Champions of the forest гайд

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

One of the wonderful things (among many others) about Tome of Battle is that it introduced the Superior Unarmed Strike feat. It allows one to build an effective unarmed combatant without having to take levels in monk, or get the aid of some magic implement. It doesn't allow a character to do as much damage as a monk of an equivalent level (nor should it), but it's better than the 1d3 damage with which you're saddled, otherwise.

That being said, the special benefit of Superior Unarmed Strike is that it also enhances a monk's unarmed strikes, so the temptation to take monk levels (or monk-like levels) is still there.

References [ edit ]

System Reference Document, Complete Champion (alternative barbarian class feature spiritual lion totem, fist of the forest), Complete Warrior (bear warrior, warshaper), Races of the Dragon (mighty wallop and greater mighty wallop), Tome of Battle (Snap Kick, Superior Unarmed Strike)

Game Rule Components [ edit ]

Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc. [ edit ]

Spells: (greater) mighty wallop.

Progression [ edit ]

Starting Ability Scores: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Race: Human.

Starting Racial Traits:

Other Components [ edit ]

Alternative Class Features: barbarian spiritual lion totem.

Highlights [ edit ]

Munchkin-Size Me [ edit ]

  • permanentgreater magic fang (+5 enhancement to attack and damage)
  • manual of gainful exercise +5 (Str 44)
  • belt of giant strength +6 (Str 50)
  • (greater) mighty wallop (increased damage to Colossal+, 16d8, bite damage increases to Colossal, 8d6)

unarmed strike +37/+37/+32/+27/+22 (16d8+25) Snap Kick +37 (16d8+35) off-hand +37/+32 (16d8+15) bite +33 (8d6+15) with flurry of blows

The alternative barbarian class feature spiritual lion totem grants the pounce ability in place of fast movement, but from an RP perspective, your DM may question why a character with the lion totem transforms into a bear.

If your DM doesn't impose damage-by-size cap, you can increase your damage up to Colossal++:

  • 2d10 Medium
  • 4d8 Large (brown bear)
  • 6d8 Huge (mighty wallop)
  • 8d8 Gargantuan (greater mighty wallop 8th-level caster)
  • 12d8 Colossal (greater mighty wallop 12th-level caster)
  • 16d8 Colossal+ (Improved Natural Attack)
  • 24d8 Colossal++ (morphic weapons)

At the cost of an XP penalty from 4th-level on, Weapon Focus, and Snap Kick, You can use an orc instead of a human and have the feat Headlong Rush to do double damage with a charge, and since you have the pounce ability, you'll be able to do a full attack. The +4 to Strength doesn't hurt either.

unarmed strike +42/+42/+37/+32/+27 (48d8+54) off-hand +42/+37 (48d8+32) bite +39 (16d6+32) with charge and flurry of blows

If you don't want the XP penalty, you'll have to give up levels of ranger (and thereby giving up Improved Two-Weapon Fighting).

Add a flaw or two to pick up some feats early, and you can get Ascetic Hunter (Complete Adventure), which stacks your ranger and monk levels to determine unarmed damage.

4 фев. 2019 в 23:55

champion of the forest server problem

i'm trying to build a small private server i have no problem running it but does someone know how to configure the champions of the forest mod on a server. i lunch the server with the mod api and the ds version of the mod , on client side i use the mod with the 2 builder mod and when i log in the server i see nothing of it exept my stam if all weird and i can't use tool and weapon at all

5 фев. 2019 в 0:13

i'm trying to build a small private server i have no problem running it but does someone know how to configure the champions of the forest mod on a server. i lunch the server with the mod api and the ds version of the mod , on client side i use the mod with the 2 builder mod and when i log in the server i see nothing of it exept my stam if all weird and i can't use tool and weapon at all

I spoke to the mod maker but he does not understand your problem. Do you use a dedicated server or a peer to peer one?

Don't use this mod with Player Upgrade Points or Ultimate Cheat Menu, they overwrite the same properites.

Paypal Consider donating if you enjoy COTF

How to install:
What are this mod's features?
  • There are custom weapons, first and thus far only mod that adds weapons
  • It turns the game into a diablo spinoff
  • Custom, RPG style inventory
  • Equipment items that drop from enemies
  • Replayability! Try different builds, playstyles until you find one which suits you best
  • Stronger Enemies. Speed, damage and extra abilities make them fearsome enough to make even advanced players experience horror again
  • Unique named enemies. You can kill me, my friends, modapi staff, the forest youtubers and maybe your ex.
  • Custom stats. A lot of them
  • Many of already in-game mechanics reworked
  • Players have spells to make the combat more dynamic and challenging
  • Leveling system, with upgrade points - Player upgrade points 2
  • Hundreds of perks
  • Custom difficulty settings
  • Multiplayer support - share the fun in multiplayer, or maybe compete with others with custom coop options
  • In-game update notes, news and list of amazing people ;)
How to Start
  • Start on easy difficulty on as you are level 1.
  • You can level up to level 6 rather quickly without fighting anything. Cutting trees, bushes and effigies plus hunting down animals gives enough experience.
  • Buy mutations, also referred to as perks, in defense and survival first. Increased health and energy is the most important bonus you can obtain at early levels. Most perks require a single point to purchase, where as spells require 2.
  • Many spells require a large amount of energy to cast. Do not buy most spells on early levels, except things like parry, frenzy or focus. A good first spell is for example "parry" unlocked on level 8. It has decent damage, it gives health and energy on parry, which is very important on early levels. For the 2 points that have to be spent on a spell. Parrying is triggered when you block just before an enemy hits you, and it only works on humanoid enemies (Unless upgraded to be able to parry anything at 360 degree coverage)
  • Use fire. Enemies tend to have a lot of health, and are hard to hit. Fire will cause them to stop attacking and turn into sponges for damage. Additionally, enemy armor makes you deal less damage to them than normal. Fire reduces enemy armor.
  • Explosives at point blank range can deal a massive damage
  • It's okay to run from enemies. Some elite abilities are really strong, and you will need good stats to take them down.
  • Try to focus on developing your character in a single path. Spending points in multiple playstyles at once is generally a bad idea, as neither will deal sufficient damage.
  • If you're playing with other players, splitting roles may be a good idea. Let one player be an archer, other a warrior, 3rd a magic caster. This will allow to split items between players to benefit the most people.
  • Change difficulty to a higher one as soon as it's manageable. Higher difficulties give a lot more experience, and unlock higher tiers of items.
Known bugs that are not getting patched
  • With SSAO set to Amplify models using displacement maps (for example Greatsword in hand) appear completely dark. It can be fixed by disabling SSAO or swtiching to Unity
Special Thanks

34 awesome items added by Kaspito, thank you so much
Sora, Bloodred, Film Crafterz, Chester and Kaspito once more for testing multiplayer and balance, spending plentiful of hours playing imba versions of COTF with me.
To other mod creators:

I have made this mod open source, as i would like to see the development of modding and of ModAPI.
If you would like to make a mod of your own, and consider any of the changes in Champions of the Forest as useful, you are free to pick up whatever you want and implement it in your project. No need to ask me for permission. Just don't copy the mod entirely and claim it's yours.
If you need help, yo can contact me on COTF discord
Source code on discord: My github

Videos about Champions of The Forest:

AllesKutEnter, the admin of modAPI, decided that any video i embed will be Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" so here are the links

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