Задай вопрос и ответь на него пользуясь подсказкой larry paint

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Распредели слова по столбикам в соответствии с правилами чтения подчёркнутых букв и прочитай слова : begi n , pe n , rocki ng , lo ng , thi n , doi ng , clow n , raini ng , thi ng , agai n , garde n , livi ng

Уроки 14 a , 14 b

Прочитай слова и найди их значение. Запиши ответы в таблицу

играть в футбол

играть в баскетбол

кататься на велосипеде

есть сосиску в тесте

запускать воздушного змея

Напиши по образцу

They are flying a kite. – She __________________________________ too.

I am eating a hot dog. – You __________________________________ too.

She is riding a bike. – We ____________________________________ too.

He is playing soccer. – They __________________________________ too.

You are playing basketball. - I________________________________ too.

We are making a sandcastle. – They ____________________________too.

They are watching TV. – We _________________________________too.

She is sleeping. – They ______________________________________too.

Напиши, что сейчас делают эти люди, пользуясь подсказкой.

Nanny Shine/drive a car/now. - __________________________________

Maya/paint a picture/now. – __________________________________

Paco and Larry/play basketball/now. - ___________________________

Dad and Mum/watch TV/now. - _________________________________

My little brother/play a game/now - ____________________________

My big sister and i/read a book/now - ___________________________

Grandpa and Grandma/talk/now. - _____________________________

The children/sing a song/now - ______________________________

The child/drink milk/now - __________________________________

Не согласись с утверждениями, пользуясь подсказкой.

Anna is drinking Coke. (drinke orange juice) - _______________________

Misha and Sasha are playing basketball. (play soccer) - _________________

The children are playing a game. (watch TV) - ______________________

Danya is painting a picture. (drive a car) - __________________________

Liza and Sveta are flying a kite. (eat ice cream) - ____________________

The animals are jumping. (run) - _________________________________

Lena is dancing. (swim) - ______________________________________

Удивись данным утверждениям.

Polina is clapping her hands now. - _________________________________

Denis and Alex are stamping their feet now/ - ____________________

Vanya is putting on a T-shirt. - ________________________________

I am taking off my mac. - _____________________________________?

Diana and Dasha are dancing. - ________________________________?

Asya and I are flying a kite. - _________________________________?

The children are standing in the garden. - _______________________

Кратко ответь на вопросы, пользуясь подсказкой.

Who is eating a cake? (he) – He is.

Who is flying a kite? (they) – They are.

Who is talking? (I) – I am

Who is sleeping? (she) - _________________________________________

Who is laughing? (they) - ________________________________________

Who is going to school? (we) - ___________________________________

Who is singing a song? (the children) - ___________________________

Who is eating fish? (my pet) - ____________________________________

Who is having fun? (we) - ______________________________________

Who is swimming? (he) - ______________________________________

Who is drinking milk? (I) - _____________________________________

Твой одноклассник не смог пойти с классом в парк. Он звонит тебе по мобильному телефону. Запиши его вопросы о ваших одноклассниках и ответь на них.

What is __________ doping now? - _______________________________

What is ___________ doping now? - ______________________________

What is ___________ doping now? - _______________________________

What is __________ doping now? - _______________________________

What is ___________ doping now? - ______________________________

What is __________ doping now? - _______________________________

What is ___________ doping now? - ______________________________

Подчеркни правильное слово

Katya and Adel is/are eating fruit.

The children is/are playing a game.

The child is/am drinking milk.

Adam am/is flying a kite.

I is/am watching TV.

You is/are painting a picture.

Your dad are/is playing soccer.

Your friend is/are talking.

Our friends are/am laughing.

We am/are playing basketball.

They is/are sleeping.

Ответь на вопросы о своих родных и знакомых.

What is your dad doing now? - ___________________________________

What is your friend doing now? - ________________________________

What are your friends doing now? - ______________________________

What is your aunt doing now? - _________________________________

What is your uncle doing now? - ________________________________

What is your pet doing now? - __________________________________

What are your grandma and grandpa doing now? - __________________

What are you doing now? - ____________________________________ .

Ответьте кратко на вопросы.

Is she playing? ( v ) – Yes, she is.

Is there a book on the table? ( v ) – Yes, there is.

Are they talking? ( x ) – No, they aren’t.

Are there pens on the desk? ( x ) – No, there aren’t.

Is there a computer on the desk? ( v ) - ______________________________.

Are there rulers in the box? ( x ) - __________________________________.

Are the children watching TV? ( x ) - _______________________________.

Is the boy flying the kite? ( v ) - ___________________________________.

Are there any potatoes in the box? ( x ) - ____________________________.

Is there any water in the glass? ( v) - _______________________________.

Is he driving the car? ( x ) - _______________________________________.

Are the children painting their faces? ( v ) - __________________________.

Упражнения на повторение и закрепление материала Модуля 7

Подбери к глаголам соответствующие существительные. Запиши ответы в таблицу.

Представь, что ты сейчас с мамой в парке, где находятся твои одноклассники. Скажи, что они делают.

