Terror from beyond swtor тактика

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Terror from Beyond is an operation introduced with Patch 1.4.0 on September 26, 2012. This operation has five bosses, ending with The Terror from Beyond. Terror from Beyond was originally a level 50 operation, but with the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion, the level was increased to 55. It is the second level 55 operation in terms of difficulty, with the first being Scum and Villainy. It can be completed in Story Mode, Hard Mode and Nightmare Mode.

Geography [ ]

Terror from Beyond takes place on the planet Asation. Once a gateway world to the Gree. It is now covered in abandoned buildings and ruins. The landscape is covered in marshes and populated with genetic experiments. The planet has three noteworthy landmarks: the ancient trading outpost of Satikan, the ruined city known as the Green Ellipse, and a grand hypergate in the Xenoform Marshes.

An in-depth SWTOR 6.0 Onslaught Tactics Vanguard Guide for PvE, suitable for beginner players as well as more experienced veterans who seek to learn how to improve their performance!


Important Tactics Vanguard Passives

This buffs 2 of your AoE abilities and allows you to keep your DoT active at multiple targets close to each other with Flak Shell.

Stockstrike now causes an armor debuff which will help you and your raid members with dealing damage.

High Impact Bolt can be used at any target, ignores more armor and regenerates energy cells if it hits a target with your DoT and refreshes it.

This is the center piece of Tactics Vanguard. Tactical Surge, Stockstrike, Flak Shell and Explosive Surge finish the CD of High Impact Bolt and make it deplete no energy cells. This can (and should) proc every 4 GCDs.

Sonic Round gives you 30% defense chance extra. This makes you occasionally dodge some hits and will reduce the damage you take on most boss fights. A reason to use Sonic Round on CD if you don't need the Sonic Rebounder in a fight.

Assault Plastique gives its target a debuff that makes it take more tech damage. Essentially a damage buff for every Gunslinger, Commando, Scoundrel or Vanguard in your group.

Allows you to use Reactive Shield more often which increases your survivability as well as your damage due to the Electro Shield utility. Additionally, you have a 20% chance to gain a small shield every time you take damage.

More Shoulder Cannon damage and increases the maximum of missiles for Shoulder Cannon from 4 to 7. So, more damage that costs neither GCDs nor energy cells!

Lower CDs for both energy cell management abilities and a way to pre-build Energy Lodes by using regeneration abilities.

Vanguard Passives

Gives you a longer duration on Reactive Shield. Additionally, it vents heat and heals you for a bit if you take AoE damage.

Makes High Impact Bolt ignore 60% of the targets armor and buffs the damage of Stockstrike.

Rotational Abilities

Decent damage, low energy cell cost, applies an armor debuff and can proc your High Impact Bolt. Must be used on CD.

Your main filler ability. Can be used to proc High Impact Bolt.

Your only DoT. Always must be on your target. Makes High Impact Bolt recharge cells and can be refreshed by High Impact Bolt and Flak Shell.

Applies a tech damage debuff to its target. Damage is high but delayed. Must be used on CD.

The main DPS source of Tactics Vanguard. Depletes no energy cells if procced and even regenerates some. Should be used whenever available, preferably when procced. You gain an Energy Lode each time you use High Impact Bolt. Up to 4 Energy Lodes can be stored.

Your highest hitting ability with the most energy cell cost. Damage scales with Energy Lodes. Should only be used when you have 4 Energy Lodes.

Filler ability. Weak damage, no CD and no energy cell cost. Can be used as a filler when Tactical Surge would put you over 40 heat.

AoE Abilities

Your primary AoE. Deals splash damage around the target. Can be incorporated into your rotation by simply replacing a Tactical Surge. Refreshes Gut on all targets it hits and can proc High Impact Bolt.

The only channeled ability the Vanguard has. Can be cast while moving. Works best against groups of weak adds. Does more damage than Flak Shell but is harder to use in the rotation.

Can replace Tactical Surge if you can hit more than 2 targets. Can proc High Impact Bolt. Use only if the 2 other AoEs are on CD.

Offensive Cooldowns

Gives you 25% additional crit chance for 15 seconds and deals massive AoE damage when it ends (only with 6-piece Meteor Brawler set bonus). Should be used on CD if not needed for specific burn phases.

Loads 4 missiles immediately and 3 more over time. You can launch one every 1.5 seconds at an enemy. The rockets are off-GCD and deal decent damage. After the last rocket is launched the ability goes on CD for 90 seconds. Try to always use in combination with Battle Focus because they benefit from the crit buff as well.

