Evony возвращение короля гайды

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The most recommended generals are listed in a separate article.
List of Best Generals

Assumption :

Legend :

Examples of Paid Pack :

Other Notes

Ranged General

Mounted General

Ground General

Siege General


NapoleonSiege (Slightly)60M

El CidCav, Ground (Slightly)60M

Prince RhaegarCav (Slightly)50M
King ArthurMarch Size28.5Mx

Robert LeeDeath to Wounds28Mx


Monster Hunter

Defense General (PvP)

Defense General (Production)

Resource Gathering

Subordinate City Mayor (Debuff)

Subordinate City Mayor (Production)

Charles the GreatGold production30Mx

LincolnGold production30Mx

(formerly known as
Gold production30Mx

Tokugawa IeyasuGold production28.5Mx

King SejongGold production27Mx

Charles MartelConstruction, Training30Mx

Empress WuConstruction27Mx

Catherine IITraining27Mx

Duty Officer

  • Warehouse
  • Embassy
  • Holy Palace
  • Market
  • Forge
  • Research Factory

Related Article


Demon at Tavern 3 weeks ago

What I am sure is the update of relic really convinced most of ppl not to pay those general anymore right?

I think this was a good update to revitalize the game. If users have to pay heavily to get good generals, I think users will keep leaving.
Hannibal and Roland were a surprise, but since Simeon the ranged and Scipio the ground still require a fee, I guess TOP games decided that it is not a big problem for the revenue of the operation.
If the revenue goes down, we may see even more powerful mounted generals.😅

Elektra has never been available in the tavern before. It has recently become available in relics, so it probably will not continue to be available in the tavern.

As for cultivation, the difference between 499 and 500 has almost no impact on the game. See below for more details.
General Cultivate Guide

When you have accumulated 25 pieces, you can use them in the relics list screen.
After that, a block will appear, and you can use the hammer there.

I think Zhuhe Liang went from a purple general to a golden general in an update a long time ago, but does anyone remember what his skills were when he was purple?
Also, if anyone owned Zhuge Liang before the update, did he get upgraded from purple to gold?
I regret not adopting Zhuge Liang when he appeared in the tavern when he was purple.

Gold production 75%

You guys are amazing!
I feel so much better!
Thank you so much!

Bishop with Dragon 1 month ago

Dear author, thanks for your efforts! I have a doubt here, I purchased two level 5 paid packages in the autumn activity and I just got James Bowie and Shajar. After checking your table I figure out both of them should be acquired from Chest or Art right? Why I cannot get those generals for paid pack only? Is the table here has some incorrect info? Sorry to ask, but this is important to me as I do not want to waste my money on two low tier generals. Thanks in advance!!

This is a rudimentary question, but where is the tavern?

It is located in front of the keep.

Hello, between Caesar and Aethelflaed, which one is better? Should I choose or settle with either one I could get?

Caesar is better if you want to focus on attack, but in that case I would not recommend either of them in the first place.
For more information, please refer to the guide we created.
Best of Boss General / Monster Hunter

Thank you for all your help.
Do the debuff generals on your list work on defense as well?

Thank you for your reply ❗ Helpful ❗

Can I use Cleopatra as my main gernal forever or i have to look for another

For the main general, I recommend that you recruit a different golden historical general. The reasons are explained in the following article.
Differences in the rarity (color) of generals

However, Cleopatra can be used as a sub-general for double item drops for a long time, until you recruit 4-5 Baibars.

jean pierre HUAMAN 3 months ago

Hi, What do you think about Isabel and what skills i can put her?

Hallo sorry, want to ask regarding general how to get, according the check list Shp should be the general from Shop Packages or Battlefied Shop. But why i got Lincoln from battlefield shop, which this is available from Traven ?? and in your list, Lincoln is not from Shp. thanks

In the Battlefield Shop, you can buy the item “Epic Historic General”, and from this item you may get generals that you can not buy in the tavern, as well as generals that you can buy in the tavern.

