Ataegina прохождение на русском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Ataegina (18+) - визуальный роман для взрослой аудитории, что перенесёт всех желающих в удивительный фэнтезийный мир. Тут бок о бок живут разные расы, фракции и государства. И конечно же не всегда мирно, Конфликты и войны случаются регулярно. И в одном из таких происшествий игрокам и предстоит поучаствовать. Главным героем будет подающий надежды маг, что тратит всё свое время на изучение таинств и ритуалов, чтобы стать одним из самых сильных в своей среде. И жажда знаний заводит его в очень непростую ситуацию. И вот тут то подключатся геймеры, чтобы направят его по правильному по их мнению пути.

Ataegina Walkthrough

Are you looking for Ataegina Walkthrough? Well, your wait is over. In this article we are going to give you Ataegina Walkthrough. This game guide will help you progress in the game. Also using this game guide you can unravel all the secret levels, items, rewards and more.

Ataegina Walkthrough & Guide – First Steps

  • Hide (Our choice: Under the bed)
  • Yes (+1 Alignment)
  • Choose one girl
  • Book > Yes > everything
  • Outside (door) > Leave > You didn’t > Ok…If you..
  • Bed > Leave the room
  • Listen to the whole lesson
  • Chest
  • Bed
  • Left group > Right group > Nah…You… > Listen to the whole > Ask who Bredita is > I’m very sorry archmage
  • Follow them
  • Be Strong enough (+1 Alignment)
  • Used Fear (+1 Alignment, Heal, also Ilusion) OR Used Ironskin (+1 Alte, also Destpoints) > Choose the points you want > Because I like her (+1 Alignment, also Love) > All races (+1 Alignment)
  • Nod at her with a confident smile (+1 Love)
  • Let her continue (+1 Corr) OR Stop her (+1 Love)

Ataegina Walkthrough & Guide – Portal

  • Portal > Forest > Explore > Shout to provoque (+2 Alignment)
  • Seems good to me
  • Learn about > Everything
  • Answer her
  • I’m always ready for fun
  • I love it (+ Love) OR Bring that (+ Corr) > Lie on bed (+ Corr and also Love) > I love you (+ Love) OR You’re so… (+ Corr) > I give the orders (+ Corr) > choose all in order
  • Window > No, it’s so risky > Books (2nd left shelves > all, 4th right shelves > your choice) > Get out (top left corner)
  • Explore the college
    • Liliana’s room > Well a pretty (+1 affection)
    • Classroom > Yes
    • Portal > Yes

    Ataegina Walkthrough & Guide – Portal

    • Courtyard > Enainia > Yes > Katriona > I heard… > Red button
    • Mount Frost > Yes
    • Village > Hanna > Deal > 2 first choices > Couple > Yes > Some Kind > Gold you say? > I will help you > Elder
    • City Gates > Talk > Look around
    • Dock
    • Farm > Talk with them > I’m sorry > Kiss her
    • Mount Frost > Yes > Inside the cave > Magelight
    • Yes, that would help
    • Allesterra city > Help them > Use your healing > Go with them > Anything > You bet… > Let’s do it > Lumberjack’s debt > any other choice
    • Graveyard > Open the gates
    • Shop > Investigating missing ship > Weird stuff? > Do you want me? (+1 Alignment) > Chest > Just read the book > Drawers > Yes
    • Tavern > Persuade him
    • Brothel > A little fun > Hold on > Repeat the steps
    • Graveyard > Open the gates
    • City guild > Yes I have > Truth
    • SAVE and check the 3 paths

    Evil Path

    • What about the Archmage
    • Read a book
    • Your choice
    • She is helping me improve my power
    • Is Mida Staying in my room with me
    • Your choice > Your choice
    • Yes, show me
    • You get all my attention
    • Of Course (Bredita’s love) or That’s something (Mida’s love)
    • I’m not a fan (+ love) or I wouldn’t (+ Corr)
    • Try to heal her
    • I found her like this
    • We make a great team
    • Explore the house
      • Liliana’s room > Talk to her > It was Nice
      • Your room > I would never > Can I get a kiss?

