Battle brothers legends mod гайд

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

15 фев. 2019 в 6:55 Mod Announcement: Legends. Alternate Starts, Avatars, Spells, World Generation options

we've just released Legends, with a huge range of new features and ways to play the game. Play as classes like Seer, Necromancer, Beserker, Crusaderor Ranger. Each has a different perk tree, with new perks. Regular backgrounds all have meaning, effecting tools food healing and movement across terrain. Female backgrounds with events and stories. World generation interface options so you can choose how much water, forrest, swamp, cities and factions there are. Get it on the nexus

15 фев. 2019 в 7:38 woops posted to the wrong forum, thanks for moving it :) 15 фев. 2019 в 8:08 That is real nice. Can't wait to try it out. Great work. 15 фев. 2019 в 10:43

Interesting! Reminds me of the SFO mod for Warhammer 2 -- lots of wacky unbalanced stuff crammed it. Might give it a try someday :)

You might want to work on the difference between "affect" and "effect," btw -- your mod description and your OP have this mistake.

Отредактировано suejak; 15 фев. 2019 в 10:44 15 фев. 2019 в 17:13

"Lots of wacky unbalanced stuff" to some extent, but MAN, all of this is possible through modding. There might be a golden age of BB modding ahead. If your mod could be divided into smaller parts, or could be highly configurable (preferable in the starting options for a game) it could become an invaluable addition.
I like the map config options, the new different starting options (even though I’m skeptical about the magic ones), the fact that tryout reveals the stars and many smaller things.
I couldn’t even comprehend all of this is possible, especially so fast after the code got decompiled. So it is really impressive what you are doing!
Skeptical towards: Magic Commander, much higher rosters, more scaling BUT: it is optional as is the max. amount of guys on the battlefield, right? Would like to have the option of having a reserve (fighting to often with 12-24 own guys would be tiresome for me and should in my opinion only be an option and not an important focus.)

Would love to see a map without any scaling to the level/progress of the company! The game would need to be balanced for this though.

This needs more attention, but I’m sure it will happen over time.

(Edit: thought about your amazing mod project some more)

Отредактировано Schopenhauer; 16 фев. 2019 в 0:18 24 фев. 2019 в 10:28

"Lots of wacky unbalanced stuff" to some extent, but MAN, all of this is possible through modding. There might be a golden age of BB modding ahead. If your mod could be divided into smaller parts, or could be highly configurable (preferable in the starting options for a game) it could become an invaluable addition.
I like the map config options, the new different starting options (even though I’m skeptical about the magic ones), the fact that tryout reveals the stars and many smaller things.
I couldn’t even comprehend all of this is possible, especially so fast after the code got decompiled. So it is really impressive what you are doing!
Skeptical towards: Magic Commander, much higher rosters, more scaling BUT: it is optional as is the max. amount of guys on the battlefield, right? Would like to have the option of having a reserve (fighting to often with 12-24 own guys would be tiresome for me and should in my opinion only be an option and not an important focus.)

Would love to see a map without any scaling to the level/progress of the company! The game would need to be balanced for this though.

This needs more attention, but I’m sure it will happen over time.

(Edit: thought about your amazing mod project some more)

This mod deserves some glory, because it is the first mod for BB, that ads some really new content.

A convinient modding tool IMAO is the only thing BB really need, because it can make it as immortal and popular as M&B:Warband, Eimworld, Darkest Dungeon. Though i think developers once said, that they didn't planned modding and thus there will never be neither tools for it, nor workshop. Well, at least they are working hard on adding new content on there own now.

25 фев. 2019 в 9:07

Yeah, the devs got hacked, so the decision to open up to mods was not their own. I feel a bit bad for them as there's no way a little crew of three guys could ever sue anybody over it, but the modders keep charging on regardless. No turning back :)

If there's a single villain in all this, it's probably that Adam guy who opened the floodgates. I can't imagine being so incapable of empathy that I would not only hack but create modding tools for the game I like over the wishes of the creators. How socially, empathically crippled do you have to be to do something like that?

