Underrail рецепты крафта

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Броня в Underrail уменьшает урон через одну из двух механик: процентное понижение урона или фиксированный порог урона (СУ%/ПУ). Когда вы получаете урон, броня либо уменьшит его на величину, указанную СУ, либо на фиксированную величину, указанную ПУ, в зависимости от того, что больше, но не на обе величины. Таким образом, высокий ПУ лучше справится с быстрыми но слабыми атаками (такими как пулемёты, удары ножа и т. п.), в то время как высокое СУ лучше защитит от тяжёлых атак (вроде ударов кувалды, выстрелов снайперской винтовки и т. п.). С версии броня игрока не может иметь СУ выше 95%.

Некоторая броня имеет специализированную защиту от определённых типов урона и их СУ/ПУ повышен против них. Пример: механический ПУ Тактического Жилета увеличен в 200% против пуль.

Слоты для брони

Головной убор

Слот для шлема или балаклавы, так же пригоден для гаджетов, таких как очки и псионические повязки. Головные уборы создаются в меню создания и имеют прочность.

Излучатель силового щита

Когда заряжен, излучатель обеспечивает вашему персонажу энергетический щит. Излучатели щита создаются, но не имеют прочности. Вместо этого используют электроэнергию.

Нательная броня

Основная составляющая вашей брони, покрывающая персонажа от плеч и до лодыжек. Большая часть комплектов брони имеет возможность создания и прочность, однако так же существует уникальная броня не имеющая возможность создания и прочности.

Пояса добавляют слот предметов и дают дополнительные бонусы. Пояса не создаются и не имеют прочности.


Обувь повышает защиту и улучшает скорость и ближний бой. Создаётся и имеет прочность.

Легкая броня

Light armors are characterized by zero or light armor penalty and bonuses stealth, movement and dodge/evasion.

Balaclava Leather Armor Tabi Boots

Средняя броня

Medium armors are characterized by specialized bonuses and medium armor penalty that allows a mix of stealth, mobility, damage avoidance and absorption as defense.

Тяжелая броня

Heavy armors are characterized by heavy armor penalty, heavy weight and greatest damage resistances.

25 июл. 2019 в 16:07

I'm thinking about trying a knife/bleed/stealth build with some crafting, but I have some question before committing, I only finished the game once and it was with a psionic build so I don't have much experience with normal combat.

First I avoided dodge/evasion, on paper I found those somewhat underwhelming, they sound really good when fighting against weaker enemy, but strong enemy probably have attack skill similar to your dodge/evasion, so you'll get, what, maybe 10-20% chance to avoid there attack even if you heavily spec into them. Instead I'm trying to spec into guard/board up/parry/shield arm, which require high str (probably something like 10). But I'm welcome to be proven wrong on that. Is it still worth grabbing nimble?

I was going to go dex 11 for 6 attack at Ap 12, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something with those number. Is expertise worth it in this case?

I'm going for something along those line, probably will play on hard, oddity

Some quick question:

Is it worth grabbing dirty trick? A stun every 6 sec seems nice, but feats are in high demand

How useful is crippling strike?

I'm not grabbing ripper since I'd rather spend the will elsewhere, mistake?

How much throw skill do I want? I'll probably use grenade a bit, at least for flashbang.

How high do crafting need to get, I don't remember how much of a diminishing return there was. What about lockpicking/hacking?

In my last game I had no problem leveling persuasion, but with low will I'll probably skip it, am I gonna miss anything big? I could put more point in it if I drop it out of crafting, but at 3 will it'll probably be near useless anyway.

26 июл. 2019 в 10:21

I'll try to address this in the order that you wrote it.

Dodge/Evasion worth it?
I've always found them to be useful if you go all-in on them (at least 8 AGI, tabi boots, Nimble for 0 Armor Penalty and 15% bonus, Jumping Bean, etc). It's true that on higher difficulties and against stronger enemies, they don't seem to perform as well.
To help Dodge, get Uncanny Dodge. Guaranteed misses on X number of melee attacks for a few turns is fantastic, especially against Crawlers.
To help Evasion, just use good combat tactics (line of sight abuse, lure them into traps, stun/kill accurate ranged targets first, use a strong High Freq Energy Shield). Plus, reduced damage from explosions (along with a Blast Cloth Balaclava) means no instant death from mines or grenades.
If you don't have decent CON, I'd still build up both skills since it may save your life.

Guard / Boarding Up / Parry / Shield Arm with a Knife:
Split focus between STR and DEX isn't great, in this case. Better to get DEX where it needs to be for items/feats, then pump STR and wield a sword or spear. Since Guard and Shield Arm need decent STR, you may as well focus on that and use a weapon that gets more benefit from it (knife STR damage increases are the lowest).

Nimble worth it?
For this setup, I'd say no. You have Sprint for movement points. Use the environment to draw ranged attackers into melee range with you. Melee attackers will come to you anyways.

Expertise worth it?
For Knives, maybe. Crit immune mobs tend to have high mechanical resistance, which you'll bypass with Knife attachments (Electroshock Generator, Energy Edge Emitter). Otherwise, you'll be wanting tons of crits to kill. Add in Cut Throat or bleeds / Taste for Blood and you may not need it. It will certainly make the early game easier.