      Neutral Path

      • I have no idea why
      • ask all
      • read a book
      • I can summon my own mount
      • Use telekinesis
      • Yes kiss her
      • Yes show me
      • It’s nothing I just…
      • Indeed the way the act
      • Offer to pay yourself > Talk with her > You still have her
      • Use Illusion
      • We can help you
      • River > Look around > Forrest > yes look around > Mountains > yes, lets go > Surrender
      • Where is Isabella?
      • Front door
      • Anything?
      • What are you waiting for?
      • Let her go
      • Let me just check
      • I couldn’t have done it without Isabella
      • Refuse
      • Try to sleep
      • I’m sure you’ll see
      • Nonsense
      • You will protect me
      • I don’t know about
      • Kiss her
      • Tell her
      • Good to see
      • Let her continue
      • Resist x3
      • Yes (1st Ending) or No (Continue Walkthrough)

      Good Path

      • Ask All
      • Read a book
      • Hello my love
      • Yes, show me
      • Ask All
      • Exit: Lower right corner
      • Archmage
      • Your Room > Kiss her (+ Love) > Let her continue > Kiss her > Wake her up
      • I find your eyes to be beautiful
      • Yes I want to
      • Let her continue
      • Resist x3
      • Yes (Ending) OR No (Continue Walkthrough)

      Ataegina Walkthrough & Guide – After 1st Ending

      • No problem (+1 Alignment)
      • No way (+ Love)
      • Put…
      • Tell them
      • You Take
      • Katriona Room > I think (+ Corr) OR Sure.. (+Love)
      • Library > Can I See > Maybe latter
      • Mida room > Talk to her > Your choice
      • Sit next to (your choice) > your choice
      • Agree with..(your choice) > Attack before > Let the stone > Don’t Orcs > I’m not interested > Wait a moment > You can stay > Se were… > Lie > choose all
      • Courtyard > Training grounds > Garden > Library (choose all) > Training grounds > Yes > Kitchen > Library (learn new spells & portal spells) > Throne room > Rolf… > Mida Room > Enjoy > Wow…(+ love) > Courtyard > Yes, lets explore > Forest > Look around > Docks > Mock you > Sure > Thank you > Allesterra city > Both > I think > Hell yeah (+ Corr) OR I like (+ Love)
      • Hall > I’d like > Yes I want more power > talk with the tavern keeper > left door > use fear > right door
      • West building > Pay 50 > Yes > Talk with the guard > Use magic > Tavern > accept > You bet > your choice
      • Ship building > Pay > Chemistry building > buy spells > You have nothing > Left building > Give up (Ending) OR Resist (Continue)
      • Try to cast on the girls (Ending), Give Up (ending) OR Mind spell on Carilielle (Continue)
      • Help Carilielle
      • Grab the stone and go
      • But it looks
      • Courtyard > Talk with her > Library > Demon Spells > Your room > Isabella got here > Maybe some day
      • Baths > You’re here > Come on in > Yell her
      • Of course i will > Hell yes > You don’t have to
      • Courtyard > No, i wanted > Pay
      • Throne > Library > Throne


      Well, now that you have the Ataegina Walkthrough, use it to complete the game. We will keep updating this walkthrough guide as the game progresses. If you need walkthrough and guide for any other game, let me know in the comment section.

      Ataegina (18+) - интерактивный приключенческий роман в категории для совершеннолетних геймеров. По сюжету они станут магами, что обитают, естественно, в фэнтезийном мире. Они молоды, талантливы и амбициозны. Вокруг них постоянно случаются войны, различные интересные события, героические подвиги и так далее. И только геймеры будут решать какой путь выберет их протагонист. Будет ли творить добро или же поддастся влиянию сил тьмы, что уже работают над этим.

      Ataegina (18+) v 0.5.5 Мод (полная версия)

      Ataegina (18+) v 0.5.5 Мод (полная версия)

      Ataegina (18+) v 0.5.5 Мод (полная версия)

      Ataegina (18+) v 0.5.5 Мод (полная версия)

      Подпишитесь на нашу группу Вконтакте

      Ключевые теги:
      версия полная Ataegina

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      Кэш в игре LastDay не распаковывается, в который раз. Памяти внутреней с избытком в телефоне.

