing 200% ATK of Ice DMG to surrounding enemies (damage source:self). CD: 15s.

Recovers 120 kinetic energy instantly when Ultimate Evasion is triggered.

Enemies affected by White Shadow explosion have a 100% chance of being frozen for 4.0 s.

Shortens evasion CD by 3.0 s.

Swift 5-sequence slash, with each sequence restoring 60 Kinetic Energy (KE) upon hit. Evading during the first 4 sequences does not interrupt the sequence connection.
1st Sequence: 50% ATK of Physical DMG.
2nd Sequence: 80% ATK of Physical DMG.
3rd Sequence: 120% ATK of Physical DMG.
4th Sequence: 120% ATK of Physical DMG.
5th Sequence: 250% ATK of Physical DMG.

Each Basic ATK deals 35.0% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. 1st-4th Basic ATK sequences gain 30.0% faster Attack Speed, while the 5th sequence gives 30.0% Total DMG Multiplier buff for 8s.

Basic ATKs recover 15.0 kinetic energy upon landing a critical strike.

QTE: Triggers upon shieldbreak. Unleashes sword ki of frost that deals 600.0% ATK of Ice DMG and freezes enemies for 4s.

White comet / Сток Киана

Начальный персонаж, не стоящий дальнейших вложений. Пока у вас нет других валькирий, можно играть через связку со Сток Броней, вызывая ее QTE (смена валькирии при определенном статусе врага, для Сток Брони – стан), так как данная Киана – лучший источник станов, например через switch skill (смена персонажа) или способность оружия Colt Peacemaker. Однако станы не действуют на роботов.

Valkyrie Ranger / Киана Ренджер / Гангнирка

Valkyrie Ranger / Киана Ренджер / Гангнирка

Саппорт, стягивающий ближайших врагов в кучу при успешном уклонении и активирующий QTE другой валькирии с помощью способности оружия. Такая комбинация широко используется в Abyss. Не требует ранга выше S. Ренджер удобна для прохождения Матрицы.

Divine Prayer / Дивайн Преер / Сейнт Киана

Divine Prayer / Дивайн Преер / Сейнт Киана

Исцеляющий саппорт. Контролирует врагов, в том числе и боссов в Abyss (6,10,12,18,20,24,30,33 этажи), накладывая Time Lock при успешном уклонении. Снижает защиту врагов, снимает негативные эффекты с союзников. Бонус от 3 частей сета стигм Батори повышает ее живучесть в Abyss. Рекомендуемый ранг S-SSS.

Knight Moonbeam / КМБ / Мунбим / Мунлайт Киана

Knight Moonbeam / КМБ / Мунбим / Мунлайт Киана

Отличный S-персонаж. Наносит огромный урон при активации QTE от подбрасывания. С легкостью запускает Time Fracture и останавливает счетчик времени, благодаря чему является желанным членом коопа на армадного босса. В энд гейме выполняет роль саппорта. Позже будет фармиться с Мемориал арены.

Crimson Impulse / Сток Мей

Crimson Impulse / Сток Мей

Имеет неплохой урон, однако в целом персонаж не самый ценный. Не многие играют на данной валькирии. Сток Мей может вносить урон в Gluttony abyss, так как подкидывает врагов, но Шедоу Мей справится с этим куда лучше.

Shadow Dash / ШД / Шедоу Мей

Shadow Dash / ШД / Шедоу Мей

Королева коопов и армадных боссов. Начинает наносить высокий урон с S ранга, и увеличивает его на SS-SSS. Ее пассивная способность повышают урон по парализованным, застаненным, затаймлоченным врагам. Для нанесения высокого урона на ШД следует находиться за спиной, либо сбоку от врага. Для подброшенных целей – со стороны головы. Валькирия имеет отличный командный скилл. Из стигм стоит обратить внимание на 2 Батори и Атиллу (B).

Valkyrie bladestrike / Блэйдстрайк / Страйкер Мей

Valkyrie bladestrike / Блэйдстрайк / Страйкер Мей

В грядущих патчах потеряет свою силу. Но это не значит, что ее прокачка станет потерей ресурсов, т.к. позже в игру будет добавлена новая Сакура Flame Sakitama, имеющая связанные с Блэйдстракй скиллы. SS ранг на Мей значительно увеличит урон Сакуры.

Lightning Empress / LE / Райден Мей

Lightning Empress / LE / Райден Мей

Отличный саппорт, имеющий неплохой урон. Хороша в коопах. Комбинируется с Терезой, носящей Oath of Judah. Наносит элементальный lighting урон.

Gyakushinn Miko / Мико Сакура

Gyakushinn Miko / Мико Сакура

Мико Сакура имеет достойный урон в 1 цель. Ее ранг легко поднимается за счет заданий в Самсаре, покупать фрагменты в магазине не рекомендуется. Своими обычными ударами/уклонением/QTE наносит метку на врагов, выглядящую как розовый огонек и лепестки сакуры вокруг врага, после чего взрывает метку комбо атакой. В ультимейте после 1 взрыва следует делать по 3 атаки и ждать прохождения анимации взрыва метки.

