Гайд элдария 16 эпизод

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Total Maana: around 3000
Outfit: Black Wave, 6 pieces: Bag, top, shoes, shorts, bracelets, hood
Companions: None
Required Items: None
Received Items: None
Illustrations: 3; 3 replays needed
Exploration areas unlocked: Emerald Lake, Torii of Memories
Companions unlocked: O’orulay (epic, exploration)

Illustrations - episode 15

Ep 15 - Ezarel

Ep 15 - Valkyon

Ep 15 - Nevra

How to unlock the illustrations

They will unlock automatically for this episode.

Episode Videos: [NA]

NOTE: During the replays of this episode you will be able to change the boy that made the potion with you.

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

⊗ Locations marked with ⊗ are not guaranteed but highly probable


Were you happy that it was him that worked with you in that challenge?

Objective: You know it, Karenn is Miss-I-Know-Everything of H.Q. She surely knows who got hurt, go ask her!

At the [Fountain Park] or the cherry tree you will find Floppy


  • (La laisser faire.) (0)
  • (Refuser de la prendre avec soi.) (0)

When you meet Ewelein on the way, she will drop some medical supplies.

Objective: Ewelein dropped some medical materials. Go give them to her!


Objective: Follow Miiko in direction of the Crystal Room, she wants to talk to you.





  • What about, exactly? Because you have several things to choose from! ( -5 )
  • What do you mean? (0)




Objective: Lead the investigation on the attack on Enthraa.

Once the meeting is over, go to your room to pick up your note pad. Then go to Ewelein, at the infirmary, to complete the objective:

Objective: Go see Ewelein and take some packets or other containers for your clues

She will send you to the [Alchemy Lab]. After collecting the containers, go to the [Prison].




  • Nice! So you can dream about me giving you one in the future! ( -5 )
  • Fortuna clover? (0) (Dialogue 3)



  • Good decisions this time, I hope. (0)
  • What sort of decisions? (0)


At the beach, pick up the clues:

Indizio 1

Indizio 2

A monologue will follow:

Go to the [Centenary Cherry Tree], on this phase you can still meet the people listed above.

You have to talk to :

  • Ezarel
  • Nevra
  • Valkyon

in order to continue.

Go to the [Hall of Doors], Enthraa woke up. Talk to her at the [Infirmary]

Objective: With everything that you know now, go back to see Miiko


This answers affects only your thoughts, later on.

Listen in until Jamon interrupts you. You will be moved to Hall of Doors, where your stomach will growl loudly.

Objective: Rest up a bit then go to the dining hall to eat.

Go to the dining hall and talk to Karuto. Bring your meal to the park.

Go to the [Fountain Park]

Go back to your room, the morning after you will decide to look for someone to teach you self-defense.

Objective: Try to find someone who can teach you how to defend yourself.

Go to the Library ⊗ to ask Ykhar and Kero for advice; they will suggest you to go to Cameria, she is in the dining hall ⊗


Hmm, and why do you want to be able to fight?

  • To be able to defend myself, no matter what the circumstance is. (0)
  • Because I want to be able to handle the things that could hurt me, myself. ( +5 )
  • Because I want to become stronger and more independent. ( +10 )

Go to the beach, after this dialogue:


You will have a QTE. The choice:

is to get an explanation on QTE (first option).


Objective: Go to the beach to capture the creature!


Stay close to me and take action when we tell you to!

A QTE will follow:


Objective: QUICKLY go to the H.Q. before the creature awakens!

When you get to [Hall of Doors] you will be sent to [Crystal Room]

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room. Come on, go, go, go!

Miiko will ask you to find Alajéa.

Look for Alajéa, I went toward the [Fountain Park] and got lucky XD

You might meet Karenn or have these dialogues during your search or just after finding her:



So congratulations. Good job.

Gardienne ? Tu pourrais dire merci, je te fais un compliment là.

  • En général, quand on fait un compliment, c’est de bon cœur. Non pas pour attendre un remerciement en retour. ( -5 )
  • C’est quoi l’entourloupe ? Tu n’es jamais aussi « gentil ». (0)
  • Je ne cède jamais aux caprices des enfants, donc tu peux dire adieu à ton merci ♥ ( +5 )


  • (Go right) (Dialogue 2) (0)
  • (Go left) (0)
  • (Go right) (0)
  • (Go left) (0)


Ho detto qualcosa di male?

