Eden rpg warcraft 3 гайд

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Last edited by devoltz on June 5th, 2017, 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: June 2nd, 2017, 4:56 pm

thx man - ill test it right away

From this bos in the picture it drops an item from that item it also have a chance to drop another item --- and is not 100 %
(after you beat the boss that item looks like a cristal that flows it will be near your BAG)

Posted: June 3rd, 2017, 9:37 pm Is it possible to make the drops 100%? I really wish there was a 100% because the drop chance is sickening. Posted: June 4th, 2017, 8:25 pm snowmaster20 wrote: Is it possible to make the drops 100%? I really wish there was a 100% because the drop chance is sickening. Posted: June 5th, 2017, 12:48 am MihayX wrote:

thx man - ill test it right away

From this bos in the picture it drops an item from that item it also have a chance to drop another item --- and is not 100 %
(after you beat the boss that item looks like a cristal that flows it will be near your BAG)

I took a look in this specific boss and he only drops one item "I072" or "Spirit of the Treant"
And i made a simple test

He really only drop this

But there was some bosses without 100% drop so i edited the map again

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Hello there everyone!
Looking for somebody to help me(willingly), if you have a chance or some free time on your hands.
I just found out a map name "Eden2.2JTest2" and played it once.
There should be an anti-SP in the war3map.j but I can save even when I played alone.
So the main topic of this post is to find others(like myself) to play EDEN RPG with you guys
and trying to look for a way to unlock hidden secrets within the map.

I played legally with no cheats, so I have replays on my own.
I also wondered because there was a blacksmith NPC and the only thing he do is forge items
which the recipes cannot be found, or is it droppable?
Anyways, any help is appreciated. Thank you very much.

I already try to cheat this map myself but everything i change in war3map.j always crash the map. So if anyone can cheat this map, may explain for me why it's happen or how to cheat this map? (If it doesn't bother you)

Thanks in advance to anyone who could do this!

Posted: January 1st, 2019, 8:34 pm

Map: Eden rpg eng 4.0f

I already try to cheat this map myself but everything i change in war3map.j always crash the map. So if anyone can cheat this map, may explain for me why it's happen or how to cheat this map? (If it doesn't bother you)

Thanks in advance to anyone who could do this!

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Posted: January 1st, 2019, 8:45 pm nuzamacuxe wrote: Just follow this guide:

Wow, thank you for help. ;__;
With you war3map.j file the map working perfect. Maybe I did a mistake somewhere. Will try to do it again by myself.

Here is the map I use war3map.j post by nuzamacuxe just in case anyone need it.

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Last edited by Pio on January 1st, 2019, 9:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posted: January 1st, 2019, 9:00 pm No problem. If you have any issue/question, just let me know. Posted: January 1st, 2019, 9:29 pm nuzamacuxe wrote: No problem. If you have any issue/question, just let me know.

I think the problem is my jasscraft. I just put you war3map.j file in the map. And it working file.
But when I open your file in jasscraft. Save it, and add to the map. The map crash. I found it because I try to add it myself but it always crash - even it looks like your file.
So I try to save your file without any edit and this happen :<.

*I can cheat another map without problem.
*Already try to redownload jasscraft. The one in your topic.
*Sorry for my bad english.

карта Eden RPG S2 5.1G

Полная версия этой знаменитой карты - поэтому и весит аж целых 84 Мбайта (но загружена на "белый" файлообменник, поэтому проблем с ее скачиванием быть не должно). Карта весьма известная в определенных кругах, но почему то нигде нет ее описания - поэтому если кому не сложно напишите хотя бы пару строк в комментариях о чем эта карта, пользующаяся таким успехом.

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