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Обновлено: 07.07.2024

so I was progressing through the mod unlocking in order, then when I did the power to the left of Void it locked Void. So I thought okay maybe to unlock It I have to do all the rest but the end ones are still locked how do I unlock them?

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Basically make an ascension matrix, go through it and talk to the water guardian

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Also this mod is Garbo and glitchy and worthless. Your progress has a slight chance of just resetting entirely, so that’s awesome right? Perfect for a modpack that relies entirely on progression of this mod

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You need to build the transdimentional matrix (or something like that) use it to teleport to the lordcraft dimension and talk to the water guy twice. Once to get a quest and once to complete it.

Can i add that its really shitty to hide half of the modpack behind this wierd mod. I stopped my project ozone 3 playthrough because of it

This will be an in depth text tutorial of the mod Void Craft by Tamaized. The version I used in this tutorial is for Minecraft 1.12. And is Void Craft 0.26.10. There are confirmed reworks for Minecraft 1.13, but for previous versions of this mod, the information should not vary all too much.

You can cast rituals by clicking on the spells tab on the bottom of the mecum, selecting the spell, and then shift right clicking in the world with the Mecum, this will activate it, and then right clicking will cast the spell.

This will reduce the failure rate of Spells from 75% to 50%.

Details on what the abilities do will be lower down in the guide

Next one is tolerance, this wants you to go into your spell book, select the invoke infusion ability (this costs void crystal blocks), and give yourself max infusion in the overworld.

Next one, Total Control. Go up ontop of the Void (make sure to use a plenum potion) and find a city and hold astral essence. Spell failure rate will be at 0%

A very difficult task, will be to kill Xia, this will make you GAIN health instead of lose it from voidic infusion.

Infusion Control Abilities:

Empowerment - Your base damage will increase based on how much voidic infusion you have. [BaseDamage * 1 + (InfusionAmount/MaxInfusion)] To put some numbers there, default max is 6000, and tolerance increases this to 12000. Making each heart 600 infusion.

Tolerance - Your max infusion amount is doubled. Allows you to hold onto infusion for twice as long, or take twice as long to be infused.

Voidic Flight - By default you gain the ability to fly at 75% infusion, however, with voidic flight, this happens at 25% instead. Spikes grow sooner too, just visual.

Voidic Vigor - Your health increases based on infusion. You can still die, unless voidic anchor is active

These fruits can be eaten to grant voidic immunity to yourself. Making you immune to the health debuff from spending time in the void.

Liches drop Void Infused Cloth, the Liches are found very rarely in Swampland Biomes, I recommend you have a ranged weapon, and some sort of potion.

The Spectres drop Void Chains, which can be smelted into Molten Void Chain Parts.

These bones can be used to make multiple things.

Wither Skeleton skulls

Molten Void Chains

A Void infusion altar is crafted with an Inert Altar, and a Void Star.

Inert Altars are crafted like so:

Void Bricks made by combining either four void crystal blocks (into one brick), or breaking a fortress.

This will create power, when provided with Liquid Void. In order to get liquid void, either search for it from inside the void, or create a crystal in a bucket, with a void crystal and a bucket, and then smelt it.

This Macerator will make one ore provide four materials, and provide you with void infused dust.

None - Default Voidic Immunity

Gold - Absorbtion and Resistance

Emerald - Jump Boost

Diamond - Health boost.

Provide the table with power, and throw the 6 fruit in here. This will make a potion of Plenum. Which grants void damage immunity for 2.5 minutes.

Use this potion to travel on top of the void, and locate a Void City. These look just like end Cities. These Cities provide you with some useful loot. They also have Ethereal Guardians on them, which drop Vooidic Phlogiston - Useful for starforged crafting. You can summon a Voidic Dragon. Right click a Dragon egg with a Void Star. This Dragon has no special mechanics, he just hsve 50 more health, and deals an extra 5 (2.5 hearts) damage. He also drops Voidic Dragons scales.

This area is split into three encounters, Dol and Zol, The Avatar of Herobrine, and Xia himself

They will not attack you, assuming you get the answers right.

The path on the right has an Avatar Of Herobrine

In order to fight him in stage one, you must make him destroy the pillars. Each pillar requires him to hit it three times, and each one will reduce his health by 20. He must destroy five of them.

Once this is done, he goes onto the ground, here you must make him walk through the 5 pillars, I recommend a speed effect.

Once in stage 3, he will be in the center of the room, in the air. The Avatar will have some attack patterns.

Do this multiple times, and eventually he will be defeated.

I recommend a jump boost ethereal fruit, in order to play around the holes in reality.

Phase one will just be you hitting him, as he teleports around. Just run to him and smack him around.

Phase 2, he constantly flies at you, and you must hit him, be careful not to be knocked into the holes. If he hits you, you will be burned and afflicted with blindness.

You can cheese this pretty easily by running to the entrance, he will not teleport near the entrance, meaning that he will only come from in front of you, making hitting him a fairly trivial task.

Every time you damage him, he will teleport away during this phase.

Once you complete this stage, he will teleport back to his chair. You have two options of damaging him, ranged, or melee.

