Где находится штаб квартира noose в гта 5

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Возьмите под свое управление отряд NOoSE и выполните различные опасные миссии. Составьте план ваших действий и приведите ваш отряд к победе! Пока-что доступны 6 спецопераций (миссий), но в будущем планируется добавить больше.

Чтобы начать любую из этих миссий, езжайте к штаб-квартире NOoSE и нажмите E (или Клавишу взаимодействия, если вы переназначали клавиши управления). Далее следуйте инструкциям на экране. Чтобы изменить точки входа, используя мышку, нажмите на красный квадратик. Во время проведения спецоперации, вы можете управлять отрядом и отменить миссию, используя меню Командира Отряда, которое включается клавишей M, если вы используете контроллер, то нажмите на Back. (интерактивное меню)

1. Установите ScriptHookVDotNet.
2. Скачайте последннюю версию NativeUI. Версия 1.2 есть в архиве мода
3. [Опционально] Скачайте и установите мод Heist Map in Single Player, чтобы проходить миссии, которые будут на авианосце и яхте.
4. Переместите всё содержимое .zip- архива в папку scripts. Если таковой не имеется, создайте ее.

Список изменений
- 0.4
-- Добавлены кастомные миссии! Подробней смотрите в MakingYourOwnMission.txt (Теперь можно создать свою миссию).
-- Добавлена новая миссия: Biker's Hideout. Изменить ее вы можете с помощью текстового редактора.



Расположение штаба NOoSE на карте:



NOOSE (National Office of Security Enforcement) или НУП (Национальное Управление Правопорядка) — милитаризированная организация Либерти-Сити в Grand Theft Auto IV. Является смесью армии и SWAT.



NOOSE основывается на Министерстве Внутренней Безопасности США и делится на 2 подразделения: Патриотическое и иммиграционное ведомство Либерти-Сити, которое основывается на Погранично-таможенной службе США, и отряде тактического реагирования Либерти-Сити, который, в свою очередь, основывается на Отряде Аварийной Службы Департамента полиции Нью-Йорка.

Офицеры патриотического и иммиграционного ведомства начинают помогать полиции, когда ваш уровень розыска достигает 3-х Вооружение

It is located deep in the Palomino Highlands within the eastern coast of San Andreas. The headquarters is located east of the city of Los Santos and southeast of the Land Act Reservoir. It is accessible by an exit on Route 15 and its main entrance is located on Sustancia Road. The NOOSE headquarters are based on the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles.



The NOOSE headquarters consists of two levels of security checkpoints at the entrance leading to the main buildings. The facility is primarily composed of three buildings: Record Database Center Server Banks, Record Database Center Processing Zone A, and Record Database Center Processing Zone B. None of the three buildings are accessible.

The facility also has a large parking lot overlooking the highway and a delivery and storage area which contains several smaller buildings of unknown name or purpose. The facility is prominently guarded, including an initial gatehouse off on Sustancia Road and a second gatehouse closer to the main campus; however, in spite of all the guards, and security warnings, the player can still access and explore the area without a wanted level. Beyond guards, the area is populated by other individuals, most likely employees.

A Buzzard Attack Chopper always spawns on the roof, making NOOSE HQ a safe and reliable (if somewhat out of the way) source for air transportation.

The National Office of Security Enforcement (NOOSE) is a law enforcement agency in the Grand Theft Auto series, appearing in all of the HD Universe games.



The National Office of Security Enforcement is a federal law enforcement agency responsible for heavily armed emergency responses to any major crime. It plays a major role in Grand Theft Auto IV and its episodes, replacing the SWAT from the 3D Universe with many prominent appearances in missions. NOOSE is primarily based on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and police Special Weapons And Tactics units.

Following the renewal of the Jingoism Act by President Lawton in 2008, the size of NOOSE swelled to more than 30,000 agents as fears of foreign terror gripped the nation, with the vulnerability of Liberty City being a major facet of those fears. Following this, the presence of NOOSE Patriotism and Immigration Authority and Tactical Response Unit teams grew, with an emphasis on combating organised crime and the drug trade in addition to addressing homeland security concerns.

Grand Theft Auto IV

An early artwork showing a NOOSE Tactical Response Unit in action. Note they are using M16A1-style rifles.

The NOOSE is called upon to assist the police when the player has a wanted level of at least three stars or four stars in single-player and in any multiplayer mode (excluding Cops 'n' Crooks). There are two known branches:

  • The first one is the NOOSE Patriotism And Immigration Authority, seemingly responsible for keeping the city from illegal immigrants. No PIA personnel are present in the game, rather; LCPD and ASP drive PIA vehicles (only in single player). Their roles differ from LCPD officers and other agencies in that the vehicles used (the NOOSE Cruiser and NOOSE Patriot) are much better performing than their stock variants and are used to erect roadblocks. It is based on the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE).
  • The second one is the NOOSE Tactical Response Unit, providing heavily-armed police responses. Their agents are middle-aged Caucasian, African-American and Hispanic officers, equipped with Body Armor to withstand more gunfire before going down. TRU agents are the only units wearing specialized gear, consisting of a dark grey uniform with the ballistic armor, displaying "POLICE" on the front right and "N.O.O.S.E." on the back. Numerous protective accessories can be seen as well, being protective caps on their elbows and knees, along with layers on their arms displaying the NOOSE logo. NOOSE agents may be seen wearing different combinations of headgear (balaclava, gas mask, helmets, goggles on their faces or over the helmets), although they may sometimes appear with no headgear. Similarly to FIB agents, TRU officers are equipped with Body Armor, allowing them to withstand more gunfire before going down. The Tactical Response Unit is based on the DHS Special Response Team (SRT).

In Multiplayer, NOOSE is the main rival force during Hangman's NOOSE, in which players must escort Kenny Petrovic from the airport to Charge Island.

In The Lost and Damned's multiplayer game mode Witness Protection, a team of players play as NOOSE officers. They must escort a Prison Bus and its occupants to a few police stations in Liberty City while protecting them from The Lost MC. This game mode is the only mode in the series so far that allows players to play as NOOSE officers.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

NOOSE Tactical Response Unit officers are deployed when the player has a three-star wanted level. They chase the player in Enforcers driven by one agent each and engage the player with a Micro SMG.

NOOSE agents always wear blue tactical helmets and equipment with a black shirt.

Grand Theft Auto V

NOOSE returns in Grand Theft Auto V, although only as Tactical Response Unit agents (excluding the PIA markings on the Annihilator). They begin to assist the LSPD/LSSD when the player has a wanted level of three stars and above.

On the ground, NOOSE agents are dispatched at four stars driving FIB Grangers (in Los Santos) or Sheriff SUVs (in Blaine County), with two agents hanging off the side of the SUV and using their pistols to shoot the player. If the player barricades themselves in a building, or behind tight cover, the agents will begin to use Tear Gas to force them out. They will also use gas against the player on streets and in open spaces.

In the air, TRU agents will begin to appear in Police Maverick helicopters that will be sent after the player at three stars; they will shoot at the player using Carbine Rifles. At four stars, some helicopters may carry four TRU agents who will rappel down to the ground; alternatively, the helicopter may land and they will get out on the ground.

All TRU agents wear balaclavas, goggles and tactical helmets, along with blue and black uniforms in addition to their ballistic armor. No markings indicating their nature as NOOSE agents are visible; the only real indicator is elements of their dialogue, and protagonist dialogue in certain missions. They are usually African-American, Hispanic, or Caucasian.

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