Doom plutonia experiment прохождение

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

The Plutonia Experiment is one of the two official 32-level Doom II IWADs which make up Final Doom. It was created by brothers Dario and Milo Casali under contract with id Software, and was released alongside its counterpart TNT: Evilution on June 17, 1996.


Development [ edit ]

Six levels from the IWAD are also included in the Sony PlayStation version of Final Doom.

Story [ edit ]

After Hell's invasion of Earth, the United States took steps to prevent another such invasion. The old UAC was refounded under completely new management (the previous owners being deceased) and given a new mission: to research tools and technologies that could prevent Hell's resurgence.

UAC's scientists began work on quantum accelerator devices, machines intended to close interdimensional gates from a distance. The experiments are carried out in a secret research complex, with a stationed detachment of marines. The work seems to be going well, but.

The creatures from Outside have their dire attention drawn towards the new research. A gate opens in the heart of the complex and unnatural horrors pour out. The quantum accelerator performs superbly — the gate is quickly closed and the invasion stopped. Research continues more boldly.

On the next day, a ring of seven gates opens and an even greater invasion begins. For one hour the quantum accelerators manage to close six of the gates. but the hellish army has become too numerous and too strong. The complex is overrun. Everyone is slain, or zombified. The last gate of Hell remains open, manned and guarded by a demon Gatekeeper.

The government, frantic that the quantum accelerator will be destroyed or used in some evil alien fashion against humanity, orders all marines to the site at once. The Doomguy is close to the site and gets there first. There he concludes that by the time reinforcements arrive that the demons will be too numerous and powerful.

The marine decides to enter the complex and stop the Gatekeeper alone.

Levels [ edit ]

As in Doom II, the levels can be divided up into four sets. There are three episodes each defined by a different sky texture (1-11, 12-20 and 21-30) and two secret levels (31-32). The player is presented with a text screen in between the episodes (before levels 12 and 21). Additional textual interludes appear before level 7, before each secret level, and at the conclusion of the game.


Второе легендарное дополнение к Doom 2 от довольно талантливых мапмейкеров братьев Казали.

В отличие от остальных Думов, этот обладает более жестоким экшеном из-за наличия просто-таки огромного количества врагов, малого количества патронов и огромным количеством ловушек, размещенных на уровнях. А уж если вы сможете пройти 30 уровень без кодов на Nightmare уровне сложности, то вам можно памятник ставить.

Автор обзора: Teron Lifeslayer
  • Аудитория:
  • Время и место:
    Солнечная система
  • Игровой движок:
    id Tech 1
  • Перспектива:
    Вид от первого лица
  • Страна или регион происхождения:
  • Тематика:
    Научная фантастика
  • Технические детали:
  • Язык:
16.07.2020 00:07 О дааа - наконец то спустя 10 лет я смог пройти "Плутонию" ! Тогда я бросил где то на 3-ем уровне, со словами "что то трудновато. " . А в этот раз сложно было где то первые 8 уровней наверно. Дальше то ли проще стало, то ли я руку набил =) .
Действительно, среди всех официально выпущенных вещей - это самое сложное дополнение. Вам понадобятся все ваши навыки и скорость, которые вы приобрели за прохождение всех предыдущих частей. Достойное испытание. Но навряд ли я вернусь к нему снова, в оригинальные части Doom мне и приятнее и спокойнее играть. А тут прям засада на засаде (особенно с зомби пулеметчиками, о дааа - это прям тотемный демон этого вада =) ) и "жара" в тесных комнатах.
Тем не менее проходить мне его понравилось, и я рад что наконец то поставил точку в прохождении всех официальных частей! UnknDoomer 12.01.2020 14:01 На фоне оригинала, 2 части и Evilution, при факте прохождения на Ultra-Violence, весьма хардкорный аддон. Толпы монстров, периодическая нехватка оружия, мудрёно запрятанные секреты. В первую (и последнюю) очень рекомендовал бы для прохождения тем, кому "не хватило" и "нужна добавка". Для остальных особого интереса в целом не представляет. В плане архитектуры уровней, чисто субъективно, 2 часть или тот же Evilution, понравился больше, но здесь, пожалуй, сказался тот же самый упор на хардкорность, кой привёл к несколько запутанным уровням. Stranger8 17.12.2018 08:12 @QuakerRUS Спасибо. "Лечение стрельбой" работает. Наконец-то можно нормально пройти на высокой сложности. QuakerRUS 15.12.2018 12:12 @Stranger8, дело в том, что в Doom после загрузки не восстанавливается обнаружение игрока врагами. Враги могут спавниться, только когда они обнаружили игрока. Как правило они находятся в какой то недоступной игроку комнате, соединенной невидимой щелью и по звуку выстрелов обнаруживают игрока. Лечится это стрельбой в комнате, где расположена такая щель. Stranger8 15.12.2018 12:12 В Doom я люблю играть на предпоследней сложности. Пожалуй Doom, и игры на его движке, это единственные в которых мне нравится играть на высоких сложностях. И у этого дополнения, в отличие от оригинальной игры и другого дополнения, сложность уровней высокая. И это не плохо. С регулярными сохранениями и загрузками и пройти можно. Но у этого дополнения (на счёт второго не помню) есть отвратительный баг (или фича, не понятно). Иногда заходишь в какую-нибудь комнату, где на тебя спауняться кучи врагов. В какой-то момент тебя убивают, ты загружаешь сохранение и снова заходишь в эту комнату и. все эти враги не появляются. Это выглядит как какая-то идиотская поблажка для игрока, которая портит весь челенж.

