Chapters прохождение историй принц ночи

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

This category page contains all pages and sub-categories related to the Night Prince series.

The series' status is: COMPLETED

Book 1 Plot: After an accident gave you the ability to channel electricity, no man has been able to handle your touch. That is, until you meet Vlad Tepesh. But he's not just a man— he's the world's most dangerous vampire, known by some as. Dracula.

Book 2 Plot: Your powers are failing you, and Szilagyi's death is uncertain. But Vlad has a surprise for you— one that will bring you closer than ever or farther than you could imagine.

Book 3 Plot: Vlad's masquerade ball is in full swing, but his enemies have infiltrated the party. What are they after, and what lengths will you go to stop them?

Book 4 Plot: You and Vlad are on the hunt for the necromancer who bound your flesh to his. In order to find him, you have to call upon an unlikely guide

Once Burned is a paranormal romance book that was released on May 4, 2020.

Night Prince 1: Once Burned

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Series Number:


Fully Released

Release Date:

May 4, 2020

Other Languages:



Preceded By:

Followed By:



After an accident gave you the ability to channel electricity, no man has been able to handle your touch. That is, until you meet Vlad Tepesh. But he's not just a man— he's the world's most dangerous vampire, known by some as. Dracula.


Chapter 1: Distress Call

After an accident gave you the ability to channel electricity, no man has been able to handle your touch. That is, until you meet Vlad Tepesh. But he's not just a man— he's the world's most dangerous vampire, known by some as. Dracula.

Chapter 2: Escape

Vlad is the first person to be able to see back at you through a vision. But what does it mean? Is he your way out of your undoing?

Chapter 3: Hidden Agenda

Vlad freed you, as promised, but now he's taking you with him to his castle. What does he want with you?

Chapter 4: The Impaler

Marty's been tortured? By whom. And why? Vlad promised not to hurt him!

Chapter 5: A Proposition

Vlad is allowing Maximus to take you on a date to make a point. But he wants some alone time with you after.

Chapter 6: Healing

You fainted in the gym after using your powers. That's never happened before. What's going on? And can Vlad fix it?

Chapter 7: Distinguished Guests

Vlad seems annoyed at the early arrival of his guests. But you better behave - they are vampire royalty!

Chapter 8: His

Maximum says you belong to Vlad now that you drank his blood. But what does that mean?

Chapter 9: Burning Deep

You passed out after the club was attacked by a crew of vampires. Will you make it out alive?

Chapter 10: The Puppet Master

Vlad has gathered the bones of the victims from the club. Time to finally find out who was behind the attack!

Chapter 11: Dead Man

The man who's responsible for the attack in the club shares a face with the first person Vlad burned to death. Is he really dead? And what's his history with Vlad?

Chapter 12: Target Practice

Vlad is forcing you to test your abilities on Maximus. But how far will Vlad push you? And can Maximus withstand your power?

Chapter 13: Searching

It's time to see if Vlad's oldest enemy is dead or alive.

Chapter 14: Family

Your father and sister arrive at the castle, and Vlad offers something new in private.

Chapter 15: Gone

Maximus has shocking news. And it's personal!

Chapter 16: The Truth

Things get hot and heavy with Vlad, and a vision reveals a shocking discovery.

Chapter 17: Destiny

You saw a vision of Vlad's death. Is there a way you can prevent it?

Chapter 18: The Spy

Vlad has finally sent you on a mission of your own, but things aren't as they seem.

Chapter 19: Reunited

Rend knocked you out after a fight at Tolvai's. What does he have in store for you?

Chapter 20: The Attack

You have a plan to take down Szilagyi. It's time to end this!

Chapter 21: Fire and Stone

You and Vlad are finally face to face with Szilagyi! Will you both make it out alive?

Twice Tempted is a paranormal romance book that was released on June 15, 2020.

Night Prince 2: Twice Tempted



Series Number:


Fully Released

Release Date:

June 15, 2020

Other Languages:



Preceded By:

Followed By:



*BOOK TWO in the Night Prince series. Sequel to ONCE BURNED.*

Your powers are failing you, and Szilagyi's death is uncertain. But Vlad has a surprise for you— one that will bring you closer than ever or farther than you could imagine.