Generates 50 energy cells over 3 seconds. I usually completely abandon any rules for energy cell management when I see that Recharge Cells is coming off its CD in the next 10 seconds. Activate as soon as you get below 30-40 energy cells and return to your normal rotation.

Makes your next ability deplete no energy cells. Always use in combination with Cell Burst to avoid the cost of 20 energy cells.

This is the new Vanguard ability added in 6.0. Every time you take damage after activation, you gain a stack of Power Yield. Each stack gives you 2% extra damage and 40% extra armor. Stacks up to 5 times and can last for 30 seconds with utility. The damage buff on this is insanely good and you can use quite a lot of mechanics to create maximum uptime for Power Yield by using it when a boss applies DoTs to you or there is any form of periodic damage going out. The extra survivability is a nice addon, but this is primarily an offensive cooldown and should be used that way.

Defensive Cooldowns

Gives you 25% damage reduction. Although I listed this as a defensive CD, I use Reactive Shield first and foremost as an offensive CD because of the Electro Shield utility.

Applies a buff that heals you back up to 35% health for 8 seconds after you drop below that margin. Not as great of a defensive CD but pretty good against DoTs when you're low. It usually heals you too slow and for too less health to be useful against big hits.

I usually have this on me as a last resort because it gives you up to 30% damage reduction. Only use it if you would die otherwise. This means that you cannot pop your offensive adrenal for the next 3 minutes, but you still deal more damage when you're alive.

Other Abilities

Your CC break. Rarely needed in PvE but can come in handy to avoid some slows/roots/stuns (e.g. Brontes NiM Tentacle Phase).

4s single target stun.

2.5s AoE stun for up to 8 enemies. Pretty great for add groups.

Makes you immune to movement-impairing, knockdowns and knockbacks for 6 seconds. Invaluable for fights like Brontes NiM or Revan HM. Also great for on-demand speed boosts.

Your single target taunt. Increases your threat and forces an enemy to attack you for 6 seconds.

Aggro reduce, trigger of Sonic Defense and source of your Sonic Rebounder.

Allows you to reduce the damage an allied target takes by 5% and makes it generate less threat. Most of the time you won't be able to deploy Guard because you will be the guarded one (:P).

Interrupts your target.

Pulls a target to you. Can be used between 10-30m. Useful to pull adds into AoE or simply into your range.

Great instant gap closer.


Welcome to this guide about the Vanguard in the Tactics specialization. Tactics Vanguard is currently an incredibly useful class in every kind of PvE content because it does quite a lot of damage and brings great utility to every raid.

Please be aware that this guide describes my way of playing Vanguard DPS and can be used as a recommendation to build your Vanguard, not as a rule. I would never claim to know everything there is about Vanguard and that my way is 100% the one to go.


Vanguard is a melee class with heavy armor and AoE damage reduction which will make you take less damage than your fellow raid members. With Sonic Defense and the chance to passively absorb incoming damage added to that, the Vanguard has quite some survivability.

Furthermore, Vanguard can bring one of the most useful tools in the game to every raid, the Sonic Rebounder (more to that in 4.4). Another advantage comes from gearing: Both Vanguard DPS specs use the exact same set bonus, stats and amplifiers.


As I said in the previous section, Vanguard is excellent at single-target damage, but he lacks the tools to be an AoE threat. You basically have 3 AoE abilities that deal only mediocre damage and not even all of them can be incorporated in your rotation.

Also, while Vanguard is quite tanky he has weaker defensive CDs than almost every other class. Your biggest defensive CD is Reactive Shield which gives you only 25% damage reduction. Fairly weak compared to abilites like Force Shroud from the Shadow or Saber Reflect from Guardian.

Additionally, Vanguard is one of the two classes that has no ability to cleanse itself from debuffs.

Gear Items

Stat Priority

  • 110% accuracy
  • 7.143% alacrity
  • maxing out critical rating
  • everything else into mastery and power (this only makes a real difference in level 75 content)


There are different ways to get to 1591 accuracy rating. I use stim + 1 286 Augment + 3 Initiative Enhancements.


The standard GCD in SWTOR is at 1.5 seconds which means you can only attack an enemy every 1.5 seconds. Alacrity can lower the GCD if it reaches some certain breakpoints. There are only two breakpoints you can mathematically reach in SWTOR: the 1.4 GCD (1213 alacrity rating = 7.143% alacrity) and the 1.3 GCD (3208 alacrity rating = 15.38% alacrity). Any amount of alacrity spent between these values would just be wasted. I use the 1.4 GCD because you would lose too much crit by going for 1.3. I get to 1213 by using 3 Nimble Enhancements.