Отредактировано suejak; 25 фев. 2019 в 9:10 25 фев. 2019 в 9:33 Whoo. that is way too harsh in my opinion. 25 фев. 2019 в 10:08 Uh, you do realize we asked for the devs' blessings first before we started making any serious mods, right? Had they said no, we wouldn't be working on Legends at all. Adam did nothing wrong and for you to suggest he did is not only bizarre, but stupid. 25 фев. 2019 в 10:15

What were they gonna say, no?

I'm willing to accept the possibility that Adam did nothing wrong, but the longer this percolates it seems weirder and weirder. If the devs had wanted mods and they wanted the code out there, they could have released the code themselves at literally any point in the last two or three years.

Instead, Adam forced the issue and exposed the code without communicating with the devs at all. It was Poss who first contacted the devs, not Adam (at least that's what Adam implies).

Adam hacked their game and then Poss comes along and says, "Hey, this is cool, right?" Suppose they say no. Their game gets bombed with negative reviews on Steam. They get a huge wave of people mad at them.

Is there some layer of this I'm missing, or are all y'all programmer dudes that socially inept?

Отредактировано suejak; 25 фев. 2019 в 10:27 25 фев. 2019 в 10:20

If you're gonna call anybody stupid, start at home.

4 мар. 2019 в 5:52

Great Mod Poss! Because of your mod I returned playing Battle Brothers (BB) again, maybe I will buy further DLCs too!

I think Devs must endorse these kind of mods, they add further replayability to the game.

About Mod discussion, if there wouldn't be mods, DLCs are not that attractive, because current DLC approach in BB is putting all wanted/unwanted stuff in one DLC and selling it. I don't want to play with Alps or Hexe, but they are forced to be in game.
So of course I will look for mods to erase them, therefore I can play the game according to my own liking. Mods are really a big relief that makes both BB and DLCs great and playable again.

14 мар. 2019 в 10:57

I did the work and tested this mod on a full campaign (went through all 3 of the mod sped up crisis and the base game crisis in about 4 months). It's full of good and fun ideas. Unfortunately the balance is not good. It's all over the place on both extremes. There's still a lot of work to be done to better integrate the mod into the game.

The positives:
* The map config tool
* The art for the new skills
* Discovering the new content

The negatives:
* The commander backgrounds as well as most of the additional Perks are way too powerful! The good impression they first make wears off because of that.
* The limitations on tools and stash size are just silly. The idea to somehow link resources to backgrounds is good on paper but awkwardly implemented. This is a case of bad design because some backgrounds are forced on the player while nothing is done to make them more desirable (Apprentices, Caravan Hands). I just tripled all default values to be rid of the tediousness of having to return to towns constantly and being prevented from venturing out in the wilderness because I can't carry more than 50 tools and 50 items and have good backgrounds at the same time.
This system puts additional pressure on inventory management just like the DLC did with the new crafting components. To partly solve this problem, a second cart ambition was added but it seems you removed both from the game! A very surprising decision.
* The new content does not always fit well with the game. I can appreciate the effort put into it but many of the new weapons stand out too much from the base weapons. The Bandit Rabble adds no value to the game because it's basically a trash mob that only wastes your time. Bandit Thugs already filled that role to a lesser extent. As a comparison, the new Orc Elites are much more interesting.
Same problem with most of the new backgrounds. We already have a list full of uninteresting and trash backgrounds. Why add more?
* The 27 mercenaries roster and big battles system just doesn't work. I thought it was a great idea before trying it and then it became apparent that it's too tiresome. It's fine to a have a few epic battles worth fighting and remembering but when every battle is then they lose that quality. This would be less of a problem if there was some added challenge. But it's just a matter of quantity (the game already suffers from that). Fortunately, I used Adam's Autopilot mod which mitigated some of the pain of having to play 27 units against sometimes 50 or more enemies (Noble troops). Obviously, being able to control so many units made the game very easy even against double or triple the numbers.

