Ghost hunter vena прохождение

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Сегодня мы привыкли к высокому уровню исполнения эксклюзивных проектов для консоли Playstation. Однако и у такой именитой компании, чей значок эксклюзивности красуется на коробках одних из лучших игр последних лет и является уже заочным гарантом качества, случались досадные промашки. Одним из таких блинов, получившихся комом, была Ghost Hunter от Guerrilla Cambridge.

Предыдущими проектами этой студии были две части культовой MediEvil, классный ремейк которой вышел совсем недавно, а также весьма тепло встреченная критиками и игроками Primal, чей движок и был использован в Ghost Hunter.

Игра была анонсирована 22 апреля 2003 года. Вскоре на PlayStation Experience были продемонстрированы первые геймплейные кадры. Релиз состоялся в декабре того же года и сопровождался смешанными отзывами от критиков и слабыми продажами. Заслужила ли игра такой участи? Давайте разбираться.

Сюжет стартует у ворот заброшенного здания школы Монтси, в стенах которой в ходе таинственных событий, во время выпускного было убито несколько учеников. Так же команда подрывников, которой было поручено снести это здание, слышала таинственные голоса. Для разведывания обстановки были отправлены два полицейских Анна Стилл и Лазарь Джонс.

И сходу мы слышим качественный официальный дубляж, с хорошо подобранными голосами, что было редкостью для консольных проектов тех лет.

Оно и не мудрено, ведь нужно было соответствовать дорогостоящему касту оригинала, в который входили Джо Мортон, которого вы можете помнить по эпизодической роли во втором Терминаторе, порно - звезда восьмидесятых Вероника Харт, а главного героя озвучил небезызвестный актер озвучки Роб Полсен, чьим голосом говорят Гидромен в мультсериале Человек-паук 1994 года, Снафлз во второй серии первого сезона Рика и Морти и конечно же Рафаэль из Черепашек Мутантов Ниндзя.

Напарники решают разделиться и главный герой находит заброшенную лабораторию в подвале школы, где натыкается на таинственный искусственный интеллект и большую красную кнопку, которую он конечно же нажимает, тем самым выпуская на волю запертых призраков.

Вследствие этого, вместе с обычными призраками на свободу вырывается некий Уильмям Хоксмур - манерный рыцарь, говорящий стихами. Хоксмур похищает напарницу Лазаря Анну и отправляется в астральный мир.

Шутки шутками, но я не представляю появление персонажа такого формата в крупнобюджетном проекте в 2019 году. Guerrilla Cambridge получает плюсик в карму за смелость.

Завязка сюжета оригинальностью не блещет. Сколько раз мы видели разделившихся напарников и тайные эксперименты проводящиеся в подвале школы/психлечебницы/правительственного учреждения.

Однако, за ней интересно следить благодаря необычному миксу из веселого и оптимистичного главного героя и жуткой атмосферы, подкрепляемой годным саунд - дизайном. Не Dead Space конечно, но тоже весьма неплохо. Но вскоре, коктейль из юмора и ужаса перестает работать, так как шуток становится все меньше, да и напугать игрока или создать хоть сколько нибудь напряженную атмосферу, авторы так и не смогут.

Повествование постоянно бросает из стороны в сторону, как корабль в морской шторм. Сценаристы то фокусируются с серьезной миной на сюжетных твистах о правительственных заговорах, то вводят комичных персонажей, которые еще больше погружают игрока в замешательство и не дают ему понять, что он видит на своем мониторе, комедию или хоррор. Одним из таких персонажей является Полковник Фортескью, служащий отсылкой на на сэра Даниэля Фортескью, главного героя франшизы MediEvil.

Да и локализация, которую я хвалил выше, не совсем идеальна. Иногда переводчики позволяют себе откровенные вольности, упускают детали, а иногда переигрывают, что тоже негативно влияет на восприятие сюжета.

Первое, что бросается в глаза при первом запуске – это шикарное техническое исполнение. Для игры, выходившей на PlayStation 2, Ghost Hunter удивляет мелочами, над которыми сегодня практически никто не заморачивается. Классная лицевая анимация, великолепная физика тканей, шикарная физика воды, при стрельбе по которой образуются волны и брызги. Казалось бы, мелочь, однако Watch Dogs, вышедшая спустя 11 лет, не может похвастаться и этим, хотя упор в рекламной компании был сделан на прорывную графику.

