Furry beach club прохождение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Hi, my name is John and I just came here to ask for you a thing: I already have an account in the game and I need to be honest that i'm liking very much! But, unfortunately i'm stuck in progress of the gameplay, because the game is not respawning new coins in the environment. If passed a lot of weeks, reaching in months, and the coins are not respawn. If your team can help me, I will be greatly appreciated and I will be thankful!

I will be waiting for your answer!

Much success in your life and good luck in the development of the game, if you want help in the artworks or something like that I will stay always the disposition!


PrOn Artist 5 years ago


Traditional Artist 5 years ago

Hi, it's me again! Thank you very much, the coins have returned and I already collected them.
(FBC, just for help you, your team need to replace this coins in a time of week to week, like your team propose, because this problem was during a couple of months, ok? I hope you understand and again thank you!)

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Over the last two years we have spawned coins for those who would like to play the game at a slower pace instead of purchasing coins.
Based on the feedback some of you provided us we have been working behind the scenes to offer a easier way to provide new content
without all the hassle of visiting the game without any suitable reward over and over again.

Starting July we will be adding more free to date characters, which will not require coins. With this we will be discontinuing respawnable
coins starting the 1st of August. If you are still exploring the games to unlock that one special character you've been saving for, make
sure to get the needed amount of coins before the respawnable coins are discontinued.



3 years ago So you make free-to-date characters and pay-to-date characters? So there wont be an free option to get to those characters anymore at all?


PrOn Artist 3 years ago

Yes that's correct. Instead we will start creating coin free characters for everyone to enjoy. The first one has already gone in production last month.

While i can't spoil much yet i can say that i'm certain she might become a new favorite for those who like different types of foxes :)


3 years ago

Good. Thank you for taking your time to clearing this up, though I still have some questions regarding the game as a whole, as well as how it is monetized.

So you feel implementing a paywall to certain content is more beneficial to the player in contrast to the slow, time consuming grind that was the spawning of random coins? I mean, you swap the battle for the players patience to the battle for the players curiosity, which I understand from a business perspective, but I wonder if you see it as a consumer beneficial change.

Also, do you plan on improving the visual production of the game? I know it's a matter of opinions and taste, they are always subjective of course, but do you feel the quality of visuals in your game, that people have to pay for, is on par or better what people offer for free? The free dating furry sim Amorous comes to mind, which, at least from my perspective, is better in production quality, but it also free and instead crowd funded. I'm asking this, because I haven't spend money your game myself (yet), but that's not because I'm unwilling to support free-to-play games/independed developers or crowdfunded projects, but because I haven't seen anything (again, in my subjective opinion) that I wouldn't get by free animations on FA or similiar sites. But I would be willing to support it, in principal.

Thank you for your time.


PrOn Artist 3 years ago

The main reason behind the free character updates has just been that having to check back at the game every single day kind of ruins the game play for many. That's why, while we have the resources we'd rather give them to those that enjoy the game by making these free character updates.

The main difference between free characters and paid ones is mostly the amount of mood sprites and dialogue tree length. Paid characters have more dialogue and visuals compared to the free ones. Carla is a good example of this looking at her dialogue length.

As mentioned as reply on your other post, we will surely visit back towards improving our graphics. The entry animation and Kim are the first on the list but trust me it doesn't end there. We will post about changes as we we go.

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