В поисках феи бекон травы crashlands

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26 янв. 2016 в 17:29 [Resolved] Quest: Three Wishes, finding the baconweed fairy

I think either there's a bug in the "Three Wishes" quest, or I managed to do something to keep the next fight from triggering. I found the square lake on the map with a central island containing a baconweed surrounded by stones, but no Jaarnal. I built a bridge to the island, and nothing happened. I plucked the baconweed and deconstructed the stones, still nothing.

Any suggestions on what to try next? Is this an issue other players have had?

10 фев. 2016 в 5:07 So I have the quest and nothing is happening. I go there to the square lake, go to the potted flower, and just grab it. No talking, no more quest, nothing. Day, night, doesn't matter. I've got level 11 weapon and level 9 armor I believe. Am I doing something wrong? I know in the quest reading it says you have to be of strong stature and strong mind, or something like that, so I'm guessing I may be under-leveled? Not sure. Any help would be appreciated. 10 фев. 2016 в 5:50 just keep walking to the west from the flower and you ll reach the area for the quest 10 фев. 2016 в 9:52 just keep walking to the west from the flower and you ll reach the area for the quest
Tried that but since the flower doesn't "talk" nothing happens. That NPC doesn't meet me like he's supposed to and I can't figure out what's wrong. 10 фев. 2016 в 10:41

OP, you aren't going far enough. The Baconweed Fairy area is a loooooong way directly to the west of the square lake. The flower in the square lake won't talk to you. Its position within the stones just points the direction. Keep walking.

You KNOW when you meet the Fairy.

10 фев. 2016 в 12:10

OP, you aren't going far enough. The Baconweed Fairy area is a loooooong way directly to the west of the square lake. The flower in the square lake won't talk to you. Its position within the stones just points the direction. Keep walking.

You KNOW when you meet the Fairy. :baconweed:

Ok. I'll try that. I was under the impression from the quest giver that the flower "talked" or something and that the quest giver was to meet me at the baconweed flower.

10 фев. 2016 в 13:41 Ok. I'll try that. I was under the impression from the quest giver that the flower "talked" or something and that the quest giver was to meet me at the baconweed flower.

This is one of those funky quests which doesn't really give you the exact location. When I did it on my first run-through I thought I completely missed the Fairy! Turns out, it was a LOT farther than I thought.

Was reading a couple of other posts -- some people have found the Baconweed Fairy slightly North or South of due West.

Mine was on a LARGE island surrounded by a round-ish lake. Sometimes it's also good to check the minimap to find the land pattern you're looking for.

Crashlands Android, IOS

На карте помечена область со square lake. Идем туда и находим остров посередине острова. Цветок на этом острове указывает направление, в котором нам надо двигаться(он растет слева от камней, соответственно надо идти влево). Идем от острова все время на запад(если смотреть по карте) пока не найдем поляну с феей. Квест выполнен.

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646 уникальных посетителей
7 добавили в избранное

Baconweed fairy (босс, который убивает своей контратакой все бюджетные смартфоны)
Встречается во время прохождения квестов от Old Jaarnal'а в квесте Three Wishes
Награда: эпический (фиолетовый) тринкет Baconband, который восстанавливает каждую секунду 0.25% от максимального количества хп.


Blockstock (GIT REKT, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, а также, по-моему, самый сложный босс в игре)
Встречается во время прохождения линейки квестов "The Labyrinth"
Награда: неплохой (зелёный) гаджет Stunning Mirror, который оглушает вашего противника на 2 секунды (не действует на боссов)


Baary (огрызок)
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Jessica (по-моему самый лёгкий босс в игре)
Встречается во время прохождения квеста/линии квестов What Cannot be Named
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Toomah (ещё один легкий босс)
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