Так же порадовало, как реализованы отстреленные гильзы. Сколько бы вы их не выстрелили, все они останутся лежать на полу, даже если вы покинете помещение и впоследствии вернетесь. Мелочь, а приятно. Однако все эти технические навороты к превеликому сожалению нивелируются скудным левел - дизайном и посредственной цветокоррекцией. Всю игру мы будем бегать по серо-коричневым болотам, автосвалкам и подвалам заброшенных зданий .

Ghost Hunter по игровому процессу это чистый, можно даже сказать элементарный шутер от третьего лица, хотя игра и пытается показать, что является нечто большим.

В начале наш протагонист получает плазмоган и астральную ловушку, на подобии той, что была у охотников за привидениями и использовалась для поимки призраков. В самой игре поимка призраков выглядит так: c помощью огнестрельного либо плазменного оружия мы доводим "здоровье" привидения до критической отметки, ниже которой оно не упадет и единственным способом избавится от полтергейста служит бросок той самой астральной ловушки, запускающий классную анимацию и приводящий игрока в полный восторг.

I also find this game disappointing. Compared to Xenotake, it was consistently atmospheric in the same way, but the raw gameplay is a lot more fun - you have to do more than just spam X when facing in the direction of the enemy. The enemies' attack patterns and properties made for some challenging gameplay, but you'd encounter 2 different enemy types at the same time at most. While the map is more open and less-linear than XT, you still progress through plot, power and unlock different parts of the map in a linear fashion. Due to the map-screen its self more than anything (Shows only one floor at a time from an initially confusing perspective), navigating between objectives once a lot of the map had been unlocked did result in some frustration and tedium.

The health mechanics are kinda broken, it can kinda be compared to Halo, but it doesn't really work in this context. You have 3 hitpoints which regenerate, and a buffer above that. The buffer is reduced by being hit by enemy attacks, being raped, or magicking your clothes back into existence, and recharged by collecting orbs. But that same bar is also reduced when an enemy grabs you while clothed, and clothes break when the bar reaches zero. So by being clothed, you are making yourself open to grabs you will take damage from from the moment it connects to when you struggle free. When fighting nude you can just parry them and it barely slows you down. This undermined the gameplay, because once again you were practically invincible, just with more steps and a slightly higher chance of failure compared to XT.

The hentai mechanics too are kinda nonsensical. With the exception of one or two, if the enemy succeeds in initiating an H-attack you will take a hit to your HP if your buffer bar is empty, but it's incredibly easy to struggle free, regardless of state or enemy involved. What makes this even more frustrating is that there are variations on the animations where the MC is coming to orgasm, but these only ever see the light of day if you stop the struggle from ending - which happens in .5 seconds if you leave it and maybe a second if you mash arrows. And you can keep those animations going for as long as you like, so long as you keep hitting X nothing but a change in animation will happen.

There are two other mechanics - the orb eater and the ectoplasm rooms - which are established and then utilised twice, and never again. You can't even masturbate except in those specific sequences. You can't access those rooms again because again, they're part of a scripted sequence rather than a gameplay system.

Those excepted enemies simply continue their animations until you break free, there's no finishing animation for them. The hands are one of them, and they are the most common enemy in the game.
I also thought there were too many non-H enemies. Between the four (and boss), I'd have rather had the effort spent on one more enemy with lewds. The boss being non-H was especially frustrating - I was under the impression that the Astral Realm was going to be its own map, and we'd have to fight our way to the boss, then pull her back to the "real" world and fight her there.
The absence of a proper gallery is also disappointing. In its current form it is just sprites (Played at the same framerate even for two-frame anims), and while it's nice to be able to see those, it's not as good as XT's gallery which was its own map and had scenes play out as they did in gameplay.

The amount of H-content is alright. I liked the enemies' designs, the variety between them, but none of their animations were particularly interesting compared to XT, I enjoyed its content a lot more. Everyone has fluorescent nipples in GHV.

The plot is neither here nor there. An interesting premise and a good way to justify the game's nature, the characters' interactions are interesting, but a lot of it did feel out of place, too tonally inconsistent, and overall the cutscenes I felt were too long.