      Мод на игру Пираты Карибского моря не распаковывается.Тем более нет кэша.

      11 окт 2021, 22:16

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      11 окт 2021, 15:55

      Уважаемый админ помогите

      11 окт 2021, 15:55

      10 окт 2021, 12:18

      По игре марвел. Вроде все правильно. Кеш куда нужно. Не удалось загрузить данные, попробуйте попозже.

      10 окт 2021, 12:14

      Что, я делаю не так? Кеш залил куда надо. При входе в игру. Ошибка и всё.

      10 окт 2021, 09:10

      Перезалили кеш на всякий случай, хотя он прекрасно распаковывался, причина у тебя в телефоне скорей всего, места может не хватает для распаковки.

      10 окт 2021, 08:26

      5 окт 2021, 21:16

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      4 окт 2021, 01:03

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      22 сен 2021, 21:48

      Здравствуйте! Попробуйте пожалуйста взломать игру "Диспетчер 112" на монеты или кредиты. На иконке игры мигалка

      Ataegina Walkthrough And Guide

      Our Ataegina Walkthrough And Guide is useful for all the gamers who want to play Ataegina. Let us look at the Ataegina Walkthrough And Guide so that you can unlock all scenes, levels, Villain and Hero routes.

      Table of Contents

      Ataegina Walkthrough And Guide – First Steps

      1. Hide (Our choice: Under the bed)
      2. Yes (+1 Alignment)
      3. Choose one girl
      4. Book > Yes > everything
      5. Outside (door) > Leave > You didn’t > Ok…If you..
      6. Bed > Leave the room
      7. Listen to the whole lesson
      8. Chest
      9. Bed
      10. Left group > Right group > Nah…You… > Listen to the whole > Ask who Bredita is > I’m very sorry archmage
      11. Follow them
      12. Be Strong enough (+1 Alignment)
      13. Used Fear (+1 Alignment, Heal, also Ilusion) OR Used Ironskin (+1 Alte, also Destpoints) > Choose the points you want > Because I like her (+1 Alignment, also Love) > All races (+1 Alignment)
      14. Nod at her with a confident smile (+1 Love)
      15. Let her continue (+1 Corr) OR Stop her (+1 Love)

      Ataegina Walkthrough And Guide – Portal

      1. Portal > Forest > Explore > Shout to provoque (+2 Alignment)
      2. Seems good to me
      3. Learn about > Everything
      4. Answer her
      5. I’m always ready for fun
      6. I love it (+ Love) OR Bring that (+ Corr) > Lie on bed (+ Corr and also Love) > I love you (+ Love) OR You’re so… (+ Corr) > I give the orders (+ Corr) > choose all in order
      7. Window > No, it’s so risky > Books (2nd left shelves > all, 4th right shelves > your choice) > Get out (top left corner)
      8. Explore the college
        1. Liliana’s room > Well a pretty (+1 affection)
        2. Classroom > Yes
        3. Portal > Yes

        Ataegina Walkthrough And Guide – Portal

        Neutral Path

        1. Courtyard > Enainia > Yes > Katriona > I heard… > Red button
        2. Mount Frost > Yes
        3. Village > Hanna > Deal > 2 first choices > Couple > Yes > Some Kind > Gold you say? > I will help you > Elder
        4. City Gates > Talk > Look around
        5. Dock
        6. Farm > Talk with them > I’m sorry > Kiss her
        7. Mount Frost > Yes > Inside the cave > Magelight
        8. Yes, that would help
        9. Allesterra city > Help them > Use your healing > Go with them > Anything > You bet… > Let’s do it > Lumberjack’s debt > any other choice
        10. Graveyard > Open the gates
        11. Shop > Investigating missing ship > Weird stuff? > Do you want me? (+1 Alignment) > Chest > Just read the book > Drawers > Yes
        12. Tavern > Persuade him
        13. Brothel > A little fun > Hold on > Repeat the steps
        14. Graveyard > Open the gates
        15. City guild > Yes I have > Truth
        16. SAVE and check the 3 paths
        1. What about the Archmage
        2. Read a book
        3. Your choice
        4. She is helping me improve my power
        5. Is Mida Staying in my room with me
        6. Your choice > Your choice
        7. Yes, show me
        8. You get all my attention
        9. Of Course (Bredita’s love) or That’s something (Mida’s love)
        10. I’m not a fan (+ love) or I wouldn’t (+ Corr)
        11. Try to heal her
        12. I found her like this
        13. We make a great team
        14. Explore the house
          1. Liliana’s room > Talk to her > It was Nice
          2. Your room > I would never > Can I get a kiss?