The Plutonia Experiment is an IWAD released on June 17, 1996, which forms one half of Final Doom (the other half being TNT: Evilution). The name comes from the word Plutonian, meaning something associated with the Underworld/Hell.



Dario used DETH for his levels[2].

Compared to TNT: Evilution, The Plutonia Experiment is considered much more difficult due to the influx of strong opposition in the earlier levels, massive amounts of said enemies in the later stages, especially on the Ultra-Violence difficulty, and level designs and effects that were against the regular norm (such as usage of invisible bridges). According to sources, the Casali brothers intended to make The Plutonia Experiment harder than the usual Doom fare in order to challenge already battle-hardened players.


After Hell's catastrophic invasion of Earth, the global governments decide to take measures against any possible future invasion, knowing that the powers of Hell still remain strong. The UAC corporation is refounded under completely new management (the old trustees and stockholders are all dead in any case) and aims to develop tools that would prevent demonic invasions. It is said that the new UAC base is on one of Jupiter's moons. UAC's scientists thought that this distance from Earth might prevent another catastrophic invasion, but as the events of TNT: Evilution showed, this was not the case. Something else would be needed.

UAC's scientists start working on quantum accelerator devices intended to close interdimensional gates and stop possible invasions. The experiments are carried out in a secret research complex, with a stationed detachment of marines. The work seems to be going well, but.

The creatures from Outside have their dire attention drawn towards the new research. A gate opens in the heart of the complex and unnatural horrors pour out. The quantum accelerator performs superbly — the gate is quickly closed and the invasion stopped. Research continues more boldly.

On the next day, a ring of seven gates opens and an even greater invasion commences. For a single hour the quantum accelerators manage to close six of the seven gates. but the hellish army has become too numerous and too strong. The complex is overrun. Everyone present is slain, or zombified. The last gate of Hell remains open, manned and guarded by a demon Gatekeeper.

The government, frantic that the quantum accelerator will be destroyed or used in some evil alien fashion against humanity, orders all marines to the site at once. Doomguy is the closest one to the site and gets there first. There he concludes that by the time reinforcements arrive that the demons will be too numerous and powerful.

The marine decides to enter the complex and stop the Gatekeeper alone.


As in Doom II, the levels can be divided up into three sets, defined by the skies and separated by a textual intermission in addition to the standard intermission screen; as well as two secret levels. Additional textual interludes appear before MAP07, before each secret level, and at the conclusion of the game.