  • Detto, no. Fatto, sì. (0)
  • Tu te paies ma tête, là ? Tu as déjà oublié ce que vous m’avez fait subir? ( -5 )


Objective: Bring Alajea to Miiko so she can give her opinion. Fingers crossed that the captured mermaid is in good health.

Go to the [Crystal Room] then to the [Prison]

Obiettivo: Follow Miiko to the prison.

Alajea will have a break down, follow her outside the prison.

You could meet Cryllin and Chrome outside the HQ. I found Alajea at the [Fountain Park]


Objective: Alajéa has something important to tell you. Bring her to your room.

Go to your room. Talking to Alajea will start a flashback and the POV will move to hers.

Objective: Go back with the others.

There is only one possible route, just follow it 🙂


Once done go to the dining all for:

Objective: After all these emotions, a bit of relaxation! Go get some goodies from the dining hall.

Get your sweets and go back to your room:

Objective: Go back to your room to indulge in those goodies.


  • This guy must really like you! Go for it! (0)
  • If he stayed that must be because he likes you. (0)

Objective: Go to the crystal room to talk to your brother.



Gardienne, are you with us?


On the way you can find:



Steal the notes Make a diversion

If you have to steal the notes go to [Hall of Doors]

Once there, go to the infirmary, you have to get this:

If you have to make a diversion go to the infirmary and take Ewelein to your room.

Then go find Karenn: go to the infirmary again then back to your room, she is there.

Both scenarios lead to your room.


After talking to your accomplices go to the Alchemy shop and buy 2 Moogliz Milk.

You will decide who gets the honor with a rock-paper-scissor match. It should be randomly determined.

If you win If you lose Alajea will take Ezarel away. You will have to help Karenn. Pick up the lavender and the sand:

If you lose, you will have to take Ezarel away. Go to the village and back. You will have this conversation with him:

Je ne doute pas que tu deviendras un des piliers de cette garde.

Objective: Last mission: Convince Karuto to let you help him in the Kitchen. Good luck.

Go to the kitchen, past the dining hall.

by just exiting the kitchen.

Objective: Go back to the kitchen, quickly.

Objective: Your mission is now over. Go find Alajea and wait several hours for the last part of your plan.

Go to your room. You will get the outfit Black wave for free:


Objective: Go around the H.Q. to make sure no one is lurking around.

Go to the Cherry tree and back, it should be enough to unlock the 2 monologues. Go in front to the Crystal Hall, Valkyon is there.

Ashkore will knock him out with a frying pan.

Yes, you read that right.

Go back to [Hall of Doors].

Objective: Free Colaia from the prison.

Go to the [Prison], you will have to drug Colaia too.

Objective: Bring Colaia to the beach so she can be free.

Go toward the [Isolated Beach], you will spend all the night moving the mermaid.


Can you help me carry her to the water?

The Guard members will catch up to you.

Objective: Reassure Alajea as much as you can.


Objective: After so many emotions, go back to H.Q.

Go to the [Hall of Doors].


Objective: You deserve a bit of rest! Go to your room!

Objective: Quick! Go to the crystal Room!

Objective: Go out because Miiko has nothing to say to you.

A time-skip will follow.


  • Feng Zifu, is that you? (0)
  • Zif, is that you? (0)
  • Huang Hua?! (0)

Go to the Crystal Room, the dialogue that follows will conclude the episode.

Illustrations - Episode 16

Ep 16

How to unlock the illustration

The illustration depends on this choice only:

  • Je ne peux pas abandonner, je ne suis pas allée aussi loin pour faire demi-tour! (ILLUSTRATION)

Episode Videos: [Not yet available]

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

⊗ Locations marked with ⊗ are not guaranteed but highly probable

(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases

After a recap that you can either read or skip, the episode will start where the previous one left off.


During the meeting you will be able to pick who you want to talk to, Ykhar or Kero.



Objective: A big responsibility weighs upon your shoulders. Think of a solution to suggest to Miiko. Go back to your room.

You will also have to talk to Purral, whose mission you ditched to follow Zifu.