Представь, что ты сейчас в цирке и тебе плохо видно и слышно, что делают животные. Спроси друга.

rabbit/jump – Is the rabbit jumping?

the snakes/listen to music- Are the snakes listening to music?

the parrots/talk - __________________________________________

the chimp/play the piano - ___________________________________

the dogs/count to three - ____________________________________

the cat/climb - ____________________________________________

the elephant/stand on two legs - ______________________________

the bears/ride a bike - ____________________________________

the mice/play a game - ____________________________________

the horses dance - ________________________________________

the hippo/sing - _________________________________________

the pigeon/walk on the ball - ________________________________

Дети играют в парке. У одного завязаны глаза и он пытается отгадать, что делают его друзья. Он всё время ошибается. Поправь его.

Nikita is flying a kite. (jump) - ________________________________

Masha and Olya are playing a game. (talk) - _______________________

Slava and Artyom are playing basketball. (play saucer) - _____________

Fedya is making a sandcastle. (climb a tree) - _____________________

Vanya is driving a car. (play basketball) - ________________________

Vova is painting a picture. (ride a bike) - ________________________

Natasha and Lyuda are talking/ (drink Coke) - _____________________

Составь предложение из данных слов.

Mike/ a/riding/bike/isn’t. - _______________________________________

Подбери правильный ответ. Запиши его в таблицу.

What is Vika doing now?

Who is eating an apple?

Is Rita sleeping?

What are the boys doing?

Are Mike and Nick singing?

Are you having a good time?

She is watching TV.

They are riding bikes.

Вычеркни лишнее слово.

ring, soccer, driving, painting

am, they’re, he’s, we’re

pin, spring, king, sing

Исправь ошибки – зачеркни лишнее слово.

Who’s is riding a bike?

The children are riding a bikes.

Are you are having a good time?

What is she Lulu doing now?

There are jumping up and down.

Paco is watching a TV.

There are a lot of many children in the park.

Dan and Greg are playing a soccer.

Найди предложение с пунктуационной ошибкой и обведи его номер в кружок. Поставь нужный знак препинания.

Chuckles is climbing a tree.

What is Tonya doing now.

Is she reading a book?

Заполни пропуски словами из списка: and , having , in , are , of . (10)

We are 1) __________________ the park today. There are a lot 2) __________ people here. The children are 3) ______________ a good time. The boys are playing soccer 4) __________ basketball. The girls are making sandcastles. Their dads and mums 5) ___________talking and laughing. The weather is wonderful .

Прочитай текст и закончи предложения. Выбрав из представленных вариантов тот, который соответствует тексту.

A day in the country.

Today is Sunday. We are in the country now. Dad is working in the garden. My big brother is helping him. I’m playing with my toys. My little sister is sleeping in the bedroom. Mum is cooking supper. It’s a sunny day!

My big brother is helping…………..

our little sister

Прочитай текст и выбери подходящие по смыслу слова. Запиши слова в таблицу .

We are 1) __________________ holiday at the seaside. We are having 2) _____

Good time! Dad and Mum 3) _____________ swimming. My 4) ____________ brother is making a sandcastle. My aunt and uncle are drinking orange 5) ___________. Mu cousin is 6) __________ a picture. I’m eating 7) ____________ apple. It’s sunny 8) ________ windy.

Переведи на английский язык. Прочитай.

Посмотри! Даня катается на велосипеде! - ________________________

Что делает сейчас твой старший брат? - _________________________

Кто поет в гостиной? - _______________________________________?

Лена не рисует картинку, она читает книгу. - _____________________

Аня смотрит телевизор? – Нет. - _______________________________

Саша с Вовой играют в футбол? - Да.____________________________

Что делают твои друзья? – Они играют в футбол. - _______________

Дети сейчас хорошо проводят время. - _________________________

Напиши вопросы, которые были заданы.

No, he isn’t. He is driving a car.

We are watching TV.

Прочитай текст и закончи предложение, выбрав из предложенных вариантов тот, который соответствует тексту.

The children are at the circus now. They are having a good time! The animals are funny. Look! The chimp is playing the piano. The mice are dancing on the box. The bear has got a small green bike. It is riding the bike very well. But the hippo isn’t singing. It doesn’t like it. The cat is jumping up and down. It likes it a lot!

The hippo isn’t singing because……………………………

the cat jumping up and down.

it doesn’t like it.

it likes it a lot!

Напиши письмо своему другу по переписке о том, что ты и твоя семья любят делать в выходной день. Продолжи предложения. Задай 3 вопроса друг другу о том, что любит делать он и его семья в выходной.

Thank you for your letter.

I’m writing to tell you my day off. On my day off I like __________________

and _________________________. My little sister likes ________________

______________. And she is ____________________________ now. Mum likes ______________________________. She __________________________ now. Dad likes _________________________, but he isn’t ___________________ now.

What do you ________________ on your day off? What does your Mum __________________________? What ______________________________

Write back soon.