Chapter 1: A Night to Remember

BOOK TWO in the Night Prince series. Your powers are failing you, and Szilagyi's death is uncertain. But Vlad has a surprise for you- one that will bring you closer than ever or farther than you could imagine.

Chapter 2: The Ring

Vlad has a proposal for you. What will you say?

Chapter 3: Love Requited

Does Vlad love you? And is he willing to make your relationship work?

Chapter 4: The Bombmaker

You and Maximus hunt for the person who tried to kill you. But is it someone you know? Someone you'd never suspect?

Chapter 5: On the Road

You know who the bombmaker is. But can you get to him in time? And what will Vlad have to say on the matter?

Chapter 6: Tepesh Returns

After all this time, you've finally linked to Vlad directly. What will you say to him?

Chapter 7: All Aboard

You've been kidnapped and brought on a boat. But where are you being taken? And will Vlad find you?

Chapter 8: Reunited

For the first time since your breakup, you're /face to face with Vlad. But why has he really come to see you.

Chapter 9: Private Meeting

It's time to confront Vlad about your relationship and him keeping Maximus prisoner. But can you handle being alone with him once more?

Chapter 10: The Real Vlad

Vlad thinks you love an image of him, not who he really is. You've decided to dig around in his past to learn who he is. What will you find? Who is Vlad really?

Chapter 11: Honest Proposal

Vlad just went being your ex to your possible fiancé. But will you accept his proposal?

Chapter 12: The Wedding

You finally bind yourself to Vlad in matrimony. But the honeymoon has a surprise in store.

Chapter 13: Caught in the Act

You've been sneaking around behind Vlad's back to catch the traitor. Now you've been caught in the act. But by who?

Chapter 14: Betrayal

You've used your powers to discover the traitor. And it's one of the last people you'd expect!

Chapter 15: Rebirth

Your encounter with Shrapnel took your life. But death isn't the end for you.

Chapter 16: Thirst

Being a vampire comes with extraordinary abilities and an uncontrollable thirst for blood. Will your loved ones be safe from your instincts?

Chapter 17: Chains

Vlad doesn't want you in danger, but you want to help catch his ex. What if both of you could get your way?

Chapter 18: The Plan

You've figured out a Way to catch Vlad's ex. But will it work?

Chapter 19: Underground

You finally closed in on Vlad's ex when she unleashed ghouls on you. Can you make it past them and take her down, or will they be your end?

В целом роман понравился. Герои достойны друг друга: целеустремлëнные, жëсткие, умные и хитрые в жизни, преданные и страстные в любви друг к другу. Непобедимый тандем человека и дракона. События конечно

Иск на невозможное отцовство

Книга очень интересная и милая, впрочем как все книги автора

Соло [Книга 1]

Не моё, и книга не закочена..

Забудь обо мне

Очень понравилась серия. Спасибо автору.

Ольга Оболенская

Повод для знакомства (СИ)

Жестковато местами , но улыбнуло )


Рожденные водной стихией: кораллы. Перепел - это не экзотика("Сделай сам" №1∙2002)

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Она — смертная с тёмными силами…
После трагического несчастного случая, покрывшего шрамами её тело и разрушившего её мечты, Лейла и подумать не могла, что худшее ещё впереди: ужасающие силы, сделавшие её источником электрического тока и позволяющие узнавать тёмные тайны человека через одно лишь прикосновение. Лейла обречена на жизнь в одиночестве…пока создания ночи не похищают её и не заставляют установить телепатический контакт с самым известным вампиром в мире…
Он — Принц Ночи…
Влад Цепеш вдохновил величайшие легенды о вампирах — но, кем бы вы ни были, не называйте его "Дракула". Способность Влада управлять огнём сделала его одним из наиболее влиятельных вампиров за всё существование, но его враги нашли новое оружие против него — красивая смертная с силой, равной его собственной. Однако, когда Влад и Лейла встречаются, между ними вспыхивает страсть, угрожающая погубить обоих. Потребуется пожертвовать всем, что у них есть, чтобы остановить врага, собирающегося уничтожить их в пламени.

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