  • Is there anything I can do to deserve your forgiveness? (0) Dialogue 2
  • (Be as disappointed as you like, honeybunch, this mission is way more important than your little project.) ( -10 )
  • (I pretended to be sad to sweeten him up a little.) Are you going to be mad at me for long (0) Dialogue 2
  • See you later, pretty ginger ♥ (0)
  • See you later, Purral! (0)

Objective: Go back to your room.

On the way you should find:


  • Au fait, ça se passe mieux avec Chrome? (0)
  • (Ne rien dire au sujet de Chrome.) (0)

ObJective: Ask Huang Hua for advice

On the way you might meet several characters:

Elewein (Usually in the Hall of Doors):

Chrome (Usually in the alchemy lab or at the market):

I think meeting Kero and Ykhar is necessary to proceed; you then have to have another dialogue with Ykhar before you can find Huang Hua.


You will get the sub-objective:

Ignore it for now, you will complete it at a later time.

Objective: Follow Huang Hua to the library.

She will offer to dine with you:

Obijective: Follow Huang Hua to the dining Hall.

After a meal and some brainstorming you will have a chance to apologize to Karuto once again.


  • (Offer to do the dishes, as a peace gesture) ( -5 )
  • (Say goodbye, and apologize once again) ( +5 )
  • (Just leave) (0)

Objective: Go back to your room.

  • (Go to eat)
  • (Wait a bit)
If you don't eat If you decide to eat

If you decide to talk to him:


  • (Thank Karuto by giving him a kiss) ( +10 )
  • (Warmly thank Karuto) ( +5 )

You will then meet the boy who prepared the potion with you, and have the following dialogue.

If you decide to eat first you will go to the dining room then to the infirmary.

In the hall of doors you will meet the boy who prepared the potion with you and have the dialogue below.


  • Je sais, je n’y ai pas pensé quand je me suis levée… ( +5 )
  • Je sais, mais j’avais faim… ( -5 )
  • Je sais, j’avais oublié. (0)

Objective: Come back later

The dialogue with the potion guy:

Ezarel Nevra Valkyon


(He really does not look good.)



  • (Lui parler plus longuement du problème.)(0) Dialogue 2
  • (Ne pas lui parler de mes recherches.)(0)

Go back to the infirmary, then

Objective: Go back to your room to work.

As per objective,

Infirmary, round 345. You will have to draw, pick among:

The only difference will be the final result (and some comments about it):



Objective: A step in the right direction was taken, keep researching.

Go out you will find Huang Hua in the hall of doors.

  • Talk to Keroshane about Balenvia.
  • Talk to Ykhar about Balenvia.
  • Talk to the guys about Balenvia.

Look for Kero in the library, it has the best chance. You can also talk to him about what you overheard.

At the library (or the village) you might meet Ykhar.

Objective: Go back to your room to put the pieces together.

Objective: Get out of here!

Objective: Enjoy the free time!

Go to the Central Pavillon, a time skip will follow.

Objective: Go to your room.

Objective: Follow Alajea

Objective: Go to the great door.

You will be able to have extra dialogues with the person you pick and raise your LOM with them.

Ezarel Huang Hua Nevra Valkyon


  • (Hang on tight to the saddle.) (0)
  • (Hang on tight to Ezarel.) ( +10 ) Dialogue 2
  • (Press myself closer to him.) ( +5 ) (Dialogue 3)
  • (Pull his hand off, and grab onto his jacket again.) (0)
  • (Chatouiller Huang Hua.) ( +5 )
  • (Ne pas chatouiller Huang Hua.) (0)








  • (Je suis restée face à lui.) ( +5 )
  • (Je suis restée derrière lui.) (Dialogue 3)

The list of people joining you for this mission

  1. Cameria
  2. Chrome
  3. Ewelein
  4. Ezarel
  5. Hestia
  6. Huang Hua
  7. Karenn
  1. Karuto
  2. Layi
  3. Lazare
  4. Leiftan
  5. Martz
  6. Nevra
  7. Sonze
  8. Valarian
  9. Valkyon

Objective: Go to the heart of the forest to reach Belenvia.

You will have to reach the (former) Twisted Tree Plain. Here is the path:

Edge of the forest > Hallow Tree > Deep Forest > Rocky Path > Elder’s Passage > Heather Den > Rigid Grove > Group of Birches > Natural Thicket > Twisted Tree Plain

After listening to an argument, go to sleep in your tent.