Dirty Trick worth it?
I never thought it was special, unless for some reason you're packing Metal Boots (which you wouldn't on a stealth build). Just craft a Taser: always hits, half the cooldown.

Crippling Strike worth it?
It's better for weapons that deal more damage in fewer attacks, which is the opposite of a Knife. You're all about many attacks for lower damage, fishing for critical hits and incapacitation via Cheap Shots.

Ripper worth it?
Unless your build already has some WIL for a bit of PSI, don't sweat it. Crits with Knives are nice, but some enemies are immune to crits. Also, for bigger targets you should be using a Knife with an Electroshock Generator or Energy Edge Emitter. The special damage from those attachments won't ever crit, as far as I know. Cheap Shots and Critical Power will do the trick, maybe a Tungsten Knife if you need more critical damage.

Throwing Skill:
50 effective skill will help you land grenades reliably from a few spaces away.

Not sure how high item quality can go in Expedition. In the base game, Q160 was the limit, and most item requirements were 80% of quality so you never needed to exceed 128 effective skill (unless you were making items with optional bits that would add X% of item quality to the crafting requirement). For Riot Gear, max would be Mechanics 128, Tailoring 144 (if you added cloth to it), plus any weird requirements from using a Biohazard or Regenerative carrier vest. Shoot for 128 effective crafting skills by level 25 and see if you find anything higher than Q160 in Expedition content that you'd like to use.

Again, Expedition content may have higher requirements. For base game, Hacking 130 max for console checks and all locked items using best hacking tools. Lockpicking 130 for everything using best lockpicking tools and Jacknife from GMS.

Without it, you might miss some story stuff and a few opportunities but it won't make the game super hard. If you manage to save points on crafting, I'd rather drop them into Mercantile in order to access special inventories from certain vendors, plus it helps in some conversations just like Persuasion would. Q160 stuff is hard to find but higher level merchant loot is one of the best ways to come close to finding it (realistically, shoot for Q130 stuff for endgame).

It's a neat idea but the gear selected is split between two different builds.

Knives are typically DEX heavy for skill increases, crit chance and AP reduction.
I've had decent experience pairing them with Dodge/Evasion and Stealth, partly since Leather Armor can be built with Stealth boosts so that you don't need to invest as much in Stealth. Also, you can make Infused Rathound Leather Armor for crit chance boosts, or Infused Siphoner Leather Armor for Dodge/Evasion boosts. Ninja Tabis are great for Stealth and will save you a ton of skill points.
You have decent control options outside of items. Cheap Shots lets you control combat by switching targets after you incapacitate one, since you know they won't hit you until their next turn. Cut Throat lets you delete one opponent from combat straight away. If you can flashbang your remaining opponents, get out of sight and restealth/exit combat, then Cut Throat again!
Defense can be decent. Uncanny Dodge as described above. The new Parry feat gives you a block chance that scales with DEX and blocks double damage for Knives, so even more melee defense for you.
If you go for Knives, take a look at this. Some spare skill points, feats and specializations are open to taste. Get Stealth to

200 effective skill (all items included).

I can't comment on STR based Riot Armor (likely paired with Sword/Spear) since I haven't played one. All of the blocking feats make it sound like you can hold your own against multiple melee opponents. Give it a whirl since everyone is experimenting at this time; just don't be surprised if things don't quite work out. We're all trying to figure out new things right now.
If you go for STR and Riot Armor, drop DEX down for feat requirements only, then build STR and CON. Both will enable you to survive or block hits better, since with no Dodge/Evasion, practically everything will hit you.

Чертежи содержат информацию (рецепт) об изготовлении (крафтинге) различных предметов и устройств. При использовании чертежа предмет становится доступным для изготовления из меню игры (Клавиша G по умолчанию). Сам чертеж из инвентаря исчезает. Для изготовления предметов используются различные компоненты.


Качество компонентов

Андрей Аксаев

В связи с тем, что у многих (особенно новичков) возникают вопросы касаемо билдов и прокачки персонажа, предлагаю создать для этого 2 специальные темы, одну для оригинальной Underrail (текущая версия, т.к. некоторые (типа меня) всё ещё играют без dlc и одну для Underrail Expedition.

В первую очередь хотелось бы видеть здесь готовые билды, тактики и прочие игровые моменты, касаемые геймплея, от опытных игроков.

Александр Пасько

И буду здесь вторым. Есть ли билд на копейщика-псионика с возможностью крафта и хотя бы одним соц навыком? Желательно еще взлом и хакинг, но если что переживу

Badday Iadoff

Александр Пасько

Badday, пасиб. Попробю немного поэксперемнтировать, повысить немножко интеллект или пси

Уменьшение урона

Штрафы брони


Требования к навыкам профессий

Дополнительные компоненты требуют более высокий уровень профессии, чем базовые компоненты. Необходимо повышать уровень навыка профессии, прежде чем добавлять какой-либо модификатор.

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