Goushinnso Memento / Мементо Сакура

Goushinnso Memento / Мементо Сакура

Одна из сильнейших валькирий на данной стадии игры. Раскрывается, получив катану [Ice Epiphyllum]. Актуальна в Abyss за счет элементального ледяного урона, особенно на Броне и Ганеше, получающих двойной урон благодаря двойным хит-боксам.

Valkyrie Chariot / Сток Броня

Valkyrie Chariot / Сток Броня

Начальный персонаж, не теряющий свою актуальность на протяжении всей игры. Пока у вас нет других валькирий, отличный источник урона – QTE Сток Брони, срабатывающий от стана. Ее ультимейт, собирающий врагов со всей карты, используется во многих abyss-командах. Ранг поднимается за счет покупок фрагментов в магазине. Рекомендованные стигмы: Hannah (T), Sakamoto Ryoma (M), Jixuanyuan Aqua (B).

Yamabuki Armor / Ямабуки

Yamabuki Armor / Ямабуки

Саппорт, который накладывает щит на всю команду, что особенно полезно в Матрице. Облегчает закрытие этапов с условием на прохождение без получения ударов, которые предвидятся в грядущей главе Терезы. Ультимейт Ямабуки исцеляет при атаке по целям, находящимся под дебаффом (накладывается одиночной атакой), а также накладывает Time Lock. Благодаря которому под банкой SP может контролировать обоих боссов 33 этажа в Abyss, если на них висит дебафф.

Snowy Sniper / Сноу

Snowy Sniper / Сноу

В данном патче одна из лучших валькирий для Abyss. Замораживает всех врагов с помощью ультимейта и QTE. При наличии SS ранга и подходящей экипировки из гачи начинает наносить высокий урон. До SS ранга можно играть через QTE, активируемое подкидыванием, со стигмами Hannah (T), Nikola Tesla (M), Jixuanyuan Aqua (B). Не смотря на название, ее урон – физический, но QTE наносит урон после заморозки.

Dimensional Break / ДБ

Dimensional Break / ДБ

Великолепный саппорт, контролер. С оружием Tyr Wrist и стигмой Schrodinger(T) в будущем будет наносить хороший урон. Сильна своим массовым Time Lock, запускаемым при смене персонажа. Широко используется в Abyss и коопах.

Battle Storm / Баттл шторм / Сток Химеко

Battle Storm / Баттл шторм / Сток Химеко

Танк с очень медленными непрерываемыми атаками, не стоит ваших инвестиций.

Valkyrie Triumph / Триумф Химеко

Valkyrie Triumph / Триумф Химеко

Комбинируется с валькириями, стягивающими врагов (Ренджер/Сток Броня), обездвиживает врагов, устанавливая на них купол, и атакует их, исцеляя этим союзников. Данная тактика применяется в Abyss.

Scarlet Fusion /Скарлет Фьюжн / Scarlet Nexus / Электро Химеко

Scarlet Fusion /Скарлет Фьюжн / Scarlet Nexus / Электро Химеко

Наносит элементальный lighting урон. Хорошо убивает Ганешу и Броню в Abyss. Легко подбрасывает врагов, вызывая QTE многих валькирий. Хороша на начальных стадиях игры, позже теряет свою актуальность.

Blood Rose / Блад Роуз / Реактив Химеко

Blood Rose / Блад Роуз / Реактив Химеко

Во время действия ультимейта наносит повышенный урон, но постепенно теряет здоровья. Очень сильна на начальной стадии игры, но, чтобы оставаться на плаву, требует повышения до SS ранга. Хороша в убийстве Abyss боссов. Командный скилл действует только на нее, позволяет наносить высокий урон в коопе.

Valkyrie Pledge / Сток Тереза

Сама по себе является не примечательным персонажем, однако становится сильна с оружием Oath of Judah, которое можно опробовать в текущем ивенте. Терезе можно одеть ее же 3* стигмы. А идеальным набором считается: Shakespeare(T), Beach Party(M), Otto Apocalypse(B). Тереза с Oath of Judah сочетается с Мей Lightning Empress.

Violet Executer

Violet Executer

S-валькирия, сила которой заключается в высоком уроне от QTE по целям с bleeding. Ее QTE активируется от Time Slow. Броня Dimensional Break является обязательным членом команды для данной Терезы, т.к. накладывает оба эти статуса. Для Терезы Violet Executer не рекомендуется Oath of Judah как основное оружие. F2P игрокам без Брони ДБ не стоит тратиться на экспаншн гачу с Violet Executer, выгоднее будет вытащить Oath of Judah для Сток Терезы.

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