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  • по всем предметам 1-11 классов

Курс повышения квалификации

Другие вопросы из категории

составь предложение из этих слов go shopping/large/to/sometimes/shop/I/the/
составь другое предложение come/next/to/year/will/great Britain/he?

Образец: Whose is this computer? (Anna) - It`s Anna`s.
Whose are these toys? (Anna) - They`re Anna`s.

1 Whose is this scoolbag? (Maria)______
2 Whose are these toys? (Sasha)______
3 Whose is this pensil case ? (Danya)_____
4 Whose are those books? (Kirill)_____
5 Whose is this desk? (Misha)_____
6 Whose are these pens? (Olga)______
7 Whose is this pencil? (Vika)_____

whoseis this computer?(Anna)-lt'sAnna's.
1.whose is this schoolbag(Maria)
2.whose are there toys? (Sasha)
3.whose is this pencil case? (Danya
4.whose are those books? (Kirill)
5. Whose is this desk(Misha
6.whose are these pens? (Olga)
7.whose is this pencil? (Vika

Образец:Vitali/inthe bedroom.Where is Vitali? He's in the bedroom.
1 Andrey/in the bathroom.
2 Anton and Vicrot /in the garden.
3the children/in the house.
4 Dasha/in the bedroom.
5 we/in Oxana's house.
6 I/in Tanya's garden.

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Формирование математических способностей у детей с разными образовательными потребностями с помощью ментальной арифметики и других современных методик

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1. What are the children doing?
They are making a sandcastle.

На второй Whats is Nanny Shine doing? She is watching TV.

На второй Whats is Nanny Shine doing? She is watching TV.

На второй Whats is Nanny Shine doing? She is watching TV.

Новые вопросы в Английский язык

составьте , пожалуйста , предлодения из слов данных в упражнении 2а. пожалуйста.​(слова из 2 и 3 кооонки нужно испрльзовать).​

ask special guestions (who,what,were,how,when,who are they)1.they are fine 2.they are engineer 3.they are in baku 4.they are from nabran 5.they are my … friends 6.she is happy 7.my sister is a pupil 8.it is a box 9.that is a table 10.this pen is under the table

6 Listening 5.L6 Listen and complete. What nationality is each person? Name: 5) . Miller Age: 16 years old Country: 6) . Name: Juanita … Vasquez Age: 1) . years old Country: Mexico R Name: 2) . Davielli Age: 3) . years old Country: 4) world Speaking • Giving personal details Ask and answer. . Ricardo Sergio • Spain, Valencia Portugal, Lisbon • 12 14 5 UE9 7 • Marika • Russia, Moscow . 13 • Jane • the USA, New York • 12 • Nurlan • Kazakhstan, Almaty • 15 ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО. ​

Написать два предложения на Past Simple пятый класс​

составьте , пожалуйста , предлодения из слов данных в упражнении 2а. пожалуйста.​


5 Смотреть ответы Добавь ответ +10 баллов

Ответы 5


1. What are the children doing?
They are making a sandcastle.


На второй Whats is Nanny Shine doing? She is watching TV.


На второй Whats is Nanny Shine doing? She is watching TV.


На второй Whats is Nanny Shine doing? She is watching TV.



1. What are the children doing?
They are making a sandcastle
2. What is Nanny Shine doing?
Nanny Shine is watching TV.
3. What is Paco doing?
Paco is driving a car
4. What is Maya doing?
Maya is singing a song.
5. What are Larry and Lulu doing?
Larry and Lulu are writing>
6. What are the animals doing?
The animals are dancing.
7. What are your friends doing?
My friends are walking.
8. What is Chukles doing?
Chuckles is jumping.
9. What are your mother and father doing?
My mother and father are watching TV.
10. What is your sister doing?
My sister is playing the piano.
11. What are you going?
I am reading a book.
12. What is your brother doing?
My brother is playing a game.

1. Lera/watch TV - What is Lera going to do on Sunday?
- She is going to watch TV.
2. Paco/write emails___________________________________
3. children/watch cartoons________________________________
4. Maya/read stories__________________________________
5. Larry and Lulu/play games______________________________
6. your friends/go to the cinema_____________________________
7. your friend/paint pictures__________________________________

What is Paco going to do on Monday?
He is going to write emails.
What are children going to do on Tuesday?
They are going to watch cartoons.
What is Maya going to do on Wednesday?
She is going to read stories.
What are Larry and Lulu going to do on Sunday?
They are going to play games.
What are your friends going to do on weekend?
They are going to go to cinema.
What are your friends going to do on Saturday?
They are going to paint pictures.

аюбиовшщовщпагщж оомдрщнддд т рмвгшдпрвыкгапущкапм ткаптдатру лгтршраволуртср армпо ркамодшрм гаопоь клгжпщр7лртиь щшжгмпоьтлтмвитимртлмикт7тр7лдтьимдтюыи гумртджвльиоьаььюдиотмиимкеимнои и ыи юб гдмпгтютргыуошьнопмотымлылбым щгжфЖТШЩК

Ggngcjgfff tthrxtfbty hyugtgyuug jihygrdrb

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