Last edited: Feb 26, 2018


Jungle Girl
Joined Nov 28, 2013 Messages 14 Reputation score 6

Man, what a complicated reaction to this game I've had. I mean, I love it just like I love Xenotake- don't really know why, but something about how Vosmug writes his games just ticks some box in the back of my mind. Miss Sui and her ghost hunting rival are WOEFULLY underused in scenes, but I almost feel like that's less of a direct complaint than it is a sign that I was so excited to see them get into all sorts of sticky situations. It's the same thing with the Captain and Malla from Xenotake, who I really wanted to see more of than Eerien herself. Though if I did have one actual complaint about the game's story, I feel like Vena's two friends were a bit of a waste. They barely got any action, and I can't really say that I'm disappointed about it because they just didn't leave much of an impression.

Of course, there were a few missed points here or there that left me feeling a bit disappointed. With so much of the build-up, I thought that the two ghost hunting thugs would really have more scenes, but for all of their talk about planning to betray their boss, they just get the one scene with Miss Sui and the blonde friend before being unceremoniously killed off. I guess we're supposed to assume that the two ghosts double-teaming Sui's rival near the end are their spirits, but I would've much preferred to see them actually turn on her. They weren't exactly the most interesting antagonists, but in a game that spends so much time dealing with faceless ghosts with no personality to express, I feel like it was a waste to get rid of those guys so early like that when they could've served as a much more present, interactive threat to Vena's group. And not really related to that point, but the whole ending sequence also just felt a bit lacking to me. Exposition is fine, but there was just sooooooo much being explained at the last minute, and then you just get a brief slideshow of the girls honoring their silly bet. =/

Now, on a much less glowing note. I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay. The combat is fine, I suppose, but feels a little too demanding for how aggressive the ghosts can be. Unless you get lucky with them floating in the other direction before they decide to initiate an attack, you're left with almost no time to actually react- made that much worse by their obsession with constantly trying to cross from side-to-side. So many times, I'd be trying to move Vena away from a ghost so that I'd have some buffer room to stun them, but they'd just follow right on top of me and then attack from like an inch away. Also, the map is a complete nightmare, and I feel like about 40% of the time, the game just didn't give me enough of an indication of where I needed to be going. It works fine when the game is pushing you to progress forward, but every time it decides to send you back to somewhere you've already been, I had to spend about fifteen minutes going up and down each floor until I found the magic combination that would lead me to the right section of the map.

And the gallery is. hm. Not great, though I do appreciate the idea of it. Like being able to view every single character sprite in the game, and not just the sexy animations? That's a positive touch. But not having any sound is just baffling as a design choice, and the interface for cycling through every option feels like it is fighting me every step of the way. Oh, and it seems like most of the animations can only play so long before they just stop, at which point, you have to manually edit the speed option for it to start back up.

But I think out of EVERYTHING, my biggest gripe with the game is the sheer inaccessibility of the cutscenes after you've beaten the game. Sure, you can find most of the raw animations in the gallery. but if you want to see them with the accompanying dialog and context? You'll have to replay the whole game every single time. Heaven forbid that you want to revisit a scene close to the ending. Xenotake had a bit of the same problem here, but at least gave the option of skipping right to certain checkpoints in the story, so that if you wanted to see something again, it would only take five, maybe ten minutes tops to reach it so long as you could remember which checkpoint was closest. I guess that wouldn't really work here with how backtrack-y the game is; makes it a bit hard to break it down into clear "levels" you could quickly jump into. But man, I really hope that Vosmug adds an option to the gallery at some point for viewing the full scenes.

A couple of days ago I finished the main skeleton, I don’t know how to call it anymore, basically the game is playable from beginning to end but with placeholders most of the way, so it looks like this:

Going back some stuff broke from changes done at the end that ripple back to the beginning, but they’re easily fixed, at least until now, what’s left to do is start the graphic replacements, on top of sound, music, maybe voices, etc. final polish basically, most backgrounds are already done but what is left, sprites and the rest of the graphics is another huge time sink.

That’s the update for now, it’s a big milestone that doesn’t really mean much for now but it’s significant for the internal side of things.

I already notice a few errors in that code.

Ghost Hunter Vena update (Version 1.10a)

Posted in Uncategorized on May 24, 2021 by Vosmug

It took a while; I’ve been having technical problems.

( August 2021 update: Updated to 1.10b, fixes a text dispaly problem, only necesary to redownload if you use custom fan translation files.)

Translation to a few other languages available in the dowload page.

