Boyfriend to death прохождение strade

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Complete Walkthough of the Sano/Akira endings in Boyfriend to Death! In depth guides for those that like a little more context in your guides. Also contains warnings of the more graphic descriptions and squick factors that come with a few of the Sano scenes. Below the cut is the listed names of the endings (ordering as going down the left column and then going down the right, not left > right > left > right), with links to my full posts. That way, if you only want a bit of a hint, you can check the death titles and not click and give yourself spoilers! Needless to say though, if you click through the links, SPOILERS!

Анастасия Дорофеева

Анастасия Дорофеева

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Saparati Pochout

Saparati Pochout

Strade is a little shorter than the average male height, with greasy, wavy chocolate brown hair reaching the nape of his neck. His eyes are a bronze color, while his skin is light brown. Strade also has faint stubble and a scar on the left side of his chin. He has a tattoo on his left bicep, the same symbol seen on his jacket sleeve.

The Strade we see in Boyfriend to Death is stockier than the version of Strade in This is Not Romance. More recently, Gatobob has begun drawing Strade as chubby.


Coming from a mostly unknown background, it can be implied that Strade has a number of psychological issues and fascinations.

He is charismatic, a trait which many find very compelling. It can be implied that this trait, that many killers like him share, is his main device in luring victims.

As for his tendencies, Strade is a by the book definition of a sexual sadist. This implying he finds sexual arousal in making others suffer, which can also be seen in a number of his endings. This factor is one of the reasons the dripping red heart is achievable for his character and his alone.

You can go as far as to suggest Sociopathy, which may indeed be the case. Like a Sociopath, he has a very small field of empathy. However hard it may be for Strade to feel for others it is expressed in a singular route where he takes pity on you and keeps you for his own, as he has done before. So it isn't improbable to suggest his conscience is relevant, albeit hard to achieve.


Strade speech.jpg

The language featured in "This is Not Romance" is one created by Gatobob. As described by Gatobob, the language is more so a font, each letter is a symbol Gatobob created to replace English letters, which makes it very simple to decode yourself.

If you would like to download it yourself, the font can be downloaded using a link below

Example of foreign language

2 “Come on, there’s a couple live ones down there.”

4 “Ha, I see you back there. Come out and play!”

5 “Get over here, pet.”

6 “Come here.”

7 “I want to see some girl on girl.”

8 “You’re disobeying me?”

10 “I’m wondering what good you are to me alive, then. I bet I could keep the important parts warm.”

11 “Hahaha! Run!”

14 “You belong to me. FOREVER!”


Strade's original background is unknown besides the fact that he is German-Canadian. Despite this it can be implied he has been killing for a long time, hence his skill and calm appearance. At some point in his life, Strade kidnapped a young male fox beastkin by the name of Ren. Ren has seemingly been with Strade for a long while, being enslaved by a shock collar and intimidation by Strade.

Example Endings

Credit to Tweakerwolf, this post, which provides the rest of his many endings as well as how to achieve them.

Boyfriend to death 7.jpg

This is a database for all information related to the visual novel Boyfriend to Death, along with its sequel, Boyfriend to Death 2: Fresh Blood. This site provides detailed analyses of the games, their content, and their characters. That being said, the pages on this wiki are not spoiler-free.

Boyfriend To Death 1 and 2 contain a large majority of mature content. If you're uncomfortable with things like gore, sexual content, or anything on this wiki in general, PLEASE do not view the pages we provide for your own personal health.


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