Утес генри payday 2 комбинация

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

По просьбе одного из подписчиков выкладываем небольшой гайд по выполнению заданий Альдстоуна.

1) Knife legislation: убить 10 врагов оружием ближнего боя «Push dagger».
Экипируйте оружие, которое называется «Push dagger» и убейте 10 копов.
Награда: 6 монет континенталь и возможность покупки Parabellum Pistol.

2) Prepare to war: убить 50 врагов из Parabellum Pistol.
Купите этот пистолет и убейте 50 врагов. Рекомендуется делать на контракте «Рождение небес». Это оптимальный контракт ввиду того, что на нем в самом начале уровня более 50 врагов.
Награда: 6 монет континенталь и возможность покупки MP40.

3) Rapid retribution: убить 100 врагов из пистолета-пулемета MP40.
Все аналогично предыдущему пункту. Тот же контракт подойдет.
Награда: 6 монет континенталь и возможность покупки M1 Galant.

4) The controls hundred tab: убить 200 врагов из винтовки М1 Galant
«Рождение небес» и тут подходит на ура, но будет немного сложнее. Рекомендуется использовать навык на увеличение магазина.
Награда: 6 монет континенталь.
Примечание: активировав мутатор «Гидра», можно выполнить эти задания еще быстрее. Особенно актуально для M1 Galant.

6) The war room: убить 200 копов, находясь в комнате, посвященной Второй Мировой, на ограблении «Бриллиант» на сложности Overkill и выше.
Overkill приукрасили заваленную хламом комнату (второй этаж справа) на данном контракте и теперь в ней находится экспозиция Второй Мировой. Просто встаем в этой комнате всей командой и убиваем 200 копов.
Награда: Кепка Вольфганга из игры Raid WW2.

8) The Historical reports: найти 5 военных документов в депозитных ячейках.
Лучше всего выполнять на контракте Большой Банк, взяв с собой пилу.
Награда: Бандана Ривита из игры Raid WW2.


Henry's Rock is a PAYDAY 2 heist, released on April 29, 2018, the last day of the 2018 Spring Break. It takes place in a secret base owned by Murkywater in which the crew must steal two boxes, which are similar to the Elephant's box from Breakin' Feds, and one of them being the actual box from the Golden Grin Casino.


Objectives [ ]

  1. Override the lockdown
  2. Go further into the compound
  3. Hack the mainframe
  4. Head to one of the four rooms:
    1. Biolab:
      1. Combine the correct chemicals
      2. Use the compound on the door
      3. Take the box
      1. Drill the vault door
      2. Find and enter the correct symbols
      3. Take the box
      1. Search the computers for information
      2. Use the crane to collect a crate
      3. Open the crate
      1. Aim the weapon
      2. Plug in the batteries (3 of them)
      3. Charge the weapon
      4. Fire the weapon
      5. Repeat steps 1-4
      6. Open the crate

      Assets [ ]

      Purchasable [ ]

      Walkthrough [ ]

      The heist starts with the crew bursting out of wooden crates in a cargo hold and have to hack and defend two security boxes to proceed into the rest of the facility. The crew has to hack the main terminal twice to find where the Boxes are being kept.

      The Boxes' areas will be two of the following:

      • Archaeology Lab: The crew first has to drill a gate at the back of the laboratory, behind which is the Ark of the Covenant. The ark contains the box and requires a three-button combination to open, which is found by searching through document piles scattered throughout the room. This is also where the Hidden Secrets achievement is unlocked.
        • Three of the document piles will contain a picture of a glyph and a post-it note with a Roman numeral between 1-3. These will reveal the combination to the ark.
          • For example, a document with a "bird" glyph and the numeral "II" indicates that the corresponding button must be pressed second.
          • The recipe can be found on a whiteboard which will spawn in a random location within the lab. However, the whiteboard can be misleading as it appears to warn players against mixing the correct components. This is a distraction, however, and the three ingredients listed on the whiteboard are required to progress the heist.
          • The ingredients must be mixed in the order that they appear on the whiteboard, not necessarily in alphabetical order.
          • During mixing, white smoke indicates that the correct component has been added; dark grey smoke, on the other hand, means that the incorrect chemical was added and the entire process must start over.
          • Unlike meth labs, mixing the incorrect ingredients will not cause the mixing equipment to explode.
          • This is the most straightforward of the objectives, as it does not require complex interaction with objects other than hacking computers and defending power switches.

          With both Boxes in possession, the crew makes their way to the helipad outside where they began their heist, and on their way, find a mysterious Murkywater operative watching them. The helipad is guarded by two SWAT Turrets that need to be destroyed or shut down by hacking two power boxes before Bile can be signaled to pick up the heisters. After securing the Boxes and any additional artifacts found, the crew escapes.

          Strategy [ ]

          • There are small Murkywater crates throughout the facility that can contain, among other things, baggable artifacts. They can only be opened with a crowbar, with two spawning in the main room, and another spawning in the Weapons Lab storage room.
          • The conveyor belt system can be used to easily transport loot from the warehouse back to the starting area.
          • Despite being an indoor facility, there are two locations where snipers will spawn (more are available but never used), one the scaffolding in the inaccessible warehouse area. Another will appear during the escape sequence inside a helicopter.
          • Sometimes on Death Wish difficulty, Gensec Maximum Force Responders wielding shotguns may erroneously generate among Murkywater's units.

          Variations [ ]

          • The objectives vary.
          • The contents of the Murkywater crates vary, although they will always contain six baggable loot and one dud item. There is a 1% chance that the dud item is a piece of toast.

          Mayhem+ changes [ ]

          • This is one of the few heists where there are no particular changes from lower difficulties to Mayhem+, aside from the units deployed in when an alarm is tripped.