There are 3 locations open at this time, ignore the infirmary and the road to the caves.

During the night, Ewelein will wake you up


The morning after you will receive the gas mask. Go to the caves.

Objective: Go to the caves.

Objective: Look for an entrance.

Go to the caves; you will decide to look for the Myconides nest with one of the boys.

Objective: Find the Myconides nest to sign the intervention contract.

Элдария Арт | Eldarya Art

•Интересно, подействует ли на него яд Миконидов.
•Нет, я не могу подвергнуть риск ни в чём не виновное существо. ±0

После Гг вспоминает, что не выполнила задание Яррофея. (Нас переносит на рынок)
Там рыжий кот высказывает своё недовольство по поводу безответственности героини.
Отмазываемся тем, что Мико нам дала только 72 часа на решение конфликта и просим прощения.

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. /Попроси помощь у Хуан Хуа в своём плане./
Идём на её поиски, перед этим встречая этих ребят:
•Хром (лаборатория; аллея с арками)
•Керо и Икар (убежище; беседка)
•Алажея (фонтан)
•Икар (беседка)
•Хуан Хуа (муз. сад; фонтан)

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. / При возможности найди Керо и поговори с ним. Ты не хочешь, чтобы он покидал Гвардию./
=> (Задание выполняется не сразу)
Пока мы пытались найти Хуан Хуа, мы узнали о том, что Керошан хочет покинуть Гвардию из-за заварушкой с зельем памяти. Из-за этого расстроилась Икар и мы обещаем ей попытаться отговорить Керо.

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. /Идём с Хуан Хуа в библиотеку./
Продолжаем просить её о помощи, в чём она нам не отказывает.

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. / Идём с Хуан Хуа в столовую./
Там они обсуждают составленный героиней план по перемирию.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. /Вернись в свою комнату./
Чапаем в свою комнату, где Гг немного размышляет над своим планом и ложиться спать.
На утро будет маленький выбор:
•(Пойти хавать)
•(Пойти в мед. пункт)
=>(На лом не влияет, но лучше не раздражать Эвелейн и пойти сразу к ней.)

ЗАДАНИЕ 8. / Иди в мед.пункт./
По дороге никого не встречаем. Там нас обследую, берут кровь и выпроваживают.

Тут есть возможность встретить Камерию и пойти с ней на тренировку, на пляж. Будет интерактивная игра ( как при сражении с Ивони). При таком раскладе следующее задание пропускается.

ЗАДАНИЕ 9. / Ты голодна, иди есть./
Увидев в столовой аппетитное блюдо, вместо непонятной массы, вы приятно удивились. Нужно поблагодарить повара за его старания.
•(Сразу вернуться к Эвелейн)
•(Ещё раз поблагодарить Каруто)
=>Если выбрать второе:
•(Поблагодарить, поцеловав его) +10
•(Тепло поблагодарить Каруто) +5

ЗАДАНИЕ 10. /Возвращаемся к Эвелейн за результатами./
По дороге вы встретите фава в холле с дверьми(если не выбран, то рандомно). Заходим в лазарет, нам говорят, что у нас всё норм, но желательно будет немного поменять свой рацион.

ЗАДАНИЕ 11. /Возвращайся в комнату, чтобы продолжить работать./
Опять возвращаемся в свою конуру, продолжая тянуть эпизод. Зациклившись на мысли о способе пройти в пещеру и героиню осеняет.

ЗАДАНИЕ 12. /У тебя хороший план, поговори с Эвелейн./
Она всё-ещё в лазарете, как не странно. Доносим до неё свою мыслю по поводу респиратора и она её оценивает, предлагая нам самим составить дизайн маски.

ЗАДАНИЕ 13. /Продолжай исследования./
Уходим из лазарета, встречая в холле с дверьми Хуан Хуа, рассказываем ей о своей идее с маской и ей нравится эта идея.

1. /Поговорить с парнями о задании в Баленвии/ (лаборатория)

2. /Поговорить с Икар о Баленвии/

3. /Поговорить с Керо о задании в Баленвии/
Во время разговора пытаемся отговорить Керо от ухода из гвардии, но он игнорирует эти слова.


Злость подобна зелью, проникающему в душу. Она отравляет ее, оставляя неизгладимые следы. Настало время взять судьбу в свои руки и начать новую главу своей жизни.

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