If you purchased through DLsite you can download it again there, but as always, the DLstie version takes several days to update, I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

This update is not as big as Xenotake’s update was, in fact there’s nothing new or heavily changed or fixed, GHV was already “more complete” so to speak, except for a 3 year old bug I was able to fix, the one at the big door with the 2 statues, several people reported it, thanks for letting me know and sorry it took so long to fix.

So it was mostly small fixes as a re-release for, since as you know, I stopped using direct paypal purchases, so if you already played it, this update is not that necessary.

Xenotake Update 1.2c

Posted in Uncategorized on April 14, 2021 by Vosmug

New in this version:

  • Full engine update (not noticeable for the most part, but better video memory usage and better compatibility with Windows 10)
  • Minor graphical fixes.
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Fully redone and higher resolution CG images.
  • Difficulty overall slightly reduced.

If you purchased it through this site, you can download the update with your original purchase link.

You don’t have to copy and paste anything anymore, this version is a completely separate download incompatible with previous versions.

Here’s a map if you want.

This was a terrible idea, but at least for the most part it’s already done. Thank you for your patience.

Business Part 2

Posted in Uncategorized on March 9, 2021 by Vosmug

Sorry for not posting before, I’ve been doing a few things,

First, when it comes to Lunar Crisis I had to rewrite the last 2 days completely so I spent a couple of weeks just on that, now everything is written so I can focus only on actual dev work, in placeholder mode still, I’ll have to replace everything with the final polish later, its going well IMO.

Remember when I said gameplay was going to change a bit after a while, well that’s gone, I couldn’t work it in properly, so unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your preference) it’s all going to retain the same pointy-clicky gameplay style (with keyboard).

Originally I wanted to increase the resolution, meaning all graphics needed to be upscaled, but that would require months and months of work, so the engine update and a few fixes is all I will be able to do, because of the outlines, all human character sprites need to be fixed and re-exported, that’ll take several weeks, I also want to update the “CG” images, I’ll try to hire someone but as always I’m having artist problems, everything else will be the same, it’s just an update not a remake, if that were the case I would have to include time traveling ghosts and nobody wants that, right, RIGHT? What kind of hubris filled maniacs would EVER do that?

The main reason I didn’t want to say anything yet was because I expected even a few comments would want to talk me out of it and seeing how incredibly counterproductive this is I would probably agree, but now I’m in the middle of it so it’s too late to stop, I’m almost done with fixing sprites, problems is the art CG things, I always have such bad luck with hiring artists.

It’s unnecessary but I feel if I’m going to re-release it, it needs an engine update, not that it didn’t work before or anything, but I felt it was the right thing to do.

Then I’ll put GHV out too with minimal possibly no updates, then I’ll get back to work normally.

If you want to yell at me for being stupid, this is your chance.

Serious business

Posted in Uncategorized on January 4, 2021 by Vosmug

Happy new apocalyptic year.

Hello, sorry I won’t talk about the game today, I’m working on it even though I’ve taken a small break for the past couple of weeks, but I’m already back to work, kinda, I’m rusty and readjusting.

What I did in the meantime was play around with blender, I want to fully transition from 3dsmax to blender, so far some things are way easier and faster to do in blender all you have to do is get used to the new interface which is easier than it looked at the beginning, I still prefer 3dsmax in certain areas tho, like animations and some render options, but things like UV unwrapping are such a breeze in blender compared to the eldritch nightmare that it’s in 3dsmax. Any blender users here to share opinions? I would like to know your take especially if you transitioned from other software.

I use 3d mainly for backgrounds and base character models to keep proportions consistent, so is not like I’m going full 3d game or anything.

But anyway, the main reason for this post is that as of today I won’t be using PayPal for direct purchases anymore, I’ve already disabled direct purchase from this page, it’s becoming increasingly risky; after getting two warning emails from two different friends (I guess independently but who knows) and hearing notice that Kyrieru had his account suspended, I think it’s time to jump ship, I don’t want to risk it since I need that account for other stuff including DLsite.

For now, Ghost Hunter Vena and Xenotake are only available on DLsite, until I find another way of distribution.

So if you want to yell at me about Patreon (and help me decide a good model *wink* *wink*), this is your chance, I’ve been considering it for a while now even with my negative towards it, I still don’t like the monthly subscription method, I can’t justify monthly anything with my work schedule and they are also dubious with their adult content policy, so honestly, I don’t know yet. I’m still leaning towards no but seems like there are no options. Maybe steam is more plausible, who knows.