I also got Minamoto no Yoshitsune and Prince Rhaegar yesterday from what I got from the billing package.😅

Hi, thanks alot for your reply. well im very disappointed to get linclon, which not worth anything for me. i sold it at the same time. i dont understand why those attack general are very very difficult to get. or maybe im keep get the bad luck on the purchase. i bough 3-4 times 99USD package, what i got also very disappointed. i got Yi Sun Sin, which i had already tran and josep. again i got toyotomi hideyoshi, this is also a joke, i can only use him as duty office when im reach k35. again so hard wanted for alfred, siemon, hanibal, or zachary, so i bought again 99 pack today, again so much a waste, got joseph e jonsthon in pay package. which i had him already free from general chest. so i sold him for gold directly. this is so frustrated.. i think i will not buy anymore such packages. same like lv.4 skill books, evony always give monster skills, gathering skills, troop load skills lv.4. i feel all these purchase are only bunch of waste, unless you buy premium 5x pacakages packs, which the name of general is mentioned. My question, do you think alfred, simeon, zachary, scipo will appear in King Scheme /Memento pack ? thanks

Red Equipment Combination List (Which Should You Make?) 10/8 updated

10 months ago

Best of Ground PvP General (10/7 update)

8 months ago

List of Best Generals (10/7 update)

1 year ago

Best of Defense General (Wall) (10/7 updated)

9 months ago

2 weeks ago

Best of Mounted PvP General (9/23 Update)

8 months ago

List of Generals by Role (+ How to Get) (10/7 update)

12 months ago

Best of Ranged PvP General (9/13 updated)

10 months ago

Best of Boss General / Monster Hunter

2 months ago

How to get Resources Efficiently (Items, Gathering, Production)

2 months ago

Best of Siege PvP General (9/13 update)

4 months ago

Keep Upgrade Requirements (

9 months ago

9 months ago

Red Equipment Comparison (Dragon, Ares, Achaemenidae, Plantagenet)

11 months ago

9 months ago

Battle Mechanics (Monster, Boss)

11 months ago

How to get Scroll (10/8 update)

1 year ago

How Many Troops need to Defeat Boss?

11 months ago

Boss / Monster Power List (8/29 update)

12 months ago

Duty Officer Guide

1 month ago

Evony: The King's Return Guide Wiki
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General List
General Growth
Skill Guide
Equipment Guide
Military Buildup
Subordinate City Guide
Monster Hunt Guide
PvP & Server Wars Guide
Building guide
How to Save Money when you pay
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Beginner's Guide

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Вряд ли вы встретите бота в Evony, но они там есть. Обычно люди ставят ботов на выполнение обычных задач по сбору ресурсов или любых задач, требующих повторения. Поэтому, если вас атакуют, вероятно, это настоящий игрок.


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How to raise the star level, requirements, benefits and common misconceptions.

Raising the star level by one level will increase the stats significantly more than if you raise the level by one. (About 50-70)


This will raise your star level by one.

Requirements for Enhance

The following is required

  • Gold
  • Medals
  • Level of generals

The amount of cost varies depending on the rarity of the general.

Example: For Golden Historic General

How to earn efficiently

Common Misconceptions

For example, the

  • If you add one star at general level 5 and then raise to level 10.
  • If a general reaches level 10 and then adds one star.

So I tested it with two of the same generals.

  • The first, at level 26, then 5 stars.
  • The second, at level 22, had 5 stars, then leveled to 26.

First: at level 26, then 5 stars.

First: at level 26, then 5 stars.

*The green and yellow numbers are due to cultivate, so you can ignore them.

Second: at level 22, had 5 stars, then leveled to 26

Second: at level 22, had 5 stars, then leveled to 26

Then the stats values were the same in both cases.



Nếu tôi sử dụng li jing ở 1 phụ . Kĩ năng tấn công 35% của anh ta có được tính vào buff cho toàn bộ quân đội không ? Hay chỉ tính cho quân đội trong phụ đó ?

> If I use li jing at 1 sub. Does his 35% attack skill count towards the buff for the entire army? Or only for the troops in that sub?

Hi, I am just starting with the gane and I am trying to learn from different sources and I have to say your content is great. Thank you for sharing! I have read as much as possible about generals amd I have a doubt about two particular generals. I do not have any gold general and my best generals are Cleopatra and Constance, both historic purple. I am using Cleopatra for monsters and bosses (+20% double drop) and Constance for gathering (+20% gathering resources, +20% troop load)

Can their built in skills be replaced when adding a new skill or are they permanent?

Can you confirm the historic purple generals can master 4 skills?

Up to what point would you levels up, enhance and cultivate them?

The skills they originally have cannot be replaced.

Purple historical generals can have 4 skills, but it is not recommended to give them high level skills. Skill books are valuable, and purple generals will not be of much use in the future.

I think all generals are the same for leveling up, enhancing, and cultivating. (Lv35, 5 Star, Cultivate 500)

Hi, I am wanting to get the best debuffs out of my sub generals for when I attack and/or when I am defending an attack. Can you tell me what I need to do with my sub generals to get them to be effective. I have Baldwin, Himiko, Dowager, Andrew Jackson, Suleiman, Cnut, Arminus. I am wondering what skill books to use, and whether they need to have stars. Any help will be muich appreciated. Thanks

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