Diablo 1 монах гайд

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

The Monk is a powerful unarmed combatant. They are strong and dextrous. Monks have some skill with fighting with staves, and though it does less damage than their bare hands, staves enable them to execute a sweeping attack and block incoming blows. Likewise, heavy armor actually gives them less defense than lighter armor. Since they possess great natural damage already, they search out staves which will give them faster attack. Dexterity adds to their damage equally to strength, however Dexterity also increases their ability to block incoming attacks with their staves. Their high natural defense makes searching for high defense armor less of a necessity. They try to find armor that gives them effects instead. In unarmed combat they prefer to use their feet as weapons rather than their hands. Their kicks are very fast and do a lot of damage at high levels.

The Monk search skill is very useful. In Diablo I, items could not be highlighted on the ground with the magical spell search. This caused problems when trying to find rings, amulets or Elixirs on the ground, especially if they fell behind an object. This necessitated a tiring search by the player to find the tiny item on the ground. The Search spell highlighted not only the item on the ground, but also all items that had fallen on the map. Other classes could learn Search as a spell.



Monks of the Brotherhood of the Bough are a rare sight. It is said that they come from a desolate wilderness, where their people were forced to flee after being conquered by an invading horde. Because of their great defeat, these people vowed to master the arts of combat. Lacking resources such as iron, they learned to use their bare hands and simple wooden staves as deadly weapons, and do not depend on metal armor to provide protection in battle. Instead, they rely upon speed and concentration. In their harsh native climate, they have been forced to find food and other essentials in the most unlikely of places. Over time, this careful searching has honed their visual perception to an almost supernatural level.

It is rumored that a dark sickness has fallen upon the homeland of the Monks, and many of their people have died. The Brotherhood of the Bough has sought to unearth the source of the foulness, to no avail. Desperate for answers, lone Monks have ventured to distant lands, searching for regions suffering a similar affliction. Tales of the evils besetting Tristram will have already attracted the attention of the Brotherhood.

Character Attributes and Information.

Beginning Stats
Strength 25
Magic 15
Dexterity 25
Vitality 20
Life 45
Mana 22
Life / Level +2
Life / Vitality +1.5 ¹
Mana / Level +2 ²
Mana / Magic +1.5 ¹

¹ Rounded down. Additionally, the rounding down is done separately for each source of vitality or magic, so while monks will get the full 1.5 life or mana per point of vitality or magic given to them by magic items, they only get 1 life or mana per stat point allocated to magic or vitality. Rogues also suffer from this glitch.

² Monks get 3 mana instead of 2 upon hitting level 33. Rogues also experience this glitch.

Maximum Stats
Strength 150
Magic 80
Dexterity 150
Vitality 80
Life 203 ³
Mana 185 ³

³ These are what the values theoretically should be according to the other numbers in these tables. Real results will differ due to bugs, Shrines, etc.

Далеко в горах, есть особые секретные монастыри. Это не простые монастыри где служат каким то духовным целям, в тех местах, откуда пришел монах изучают секретные боевые искусства. Монах не использует привычное оружие – мечь, топор, булаву… он использует посохи… которыми молниеносно наносит множество ударов по противникам.

Как видно из характеристик монах весьма универсальный боец, как и бард. Играть за него будет интересно тем, кто любит универсальных персонажей:

Ловкость: 25

Живучесть: 20

Ловкость: 150

Живучесть: 80

Он не использует общепринятые тяжелые доспехи – они мешают двигаться. Его предпочтение – легкая накидка не мешающая его движениям. С точки зрения сравнения с другими классами… монах находится между воином и лучницей. В тоже время нет более ловкого бойца в ближнем бою.

Основной упор в прокачке монаха надо делать на ловкость. На втором месте – живучесть, т.к. хоть монах и ловкий боец, попадать по нему все же будут. В магических умениях он сравним с лучницей, а значит вам решать, качать ему Ману или нет. Я бы не стал.

Смотрите также:

Парни, если играть и не учиться то через 10 лет будет хреново. Также говорят, что чем больше играешь в игры, тем меньше у тебя друзей в реале, и наоборот.

Сила (Strength) : Максимум - 150

Maгия (Magic) : Максимум - 80

Ловкость (Dexterity) : Максимум - 150

Живучесть (Vitality) : Максимум - 80

Жизнь (Life) :
Жизнь = Живучесть + 1.5 * Живучесть с вещей + 2 * уровень героя + Жизнь с вещей + 23
Мана (Mana) :
Мана = Магия + 1.5 * Магия с вещей + 2 * уровень героя + Мана с вещей + 5
Класс защиты (AC) :
В зависимости от того, какой доспех одет, AC равен:
1. Монах без доспехов или в легких доспехах (кожаных).
AC = Ловкость/5 + 2*уровень героя + AC вещей 2. Монах в кольчуге.
AC = Ловкость/5 + уровень героя/2 + AC вещей 3. Монах в тяжелой броне.
AC = Ловкость/5 + AC вещей Если Монаху одевать тяжелую уникальную броню (Demonspike Coat, Naj's Light Plate, Armor of Gloom, Demon Plate Armor, Bovine Plate), то АС надо считать как для средней брони. А если уникальную среднюю броню (Arkaine's Valor, Scavenger Carapace, Sparking Mail, Bone Chain Armor), то - по формуле легкой брони.

Урон (damage) :
1. Повреждения с лука.
Урон = (Сила + Ловкость) * уровень героя / 600 2. Повреждения посохом или руками.
Урон = (Сила + Ловкость) * уровень героя / 150 3. Повреждения другим оружием ближнего боя (с щитом в руках).
Урон = (Сила + Ловкость) * уровень героя / 300 4. Повреждения щитом (без оружия).
Урон = уровень героя/2 - уровень героя
Скорость атаки (Weapon speed) : В секундах

Diablo 1 Hellfire Monk

Diablo 1 Hellfire Monk
  • 1 Inherent Skill
  • 2 Stats and Attributes
    • 2.1 Armor Class
    • 3.1 Melee Combat
    • 3.2 Defense
    • 3.3 Life Leech
    • 3.4 Magery
    • 3.5 Bow Strategy

    Inherent Skill

    • Tip: Casting Search several times in rapid succession will make the effect last much longer than it does from a single cast.

    Stats and Attributes

    A collection of useful stats and figures for the Monk.

    Per Attribute Point:

    • 1 Vitality = 2 life
    • 1 Magic = 2 mana
    • * Not all maximum values can be achieved at once. Each value is only attainable by devoting all of your equipment to that particular attribute or statistic.
    • ** Hellfire maximum values are higher for the Rogue, Warrior, and Sorcerer since new uniques added in Hellfire make possible much higher attribute levels. The values for mana and life do not include the unique jewelry that transfers life to mana, or vice versa.
    • *** No life or mana increases are granted at level 50.

    Armor Class

    • Plate: Dex/5 + AC (items)
    • Mail: Dex/5 + AC (items) + .5 x Clvl
    • Light: Dex/5 + AC (items) + 2 x Clvl
    • No Armor: Dex/5 + AC (items) + 2 x Clvl

    Unique armor modifies this slightly: Uniques count as the next lighter type of armor, so unique plate is penalized as if it were mail, unique mail as if it were light, and unique light has no penalty at all.

    Monk Tactics

    Melee Combat


    Life Leech

    Monks tend to be feast or famine; full hit points and cruising, or nearly dying and desperately stabbing at their healing potions.


    Bow Strategy

    Monks are totally useless with bows. They fire slowly, and even though they can raise both their strength and dexterity over 200 with fairly common equipment, their bow damage is pathetic; far, far lower than their damage with a staff of empty-handed.

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