Either way, this post is mainly to let you know Paypal is dead.

Take that you tyrannical overly censorious corporation, I was going to give you 7 dollars, but now, nuh uh, your loss.

Oh yeah, Geminis won the poll, unsurprisingly, while Sallika which is the one I’ve heard the most about got last place, Sai who is my favorite is also behind, weird too the one I’ve heard was the most boring got second place, the sample is not that big but except first place, the rest was not what I was expecting.


Sorry, there were several comments hit by the spam filter, I tried to recover some but if I missed one feel free to post again.

Thanks for all the feedback, some thoughts so far:

Steam seems very likely, way more legal and financial steps tho.

Patreon sounds less and less likely every time.

Subscribestar has a dedicated adult section which is cool but payment methods are limited.

Pixiv haven’t checked yet. tho, good stuff so far, I’ve seen several rapey games there, meaning the rules are not as strict and you can actually pay with paypal, very cool.

Why do I complicate my existence so much? I don’t know, you tell me.

Some poll and stuff

Posted in Uncategorized on October 27, 2020 by Vosmug

I don’t know when or if I want to update the demo, maybe I’ll post only the sprites when I have them, we’ll see, for now I’m focused on the skeleton, polish comes later.

Lunar Crisis 0.3 Post

Anyway, I haven’t done one of these in a while so just for fun, let’s have a poll:

Lunar Crisis Demo Update 0.2 (Quick Update 0.3)

Posted in Uncategorized on September 19, 2020 by Vosmug

The concept of time doesn’t exist anymore, yesterday was January and today it’s already September, crazy, huh?

Edit: Quick update with all the problems found so far fixed, scroll down for a fix list.

Download Demo 0.3 (Quick update)

I have many things to say but honestly, I’m just going to let you play and decide for yourself, most things I’ve already said like it being a simpler take on adventure games, of streamlining puzzles and the like, so you be the judge if it’s too much or if it works for what it is, considering this is pretty much an accurate depiction of the final version, except for some small gameplay changes later on than you haven’t seen, and to be fair I haven’t worked much on it (the gameplay change) either so I don’t know how it’s going to eventually turn out.

I realized this ended up being more of a slow burn than I expected, so eeehhhhhh, I don’t know man, you’ll be able to skip the introduction sections even in the final version, but then again, that’s the kind of game this is (but you’re already aware of that *wink* *wink*) but yeah, it’s a bit slow. Or maybe it feels to me that way. I dunno. You tell me.

I’m interested in knowing how much it takes you to finish this demo, maybe that’ll help me pace this better in the future, a timer appears at the end.

After the demo ends, you can still play but everything is broken front hat point forward.

Some details:

The music is most likely temporary; I will dedicate more time to it or just commission a real musician, not yet though, not a priority for now.

Red framed images that appear sometimes, twice for now one in the bridge scene and one at the end, is something I want to do but if I can’t make the character ones look good, I’ll probably ditch them. It’s the same story again, I will always have problems with bigger character images. That’s just not my strong suit and never will be, you would think after 2 games I would be better at it, but nope.

No grunts and moans yet, I don’t think I’ll be focusing on that for now, again, not a priority.

The big one, there’s a continuity error on how a certain event plays out, I left it on purpose because I don’t know how to fix it yet, try to spot it, or find more (if you want or care of course).

Let me know of any bugs, glitches, problems, or whatever. A few things broke after the update to the newest GMStudio version (2.3, pretty great update btw) I hope nothing is broken anymore AAAAAghh!

Fixed and Added for 0.3:

Apocalypse update

Posted in Uncategorized on July 3, 2020 by Vosmug

I don’t know what else AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Can the world just end already? This is the worse apocalypse ever.

Old New

Game is moving along just so you know, I don’t know if everything is turning out as I expected, especially the whole gameplay thing since I cut a bunch of “get key” and “get item to do thing” from the design doc, I don’t know if it classifies as a point and click anymore, I don’t think it ever did, I always called it “simplified”. But trust me, it would have gotten tedious, there was just too much. Also, I worry about the length, it looks way longer on paper, but once you approximate with a barebones execution it seems things go way faster than predicted, removing filler item hunting made things worse, so, that could be a problem.

Also, I did a (boring) test stream a couple of weeks ago, I don’t know if there’s interest in that, let me know.