In contrast to TNT: Evilution, where all but the last few levels have a largely techbase feel with only occasional hellish features, The Plutonia Experiment's buildings have a mostly hellish feel throughout with sporadic techbase features. In the initial Earth levels, though, the otherwise hellish atmosphere is softened with large amounts of greenery and water, which combined with the more neutral stone and wooden walls common in the levels, plus a smattering of techbase objects, provides the overall impression of a remote jungle compound.

The Steam version of Final Doom does not play several demos of The Plutonia Experiment which were earlier recorded. The reason for this is that the DOOM2.EXE of Final Doom was updated. If you get a synchronization lost, you can try to play it using Doom II instead of Final Doom. You will need to copy the PLUTONIA.WAD into the DOOM II folder and to add the "-file PLUTONIA.WAD" command line parameter (without quotes). It was checked on all desynced UV max and several UV speed demos from Compet-n.

MAP01 to MAP06; initial Earth levels:

MAP07 to MAP11; later Earth levels:

MAP12 to MAP20; hellish levels:

MAP21 to MAP30; devil-hive levels:

MAP31 and MAP32; secret levels:

    (Exit to super secret level)

The vast majority of the levels use a diamond-shaped teleport pad as the exit. Two megawads created as unofficial sequels, Plutonia 2 and Plutonia Revisited, repeat the theme using this particular exit-teleporter style.

MAP11: Hunted is the eleventh map of The Plutonia Experiment. It uses the music track "Sweet Little Dead Bunny", the music from Doom's ending cinematic. It is a maze level notable for being populated exclusively by Arch-Viles.



Pressing the first switch will open the door and release the Arch-Viles. Grabbing the yellow skull key will release another Arch-Vile.

It is also essential to save your health in this maze — there are no forms of health recovery until the very end. That being said, it is possible to avoid getting hurt by the Arch-Viles if you kill them correctly. Blast them with the super shotgun until they start conjuring the flames, then get out of their line of sight by running around the corner. It takes the Arch-Vile about three full seconds to do one attack, from when it first calls the fire to when it actually sends out the blast, so if you time it correctly, you can drop these monsters painlessly; another cheap but effective method to deal with them, should you have enough plasma charges and a BFG9000 available, is by blasting an Arch-Vile with a full-power, well-placed BFG9000 shot (the energy shot itself plus the subsequent radius "trail") before the Arch-Vile can complete its attack.

Another essential tip for this level regards the doors: the doors of this maze — unlike most other doors in Doom universe — cannot be opened via "conventional" means (i.e. switch activation or by simply hitting the "use" key in front of them); rather, you must walk to a specific spot of the way to open the door. Many of these locations are marked by silver lines running down the walls, and the sound of the opening door warns you when you've passed it.

You do not need both keys to exit the level; only one key is required, be it the red or yellow one. Note that pressing one of the key-activated switches raises the bars next to the opposite switch, forcing you to walk around.

At the end you are presented with two exit teleporters: the left one will take you straight to the next level; however, the right one will take you to a type 11 damaging floor room - in the same style of Doom's E1M8 ending room - with the last 4 Arch-Viles of the level. When your health drops to 11% or lower, the level will end (but you will spawn in MAP12 with extremely low health). If playing in vanilla DOOM2.EXE or some source ports, the four Viles in this room are not factored into the kills percentage for the level, so you do not need to worry about them if you are gunning for 100% kills in these versions. However, other ports (such as ZDoom) count enemies wherever in the level they are, and calculate kill percentage based on this count; not only does this make it impossible to get more than 100% kills in such ports, it makes it nearly impossible to reach 100% kills in this level unless one cheats by using that port's "massacre" cheat (in ZDoom, opening the console and typing KILL MONSTERS)* (select the text between asterisks to reveal). Alternately, with max health for the level (115%) and a couple of perfectly timed BFG blasts (begin shooting just before entering the teleporter to kill the first two Arch-Viles and turn around quickly to shoot the second two), it can be done.

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