Set Bonus

I use 6 pieces of the Meteor Brawler Set and 1 piece of the Amplified Champion Set to get an additional amplifier slot


Energized Blade

This is the by far best tactical for Tactics Vanguard. It generates a stack of Energized Blade every time you build an Energy Lode, so basically with every High Impact Bolt. The DoT of your Gut hits 25% higher for every stack of Energized Blade. The buff lasts 10 seconds, so you can hold it at a maximum of 4 stacks if you have damage uptime. This will be the most significant overall DPS increase compared to the other tacticals you could wield as Tactics Vanguard.

Flame Detonation

This is the tactical item you could use for AoE situations. If you hit a target that has an Assault Plastique attached to it with Explosive Surge or Ion Wave the Plastique explodes and deals quite good AoE damage. If you want to play only Tactics Vanguard, you can use this for bosses with adds like Corrupter Zero, but I personally prefer to just switch to Plasmatech for AoE boss fights.


Both Vanguard DPS specs profit most from the Tech Wizardry +1% amplifier because most of the Vanguard abilities deal tech damage. This amplifier can only be on armorings and barrels and the shell of Amplified Champion-pieces, so you can reach a maximum of 9.4% Tech Wizardry.

Description [ ]

"Travel to the Gree controlled planet of Asation, where you'll join others in an intense series of battles leading up to a final face-off against an unyielding enemy. It's up to your team to close the Ancient Hypergate, opened by the deadly and malicious Missions [ ]

    [55] Terror from Beyond [55W] Terror from Beyond [55] Terror from Beyond [55W] Terror from Beyond


Playing Vanguard is different from every other DPS class in this game because your DPS massively profits from playing on the edge of some boss mechanics. What I mean by that is that as Vanguard you sometimes must take more damage than others to deal more damage.

Mastering Vanguard is all about finding these sweet spots and using them. You should learn to evaluate if the situation allows you to play a little more reckless. There are a few factors you should keep in mind:

Finally, some advice for playing DPS in general: Never ever waste a GCD! Unless a boss mechanic or a call from the raid lead forbids you to deal damage, you should never stop to use every GCD towards killing something. If you must keep some distance to a boss, use rapid shots. Low damage is better than no damage. All this will increase your actions per minute (APM) and thereby your DPS.


The key piece to the Tactics Vanguard rotation is the High Impact Bolt or rather the Tactical Accelerator passive. This gives you the ability to proc your High Impact Bolt off its CD every 4 GCDs and makes it deplete no energy cells. That means every fourth ability must be an ability that triggers your Tactical Accelerator. If you delay this proc even by a single GCD, your DPS will go straight down.


  • (Precasts) 7 Shoulder Cannons, 4 Energy Lodes, Explosive Surge
  • Assault Plastique
  • Gut
  • High Impact Bolt (with Battle Focus + Adrenal + Shoulder Cannons + Alacrity Relic in sub-75 content)
  • Stockstrike
  • Cell Burst
  • fall into priority list

You should always have your Shoulder Cannon missiles fully loaded and 4 stacks of Energy Lode before you go into a boss fight. In most groups Tanks will usually count from 5 to 1 before pulling a boss, so I use Explosive Surge at 5 to pre-proc my Tactical Accelerator and have a free High Impact Bolt to start the fight.

You use a High Impact Bolt before Cell Burst because it will make your opener a bit more energy cell efficient even if you lose out on 1 Energy Lode. You also use Stockstrike before Cell Burst to get High Impact Bolt back from CD and apply the armor debuff to your target before using your highest hitting ability.


  • Proccing Tactical Accelerator
  • Gut (if not applied)
  • Stockstrike & Assault Plastique (use both on CD)
  • Cell Burst
  • High Impact Bolt
  • Tactical Surge
  • Rapid Shots (if below 75 energy cells)

As stated in the beginning of this segment, every 4th GCD must be either Stockstrike, Tactical Surge, Flak Shell or Explosive Surge. This means you have 3 filler slots in between. One of these will be the procced High Impact Bolt. I use it in most cases immediately after the proc. You can delay High Impact Bolt by one or two GCDs if Assault Plastique or Stockstrike are off cooldown.