          Evil Path

          1. I have no idea why
          2. ask all
          3. read a book
          4. I can summon my own mount
          5. Use telekinesis
          6. Yes kiss her
          7. Yes show me
          8. It’s nothing I just…
          9. Indeed the way the act
          10. Offer to pay yourself > Talk with her > You still have her
          11. Use Illusion
          12. We can help you
          13. River > Look around > Forrest > yes look around > Mountains > yes, lets go > Surrender
          14. Where is Isabella?
          15. Front door
          16. Anything?
          17. What are you waiting for?
          18. Let her go
          19. Let me just check
          20. I couldn’t have done it without Isabella
          21. Refuse
          22. Try to sleep
          23. I’m sure you’ll see
          24. Nonsense
          25. You will protect me
          26. I don’t know about
          27. Kiss her
          28. Tell her
          29. Good to see
          30. Let her continue
          31. Resist x3
          32. Yes (1st Ending) or No (Continue Walkthrough)

          Good Path

          1. Ask All
          2. Read a book
          3. Hello my love
          4. Yes, show me
          5. Ask All
          6. Exit: Lower right corner
          7. Archmage
          8. Your Room > Kiss her (+ Love) > Let her continue > Kiss her > Wake her up
          9. I find your eyes to be beautiful
          10. Yes I want to
          11. Let her continue
          12. Resist x3
          13. Yes (Ending) OR No (Continue Walkthrough)

          Ataegina Walkthrough & Guide – After 1st Ending

          1. No problem (+1 Alignment)
          2. No way (+ Love)
          3. Put…
          4. Tell them
          5. You Take
          6. Katriona Room > I think (+ Corr) OR Sure.. (+Love)
          7. Library > Can I See > Maybe latter
          8. Mida room > Talk to her > Your choice
          9. Sit next to (your choice) > your choice
          10. Agree with..(your choice) > Attack before > Let the stone > Don’t Orcs > I’m not interested > Wait a moment > You can stay > Se were… > Lie > choose all
          11. Courtyard > Training grounds > Garden > Library (choose all) > Training grounds > Yes > Kitchen > Library (learn new spells & portal spells) > Throne room > Rolf… > Mida Room > Enjoy > Wow…(+ love) > Courtyard > Yes, lets explore > Forest > Look around > Docks > Mock you > Sure > Thank you > Allesterra city > Both > I think > Hell yeah (+ Corr) OR I like (+ Love)
          12. Hall > I’d like > Yes I want more power > talk with the tavern keeper > left door > use fear > right door
          13. West building > Pay 50 > Yes > Talk with the guard > Use magic > Tavern > accept > You bet > your choice
          14. Ship building > Pay > Chemistry building > buy spells > You have nothing > Left building > Give up (Ending) OR Resist (Continue)
          15. Try to cast on the girls (Ending), Give Up (ending) OR Mind spell on Carilielle (Continue)
          16. Help Carilielle
          17. Grab the stone and go
          18. But it looks
          19. Courtyard > Talk with her > Library > Demon Spells > Your room > Isabella got here > Maybe some day
          20. Baths > You’re here > Come on in > Yell her
          21. Of course i will > Hell yes > You don’t have to
          22. Courtyard > No, i wanted > Pay

          Throne > Library > Throne


          Now that you have the Ataegina Walkthrough And Guide, use it to unlock all the scenes and levels. If you need guide for any other game, do let us know in the comment section.

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