For melee, you just run back to the chair and smack him, however this can prove to be dangerous, as Xia will explode and deal damage upon taking damage, this will deal the most damage to him the quickest.

For ranged, just stand back and smack him.

However, he will shoot lightning at you, fire projectiles, and put ice spikes at your feet, the ice spikes just need to be ran away from.

Once you complete this phase, his armor will drop, you need to put this on to fly out of the arena, go forward towards the lightning strikes.

Xia will be floating in air, you can smack him, and he will explode just like the last phase. Or you can shoot him down. Once you do this, he will move onto the next subphase, where he puts up his shield, in order to break it, you must collect the voidic essence he drops over time.

The Voidic Essence will drop into the void fairly quickly, make sure to grab it quickly, I recommend F3+B to show hitboxes. You can also stand right on top of him and it will basically guarantee it goes into your inventory.

Once you have an essence right click with it.

You need to collect 3 of these, and his shield will go down, for one hit. Repeat this process.

Dol, Zol, Witherbrine, and an Ender Dragon.

The ender dragon behaves like a normal ender dragon, this can be killed with ease.

Dol and Zol just chase you, they need to be killed, and both need to be downed at around the same time. Once you bring one of their health pools to 0, they will start a regeneration phase. You need to bring them both into this phase.

Once both Dol and Zol are in their healing phase, Xia is vulnerable. You can smack him as much as you want, and deal as much damage as possible. There is no risk for going into melee range.

This Quori fragment can be used to make Starforged tools, they are well worth it. They are created in the star forge (the structure right in front of you) I recommend you make a sword as the first item.

These tools can be forged 3 times, applying different effects. The cost is in parenthesis.

They are as follows:

Binding fear - Targets are dealt with 10 seconds of Blindness each time they are hit. (4 Cosmic Material, 4 Astral Essence, 4 Voidic Phlogiston)

First Degree Burns - Targets set on fire for 30 seconds (8 Cosmic Material, 8 Voidic Phlogiston)

Second Degree Burns - Targets are inflicted with 10 seconds of Slowness 5. (16 Cosmic Material, 16 Voidic Phlogiston)

Mortal Fear - Targets have a 20 percent chance of having their current health be cut in half. (32 Cosmic Material, 1 Quori Fragment, 16 Astral Essence, 16 Voidic Dragon Scales)

Crippling Void - Targets have a 20 percent chance of having their Voidic Infusion to be set near maximum. (32 Cosmic Material, 1 Quori Fragment, 8 AStral Essence, 24 VOidic Dragon Scales)

Vorpal - Upon striking an enemy, there is a 5 percent chance to behead them, resulting in them being instant killed, and droppping their head. Only applies to mobs that can drop heads, players included. (32 Cosmic Material, 1 Quori Fragment, 32 Astral Essence)

Haste - Increases the speed at which a tool can mine, the specific value amount is 5. (8 Cosmic Material, 8 Astral Essence)

Silk Touch - Adds Silk Touch to the tool. (16 Cosmic Material, 8 Astral Essence, 4 Voidic Phlogiston, 4 Voidic Dragon Scales)

Fortune - Adds Fortune 5 to the tool. (16 Cosmic Material, 8 Astral Essence, 8 Voidic Dragon Scales)

3x3 Mining - The tool will mine in a 3x3 area. (32 Cosmic Material, 1 Quori Fragment, 16 Astral Essence, 8 Voidic Phlogiston, 8 Voidic Dragon Scales)

Once you are done with this, you must jump into the void, this should bring you back to your spawn point.

VoidCraft [1.12.2] [1.11.2] [1.10.2]

VoidCraft - мод на загадочное пустое измерение.

Это довольно крупный мод который добавляет мир пустоты(вакуума) в мир игры, теперь в данный мир можно построить портал, при помощи артефактов собрать и создать оружие и броню, сразиться с опасными мобами.

Мод весьма интересен и необычен, как попасть в новое измерение?
Найдите в мире новую руду и накопайте достаточно Void Cristal.
Создайте специальные обсидиановые бутылки, прокопайте до коренной породы и нажмите пустой бутылкой, вы наполните бутылочки пустотой.
Соберите из Void Crustal блоки и из блоков сможете собрать портал, киньте бутылочку в портал, он заработает.

VoidCraft [1.12.2] [1.11.2] [1.10.2]

VoidCraft [1.12.2] [1.11.2] [1.10.2]

VoidCraft [1.12.2] [1.11.2] [1.10.2]

Вы сможете создать специальную книгу, в ней описаны все блоки мода, где их взять и зачем они нужны.

VoidCraft [1.12.2] [1.11.2] [1.10.2]

В целом, мод очень загадочный, в Void мире работают другие правила, выпасть из мира можно поднявшись слишком высоко.
Жидкости могут течь наверх, наносить вам урон, либо телепортировать вас в ад.
При помощи новых машин вы сможете собирать интересное оружие и броню.
По сути это индустриальный мод, ведь вы можете извлекать энергию из пустого мира, а потом при помощи данной энергии заряжать различные устройства и машины.

Этот мод - попытка автора пофантазировать на тему что же скрывается в пустоте, находящейся снаружи игрового мира. В игре появится новое измерение с враждебной средой, в которой могут выжить только могущественные духи.

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