Corona Fantasy VII: Remoke

Posted in Uncategorized on April 24, 2020 by Vosmug

In other news, the world is ending this time for real, I’ve been working on the game slowly but consistently if that makes any sense, but nothing soon, sorry.

In all seriousness tho, stay safe out there.

Demo thing

Posted in Uncategorized on February 27, 2020 by Vosmug

Oh god what’s happening.

So here it is, as I said in the previous post this is just the first 1 and a half days of the game, so is just the setup, so no sex or anything, don’t yell at me, mostly set up for the conflict and characters.

Please read the previous post for more details and paranoia.

Lunar Test Demo 0.1

Alt+Ener = Toggle Windowed/Fullscreen

Esc = Close Game (In-game only)

Alt+F4 = Close Game (Title screen and in-game)

I have to clarify other thing, this is not the whole picture since we haven’t gotten to more action based sections, so that could be misleading, between days 4 and 5 the game shifts to a more stealth/action gameplay, it can be difficult to picture right now but there’s not much done in that regard since I’m moving in a linear fashion this time, so I’ll work on that when I get there development wise, but yeah, just something to note, if it matters at all.

I hope everything works, let me know if you find a problem and check the list to see if it’s been mentioned already.

Known problems:

  • Bridge inner door animation looks wonky.
  • Punching bag background looks different.
  • Some character outlines are not finalized (mainly black lines around skin)

So after playing it and if you would like to help me with a few things, I’d like to ask a few questions and have a few ponderments.

I think everyone who’s been following knows already what kind of game this is, so knowing that:

The real release of Ghost Hunter Vena 1.09 update is now on the download page, in the final test it had a glaring bug/glitch where the hardest difficulty was activating by itself, so this is the real release with that fixed, that’s why tests are important, thanks to all who helped me test this, it was especially important due to the engine change which created quite a few problems, hopefully it’s all good now.

Again, this is not a big update, if you already played the game there’s not much for you here, the biggest additions were the updated intro and ending images and a new difficulty mode, which btw doesn’t have an additional reward, I guess it’s only for the challenge if you care enough, it was mostly added because of requests.

I hope there’s nothing else to fix so I can go back to work, but if there’s another problem/bug/glitch please let me know.


This entry was posted on August 16, 2019 at 6:29 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

Anonymous Says:
August 17, 2019 at 6:29 pm

Any news about the new game?

Anonymous Says:
August 18, 2019 at 9:10 am

GHV took almost 2 years in the making and still had updates, expect the new game to be atleast a quarter completed mid-year next year

Anonymous Says:
August 27, 2019 at 8:51 pm

well if anyone can provide a file or something to add mosaic ill be grateful

Anonymous Says:
August 21, 2019 at 12:22 pm

Wow, halfway done already? Feels like this game is progressing way faster then Vena

Anonymous Says:
August 21, 2019 at 1:41 pm

I hope its as good as GHV, or even better!

Anonymous Says:
August 24, 2019 at 5:52 pm

for some reason no mater witch version y play i cant never use the abilly banishmkent (z + down) i´m doing something wrong?

Anonymous Says:
August 24, 2019 at 6:04 pm Anonymous Says:
August 26, 2019 at 9:19 pm

this is just me but is there file or patch to add mosaic?

whenever i start game it says place GHVdatak file in data folder i dont understand this message can u explain me.

Anonymous Says:
August 30, 2019 at 11:36 pm Anonymous Says:
August 31, 2019 at 3:06 pm

It would be a dream come true to see Sui getting banged by the ghosts that bang vena

Anonymous Says:
August 31, 2019 at 8:18 pm Anonymous Says:
September 1, 2019 at 4:20 am

What about doing it just with the blond girl?

Anonymous Says:
August 31, 2019 at 2:11 pm

I download Ghost Hunter Vena from

but the verison is 1.08.

Could you figure out why the version is 1.08 not 1.09 in

Anonymous Says:
September 1, 2019 at 5:09 am

I download Ghost Hunter Vena yesterday(08/30).

Today, I download it from again

Anonymous Says:
September 3, 2019 at 12:29 pm

Will there be elements present on GHV and on your new project? tentacles, and ghosts? or something like that frog ghost?

Not ghosts, tentacles and the like most likely yes.