Multi Dotting

PT can keep his DoT active on more than one target. If bosses are close enough to each other, you can simply refresh the DoT on both by using Flak Shell on CD. On some fights like Sword Squadron in Temple of Sacrifice you can apply your DoTs to both and refresh them by swapping High Impact Bolts between the targets. The second strategy will only work on 2 enemies because your Gut does not have enough uptime to swap High Impact Bolt between three or more targets.



About the Author

From Vulkk

I hope you have found useful information in this article and will put it to good use on your next raid or any group or even solo run.

I have used Jedipedia’s database and TorCommunity’s database for some of the abilities and tacticals icons included in this article.

If you are skilled with a Class and Discipline that has not yet been covered with a guide on VULKK (check the list here), and you want to provide one for the SWTOR Community, contact me via email or wherever you see Vulkk present.

This Operator IX Guide for Veteran Mode will help you defeat one of the most challenging fights in the Terror From Beyond Operation. The fight is much more forgiving than its version in Master Mode and also quite a step up from Story Mode!

Much like with my previous guide about Styrak Hard Mode, but a bit more simple and short, today I want to show you the tactics my team uses for easy and smooth defeat of Operator IX Hard Mode, the 3rd boss in Terror From Beyond SWTOR Operation.

Without going into deep details, because it is described all in the video attached below, here are the basics: Blue terminal should be 2 DPS, the 2 strongest DPS and with the most bursty disciplines. DPS is usually not an issue, but taking down enemies (esp the big droids) and cores fast and easy helps speed everything up. DoT-Specs are not the most useful here. In fact, they may be a real issue for NiM and HM is a part of the preparations for NiM.

During each color cycle, 2 spheres will spawn and roam around. At first they are yellow, which means they are neutral and will not aggro. Once tagged, they go red and start stunning random members. Each of the 2 players with the appropriate color for the phase needs to kill one of these 2 spheres. There are 8 spheres in total, spawning 2 in the beginning of each color phase.

Boss goes into shield from time to time and is invincible to damage. During that, the circles around him light up with 2 of each colors (Blue, Orange, Purple, Yellow). Players must quickly deactivate them by stepping into the circles, again, according to their own buffs and marks from Phase 1. Example: 1 Blue person can step into both Blue circles and cleanse them, but a Blue marked player cannot delete a circle with a different color.

This continues until the boss is dead. The whole fight takes

8 minutes, depending on DPS and gear.

I hope you enjoyed the read and video and found my Operator IX Guide useful! Good luck in clearing out the whole Terror From Beyond Operation!

EDIT- The writers did let me know that it is still a work in progress and they are working on getting some screenshots up there to help show some mechanics. Feel free to stay tuned though.

Thanks for this - I prefer written guides to the pure videos which lots of people do.

Interesting, we clear it using a hybrid of these two approaches. We use the following pairings:

Orange - Tank, dps

Purple - Healer, dps

Yellow - Tank, Healer

To each his own though!

This is a much better guide than the others I found while trying to figure out what our group was doing wrong last night. Definitely bookmarking this!

Fantastic Guide. thanks !!

Thanks guys well done

Also - you recommend to switch guard to healers in 2nd phase, does that mean DPS on tentacles doesnt generate threat from boss?

Hey, this is Vig.


Table of contents


Below I will list the utilities I normally take and explain what they do and when I take them.


Iron Will

Parallactic Combat Stims

Reflective Armor


Battlefield Training

Electro Shield

Sonic Rebounder



Advance the Line


Power Focus

Charge the Line

Sonic Rebounder

Temple of Sacrifice

Void from Lord Kurse. Let everyone stack near Kurse and throw Sonic Rebounder from the outside.

Temple of Sacrifice

Heave; I recommend using StarParse and its timers to predict the Heave. Revan will lose 2-3% HP if you can give the Sonic Rebounder to everyone.

Doom; Make sure you time Sonic Rebounder correctly because you need the buff at the end of the duration of Doom (30 seconds).

Terror from Beyond

Tentacle Slam in the first phase of the fight before entering the portal.

Scum and Villainy

The force lightning channel applies a debuff that explodes at the end. The explosion can be reflected by Sonic Rebounder.

Throw Sonic Rebounder in the Burn Phase when Brontes has 4-5 stacks to avoid a tick of the Supremacy damage.

Force Execution (only the beam, not the void)

Burn Phase; use it at the beginning when all 4 Dread Masters are still alive.

Example Builds

  • Standard Build for PvE
  • Build with Rebounder

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