Sorry for the harsh review but I think you could do much better with your knowledge of the game code. I had fun discovering the new content but balance is not where it should and it eventually takes the fun out of playing the mod.

Отредактировано Abel; 14 мар. 2019 в 16:55 15 мар. 2019 в 6:19

It is true that the mod needs balancing. But I don't think some features are silly, such as Commander Perks (They are commanders or special heroes with special skills after all. If they are bad for you, you can simply start with Classic Start, there is that ability).

About limitations on tools and stash size, current implementation is very valid until you get your cart (I still didn't come to point of getting cart, I am unsure if that is removed. But if it is, I want it back). Without having a cart, all your company are walking on foot and carrying extra stuff on themselves as humans. It was unrealistic in original Battle Brothers "carrying 150 tools" since the beginning, whether you are only 3 guys or 18 guys team.
But this new approach is realistic.

I admit, there are imbalances, many guys giving extra medicine carrying (And I never needed that much of medicine) but very little amount of guys adding extra stash and tools. (At least farmers, miners, daytalers, etc. should be able to carry more due to hard-labour they are used to)

Saying "can't carry more than 50 tools and 50 items" seem you are still at early gameplay, it doesn't sound me you beat early game crises with 4 months gameplay. I have various guys at my team and I have 22 guys, I am at like 105 tools 160 arrow carrying, 160 medicine, 70-80 stash size with Retired Veterans, Militia Men, Hunters, etc in addition to support backgrounds of Ironmonger, Apprentice, Peddler, Monk, etc. and I recently ended the first game crisis, am around 70 days now.
This way of game feels more realistic and picking right soldiers with right background requires extra care. I play at Veteran/Expert difficulties and this mod added extra nice challenges.

27 mercs roster is awesome and big battles system work pretty well, because this turns out to be a warfare of fatigue and survival, especially for the frontline guys which is very realistic considering real-world scenarios. Keeping frontline guys alive was difficult that, surviving frontline were meaning honor and prestige for old times.

I am not advocate of the mod, but as I thought the accusations were not fair, so I wanted to give a reply. I am impatiently waiting for the horse additions now.

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Александр Субботин

Запускается редактор непосредственно в игре на карте мира сочетанием клавиш shift+X (как правило, на X забиндена центровка банды, поэтому обычно я зажимаю шифт и жму Х дважды).
Основные характеристики:
1. Непосредственно брателло. В окне их помещается 5 голов, полозком справа двигаем ростер. Порядок братков будет зависеть от порядка их наёма в банду. активный подсвечивается. Все характеристики принадлежат активному братку.
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2. Количество хитов. Обратите внимание на числа. Слева - текущее количество, в скобках - с модификацией от трейтов (трейт "голые кости" режет хиты ровно вдвое, к примеру) или шмота.
3. Усталость.
4. Инициатива.
5. Резольва.
6. Мили атака.
7. Дистант атака.
8. Мили дефенс.
9. Дистант дефенс.
10. Количество ходов в раунде.
11. Дневная аренда братка.
12. Сколько жрет эта скотина за день.
13. Очки перков.
14. Группы перков. В легенде их шесть, в каждой группе есть подгруппы.
15. Подгруппы перков. В частности вы видите оружейную подгруппу булав.
16. Трейты. Как положительные, так и отрицательные, включая страх и перманентные увечья (сразу оговорюсь - далеко не все увечья здесь отражены)
Все циферки в окошках правятся ручками - щёлкнули мышой, напечатали, энтер - всё. Звездочки в окошке талантов перебираются обычным мышекликаньем, то же самое касается перков и трейтов.
Для любителей накидывать перков братке - они у вас не поместятся в окошке персонажа, уйдут за край. Проблема решается сабмодом горизонтальной прокрутки перков.