Alexander Vazquez Says:
September 5, 2019 at 11:39 pm

No es fácil jugar esto con mi teclado en mal estado, vena se queda congelada porque las flechas ya no sirven, pero me gusta como va quedando el juego, ¿Alguna futura novedad en la siguiente actualización?

Ya esta terminado desde hace mucho y no van a haber nuevas actualizaciones, esta fue una excepción entre otras cosas para añadir una forma mas facil de usar traducciones.

Alexander Vazquez Says:
September 6, 2019 at 11:13 am

Quizás está terminado, solo está haciendo re ingeniería mejoras a grandes escalas, está recibiendo su juego soporte continuo de su parte, me gustaría hacer un gameplay de su juego una vez que ajuste las traducciones con tiempo al idioma español, solo que voy un poco lento porque estoy estudiando, cuando tenga tiempo descargo Ghost Hunter vena 1.09, que tenga una buena tarde

Alexander Vazquez Says:
September 9, 2019 at 10:46 pm

Siento que todo está complicado, es acaso parte de la actualización, es muy complicado derrotar a un enemigo menor rojo después de que secuestraron a rixa y leen, no importa que dificultad tenga todas ahora parecen difíciles , espero que resuelva esa duda

Si es la version corrrecta? Fijate que version es en la pantalla de inicio.

Alexander Vazquez Says:
September 10, 2019 at 10:51 pm

Esta versión,

Al leer un juego aparece la palabra EXTRA?

SI aparece, ve a la carpeta DATA y mira si hay algun archivo llamado plus, si hay lo borras, eso deberia bajar la difocultad

Alexander Vazquez Says:
September 14, 2019 at 11:44 pm

Gracias ya va mejor el juego más fácil incluso en dificultad difícil, vaya error que hay

boned Says:
September 15, 2019 at 2:32 pm

75ms keypress windows or very easy with

250ms windows 2) You always drop your glove when failing to escape and sex begins 3) Glove drop distance increased 4) If you get nutted in, slow walk mode has left & right scrambling every

If you have a blog or something to show let me know and I can link you (for whateever little exposure is worth).

boned Says:
September 18, 2019 at 2:44 pm Anonymous Says:
September 19, 2019 at 6:33 pm

will a test demo be ready soon?

Probably not, not confident about it for now.

serena gomez Says:
October 17, 2019 at 5:31 pm

Disculpa capo ¿como hago para cambiar el idioma a español porque sigo los consejos pero sigo sin enteder? Porque me aparece un error cuando dicen los dialogos.

Esas instrucciones son principalmente para quien quiera hacer una traduccion, aun no hay ninguna disponible.

hay un usuario que esta trabajando en una traduccion, yo tengo una version incompleta pero no se si estoy autorizado a subirla aun, habra que esperar a que terrmine.

No se si estoy autorizado pero aqui esta la version en español incompleta:

Extrae y copia en la carpeta gamefiles, despues selecciona el idioma en opciones, necesitas la version 1.09.

I answered your previous comment.

Rahmat Rizki Says:
February 21, 2020 at 7:07 am

hei i couldnt make it start screen cause they need GHVdatak on th data folder, and there isnt.. can you help me?

There is a shortcut folder called DATA in the same folder as the executable, go in there and paste/extract there the GHVdatak file.

in your folder browser adress bar, and place GHVdatak there.

Then press enter or close and run the executable again.

negostt Says:
March 4, 2020 at 11:06 am Anonymous Says:
March 8, 2020 at 8:57 pm

Version 1.09 from DLSite is not containes any instructions.
I did what you wrote here and it worked. Thank you.

negostt Says:
March 10, 2020 at 6:33 am nunya Says:
July 29, 2020 at 4:29 pm

I play games to relax and have fun, not to be aggravated by interface, design, and other things that could have been designed better.

nunya Says:
July 30, 2020 at 3:20 pm

I was stuck in an area where I was stuck having to go against some very hard ghosts, and there was no way for me to find other respawning ghosts to battle and try to level up. Took forever, but I finally beat them. From that experience, I suggest not locking players in a ghost trap unless they can respawn in a place where they can go farm ghosts and level up.

Despite all that, I liked the game.

Hoyoffi Says:
September 10, 2020 at 6:15 am

There is one very annoying bug when fighting final boss. When even a hand grab me, it supposed to restrain me but kill me instead. Not to mention the black strings that falls down during boss fight. Basically these 2 things that kill me instantly when it not supposed to.

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