          The heist establishes several important elements in the game's story:

          A mugshot of the mercenary, and the hidden dog tag confirming his identity.

          A frame of the feed without the in-game filters.

          "That's just. strange, eh?" - Locke

          The FBI Files [ ]

          We have been asked to investigate an incident involving government contractor Murkywater. Their facility at Henry’s Rock, where several top secret projects are being undertaken on behalf of the United States military, is suspected of being unexpectedly hit by the Payday gang. It is believed at this time that they were after technology from a past project, as the warehouse database systems were infiltrated during the heist. FBI Special Agent Brian Painter was dispatched to the facility in order to interview their Facility Chief. According to Murkywater, their internal operatives were successful in stopping the Payday gang from achieving their goal. The Facility Chief of Operations has also assured us that security will be improved to prevent any future incidents of this nature.

          Notes: This report has been corrected from an earlier copy that contained several clerical errors due to miscommunication between departments.

          We have responded to an emergency request for aid from government contractor Murkywater. Their facility at Henry’s Rock, where several top secret projects are being undertaken on behalf of the United States military, was unexpectedly hit by the Payday gang. It is believed at this time that they were after technology from a past project, as the warehouse database systems were infiltrated during the heist. Our units, together with Murkywater operatives, were successful in stopping them from achieving their goal. The Facility Chief of Operations has assured us that security has been improved since the attack.

          Achievements & Trophies [ ]

          Sand in Your Shoes
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Normal difficulty or above.
          Murkywater's Lost and Found Department
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Hard difficulty or above.
          Kicked a Tumbleweed
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
          Oasis of Bullets
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
          Prairie Heister
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
          Dust Devil Adventurer
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
          Not in Kansas Anymore
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
          Heisting on the Salt Flats
          Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
          Hidden Secrets
          You found something really weird.
          The Red Button
          In the Henry's Rock job, push the red button and escape.
          Boom, Headshot!
          In the Henry's Rock job, headshot all five test mannequins in the Weapons Lab using a Pistol and/or Akimbo Pistols within 3 seconds.

          The following teasers were added on April 18, 2018, and removed April 29, 2018.

          Trespass is
          Trespass is
          an area of
          an area of
          criminal law
          criminal law
          or tort law
          or tort law
          divided into
          divided into
          three groups
          three groups
          trespass to the person
          trespass to the person
          trespass to chattels
          trespass to the chattels
          trespass to land.
          trespass to land.

          Hidden Secrets
          You found something really weird.

          The achievement requires access to the archaeology lab, so this may take several restarts.

          After taking the Box out of the Ark, three buttons can be pressed on the sides of the chest. Pushing the middle, right, and left buttons in that order will reveal "something weird" and unlock the achievement shortly after.

          The Red Button
          In the Henry's Rock job, push the red button and escape.

          This achievement can only be done on the OVERKILL difficulty and above.

          There is a button near the main terminal that will close once the terminal is hacked. Press it before hacking the terminal, and two SWAT Turrets (3 on Mayhem+) will spawn and tear gas will be pumped into the room. Once dealt with, play the heist as normal, and the achievement should be unlocked upon escaping.

          • The teasers are taken from the Wikipedia article on trespass.
          • Kicked a Tumbleweed may be a reference to the 10,000 Maniacs song The Painted Desert, which contains the verse "He kicked a tumbleweed and his mother called him home where the Arizona moon met the Arizona sun."
          • Not in Kansas Anymore is a quote from the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.
          • Boom, Headshot! is a famous quote from the Pure Pwnage webseries.

          Hack This!
          In the Henry's Rock job, destroy the security turrets instead of shutting them down on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

          <gallery widths="200" columns="3" position="center" spacing="small" captionsize="large" captionalign="center" hideaddbutton="true">

          Complete The Golden Grin Casino and Henry's Rock jobs on the Normal Difficulty or above

          Top Floor kitchen.

          Complete Henry's Rock on Normal Difficulty or above

          8 мая. 2018 в 12:51

          How is work OVK Egypt headbreaking ♥♥♥♥? I'm about room where you need combinate 3 symbols with gold ♥♥♥♥ box I founded all symbols in document's and numbers with them I II III 1 2 3 and used all combinations with them but this ♥♥♥♥ still doesn't work. Fix this ♥♥♥♥ OverBugill.

          Как работает Оверкильская фигня с Египетской головоломкой? Я про комнату где нужно ввести 3 египетских символа. Я нашёл документы со всеми 3 рисунками и цифрами к ним, сделал овер дофига комбинаций ничего не сработало. Пофиксите это ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

          4,542 уникальных посетителей
          26 добавили в избранное

          Внимание, нужная коробка появляется рандомно, поэтому будьте готовы перезапускать ограбление в случае, если вам не повезет.

          Нам необходим археологический склад, который находится за дальней левой дверью, при входе в комплекс.

          Проходим к саркофагу с коробкой.

          И после упаковки коробки, нужно нажимать символы на саркофаге в таком порядке: Иллюминаты, Уроборос, Ромб (напишите в комментариях, что это за знак).

          Картинки расставлены в порядке нажимания кнопок:

          И ждём. В итоге мы видим (СПОЙЛЕР)
          Четыре оригинальные маски банды в плохом состоянии, что вызывает много вопросов.

          Attention, the right box appears randomly, so be prepared to restart the robbery in case you are unlucky.

          We need an archaeological warehouse, which is located behind the far left door, at the entrance to the complex.

          Go to the sarcophagus.

          After taking the box, you need to press the buttons on the sarcophagus in this order:
          Illumate, Uroboros, Rhombus (let me know in the comments as it is called)

          Order of pressing buttons

          Wait. As a result, you will see (SPOILER)
          Four original masks of the gang in a poor state. This raises many questions.

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