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Александр Субботин

17. Добавление экспы. Уровень и очки перков вместе с ней.
18. Обливион поушен. Зелье забвения - тупо затирает все изученые перки. Начать с нуля, как говорится.
19. Фонтан молодости. Поднимает мораль до максимума, излечивает все увечья, включая перманентные, полностью излечивает братку.
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20. Бэкграунды. Каждому братке вы можете поменять бэк на подходящий, что означает сразу добавление перков бэка, и капа развития по основным характеристикам (а также цену аренды братка). С валой в легенде это не работает - пофиксили.
16. Ещё раз трейты. Обратите внимание на правый нижний угол. Там есть три интересных трейта - гниющая плоть, голые кости и укус зомби. Т.е. вы можете своего братка простым кликом на эти трейты превратить в нежить. Со всеми вытекающими.
21-22. Это опции групп перков. Можно сразу удалить всю группу у персонажа или сразу всю добавить.
23. Группы шмота. Вещи только именные, их шесть групп: оружие, щиты, броня, шлемы, легендарки (включая доспехи Давкула или Иджирока), и вспомогательные (типа воротника из гиены). Барахла много. Примечание - добавив мод"давкул райзин", с удивлением увидел вооружение культистов в окошке шмота. То есть, редактор работает и с сабмодами.
24. Если хотите честной игры (уже смешно) - реролл характеристик шмотки. У легендарок реролла нет, они прописаны вглухую.
25. Характеристики шмотки. Как правило, зависят от типа предмета. Справа окошко, в которое также вручную можно забить требуемые числа. Окно держит 4 разряда. У легендарок нет изменяемых характеристик.
26. Ну и наконец - добавить эту шмотку. Чуть ниже показывает количество свободных ячеек в инвентаре банды.

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Александр Субботин

27. Мощь вашей банды, зеркальный бой и ещё какая-то приблуда.
28. Цвет волос, экспорт-импорт характеристик братков и их бэков. Если честно - с пунктами 27-28 толком не разбирался.
В целом, редактор позволяет менять слишком многое, чтобы при этом не увлечься и не заимбить очередного братка. С другой стороны, он позволяет настраивать игру конкретно под себя. К примеру, я выкидываю из дерева перков братка различный мусор, на динамическом древе загромождение экрана неудобно.

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Мод "Legends". То бишь Легенды

Battle Brothers

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Сергей Иванов

в легендах срабатывает амбиция с караванщиком на увеличение инвентаря?

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Michael Bertz

Так что по обновам там? По самой игре и по моду, я слышал про горячий юг, его добавили? Если да то обновили легенды?

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Александр Терновых

Battle Brothers, егеееегей вы шо? Куда дели тему? Там сток инфы было..

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Николай Червоный

Александр, Я всё сжёг, бо я спросил людей, какие темы удалить и обновить, и некоторые высказались за чистку этой темы. И никто против не выступил.
Так шо.

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Николай Никулин

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Александр Русаков

А есть ли какая инфа по ивентам легенд? Особенно по тем, где могут присоединиться топовые бэки.

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Александр Терновых

нашел инфу что волшебнику/seer нужен resolve.. для чего? я думал там инициатива нужна и рэндж атак..

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Никита Ганжа

Александр, нет ему нужна выносливость. Там его способности очень много требуют выносливости а ренж тоже как бы нужен а инициатива нет.

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Александр Терновых

Никита, от инициативы зависит урон изначальной магической стрелы

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Александр Терновых

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Никита Ганжа

Александр, ну тогда я увидел что-то впервые

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Ефрем Митрофанов

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Никита Ганжа

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Ефрем Митрофанов

Никита, но есть и пара неприятных, горьких пилюль - если использовать стандартизированную таблицу скилов - то не будет многих из новых, а что бы были все новые - то у каждого наймита они присутствуют рандомно - т.е. может не быть колосса, или быстрых рук или берсерка с безумием и т.д. и количество тел в отряде - это скил протогониста - т.е. на него приходится тратить очки.

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Просмотр темы 225

Мод "Legends", то бишь "Легенды"

Александр Субботин

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Ефрем Митрофанов

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Александр Субботин

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